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  • Before: 13 February 2015
  • Users: The Artist
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  1. The Artist

    Aviation, Imagination of the Future from the Past

    We've been finding some interesting things among the latest acquisitions at the museum. These are from the Mechanix Illustrated 1951 Aviation Yearbook. Sent in two batches of five. Thanks Mark for scanning these for me.
  2. The Artist

    Meteor Strike in Russia

    This one made the rounds on FB not long after it happened. I'm surprised I didn't see it in this thread.
  3. The Artist

    McDonnell Douglas Model 279-1

    Been away from this site for a few days and I see some good suggestions have appeared. I guess Frazetta on velvet should be great art. Odd that you'd suggest giant monsters - I've been toying with an idea that is approaching that theme. I've been playing around with a pair of F/A-18s escorting...
  4. The Artist

    McDonnell Douglas Model 279-1

    I understand your reason for not commenting, but I'm just saying that when I do ask for a critique, I want the thing to be shot down and ripped apart. I want people to tell me and show me what I'm not seeing because I've been too close to it. This is part of the learning process for artists.
  5. The Artist

    McDonnell Douglas Model 279-1

    Scott, After looking closely at the model on Wednesday, I have to say I'm surprised that you found fault with only that left canard. I had used the model and my reference photos of it to develop the painting, but I hadn't looked at it as one might to develop a three-view from it. It turns out...
  6. The Artist

    McDonnell Douglas Model 279-1

    I agree with your comment but I'm glad I tried it this way. I learned some things that should be useful with paintings I intend to do.
  7. The Artist

    McDonnell Douglas Model 279-1

    Thanks Scott. This is the kind of critique I wanted. I can see now what you're talking about with the placement of the port canard. I'll be at the museum later in the week and I'll have to compare the painting to the model to see which one I will have to adjust. (Most likely, it is the left...
  8. The Artist

    McDonnell Douglas Model 279-1

    This posting is both an exposure test and a request for critique. The shapes are based on the model in the collection of the Greater St. Louis Air & Space Museum so they may differ slightly from other references. That background was my attempt at pulling off something like Shigeo koike's...
  9. The Artist

    Influence of aesthetics on aircraft designs

    I'd say that the phrase "If it looks right, it must be right." was disproved a long time ago. The Supermarine Swift was a good looking airplane but it wasn't that good as an airplane.
  10. The Artist

    Boeing B-52X Twin Fortress circa 1970

    I'm not saying this is that, but wasn't there a drawing or model twin B-52 as a shuttle carrier?
  11. The Artist

    Vought ADAM and ADAM II V/STOL projects

    Another ADAM concept model in the archive. Not happy pictures but they do offer views of parts not usually seen.
  12. The Artist

    LTV Gemini AMU

    A different model of the AMU photographed during the trip to the Vought Heritage Archives.
  13. The Artist

    Assault on Bin Laden: mystery of the downed chopper

    But that doesn't matter. Most of the target audience for the movie has either not seen those pictures or they saw them and have long since forgotten what the thing looked like. Anyway, they will be paying more attention to the action and accept whatever mumbo-jumbo identity the vehicle is given.
  14. The Artist

    Various US Reusable Launch Vehicles (RLV) Projects

    If you haven't already, you must check out Scott's Aerospace Projects Review, Volume 3, Number 2. Good Star Clipper material in that one.
  15. The Artist

    Vought ADAM and ADAM II V/STOL projects

    I'm sure most here have realized this fact already but I'm posting this for those who haven't thought about it. Many of these Vought photographs were taken to provide the artists with starting points for the paintings and line drawings. (I had the same intent with a number of the photos I took...
  16. The Artist

    Long road to the F-111: TAC, SOR.183, SDR 17, WS-324A, TFX

    A deck spotting model photographed during the trip to Vought last week.
  17. The Artist

    Vought ADAM and ADAM II V/STOL projects

    My thanks to you, Dick Atkins and the rest of the gang there for letting us come in and look around. And, this item was more something noticed than found. I'm glad no one complained when I moved it from where it was to a display case where it shouldn't be able to hurt anybody. That thing could...
  18. The Artist

    Vought ADAM and ADAM II V/STOL projects

    I believe this is an ADAM related windtunnel model. It is displayed with no information on it provided.
  19. The Artist

    Vought Windtunnel Model - can anyone identify?

    This incomplete metal and wood model is in the Retired Employee's center archives at Vought. Anyone have any ideas?
  20. The Artist

    Boeing X-20 Dyna-Soar and alternate projects

    Just back from a trip to Dallas / Fort Worth with Mark N. and Rich D. I saw this interesting item in a case at the Vought Retired Employees archives. This was not a high-speed model as it appeared to have been made with blown plastic. This is only the nose section of a larger model. (No. I did...
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