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  1. The Artist

    Image library licensing and copyright discussions

    If that were true, than I could scan, say, John Harris' cover art for the book "War Of Gifts" then do whatever I wanted with my 'copyrighted' image. No. I'd be slapped with C&D orders from John Harris, Orson Scott Card, and TOR, the publisher of the book, if I tried to market copies of MY...
  2. The Artist

    Image library licensing and copyright discussions

    My understanding is that if you make a scan (or photocopy in the old days) of an image from a copyrighted book or magazine, what you make could be put to your own use under the Fair Use provision. That fair use does not mean you can claim copyright to that copy. When Scott works from a scan, or...
  3. The Artist

    The US Space Force

    You are correct that the arrowhead delta shape is not unique to Star Trek and it has been used in other emblems. However. There is more to design elements in the new Space Force emblem that strikes a note with Star Trek fans and I understand why they are making such noise. That being said, I do...
  4. The Artist

    The US Space Force

    That is 'in universe' history. The Starfleet Delta was originally just the insignia on the shirts worn by the crew of the Enterprise and crews on other ships and starbase had different insignia. I believe it was the cos-play and fan art from the fans that set the stage for the Delta becoming the...
  5. The Artist

    A little something that fits a winter day

    Okay, Thanks. I was reacting to what I thought I saw at the front end. Still. It is an interesting picture that we could work into a display at the Museum sometime.
  6. The Artist

    A little something that fits a winter day

    I found this fun shot in the portion of the Aric Aldrich Collection that came to the Greater St Louis Air & Space Museum. Looking at that hump in the ice at the front end, this might be one of the prototypes. What do you think?
  7. The Artist

    The AX Competition (rivals and development of the Fairchild A-10 Thunderbolt II)

    A black and white photo print of Keith Ferris' painting done early for the program. Of note is the SEA Camo. Another sample from the Aric Aldrich collection in the collection of the Greater St Louis Air & Space Museum.
  8. The Artist

    Syd Mead - Visual Futurism

    Sorry to hear this if it's true. The official media may be waiting until they get confirmation.
  9. The Artist

    One take on a 1963 Manned Mars Mission Concept

    I have not made it a secret that I come to this group from the arts side of things. I do know the difference between fact and fiction and my saying that this design looks cool is from my 'I want to do a painting of this' approach to this concept. Now. To address RanulfC's images. I'm sure the...
  10. The Artist

    One take on a 1963 Manned Mars Mission Concept

    Someone in another thread said something like Mars was an exciting place full of potential until Mariner 4 ruined it. I've been thinking about the visuals of this concept and I've come to think that to put these visuals in the correct context we should think of what came before this - The von...
  11. The Artist

    One take on a 1963 Manned Mars Mission Concept

    Additional images.
  12. The Artist

    One take on a 1963 Manned Mars Mission Concept

    The mission concept first. (Thanks for the link, Scott.) This was presented at the American Astronautical Society Symposium on the Exploration of Mars, Denver Colorado, June 6-7, 1963. This concept art was in the S volume of the World Book...
  13. The Artist

    How to print a newspaper before 1978 - hot metal typesetting

    I was in a vocational course in high school back in the mid 70s that taught commercial art and printing. I graduated in 76 - just as the home computers were starting to come onto the market. Almost everything I learned in that two year program is now obsolete. (And much of it had quickly become...
  14. The Artist

    Top Gun 2

    I will eventually see this movie, but I just can't get up the interest to see it on opening day. When I do go back and watch the first one, I usually focus on the flying footage and tune out the rest of the story - I paid attention to it the first time and have no need to do so again.
  15. The Artist

    Douglas Astro delta-wing spacecraft

    From the January 1964 issue of Astronautics & Aeroonautics. Two of the drawings have been posted, but not with the extra information.
  16. The Artist

    F-117A prior to unveiling: artists impressions and kits of the 'F-19 Stealth Fighter' in mass culture

    Here are three pictures of the model. Again. This was a scratchbuild commissioned from a local modeler for the Mascoutah Aerospace Museum and this model is now in the collection of the Greater St Louis Air & Space Museum. Thanks Mark for taking the pictures.
  17. The Artist

    Northrop P-530 / P-600 / P-610 / YF-17 Design Evolution

    Here are scans of the rest of the art images in the YF-17 folder in that collection.
  18. The Artist

    Aviation, Imagination of the Future from the Past

    This is depicting a way underwater traffic tunnels are constructed. Many years ago, I stumbled across a fascinating photo essay documenting the construction of the I-95 Tunnel under the Baltimore Harbor. The tunnels were built in sections and floated out to the construction site where they were...
  19. The Artist

    Northrop F-5G / F-20 Tigershark

    I found this F-5G/F-20 art in the F-5/T-38 folder in the donation.
  20. The Artist

    Northrop P-530 / P-600 / P-610 / YF-17 Design Evolution

    Here is a P-610 art image as part of a tease of the YF-17 folder that is part of a sizeable photo collection that has come into the Greater St Louis Air & Space Museum. (Edit) I should point out that this photo collection is mostly photographs of operational aircraft - military and civilian...
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