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  • Before: 25 January 2019
  • Users: kitnut617
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  1. K

    Project Cancelled SIG., IPMS. SMW. 2018 Display

    Thanks Paul, should've recognized Chris Gibson and Tony Buttler though, being an Air-Britain member ---- plus having emailed them a few times ::)
  2. K

    Project Cancelled SIG., IPMS. SMW. 2018 Display

    Nice displays, now who's who in the pics, the only ones I recognize is Martin & Harro.
  3. K

    Messerschmitt Bf/Me 210/410 Projects, Prototypes & Derivatives

    Prop tip to ground clearance on take off/landing maybe :-\
  4. K

    Hornet 2000

    It's about the same as the F-4 and F-15 with canards
  5. K

    Invincible-class carriers scrapped - and not sold to other countries ? Why ?

    I was told that one of the reasons they appeared cheap was because there was an agreement for the UK military to lease training grounds here in Canada in exchange.
  6. K

    Westland WG.44 - WG.47 1980s stealth helicopter projects

    Yeah! but now you got me thinking on how to build a model of it (or something along those lines)
  7. K

    Von Braun's Ferry Rocket of 1952

    It's a McCulloch MC-4
  8. K

    Pointers for visiting SDASM and PIMA ?

    Will you be going near Palm Springs ? If so there's the Palm Springs Aerospace Museum on the east side of the airport. Lots of stuff to see there but it's mostly USN aviation orientated.
  9. K

    Invincible-class carriers scrapped - and not sold to other countries ? Why ?

    Yeah, just ask Canada about a bunch of cheap submarines we got from the Brits
  10. K

    F-22s may have been lost as a result of Hurricane Michael

    I was just pointing out to Harro that over here it's more the norm, besides, they build houses from scratch in Utah -- right ;)
  11. K

    A 21st Century Tribal Class ? - RN Type 26 refocused to Commonwealth Needs

    Yeah! but we've got nothing else :'( and we're still trying to get the subs we got from the Brits into service
  12. K

    F-22s may have been lost as a result of Hurricane Michael

    Actually, there are routes already built that way so large loads can be moved around. Things like traffic light poles that can be turned and as in the video, the electrical crew who lead or follow, have bucket-lifts and poles to lift any wires hanging down in the way. Out where I live moving...
  13. K

    F-22s may have been lost as a result of Hurricane Michael

    The wing span of the F-22 is 44'-6", which is about what an F-15 wing span is, 42'-10". So watching this video I would say they missed out on an opportunity
  14. K

    DB021 turboprop

    All I can find. Some other modellers on other forums have just recently bought this conversion but had to contact the owner first.
  15. K

    A 21st Century Tribal Class ? - RN Type 26 refocused to Commonwealth Needs

    And Canada has followed suit ----
  16. K

    DB021 turboprop

    maxmwill, forget the Unicraft ones, go with this one from Prop & Jet, if you contact the owner he will re-pop them. The reviews of it from some people who have the conversion are that it's very good
  17. K

    Hawker P.1121 "Hurricane"

    I don't know if something similar has been posted yet, but these were sent to me by my friend Steve Gardner (britjet on Britmodeller) who took the photos while on a tour of the storage hanger. He said there was more of it but couldn't get to the rest of it to take decent photos.
  18. K

    F-22s may have been lost as a result of Hurricane Michael

    Does that mean they were damaged 'before' the hurricane ?
  19. K

    F-22s may have been lost as a result of Hurricane Michael

    I'm surprised they didn't fly them out of there before hand, it's not like the Hurricane suddenly appeared is it ----
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