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  • Before: 5 January 2021
  • Users: kitnut617
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  1. K

    De Havilland DH.123

    A few issues ago, Air-Britain's Aviation World had an article on this aircraft, IIRC about two years ago. These magazines are quarterly issued. The aircraft is more like a Dash-8 than a F-27
  2. K

    Can you identify this plane?

    When I subscribed to Kit Plane, a magazine for home-build builders of real aircraft, Barnaby Wainfan was the resident aero engineer for the magazine. He had a series of articles showing how he went about building his Facetmobile (IIRC it was in the 90's). This happened after a lot of discussion...
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    USS Bonhomme Richard

    While working as a security escort for contractors while the reconstruction of YYC* was going on while it was still in operation (*Calgary International and for nearly ten years), the fire alarm sound were disabled in the control room around the construction areas, mostly because just dust would...
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    USS Bonhomme Richard

    Following all the comments here, the ship sounds like a write-off. I'm wondering why they just didn't tow it to a deep part of the harbor and scuttle it. It would have been cheaper to raise it afterwards ---
  5. K

    RAF Boeing Washington B.1 (B-29) with Grand Slam bombs

    Thanks Ewen, my Dad served in 617 sqn from 1944 to 46, he was interested into anything related like that but I don't remember him mentioning anything about the Tallboy Small so I was very interested in it. I'll keep an eye out for that book too. What I have read about the Grand Slam it was...
  6. K

    RAF Boeing Washington B.1 (B-29) with Grand Slam bombs

    Thanks for posting that EwenS, I was going to say that's more of a comparison between a Tallboy and T12. Would you know if there was any plans to put Tallboy Small into service ?
  7. K

    Westland Whirlwind Variants and Projects

    Some years ago, there was an article in Air-Britain's AeroMilitaria magazine (sorry, can't remember the issue #), it was about the Whirlwind and Welkin. It says that before the Welkin got it's name, it was referred to as the Merlin Development Whirlwind.
  8. K

    Supermarine Type 391 "Super Seafang"

    Schneiderman --- that's a fantastic comparison, thanks for posting it. Just a comment though, I've just built a model Wyvern TF.1 so I've a good idea how the exhaust is, but don't you think that the exhaust line is a bit close to the radiator inlets on the Type 391? It's barely above the upper...
  9. K

    Supermarine Type 391 "Super Seafang"

    That's very good Justo --- One of the things I've wondered about, is where does the exhaust exit, would you have any info on that ?
  10. K

    RAF A330MRTT Voyager tankers

    Maybe Boris got inspiration after seeing this
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    C-17B Globemaster

    That would make it the same diameter as an A400M Tom, was it intended to compete with it ---
  12. K

    Northrop XB/YB-35, YB-49 and YRB-49

    To add to the above post by sferrin, this is a comparison pic of the T-12 and a Grand Slam and Tallboy in 1/72 scale. I got the dimensions for the T-12 from a website which now seems to have been discontinued.
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    Lockheed Martin F-117 Nighthawk

    Not too long ago, there were some photos posted on SPF of these F-117 flying in one of the recent exercises
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    Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter (JSF)

    Is there another report, I didn't read anything in that article that said that's what happened.
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    Westland Wyvern - Development and Projects

    Interestingly, I'm just finishing building a model of the P10 concept, as if it was the chosen one --
  16. K

    Mirage IV with Tyne engines!

    Hmm, I've got a Mirage IV and an A310 in 1/72 (not hard to make into an A330), and I've got a bunch of Tyne nacelles ready for something ---- it's buildable ---- Plus I've already practiced on one push-pull project
  17. K

    Mirage IV with Tyne engines!

    Now that looks interesting Chris --- Does the Airbus retrieve it too ?
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    Shorts Jet Belfast

    You be better comparing it to an A400M
  19. K

    Mirage IV with Tyne engines!

    I think it's going to need some really gangly undercarriage, sort of like a B-58's
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