Search results for query: helicopter

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  1. hesham

    Kellett autogyro and helicopter projects

    Hi, The Kellett K-17 was experimental helicopter and had gas-turbine- powered,cold cycle and tip jet,the engine was Turbomeca Turmo of 400 hp.
  2. hesham

    Polish Gigant-2 Ramjet Powered Helicopter

    From Flying Review 6/1957, here is the Polish Gigant-2,a single seat ramjet powered helicopter.
  3. sublight_

    Pratt & Whitney powers China's Z-10 attack helicopter

    I guess they'll be selling them F135 technology next?
  4. uk 75

    Secret Helicopter Projects

    A few years ago I read somewhere that someone was researching for a book on British secret helicopter projects. I think this was at about the same time as a lot of material from the Westlands archive appeared. Memory is probably playing tricks, but this would certainly be a very welcom edition...
  5. hesham

    G. Zanni Old Helicopter

    Hi, Mr. G. Zanni made a patents in Italy,France and UK,I don't know his nationality,and he had a strange helicopter Model;'Italia/L'ALA%20D'ITALIA%201925%2002.pdf
  6. hesham

    Enstrom Model-800 helicopter

    Hi, in Flightglobal,they mentioned in 1975 the Enstrom Model-800,which was twin engined (Allison) and five-seat helicopter project,did anyone hear about it before ?.
  7. hesham

    Diamond Dart-280 Helicopter Project

    Hi, the famous Diamond Aircraft Industries Co. is designed the Dart-280,it is a four-seat light-single piston engine helicopter Project.
  8. hesham

    Lockheed (Vega) V-307 helicopter

    Hi, Also from flickr site,the Lockheed (Vega) V.307 was a single- seat helicopter.
  9. RyanC

    "Modern" Helicopters in WWII

    The "heavy" advanced helicopters of the 1950s could very well have been in WWII. This is not crazy talk. The H-34 Choctaw had a single R-1830 radial powering it -- the same engine that powered the: DC-3/C-47 B-17 SBD Dauntless Biggest issue is that helicopters were very much in the...
  10. boxkite

    Transport helicopter design by American Helicopter Co.

    Around the time American Helicopter Co. was bought by Fairchild (April 1954), the company worked on a transport helo for the US Army (payload 3 tonnes). At the tips of the four rotor blades have to be so-called 'power packages' (pulso jets). What happened to this design? Any idea of the...
  11. hesham

    Hughes VHLH very-heavy-lift helicopter

    Hi, in the late of 70s,Hughes developed the VHLH very-heavy-lift helicopter, This helicopter, having a gross weight of about 270,0001b powered by four low-bypass- ratio Pratt & Whitney F-100 or G.E. F-101 engines, was designed to carry the 60-ton XM-1 Main Battle tank for a distance of 100...
  12. hesham

    Manzolini-Bordoni BGM2 Helicopter

    Hi, here is a Manzolini-Bordoni BGM2 coaxial helicopter,it was from Italy.'Ala%201950%2005.pdf
  13. hesham

    Sikorsky S-53 Helicopter

    Hi, the Sikorsky S-53 was a four-seat light utility and resuce helicopter,intended to be XHJS-1 to compete Piasecki XHJP-1,it was actually built and flown.
  14. hesham

    Aerospatiale P-120 Helicopter

    Hi, of course all of us know this helicopter and its story,which later became the EC-120, and early concepts are here;
  15. TsrJoe

    possible/unidentified Westland helicopter projects ? from brochure illustration

    apologies, i know unidentified/unknown type postings are generally annoying, as they don't seem to fit into any main category, here are a few 'possible' Westland? designs for helicopter types ... ref. Napier Gazelle brochure illustration, note lower two 'proposed installation' helicopter designs ...
  16. hesham

    Holbrook Airplane-Helicopter of 1910

    Hi, here is a Arthur Erritt Holbrook Airplane-Helicopter patent of 1910.
  17. hesham

    Vinko Kristan Helicopter of 1920s

    From Krila 5/1983, Mr. Vinko Kristan was a Slovenian,and between 1920 and 1925,he designed and built a helicopter,but it didn't capable to fly well.
  18. hesham

    Various Small Helicopters to ID

    From Krila 1-2/1957, I can't ID this two helicopters,the first was familiar,and they mentioned the world krakov,is that mean Kharkov ?,who can help ?.
  19. hesham

    Phoenix Twin-Rotor Helicopter Project

    Hi, the Phoenix company from UK created anew project in 1916,it was twin-rotor helicopter, intended to use for observation platform.
  20. Jemiba

    F. Cantero Villamil's Viblandi "Libélula" (Dragonfly) helicopters

    The VERTIFLITE January/February 2012 issue featured a special about the spanish helicopter industry, including an article, written by Erasmo Pinero, Jr., about Federico Cantero Villamil. This spanish helicopter pioneer, living from 1874 to 1946, started his work on rotorcraft in the late ‘20s...
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