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  • Before: 13 February 2015
  • Users: The Artist
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  1. The Artist

    Trumpeter 1/72 scale J-20 "Mighty Dragon" kit

    Here we are looking at the intake ducting and the main gear well box. Note: I build most of my aircraft models with the gear retracted and with added attaching provision for placing them on stands. I have indicated which parts I've added to this assembly. The intake ducting parts went together...
  2. The Artist

    Trumpeter 1/72 scale J-20 "Mighty Dragon" kit

    This is a kit-in-progress review of the Trumpeter 1/72 scale J-20 "Mighty Dragon" kit. (#01663) Molded in three colors of plastic - black, white and blue-gray - along with the clear parts and some etched metal detail parts. I already had this kit in progress when someone asked to see a review...
  3. The Artist

    Chengdu J-20 pictures, analysis and speculation Part I

    It seems to me that the review (or whatever I'll call it) should be posted in the modeling section so I'll post the stuff there. However, I will post these stats here - scaled up from the model - which is still in progress. Wing Span - 43 ft / 13.1064 m Length (Without the probe, exhausts or...
  4. The Artist

    Chengdu J-20 pictures, analysis and speculation Part I

    I've already started building the thing but I think I can work something up. Give me a few days. I can give you my immediate impression on opening the box. While the front end shows F-22 and X-35/F-35 influence, I found myself thinking more about the Su-47 (S-37) Berkut while looking over the...
  5. The Artist

    Chengdu J-20 pictures, analysis and speculation Part I

    Yes. I'm talking about a model kit here in Aerospace but I think this is the place for what I'm going to say. (And if it isn't, I'm sure Scott will give me a subtle hint - as is his way. ;D ) On the Trumpeter 1/72 scale kit of the J-20 I noticed that the holes for attaching the ventral fins are...
  6. The Artist

    How about no stealth?

    I think the original question was making the assumption that "Stealth" was and is a recent, stand-alone development. Stealth is a development of the field of camouflage but its theories and practices have extended well beyond concerning just the external covering of the aircraft. Even in the...
  7. The Artist

    US/NATO Post-WWII Aircraft Camouflage/Markings Development

    I don't know of any one book that covers all that but here are three that contain some Post-WWII U.S. Navy information. Color Schemes and Markings U.S. Navy Aircraft 1911 - 1950 by Bill C. Kilgrain. Navy Air Colors: Unites States Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard Aircraft Camouflage and...
  8. The Artist

    F-117A prior to unveiling: artists impressions and kits of the 'F-19 Stealth Fighter' in mass culture

    And in different colors. Mine is overall light lime green with light yellow and black trim
  9. The Artist

    Hawker Hunter Precursor and Follow-on Projects

    A more detailed drawing of the Hawker P.1128 than the one I found in this thread. I found this drawing used as the endpaper in the book Hawker Hunter Super Profile by M.J. Hardy, A Foulis Aircraft Book, Winchmore Publishing Services Limited 1985.
  10. The Artist

    USAF FAST/RBS Reusable Booster System programs

    The S-1C falling after staging would be empty or almost empty and the forward motion would have been reduced by events during staging. Wouldn't those five engines and associated plumbing be the heaviest part of the stage in that condition?
  11. The Artist

    Mystery rocket ship ?

    I stand corrected. Thanks. I typed that from memory last night as my quick searches were giving me confusing results. At least, everyone got what I was referring to.
  12. The Artist

    Mystery rocket ship ?

    That reminds me of the Hermes portion of the Sanger II - as represented by that Revell of Germany kit.
  13. The Artist

    North American XB-70 Valkyrie

    That is Ren Wicks' work. Along with what was mentioned on that other site, he also did some of the TWA travel posters for Howard Hughes along with a number of paintings for the Air Force Art Program. He was one of the founding members of the American Society of Aviation Artists and at the forums...
  14. The Artist

    Republic XF-103 Interceptor

    Have you checked to see if they will scan corporate films like this/these? Some places will not scan third party films for fear of violating copyright. I have a couple of old 16mms from the 70s (High Flight and Who Has Touched The Sky) that a local shop wouldn't touch.
  15. The Artist

    The (cancelled) second production run of Saturn Vs

    Another limiting factor in lengthening the stages would have been the vertical space available within the VAB. Raising the roof over just one bay would not have worked because of the overhead crane layout. They could have raised the entire roof but that would have meant a stand-down from Saturn...
  16. The Artist

    Sukhoi T-50 Chase Aircraft

    Thank you very much flateric and flanker. This gives me something to work with. Mike
  17. The Artist

    Sukhoi T-50 Chase Aircraft

    I'm not looking to do a specific flight. I know this attitude annoys some people but for this series I'm looking to capture impression more than any specific fact. The series will be called "Flying Chase" and the paintings will be staged with a behind the action view - placing the chase aircraft...
  18. The Artist

    Sukhoi T-50 Chase Aircraft

    I've looked through the thread on the T-50 flight testing and did not see this information. Have the aircraft used as chase aircraft been identified? I'm asking this as part of my research for a painting idea I'm developing.
  19. The Artist

    Various US Reusable Launch Vehicles (RLV) Projects

    That looks like a Star Clipper variation.
  20. The Artist

    Vought V-1100 fighter to LWF specification

    I've looked closely at the cropped photo and I'm convinced that the bar is obscuring a single digit. Even two 1s would not fit unless they were spaced much closer together than the spacing between the visible characters on the base.
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