Search results for query: *

  1. The Artist

    Site for identifying emblems and patches?

    I'm working on an aircraft type, and aerospace related, patch collection that has come into the Museum's collection. Does anyone here know of a good discussion group, or website for getting information on unit patches and insignia? Most of the patches in this collection are easy to identify, but...
  2. The Artist

    Early Maneuverable Reentry Vehicle studies

    These scans are from a book used by Rose Church as her autograph album while she worked as an aerospace nurse with McDonnell Aircraft. The book is a McDonnell Aircraft book titled McDonnell Aircraft Facilities and three of these pictures are from the section on Missiles. The fourth picture gives...
  3. The Artist

    Mike Burke's Vought Color Sketches

    I've been developing some ideas based on the photos I took of the models during a trip to the Vought Retired Employees Archive a few years ago. I'll post the sketches and studies here. This first color sketch is of the Vought V-460. The nose of the model had been mashed in and I tried to...
  4. The Artist

    Vought F-8 Projects

    I stumbled across this while doing an image search on "B-58 ejection capsule brochure" The site listed was "" but I had trouble looking at the site.
  5. The Artist

    Does anybody here recognize these characters?

    Thank you Scott. I did run Google searches on these names but didn't get that. Maybe the other things I've searched for and looked at on this computer kept that from coming up. This may sound strange, but I can do a Google search here at the Museum then go home and do the same search and see...
  6. The Artist

    Does anybody here recognize these characters?

    This cast photo litho print came into the Museum as part of a donation. I've done a few searches on the web, but have not found anything to identify the show these characters were in, and when it ran, and the identity of these actors. I'm hoping someone here might recognize them from their...
  7. The Artist

    Two possible projects to identify - fantasy or not?

    I've been thinking. The wing swing may not be for variable geometry in flight. Maybe the wings spring out once this rocket plane leaves the launch tube. That may be the angle to search in looking for the story for this illustration.
  8. The Artist

    Two possible projects to identify - fantasy or not?

    My thoughts on the MZC-02. The wings remind me of horizontal stabilizers with the elevators missing. I'm sure anyone who has built prop-driven bombers or transports have seen this kind of shape at least a few times. My first thought on those bulges at the wing roots was that the intake...
  9. The Artist

    Space Shuttle Fictional Debut

    Moonraker was made in the late 70s, but those were not NASA's shuttles they were owned by a corporation. The earliest I'm aware of NASA's shuttles being used was in 1980. G. Harry Stine, writing as Lee Correy, wrote "Shuttle Down." This appeared first as a 4 part story in Analog from December...
  10. The Artist

    Aircraft - Real or fake?

    Fair enough. The search function here is tricky enough when searching for topics, but searching for images is a completely different animal.
  11. The Artist

    Aircraft - Real or fake?

    The second batch.
  12. The Artist

    Aircraft - Real or fake?

    This, and the next batch, were found in the 1946 printing/edition of Gas Turbines and Jet Propulsion for Aircraft by G. Geoffrey Smith, M.B.E.
  13. The Artist

    Miles M.63B jet mail aircraft project

    I found this while cataloging a copy of the 1946 printing of Gas Turbines and Jet Propulsion for Aircraft, by G. Geoffrey Smith, M.B.E. into the museum's collection.
  14. The Artist

    Bell D188A and Model 2000 VTOL Fighters (Navy F3L / USAF "XF-109")

    Here is a larger, cleaner copy of an image seen in one of the clippings in reply #66. This was found in the 1961 edition of the Aviation & Space Dictionary from AERO Publications.
  15. The Artist

    Boeing P-8A Poseidon (737-800EFV) MMA (Multi-mission Maritime Aircraft)

    Just a little diversion. last week, a P-8 shot 5 (that I saw) touch-and-goes at the St Louis Downtown Airport. Maybe they were checking out the MiG 15 that was parked outside Hangar 1.
  16. The Artist

    Aircraft - Real or fake?

    I have seen that movie, and I agree that in the finished product the artists achieved a truer feel for the actual aircraft than one thinks of for animation, but I'm talking about the drawings in those pictures. We each seem to be seeing what we bring to that one drawing when we look at it. When...
  17. The Artist

    Aircraft - Real or fake?

    What I'm saying is that what you are seeing in the pictures hesham posted shouldn't be taken as any definitive "real" aircraft designs. Big studio animation is a collaborative venture. Granted, Disney (the studio) wanted to, and did, capture the feel of the known aircraft of the conflict, but...
  18. The Artist

    Aircraft - Real or fake?

    Those look like Disney art to me - Storyboards and design treatments done by the Disney artists.
  19. The Artist

    Funny Fictional Aircraft (the old "Humorous aircraft never meant to fly..")

    "Aircraft in funny comics and cartoons" would be too limiting. Such images can be found in advertisements I've been trying to locate in my scrap files a few ads with images meant to be humorous.
  20. The Artist

    US Next Generation Bomber Studies

    Translation (of all going on with this) borrowed from the movie "The Agony and the Ecstasy" "When will you make an end of it?" "When I am finished."
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