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  • Before: 25 January 2019
  • Users: kitnut617
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  1. K

    The F-35 Discussion Topic (No Holds Barred II)

    I'm curious, so a question to everyone who's posted on this thread. How many of you work on, have worked on or fly the F-35 ?
  2. K

    Early Piaggio P.180 Drawing

    Good drawings --- One of those taxied right past me while I was at work on Thursday, always liked the look of the aircraft
  3. K

    Vickers VC-10 Projects

    Ah! well! that does create a problem ---- ;D
  4. K

    Vickers VC-10 Projects

    I was also suggesting that the side view of the top image in Reply #11 might be a good place to start, but I understand why you want a proper drawing. I'm trying to remember where I've seen these double and triple fuselage drawings before, I'm sure there was a side view in them which is why I...
  5. K

    Vickers VC-10 Projects

    My bad! But I think you'll find your answer in reply #11
  6. K

    Vickers VC-10 Projects

    Chris, Derek Wood's Project Cancelled (2nd Edition) shows a good 3-View of the Double-Decker on page 227, and on page 228, a very detailed cross-section through the fuselage. Robert
  7. K

    Different Martin Baker MB.2

    The Griffon engine was in it's infancy back then too (it was based on the Schneider race engine), as the MB fighters were all designed around a larger engine than the Merlin, this would be a better candidate for your idea.
  8. K

    De Havilland DH-111 Jet Bomber Project

    A similar 3-View layout appears in BSP -Jet Bombers since 1949, page 33 along with a fairly lengthy paragraph about it. Your 3-View appears to be an adaption of what is shown in the book. The caption says it's part of the M J F Bowyer Collection
  9. K

    Unbuilt ASW/MARPAT versions of airliners?

    Now I know what I'll do with my 1/72 DC-10 kit
  10. K

    Boeing JAST / JSF / X-32 /PWSC F-32 projects

    There are a number of Hawker designs which had similar air intake designs as the X-32 (P.1214, P.1216 are the most known designs), does anyone know if they had any influence of the X-32 ?
  11. K

    F-95A, F-96A and F-97A/F-86D, F-84F and F-94C

    Think you'll find an image just like that in Squadron/Signal's F-86 in Action
  12. K

    aircraft from "In the Wet" (Nevil Shute)

    My build so far of it -- I had been in contact with Mike Meehan some years ago, and 90% of my information on the subject comes from him. Unfortunately he has since died --- Bottom picture is what appears in the book
  13. K

    P-51 Mustang & F-82 Twin Mustang Proposals and Variants

    Yes, considering the charger is located practically above it
  14. K

    What-If STOVL EE Canberra

    Couple more pics of my project
  15. K

    EE Canberra, Evolution, Variants and Projects

    Thanks, sorry I posted it here.
  16. K

    What-If STOVL EE Canberra

    This came about because of these real proposal projects, I figured they'd need a 'proof-of-concept' prototype first. What better than to use the venerable Canberra but then one thing led to another -----
  17. K

    What-If STOVL EE Canberra

    I think I'd rather go this way for a STOVL Canberra (still an 'in-progress' project)
  18. K

    Bell Boeing V-22 Osprey - Development and Proposed Variants

    A short while ago, I picked up an Esci 1/72 PV-22A kit which looks just like that, has an open bay for the dipping sonar and those odd looking torpedoes and the optical sight
  19. K

    Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter (JSF)

    When I attended the 2013 Yuma Airshow in March, I was talking to a pilot who was in the compound where a F-35B was displayed. He said there were three F-35B's at Yuma then, with a fourth one arriving within a few weeks after the show.
  20. K

    P-51 Mustang & F-82 Twin Mustang Proposals and Variants

    It wasn't a P-51B that Rolls Royce used, it was some 'surplus to requirements' Mustang Mk.1's ( the Allison engine variant) that were assigned to the project. The Rolls Royce Heritage Trust has a book on it called 'Rolls Royce and the Mustang' written by David Birch who is also the Official...
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