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  • Before: 13 February 2015
  • Users: The Artist
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  1. The Artist

    Bel Geddes Airliner Number 4 (1929)

    While doing an image search for "Curtiss-Wright Badge" I came across the site below that has smaller versions of the drawings above along with a lot of other flying wing images. Thought I'd pass this along so someone can search for 'new' images.
  2. The Artist

    Various Bell tilt-rotor projects

    I think a forward sweep to the wings may be creating that illusion.
  3. The Artist

    McDonnell Model 119 executive jet prototype......

    Apparently, it even had a new data plate installed when they changed it over to the Model 220. The Museum has the Model 119 data plate in its collection.
  4. The Artist

    McDonnell Model 119 executive jet prototype......

    The Low-Speed wind tunnel model was lowered from the rafters in a school building in St Louis today and is now on a long term loan to the Greater St Louis Air and Space Museum. More pictures will follow - either from me, or from Mark Nankivil. We figure that's about 45 to 50 years of dust on...
  5. The Artist

    Rockwell pre-ATF and ATF studies

    Thanks. I didn't know that little trick. (I don't spend much time at sites like this. A lot of my on-line time is spent doing art searches.) I agree that with a way to get to the original entry, moving and splitting is not a problem.
  6. The Artist

    Rockwell pre-ATF and ATF studies

    And where is my comment that is quoted here? This gets to be a problem when threads get broken up and parts shifted around.
  7. The Artist

    Drawing by Ed Valigursky "Empress Of Mars"

    A few more works by Ed Valigursky. I know that three of these paintings were used in the Man And Space volume of the LIFE Science Library book series. I believe the aircraft of the Viet Nam War painting was done for National Geographic, and the Popular Mechanics cover speaks for itself. As...
  8. The Artist

    Drawing by Ed Valigursky "Empress Of Mars"

    Another Valigursky painting. I found this on line incorrectly labeled as a Bonestell.
  9. The Artist

    Drawing by Ed Valigursky "Empress Of Mars"

    I've taken part in a discussion over this image here some time back.,9993.msg93203.html#msg93203 I believe other works by this artist have been discussed in other threads. Maybe those discussions should be combined into this thread.
  10. The Artist

    Exoskeleton Systems For Military and Civil Uses

    Those Bionic Boots, while using high tech materials, would probably still be classed as stilts. And, that stilts can boost speed is not new knowledge. Jim Henson talked about that fact in the making of documentary The World of The Dark Crystal when talking about the Landstrider costumes. With...
  11. The Artist

    The interlude/theme music you are touched by

    The 'For The Dancing And The Dreaming' scene in How To Train Your Dragon 2 is fun, but the scene that really touched people in the theaters was the one with the music cue called 'Stoick's Ship' on the soundtrack/score CD. No links to give due to spoilers - see it when it comes out on DVD next...
  12. The Artist

    Ryan "Rogallo wing" concepts

    Here are some pictures of a Ryan PDG display model that came into the Greater St Louis Air & Space Museum this past weekend.
  13. The Artist

    Ryan ARPA POG

    Yes. I caught that while cataloging the items into our system. (It's been a long day.) I'll post the pictures in that topic. This one can be deleted.
  14. The Artist

    Ryan ARPA POG

    A small collection of display models came into the Museum this weekend. Most are in need of some form of repair - including this one. I've done a search but didn't get any results for Ryan POG, so I guess this can go here. I'll post some better pictures of this model later.
  15. The Artist

    Boeing X-20 Dyna-Soar and alternate projects

    Two down and one to go. The third factor in the death of Dynasoar was Kennedy's Man on the Moon speech and the way the country got behind that effort after he was killed. There was no way that the country was going to support two major space efforts at one time.
  16. The Artist

    North American XB-70 Valkyrie

    In fiction maybe, but not likely in the real world. From what I remember of walking under the bird at the Air Force Museum, the main gear would straddle a two-lane country road. The weight of the beast would have the gear digging into the soft earth.
  17. The Artist

    Asymmetric Trijet Airliner Model

    It looks to me that the model pictured is set up to study an arrangement for transporting an engine. That method of transporting engines has been used with other airliners.
  18. The Artist

    McDonnell Model 119 executive jet prototype......

    While looking at the Museum's large Wood 119/220 model, I noticed these little details that I've not seen on the actual aircraft, and don't remember seeing in drawings. Could these overhead windows have been considered for the production aircraft?
  19. The Artist

    Lockheed Martin X-33 & Venture Star

    "The enemy's gate is down." There is no Up or Down in space except in relation to another object or reference point.
  20. The Artist

    your favorite documentaries

    More of a Docu-drama - Tom Hank's From The Earth To The Moon is a good series. Then there was that theatrical released "For All Mankind." Been years since I've seen it, but I remember enjoying it. This next will be of little interest to others here, but you asked for favorite documentaries so...
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