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  • Before: 13 February 2015
  • Users: The Artist
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  1. The Artist

    Think there is a civilain version?

    Not for a book but there are a couple model kits out. Either Meng or Ming, I'm not sure and I've not found them on line but I've seen the kits at the local hobby shop.
  2. The Artist

    British manned program in 60s?

    That thing looks rather flat to me - like it is a painted cut-out. Is that a still (or a behind the scenes shot) from a training or publicity film?
  3. The Artist

    Apollo Command Module EVA handle drawings?

    I think these handles are the sort of detail that gets lost to history. An everyday utilitarian feature that someone had to give some thought to in designing for the mission but beyond that, they were just something to be used during the course of the job. Think back to the car your family had...
  4. The Artist

    How about no stealth?

    And even this variable stealth idea is not new. The Luftwaffe used a temporary black paint on the undersides of aircraft going into certain night operations in WWII. The thinking was that normally, a gray underside would be best as the night sky is not a true black and a true black aircraft...
  5. The Artist

    XM101 cartridge and projectile (at Greater St. Louis Air & Space Museum)

    Thanks Scott. We have a mutual friend at the museum. You could always run your generous offer past him. Mike
  6. The Artist

    XM101 cartridge and projectile (at Greater St. Louis Air & Space Museum)

    Well Scott, it's not a burden on me - the museum will have to deal with that burden. :) Thanks for those pages. They give me something to think about - the round pictured in those pages does have some differences in the shapes but the basics do match. You mentioned depleted uranium. Any...
  7. The Artist

    XM101 cartridge and projectile (at Greater St. Louis Air & Space Museum)

    Pictures 4 and 5 are the front and back of the rear housing. 6 and 7 are the back and front of the middle section and picture 8 shows the tip of the nose cone. The nose cone is threaded and screws into the front of middle part. The middle part is held in place by friction when the whole thing is...
  8. The Artist

    XM101 cartridge and projectile (at Greater St. Louis Air & Space Museum)

    I didn't measure it, I just took a few quick photos after the curator asked me if I had any ideas about it today. Estimating - based on my memory - would have it standing about six or seven inches tall when stood on the flat end. It didn't feel overly heavy for its size. I'll go prepare the...
  9. The Artist

    XM101 cartridge and projectile (at Greater St. Louis Air & Space Museum)

    We have this object in the Greater St. Louis Air & Space Museum and we're not sure what it is. It is not on display. I think it showed up in a box of misc. parts that had been in storage. The item breaks down as shown in pictures two and three. Any ideas?
  10. The Artist

    The Movie "Those Magnificent Men in their Flying Machines"

    Pre-CGI effects in this one included having someone paint the crane cables ("flying" the aircraft) to match the background sky color before each "flying" shot with an identifiable actor or actress. This movie still holds up very well for me.
  11. The Artist

    My traditional art: rotorcraft projects

    Those last two have the feel of TV or movie storyboard art - as in giving a clear and concise statement of what is going on. What's the size of these drawings? Are they large or just well done thumbnail drawings? Either way, they are fun statements of aircraft in motion. Do you plan to carry...
  12. The Artist

    Lockheed Martin F-16 Fighting Falcon Developments

    Re: Lockheed Martin’s Fighting Falcon Evolves With New F-16V The best of what's available is not always the best for the job at hand. I'll share this example. When they built a new Master Control room for the cable company where I worked, they invested in a top-of-the-line routing switcher and...
  13. The Artist

    Soviet Space Propaganda Posters, 1958-1963

    Thank you for this. I love propaganda art almost as much as I love Soviet Realist/Impressionist art.
  14. The Artist

    Site featuring Shigeo Koike's artwork

    Not really much here for Secret Projects and nothing modern but I'd recommend this site for anyone interested in aviation art. This site seems to be attempting to gather all the paintings Mr. Koike has done for the Fuji Heavy Industries Ltd...
  15. The Artist

    Amateur aerospace artist

    Now it is flying within that background. I like it.
  16. The Artist

    Iran military downs US RQ-170 Sentinel spy drone

    We are not seeing it directly along the center line - the complex contouring of the upper surface viewed at an angle could create the illusions of both the wavering lines and the irregular shape. Could that forward panel have been a modification and the irregular placement of fasteners the...
  17. The Artist

    Media coverage of Last Mission of shuttle Atlantis

    Yesterday I watched some of the isolated views of the Apollo 7 launch on the DVD set The Mighty Saturns - Saturn I and IB. What a difference. The real-time Saturn launch footage seems to be slow-motion compared to what we've been seeing with the Shuttle launches.
  18. The Artist

    Current mystery aircrafts/urban legends

    I've seen sailboats in the distance take on ragged edges like that on hot, humid days. Given the right viewing conditions, I can see a D-21 looking like that. No dorsal inlet, just an illusion. This could be some other swept-wing drone in the same viewing conditions. Ever seen a car in the...
  19. The Artist

    The interlude/theme music you are touched by

    A movie I go back to for the music as much as everything else is Wind from 1992. I love it when the music is really able to express what is going on on the screen. (The Right Stuff is another good example but that's already been listed.) The sailing music from this movie just works for me...
  20. The Artist

    McDonnell Douglas suspended maneuvering system

    But the idea goes back to the early years of the 20th Century in a drawing by Harry Grant Dart (1869 - 1938). These are low-rez scans to comply with posting requirements as this is from a new (2002) printing of the drawing - Black & White Images: First Annual Collection published by Jim...
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