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  • Before: 5 January 2021
  • Users: kitnut617
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  1. K

    de Havilland Mosquito - Unbuilt Versions and Variants

    Some actual drawings have been discovered of the Jet Mosquito only a few years ago, along with drawings of the DH.101 and DH.102. They have been left in the care of Tony Butler. I've got a copy of the DH.101 drawings which Tony gave to me while I was figuring out the actually size of it. An...
  2. K

    Information and questions about the MV-22 / CV-22 Osprey

    It's the trash-hauler variant, does it matter ---
  3. K

    Boeing 737 MAX family NEWS ONLY

    Well, it did go down a steep slope that was at the end of the runway. At Calgary International, the end of Runway 11 is just like it and I've always sort of wondered what could happen (I worked there for four years out on the airfield)
  4. K

    SpaceX (general discussion)

    Being a steel fabricator/welder by trade myself, my thoughts are as soon as they get the manufacturing and welding under cover, the weld results will improve dramatically. Being out in the open is not good practice in my view, especially when you're dealing with these high pressure scenarios.
  5. K

    Wuhan Virus

    That map is a little misleading, at a quick glance it would suggest the whole of USA and Canada are infected. But News reports here in Canada have said two people in Toronto have been confirmed as infected. Not sure how many in the USA are though.
  6. K

    NAVAIR Details Changes in Navy V-22 Osprey Variant

    Some weeks ago I think --- around Dec 19th 2019
  7. K

    Ukraine International Airlines flight PS752 Crash

    I read a news report that several airliners had flown out of the airport before this flight did. I can't remember if that was one above or one of the news channels.
  8. K

    A little something that fits a winter day

    Um, you can see at least three of the double podded engines --- plus the familiar triangle shaped u/c door --
  9. K

    Ukraine International Airlines flight PS752 Crash

    It was fortunate that there was some individual outside at the time, with their camera pointed in the right direction, videoing the night time sky ------- ;)
  10. K

    Sukhoi S-70 Okhotnik UAV revealed

    And my first previous comment way up the thread, why has it been revealed ?
  11. K

    Sukhoi S-70 Okhotnik UAV revealed

    Not sure what historical perspective there is, I've seen photos of full size aircraft stuck on a pole for radar measurements, but your testing range is only so far and limited to whatever height the subject has been elevated don't you think. I just thought having a flying example coming in at...
  12. K

    Lancaster High Speed Mail Plane (pre Lancastrian?)

    I agree with you Schneiderman, and until today, I hadn't seen that profile before either.
  13. K

    Sukhoi S-70 Okhotnik UAV revealed

    Well I did think that was how it was done, but trying to detect a shape like that at very long range and at the operational flight levels (also speculated), would require a flying model I would think. And detect it as soon as possible ----
  14. K

    Tesla Cybertruck

    And just look at the 'tug-of-war' video posted above, when I first read the title I thought they had miss-identified the Ford truck --- (they have a smaller one)
  15. K

    Lancaster High Speed Mail Plane (pre Lancastrian?)

    Yeah, right, so it was ---- but the Tudor's fuselage was 10'-0" in diameter, the 35mm that just imagine has worked out is 8'-0" in 1/72 scale. Same as the York which was also designed at the same time ;)
  16. K

    Tesla Cybertruck

    Considering the Cyber Truck is as big as a Humvee, I wouldn't have thought Europe was the market target ---
  17. K

    Lancaster High Speed Mail Plane (pre Lancastrian?)

    Well, keep in mind Avro bomber aircraft of the time (and the York), all had rectangular cross section fuselages, the much later Tudor being the first with a round fuselage.
  18. K

    Sukhoi S-70 Okhotnik UAV revealed

    Nope, I had problems opening it so I don't trust it. Whole functioning airframes have been used before, right ? And everyone is only speculating that it is a strike drone, right ? It's what everyone wants to believe
  19. K

    Sukhoi S-70 Okhotnik UAV revealed

    A Russian plastic model kit company called Arma Hobby has just released a 1/72 kit of this ""secret"" aircraft in it's prototype form (like in the first photos posted in this thread) . I'd post a link but it's all in Russian so I won't. I know everyone is calling it a strike drone, but what if...
  20. K

    Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter (JSF)

    So if reading what has been said about the few F-35's (any variant) that are flying, and what a "game changer" they are when flying with other aircraft types, what would 330 of them do ----
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