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  1. The Artist

    HIMAT and the other AFTI Projects

    One more find in the Paul H. Minert Collection. This was scanned from the February 8, 1985 issue of Newsreview, Andrews AFB - a newspaper for the Air Force Systems Command.
  2. The Artist

    alternate names for "battleship" (or "big gun ships")

    You are overlooking the name, or designation, given by the enemy - Prime Target.
  3. The Artist

    B-17G with Wing-Tip Gun Turrets

    I will try to get higher resolution scans of parts of these photos. The photos themselves are 3.5 by 5.5 inches and I've been using a magnifying glass to study some of the details. I have seen that the Catalina in the background of the port side view has the yellow stripe of an Air Force OA-10...
  4. The Artist

    B-17G with Wing-Tip Gun Turrets

    My first thought on this comment was that weather research pods could make sense, but then I got to wondering what (apart from air-sickness) one could get at a wing-tip easier than one could get from within the fuselage. One of the few things I could think of was viewing how lightning strikes...
  5. The Artist

    B-17G with Wing-Tip Gun Turrets

    I've done some searching here and not found anything on this, so... If this here somewhere, than this posting can be deleted. While cataloging the items in a donation that came into the Museum a few years ago, I came across these two pictures. No additional information on this program. Note...
  6. The Artist


    While going through some boxes here in the Museum, I came across a Compact Flash drive that has mostly early F-15 photos on it. However, These four Gemini MOL pictures are on it. I have no information (at this time) on these pictures. Edit: Based on additional digging, I now understand that...
  7. The Artist

    Space Station Concepts

    No doubt the inspiration for the K-7 Deep Space Station seen in the Trouble With Tribbles episode of Star Trek.
  8. The Artist

    Which Airline Livery do you miss?

    Growing up in Maryland, I saw the Northeast Yellowbird livery fly over almost everyday.
  9. The Artist

    Fictional Aircraft from TV and Movies

    The 'similar movie' you talked about is the movie Fate Is The Hunter, which is loosely (very loosely) based on Ernest K. Gann's book of the same name.
  10. The Artist

    Rest In Peace Al Worden Just heard about this.
  11. The Artist

    The Fireball XL ship that never was....

    By the way. Has anyone here noticed the noticed the Fireball XL ship launching during the commercial/invitation sequence in Tomorrowland?
  12. The Artist

    General Dynamics Winged Atlas

    Scott will likely be posting a link to his article and drawings, but a quick search led me to these thumbnail images of a model. The Atlas first stage was to be manned and flown back. Edit: It turns out that Michel Van posted these images with others in a discussion at...
  13. The Artist

    The Fireball XL ship that never was....

    The movie you are remembering is When Worlds Collide.
  14. The Artist

    Ignorance in reporting/commenting on conflict and the military.

    I do not see this dumbing down as a plan of the so-called liberal media. I see it as a result of the owner's push for ever greater levels of profit. Cuts are made in the newsroom, but the tasks those cut still need to be done so they are passed on to others who find themselves reporting on...
  15. The Artist

    "2010: The Year We Make Contact" (1984)

    It took me a while to find where I had posted that old link and I posted this newer information today in the Fictional Spaceships thread. As you work , or worked, in the field, you may know this, but if not, I came across this today about the studio model of the Aries1B...
  16. The Artist

    Fictional (But Realistic) Spacecraft

    One other thing to point out about Bob McCall's painting (which I love, by the way) is that he shows the Orion III making a forward exit from the station. If you pay attention to the docking scene in the movie, you get the feel that the Orion's wingspan is too great to pass through the core of...
  17. The Artist

    Fictional (But Realistic) Spacecraft

    These items are from about 5 years ago, but I just stumbled across them. It seems that the Aries-1B model from 2001: A Space Odyssey was found to still exist and is largely intact. The first link is a Cinefex article about the find, and the second link has a photographic survey of the model. I'm...
  18. The Artist

    Image library licensing and copyright discussions

    Well, apparently, someone can come up with an argument that works (and hours can be spent debating if it's right or wrong), but to tie this back to the focus of this site, it is very unlikely that anyone would get away with cropping the outer edges off of, say, a Keith Ferris painting then using...
  19. The Artist

    Image library licensing and copyright discussions

    I hope you are joking about that one. Your comment reminds me of a discussion at an American Society of Aviation Artists (ASAA) Art Forum once on the practice of 'stealing' part of a sky in someone else's work as inspiration for painting the sky in the piece you are working on for your client...
  20. The Artist

    Image library licensing and copyright discussions

    Painting copies of paintings for learning is a time honored practice. In fact, you can register to go into many art museums to paint a copy of one of their works. When you do that, you have to do your copy larger or smaller then the original size and you have to have other markings on the frame...
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