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  • Before: 25 January 2019
  • Users: kitnut617
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  1. K

    F-35 for Canada

    I read a news article a couple of days ago that indicated that Canada and the UK are in "trade" talks as the Brexit mess continues. I wonder if this has come about because of that ---
  2. K

    Bristol Brabazon

    Some years ago I bought this book below, I don't see any mention of it in this thread. Loads of photos of it being built, the Mk.2 too. Plus some history which lead up to it and then some history of what happened after it was cancelled. A bit of the book has history of Filton too.
  3. K

    SpaceX (general discussion)

    Should have added that each launch is capable of multiple deployments (the SpaceX launch before the New Year had 60 satellites on board), which means there would be less launches. At least that's what the article insinuated. EDIT: a bit later...
  4. K

    SpaceX (general discussion)

    The article in Microsoft News says the layoff is partly because of the downturn in companies wanting to launch satellites.
  5. K

    Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter (JSF)

    Not what sferrin is saying is it, for a fair apples-to-apples comparison, that's what an F-16 would have to have externally, whereas the F-35 carries it internally all of the time and now the F-35 is getting clearance to operate far more capably, it's just about on par with a clean F-16
  6. K

    SpaceX (general discussion)

    Reminds me of a V2
  7. K

    Armstrong Whitworth Tail-First Fighter Project

    I was just thinking, if this had been a Luft'46 discovery, there would have been a model of it already and articles saying just how advanced the Germans thinking was back then ----
  8. K

    Tu-156 AWACS

    Which leaves me wondering --- having just finished re-reading 'Battle Flight' and 'The Air Staff and the AEW'. They say that the above fuselage rotor dome on the likes of the E-4 had large areas which the scanner was blanked by the airframe, this would have virtually everything blanked --
  9. K

    Lightning with side-by-side engines

    Well what you need then is a CAC CA-23 (look in CAC Post War Projects thread)
  10. K

    Northrop Grumman B-2 Spirit

    I noticed that too, and the fact that the aircraft didn't suddenly gain altitude. My Dad (who served in 617 Sqn while they were using Grand Slams) told me that when talking with some of the crew members after the first attack they made, he was told when they dropped the Grand Slam, the aircraft...
  11. K

    Handley Page Victor Development & Projects

    I used to have a set of those but they went missing after a house move sometime ago. As an aside, when I was sorting out the De Havilland DH101 scans Tony Buttler sent me, I was able to insert the images into my AutoCad drawing, which I then traced. While zooming in real close to the drawn...
  12. K

    Gatwick chaos as drones causes runway to close

    I've read in one news report that the regulations say you can't fly a drone within a mile radius of the airport. But at YYC in Calgary Alberta, it's 7 km radius. Is it the norm' in the UK for the no-fly zone being so close.
  13. K

    Grumman F6F Hellcat floatplane??

    I've speculated that the Edo floats would be more like the ones installed on a Bolingbroke, the AUW being very close to each other
  14. K

    Hawker P.1121 "Hurricane"

    Thanks very much Paul ----
  15. K

    Hawker P.1121 "Hurricane"

    Now on the shopping list ---- thanks!
  16. K

    Hawker P.1121 "Hurricane"

    Steve has recently told me that the photos were taken by someone else who had been taken on a tour. But he did send them to me as I was looking for more info at the time on how the undercarriage retracted etc. Details like that. For my P.1121 vacuform build.
  17. K

    A 21st Century Tribal Class ? - RN Type 26 refocused to Commonwealth Needs

    And now the Canadian order is on hold, an American company has protested the award ---
  18. K

    Westland Helicopter Projects

    Very interesting article -- thanks for posting it.
  19. K

    Russia space agency promises to check whether US moon landings really happened

    Sorry Harro, what I meant was anyone who has one in orbit. I'm sure the Soviets would have pointed it out a very long time ago with the proof, anything to embarrass NASA ----
  20. K

    Russia space agency promises to check whether US moon landings really happened

    I was going to say all you have to do is zoom in on the landing sites with a good telescope and you can see them yourself -- seeing as all of the sites are on the visible side of the moon >:( And I'm sure the Soviets would have called it out a loooong time ago if they weren't there
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