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  • Before: 5 January 2021
  • Users: kitnut617
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  1. K

    Hughes H-4 Hercules

    That drawing of the H-4 on the handling trolley will be very useful --- thanks for posting that. When I was at the museum I had quite a long chat with one of the curators, and this was what some of my questions were about.
  2. K

    Hughes H-4 Hercules

    I visited the museum in 2012, it's an absolutely awesome aircraft.
  3. K

    Mosquito with a 32-Pounder

    I have the Faber & Faber issue, but I can't find that reference in it. Which chapter would it come under ?
  4. K

    Straight-wing F-86 Prototype

    And me too, then I could compare how close I got to your interpretation when I built my model. Then I could have an XP-86 to go with all my other prototype aircraft models.
  5. K

    Northrop Grumman B-21 Raider (LRS-B)

    From what I've read, there's not very much difference, 43,000 B777, up to 50,000 B-2 and B-2's have turbofans --- RB-57F over 60,000 --- it's not like turbofans can't work at these heights
  6. K

    Northrop Grumman B-21 Raider (LRS-B)

    I'm perfectly aware of why a high bypass isn't used on a B-52, but it could be masked if installed internally in an airframe like a B-2 has. A pair of LEAP-1B could fit in a B-2 easily.
  7. K

    Northrop Grumman B-21 Raider (LRS-B)

    I just see a lot of the members here who are just like me, all opinionating about subjects which are on the highly secret list (or should be) and not in the business of aircraft manufacturing. Are you involved with the B-21 program then? I can remember all the talk about the F-117 and the B-2...
  8. K

    Avro Atlantic

    Well, by the time Avro would've got around to the Atlantic, the Vulcan was already using the small leading edge extensions, which is why I'm building my model with them (see photos further back in the thread Reply #49)
  9. K

    Northrop Grumman B-21 Raider (LRS-B)

    Of course, all this arguing is assuming the B-21 is smaller than the B-2. All we've had so far, is armchair experts saying that it is. If I was in charge of security for the project, what better way for a cover is to go along with it, even to the extent of 'leaking' a couple of dubious images...
  10. K

    Avro Atlantic

    Thanks Zeb
  11. K

    Avro Atlantic

    Is that this one
  12. K

    Avro Atlantic

    When I had contacted Mike Meehan (who was on the team that produced the brochure [he drew some of the pictures]), he told me that the Atlantic would have got whatever the Vulcan ended up with for the wings, the idea being to utilize as much between the two aircraft as possible. Keep in mind the...
  13. K

    SpaceX (general discussion)

    That's a good use of old Sea-Cans
  14. K

    SpaceX (general discussion)

    Thanks for the explanation Tom.
  15. K

    SpaceX (general discussion)

    I was reading just a day or so ago, that polar launches were going to go from --- Alaska ?
  16. K

    SpaceX (general discussion)

    When the rockets are launched, they go east don't they ? why would they be going south ?
  17. K

    Tesla Cybertruck

    Hmm, It seems the Ontario Provincial Police are interested ---
  18. K

    SpaceX (general discussion)

    I wouldn't say that was a target price, the Russians at the time were the only way to get to ISS, I think they were just taking advantage of the situation.
  19. K

    Rolls-Royce Crecy engine which was to be installed in Spitfire

    It was for a 'sprint' fighter, I don't remember the book saying specifically for a Spitfire, but then it's been a while since I read my copy. The Crecy was projected to put out nearly 5000 hp if that answers your other question. But none of the six engines tested ever got that high.
  20. K

    RAF A330MRTT Voyager tankers

    During my time working at YYC (Calgary International), I got to see all of the Voyagers that the RAF uses, even the one that was half painted/half markings. Sometimes they were parked almost right on top of where I was for that day.
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