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  1. The Artist

    The skies overhead to be filled with drones (CONUS)

    Just in time for the Christmas shopping season.
  2. The Artist

    Good NASA JPL PR vid (MSL [Curiosity])

    How long will it be until this composite picture is added to the list of pictures used as evidence that the space program is a hoax?
  3. The Artist

    Lowther's website hacked?

    I always thought that the problem with clouds was that either they evaporate, or they dump rain on you.
  4. The Artist

    Star Wars - As re-imaged by the Chinese circa 1980

    Your guess may still be right. There are enough differences in the line work in the two images posted within this thread to make me think they were inked by two different artists. Also. if you look at the credits in comic books on the market you'll usually see credits for pencils (or layouts)...
  5. The Artist

    Space Suit Prototypes (like Grumman Moon Suit, Republic etc)

    I received the following request at the Greater St Louis Air and Space Museum and I am sharing it here in the hope that someone here might find some information to help this gentleman. And because this information fits within this topic. Subject: Gemini G2-C Pressure Suit: CWO Charles O. Laine...
  6. The Artist

    Star Wars - As re-imaged by the Chinese circa 1980

    That's mining the morgue. Most artists collect scraps and keep scrap files for reference and in the commercial art field (before computers) scrap file collections were called the morgue. Use of scrap art as a starting point is still quite common, but most artists work to take the image well...
  7. The Artist

    Fictional Aircraft from Movies, Games, etc.

    One more to add, then I'll see what others come up with for this thread. A twin engine fighter from the Ace Combat game - the engines are stacked as with the E.E. Lightning but staggered with the lower engine a little more forward than the upper engine.
  8. The Artist

    Fictional Aircraft from Movies, Games, etc.

    Don't forget the odd birds seen in Caprica. Two of these images came from this blog.
  9. The Artist

    Researchers Cracked How to Make 'Invisibility Cloaks' the Size of a Fighter Jet

    I wouldn't know. I don't follow such things too closely. I tend to think of them as someone else's problem.
  10. The Artist

    McDonnell-Douglas F-15 Projects

    Here we see the little known variant built for a famous pilot. :) I found this while cataloging photos that came into the Museum as part of a collection.
  11. The Artist

    XF-85 Goblin

    I was surprised at not seeing pictures of this model here.
  12. The Artist


    To borrow from Douglas Adams, perhaps those are SEP (Someone Else's Problem) Field Generators.
  13. The Artist

    Kind of Rorschach inkblot test...

    First. Could those circles be access or inspection plates since it is fabric covered? Second. The bug in the logo looks more like an ant to me.
  14. The Artist

    Composer James Horner killed in plane crash

    My appreciation of Horner's work was more for his simpler passages than for his rousing action passages. Horner had a way of giving the little moments just the right kick. My favorite is his score for Searching For Bobby Fischer, especially that gentle passage while Bruce Pandolfini (Ben...
  15. The Artist

    The interlude/theme music you are touched by

    The music for Tomorrowland matches the spectacle of the action and settings. It's also a good movie for spotting (set dressing and prop) references to other movies and shows. I saw things from Stargate to The Iron Giant to Tron. I even caught a gag that goes back to The President's Analyst.
  16. The Artist

    Early F-101 Voodoo designs - mockups and models

    I found this while sorting a large periodical donation that came into the Museum. This is from Aviation Week, March 12, 1956. Notice how wide the forward fuselage is and the canopy shape is suggestive of that on the Douglas F3D Skyknight.
  17. The Artist

    Continuing relevance of the A-10 Warthog today and tomorrow?

    Can we let this stay the thread on the relevance of the A-10?
  18. The Artist

    General Dynamics and Vought Navalised F-16s to VFAX/NACF requirement

    I agree with Skyblazer's points and I'd like to add that the image looks too clear - too sharp - to be from a 16mm film frame. They could have shot a film on 35mm but would it have been worth the added cost if it was not for wade release or for fine detail study of flight or hardware tests?
  19. The Artist

    Lockheed Martin SR-72?

    To be honest, that statement could be made about any administration over the last thirty years or so.
  20. The Artist

    Boeing B-47 Stratojet

    I'm not with that museum so I don't know what their plans really are. I have heard, through local conversations, that one or two if the aircraft are likely to go to the James S. McDonnell Air Park at the St Louis Science Center, and a few of the aircraft might (might) go to the Prairie Aviation...
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