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  • Before: 13 February 2015
  • Users: The Artist
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  1. The Artist

    Space Suit Prototypes (like Grumman Moon Suit, Republic etc)

    Yes, the G-2G could have predated this suit. Think of this classification system as a variation of the U.S. Navy's designation system in which you could have the Grumman F4F Wildcat predate the McDonnell F2H Banshee. The information below is from the NASA Knowledge Capture PDF I mentioned...
  2. The Artist

    Space Suit Prototypes (like Grumman Moon Suit, Republic etc)

    While I have yet to see photos to confirm this, I have hear the story, from a few sources, about a large display of spacesuits on mannequins done up to represent the astronauts of that time.
  3. The Artist

    Space Suit Prototypes (like Grumman Moon Suit, Republic etc)

    First I should say that the label photo is a detail of the David Clark Co G-2C in our collection without the outer layer. Our Goodrich G-2G is now off that mannequin. These are shots of it on the stand.
  4. The Artist

    Space Suit Prototypes (like Grumman Moon Suit, Republic etc)

    I'm continuing to research the history of this suit. Today I came across this NASA PDF which gives a good, though simple, overview of where the different suits fit in the timeline. According to this, only...
  5. The Artist

    Space Suit Prototypes (like Grumman Moon Suit, Republic etc)

    Okay. I stand corrected on something (again). While typing the above message, I remembered that the Museum has a second Mercury undergarment in storage. I pulled that one out and it does have a contract label. These garments were made - or modified - by B.F. Goodrich. This second garment was...
  6. The Artist

    Space Suit Prototypes (like Grumman Moon Suit, Republic etc)

    Now to the undergarments On the Mercury undergarment, the patches were applied to draw perspiration away from the body. Notice how the Hanes label got snagged when they sewed the back patch in place. The Gemini undergarment, this one was assigned to Elliot See, has a contract number and...
  7. The Artist

    Space Suit Prototypes (like Grumman Moon Suit, Republic etc)

    Three pictures to illustrate my comments about the G-2G suit. In the picture of the slit cut for the stand you can see the leg part of the zipper. I do not yet know if the other part is in there but not zipped, or not in there at all. You can also see how the outer layer of the boot was laced...
  8. The Artist

    Space Suit Prototypes (like Grumman Moon Suit, Republic etc)

    Thanks, Carmelo. This information gave me some new leads to check. Our Cooper Mercury suit is likely the one he wore when this photo was taken.
  9. The Artist

    Space Suit Prototypes (like Grumman Moon Suit, Republic etc)

    After going back and looking at the full figure photo of the G-2G I posted earlier, I see that the compression strap is to the side because of the odd stance the figure is in. There is a short strap hanging in front of the zipper and I believe that was to block anything from snagging the button...
  10. The Artist

    Space Suit Prototypes (like Grumman Moon Suit, Republic etc)

    The two Mercury suits in our collection were both practice/training suits. The one used by Grissom has air, communication and telemetry connections that match what I've seen in the photos of the astronauts getting into and out of the spacecraft before and after their missions. The Cooper suit...
  11. The Artist

    Space Suit Prototypes (like Grumman Moon Suit, Republic etc)

    The zipper on the G-2G (described in the opening motion) starts in the front crotch, proceeds in a straight path under then up the back to the base of the neck. The zipper opening is in the same location on our G-2C - the green one in the other set of pictures earlier in this thread. Our G-2C is...
  12. The Artist

    Space Suit Prototypes (like Grumman Moon Suit, Republic etc)

    This silver suit is a G-2G manufactured by B.F. Goodrich. The mannequin the suit is on has too much damage to let the suit remain on it - the right hip and the left ankle are broken. It has been flat on its back in storage for about a year while I studied it to plan the removal. Today, we...
  13. The Artist

    A rational space program, or, you help the mankind to conquer the space.

    I would go forward with Dynasoar to get early winged spaceflight experience while the public is still excited with the space age. I'd also push the 'Tin Can' space stations to provide a destination. Now, here's the part to keep the public interested. I'd let it be known that one of the agency's...
  14. The Artist

    McDonnell Model 119 executive jet prototype......

    The Data plate from the McDonnell Model 119. In the Greater St Louis Air & Space Museum Collection. The plate for the Model 220 should be still in the aircraft.
  15. The Artist

    A-6 'Flying Button' Award

    I'm working on another part of that donation package and I have found a framed certificate of recognition to Henry from the SAE International for his work as Chariman of the SAE A-6 Aerospace Actuation, Control, and Fluid Power Systems Committees. This was presented in April of 2009. So, yes...
  16. The Artist

    A-6 'Flying Button' Award

    That's what I've been thinking since I saw that Teammate of Distinction Award. Knowing what the Committee A-6 dealt with, the award is making a little more sense. Control Technologies was Harschburger's line and in that time frame he was involved with the F/A-18E/F Program. Next time I talk with...
  17. The Artist

    A-6 'Flying Button' Award

    I still don't know the story behind the Flying Button award, but I may have found the context for the award. In cataloging more items from that box, I came across another award that seems to have a connection. McDonnell Aircraft and Missile Systems Teammate of Distinction award given (in this...
  18. The Artist

    A-6 'Flying Button' Award

    Thanks for those thoughts. This piece offers a fun contrast to another trophy in the donation that recognizes the person's participation in the team that was awarded the 1999 Collier Trophy for the F/A-18E/F.
  19. The Artist

    A-6 'Flying Button' Award

    I'm working on cataloging a collection that came into the Museum, and I came across this award. A quick web search turned up no results. Does anyone here have anything on this?
  20. The Artist

    Various Bell tilt-rotor projects

    Dihedral may also be playing a part in the illusion. While searching for viewing angles for aircraft art, I've spent a fair amount of time looking at models of military and airliner aircraft from many different angels. I have found that if I photograph the model (with a flat lens) then do a line...
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