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  • Before: 5 January 2021
  • Users: kitnut617
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  1. K

    Supermarine Spiteful/Seafang technical drawings

    You could but it doesn't, the spar slips in between the two plates you see here that are on either side of the bulkhead. Nearly 60% of a Spiteful fuselage is the same as this Mk.22 fuselage, the bottom half. Diagram comes out of the Morgan/Shacklady book, it's a Supermarine diagram.
  2. K

    Supermarine Spiteful/Seafang technical drawings

    The underside comparison is not a very good example to use, you have no idea if it was taken directly under the camera. If the aircraft was slightly behind the camera ship, that is exactly what you would see. Have a look at the underside view in the second photo, and it's slightly different to...
  3. K

    Supermarine Spiteful/Seafang technical drawings

    I accept that, but it's not like actual photos is it
  4. K

    Supermarine Spiteful/Seafang technical drawings

    I would suggest that 166 is a concept drawing, it doesn't show the trailing edge kink that 167 shows and photographs of the real thing all show it.
  5. K

    Supermarine Spiteful/Seafang technical drawings

    Are you referring to the drawings in the post just above your comments, I printed one off and then checked it with the 3-views in the Morgan/Shacklady book, they pretty well match --- The only thing I would comment on is the Spiteful/Seafang didn't have the massive Spitfire type wing root...
  6. K

    C-1 QSTOL

    Or the Boeing YC-14
  7. K

    Float Plane Fantasies

    I have a thing about floatplanes too, I call it an Avro Nottingham, it's 1/72 scale
  8. K


    Does anyone know when the next flight will happen ?
  9. K

    Boeing F-15EX/QA and related variants

    According to Boeing's website on the F-15, maximum 'weapons' payload is 29,500 lb. Seven 2000lbers is only 14,000 lb
  10. K

    RAF A330MRTT Voyager tankers

    As I wrote above, I've seen the whole fleet at one time or another, sometimes four would rotate over a couple of weeks bringing and returning troops from Suffield. I never saw an all white one though, even the half painted one (the first of the fleet) was grey although it had no markings other...
  11. K

    RAF A330MRTT Voyager tankers

    Thanks, and you're right, a couple of them didn't have them.
  12. K

    RAF A330MRTT Voyager tankers

    During my time at YYC (Calgary International), I got to see every one of the Voyagers that the RAF uses. Most of them had lots of lumps & bumps on them, like this below. Any idea what they do ?
  13. K

    RAF A330MRTT Voyager tankers

    RAAF already use them don't they
  14. K


    Isn't this a bit like putting the cart before the horse --- I mean, Stratolaunch has only flown once. I'd have thought a few more flights were needed just to make sure the first one wasn't a fluke --- they did have some problems landing it ---
  15. K

    Bristol Brabazon

    The Bristol Brabazon was always a tractor propeller aircraft, even with the eight Centaurus engines. Those pics in post #8 show the Mk.I. In the book that I have (Brabazon, The World's First Jumbo Airliner by Robert Wall; ISBN 1-900178-47-8) it shows photos that the Mk.II never got to the stage...
  16. K

    F-35B missile launch envelope

    Not quite the same scenario is it, where's the cold air jet blast right in front of the two examples you speak off --
  17. K

    F-35B missile launch envelope

    I would say, with 20000 lb odd of thrust blasting down just in front of the weapons bay, firing a missile would be problematic -----
  18. K

    Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter (JSF)

    Thanks for showing what was in the article Bhurki, but to clarify, when I try to open it, it says I need to subscribe
  19. K

    Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter (JSF)

    Pay-walled unfortunately ---
  20. K

    Boeing 747

    Glad I had the opportunity to fly in one, CP Air in March 1980, the day I emigrated to Canada.
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