Search results for query: helicopter

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  1. hesham

    Maitland Bleecker Helicopters ?

    Hi, Mr. Maitland B. Bleecker designed a fourth helicopter Projects before he worked with Curtiss to introduce SX-5,has antone hear about them before ?.
  2. Matej

    Quiet helicopters

    We all know that some devices to make helicopters quiet were developed and some of them tested. I am especially interested in equipment with microphones and loudspeakers, that are creating opposite sound waves to negate rotor and engine noise. Does any information exist about its using on...
  3. Stingray

    Jovanovich coaxial-rotor helicopter

    The only Jovanovich helicopter I'm familiar with is the JOV-3, so this project is completely new to me.
  4. Grey Havoc

    Helicopter crash in Vauxhall, London
  5. hesham

    Nagler / Voljet / Phoenix Helicopters and Projects

    From USA, Nagler helicopters: the NH-120,NH-140 and NH-160 were a single seat light helicopters the Honcho 100 (cold-jet) tip driven single seat helicopter,was developed into Honcho 200, a two seat research helicopter with enclosed cabin,the Honcho 202 was a production version of 200...
  6. hesham

    Brazilian Little Known Helicopter Projects

    Hi, in a report about Brazilian helicopter Projects; Engenharia de Helicópteros no Brasil: Introdução e Histórico, there was an attack helicopter of 1985/87 called CTA Heliat or Heliatic,and a light helicopter called AlphaOne.
  7. hesham

    Helicopters and Autogyros

    Hallo, we can speak about little known helicopters and some post WW2 atogyros from many countries. from france: Aerospatiale X-380 :was a SA-365N with combined composite rotorhub/mast, 5 blade rotor and swept tips. Cantinieau-SNCASO C.100 :open frame single seat helicopter with a...
  8. Triton

    Russian Helicopters

    Is it likely that the Kamov and Mil names and designations will disappear in favor of a common designation for Russian Helicopters?
  9. hesham

    Kellett Helicopters & Autogyros List

    ...aircraft used by the United States Army. The company stopped building autogyros in the late 1940s and switched to the design of helicopters. In the 1950s it built some ultra-light helicopters the RH-1 to test some rotor features and its last design the K-25 was an experimental convertiplane...
  10. TomS

    Modern Mechanix -- Helicopter Cavalry

    So, in 1956, Modern Mechanix had a pretty bonkers article (which MM articles weren't, though?) about "helicopter cavalry" showing a one-man tip-powered rotor ultralight helicopter as a sort of horse replacement for cavalry. The question is, was this based on any actual design concept or was it...
  11. E

    Early helicopter?
  12. hesham

    TAI Advanced Helicopter

  13. U

    Yakovlev "Shutka" helicopter

    Yak-EG (experimental helicopter) or "SH" as Shoutka ("Joke")
  14. hesham

    De Rouge Helicopters

    From TU issue 78, here is a De Rouge Helicopters.
  15. hesham

    Sikorsky S-63 Helicopter

    Hi, the Sikorsky S-63 was developed from S-62,with a single turbine engine as a utility helicopter,only one helicopter was built.
  16. hesham

    Higgins Industries Helicopter & Projects

    Hi, I know that Higgins designed two helicopters,one was EB-1,and the other one was a project for Amphibian helicopter.
  17. hesham

    SOH-1 Hungarian Helicopter

    Hi this helicopter was actually built,and mention in some Ecyclopedia books,the SOH-1 or Samu-Orosz-Hadhazi was a Hungarian Helicopter of 1954,page 128.
  18. hesham

    De Bothezat Helicopters and Projects

    Hi, here is some of De Bothezat helicopters and projects.
  19. P

    British armed helicopters

    I'm looking for JEHU experiments on the arming of helicopters in 50th.
  20. hesham

    Leinweber helicopter

    Hi, the Leinweber helicopter was amazing design,powred by one 110 hp Le Rhone engine.
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