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  • Before: 13 February 2015
  • Users: The Artist
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  1. The Artist

    F-35 video

    More likely they selected the music from the music service they each (the companies and the military) subscribe to. There are companies that produce "original" music that sounds like something you've heard, as well as doing original mood pieces, for production companies to use. And this explains...
  2. The Artist

    Revell wants to produce new Models after Vote

    Within the model building hobby, there is a distinction between a builder and an assembler. An assembler is one who builds straight out of the box then uses the kit supplied markings. A builder is someone who uses the kit as the starting point. The builder modifies the kit to either correct...
  3. The Artist

    Revell wants to produce new Models after Vote

    If you are talking about making copies of something for your own use, you shouldn't have any worries. But, if you're wanting to sell the copies or use them in public settings, you get into a gray area. As has been pointed out, the shapes and government designations of military aircraft are not...
  4. The Artist

    Revell wants to produce new Models after Vote

    Airfix is producing new kits (from completely new tooling) at low end pricing these days. These kits are probably better than Hasegawa quality but they are priced much lower than Hasegawa prices. Try an E.E. Lightning Mk II in 1/72 scale, with intake trunking all the way back to the engine face...
  5. The Artist

    Revell wants to produce new Models after Vote

    While there aren't enough kids coming into the hobby to replace all the old builders dying off, there are some young ones getting started. For them, it seems to be either the ever popular cars or the Japanese kits of the big fighting robots. One of the reasons given for the high cost of models...
  6. The Artist

    ADO-12 to "US-FRG" AVS V/STOL Fighter Programs

    uk 75, You might be right. Another member of the Museum staff passed this information on from the model's donor. "It was a German RFP--1964-65 It was a request for a supersonic V/STOL FIGHTER Mach 2.2 We won, however the McDonnell crew voted to not go to Germany for 3 years They then awarded it...
  7. The Artist

    Fighter Aircraft for Passenger Transport !

    Then years later, there was this proposal with the F-106.
  8. The Artist

    Bell D188A and Model 2000 VTOL Fighters (Navy F3L / USAF "XF-109")

    Okay, I was wrong. I finally got a copy of Project X and discovered that my memory had replaced a cheap plywood prop having pivoting tubes on the wing tips with the D188. Until I watched it this evening, I'd have sworn that they used the D188 mockup. Still, I'm glad I got a copy of the movie...
  9. The Artist

    My Science Fiction

    Not a bad start. Getting stories critiqued by published, or professional, writers can be useful, but it can also have its drawbacks. A year or two ago, I had a short story (about a boy getting invited along on an alien sponsored air race) critiqued. Among the suggestions given were Either set...
  10. The Artist

    Curtiss-Wright XP-71 (Model CW-26)

    I came across this picture while accessioning in part of the Bob Burgess Collection at the museum. This had been mixed in with part of his father's XP-55 Ascender photo collection. In the information block on the back, the title reads "Gen Sidell - Mockup"
  11. The Artist

    McDonnell Douglas little known airliners

    I think you've touched on the answer here. The 220 designation was Mr. Mac's rebranding of the model 119. I'm not sure of the date when the designation change too place, but I'll bet it was after the original model 220 / T-85A idea was dead. The number 220 may have been chosen from the available...
  12. The Artist

    McDonnell-Douglas Model Numbers

    I know it was your list in the message that I quoted, but I was pointing out that in the printed copy I worked from at the museum - of the PDF that Mark posted - suggests that that DC-9 like airliner design had the model 220 designation at one time. The date of that designation was 1960 (if I...
  13. The Artist

    McDonnell-Douglas Model Numbers

    Evidence in the incomplete list posted by Mark in this thread suggests that the Model 220 should not be the later proposal for the Model 119 Transport, but rather the larger commercial transport illustrated in an exhibited wood model as the T-85A.
  14. The Artist

    McDonnell Douglas little known airliners

    In going through an incomplete listing of McDonnell Model Numbers (1 July 1974), I have found some information on this that happens to raise some more questions. On page 167 (pages 165 and 166 are missing) I found the continuation of the listing for this model. In the Model Number column is...
  15. The Artist

    Vought V-451 "Guerrilla" STOL

    Paul and Stargazer, I'm going to pass the drawing on to Mark and see what he can do, but what each of you have done looks close to the definition in what I've got here. As I said, it's a poor photocopy.
  16. The Artist

    XB-70 DVD Set?

  17. The Artist

    Vought V-451 "Guerrilla" STOL

    I found this poor photocopy of a three-view among the things we brought back from that trip. Had to split the scan because I'm currently stuck with a printer/scanner combination that I don't really like.
  18. The Artist

    XB-70 DVD Set?

    The Spcaecraft Films site has an ad in the upper right corner that list a combo offer of the X-15 and XB-70 sets. Due to problems with the computer I was trying to access the site with, I was not able to get to that page. I did not see an XB-70 set in the index for the site. Does anyone know...
  19. The Artist

    Little-known American Helicopter Prototypes & Projects

    I came across this while sifting through some boxed scrap-files at the museum. Tried shooting it on a copy stand today but it's not the best. Will try to get a good scan later. Mike
  20. The Artist

    Wingsuits and gliders flying together (Daily Telegraph picture)

    This seems to be the place for this bit of fiction.
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