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  1. K

    Lancaster high performance derivatives

    The resin conversion I have to build a model of that Wellington, the pressure chamber measures to 5'-0" diameter. I can't imagine flying any long range mission in one. The Avro 684 was slightly bigger in diameter at 6'-0" and almost twice as long. Still pretty cramped conditions. The B-29 on the...
  2. K

    Bell V-280 Valor

    That was my thoughts too, I had always thought the V-280 was a proof-of-concept demonstrator and now it's done it's final flight test that's what it seems to be. Mind you, it does open up a possible commercial line of tilt-rotor transports doesn't it ---
  3. K

    Bell V-280 Valor

    Couldn't the wing/engine/proprotor combination just be transferred to the V-22 ?
  4. K

    Vickers Windsor

    Yes, but they're closer to the nacelles that the Lancaster Mk.VI used.
  5. K

    Vickers Windsor

    Clyde powered sounds interesting --- now I know what to do with my 1/72 Sanger vacuform --- thanks !
  6. K

    Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter (JSF)

    It didn't exactly "shoot" it down, more like just ran it over ----
  7. K

    What happened to Tapatalk?

    Almost as soon as The Airfix Tribute Forum switched to it, I just stopped going there, I really detest the whole format. I've since been told by someone who ran it on a forum for a while, it is very hard to get rid of if you switch to something else again.
  8. K

    RCAF Airbus CC-150 Polaris Replacement Program

    I've just been shown a tweet by a friend, where it states that there's only one supplier for the CC-150 replacement, Airbus. With their A330 MRTT as the front runner. Steve Trimble on Twitter: "Canada has selected only one qualified supplier for the CC-150 tanker replacement. The Airbus A330...
  9. K

    RCAF Airbus CC-150 Polaris Replacement Program

    Yes, that's the 'official' line anyway. However, whenever Air Canada gets itself into trouble, the government always bails them out --- It doesn't happen to other Canadian airlines though ---
  10. K

    RCAF Airbus CC-150 Polaris Replacement Program

    You could say that the government owns the aircraft anyway, as they put up the money to get them (I should say they put up taxpayers money) While I was at YYC (Calgary International) a couple of years ago, Air Canada was in the process of getting 787's
  11. K

    RCAF Airbus CC-150 Polaris Replacement Program

    Considering the CC-137 and the CC-150's were ex-airline aircraft and converted, I can see the government taking over some of Air Canada's A330's
  12. K

    Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter (JSF)

    Isn't that what SPEAR3 is for too Greg ?
  13. K

    Westland aircraft projects

    The left picture also appeared in Aircraft of the Fighting Powers, Vol VI. It's not in any of the other volumes though. The right picture is a Hawker P.1030. EDIT: Looking through my volumes of AotFP, the Welkin is described in Vol VI too, the usual format of information and photos plus 1/72...
  14. K

    Lego Space Shuttle Discovery with Hubble

    My son who's a Legonut (and has the Saturn V on his shelf), tells me the shuttle is in 1/70 scale. The Saturn V is 1/110 scale which I think is what the ISS is. Correction, a quick check and the ISS is 1/42,5 scale ( What is said in one article) but in another it said it's 1/225 scale
  15. K

    Space hotel

    IMHO, I think they're jumping the gun ---- there is ISS at the moment but what is needed now is something bigger, and orbiting about midway between here and the moon. Let this be the way to something such as hotels ---
  16. K

    Armstrong Whitworth AW.681 / HS.681

    A few years ago I had to design some mine/oil field equipment that was to be transported by civvie C-130's. I was told that the absolute maximum width I could have was 10'-0". even 1/8" wider would mean the company would have to wait till winter and then transport it up the Ice Road.
  17. K

    Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter (JSF)

    There's also the sticky point of other nations buying into project, who only did so because the cost per unit was going to be 'X' amount if 'Y' quantity of F-35's were produced. If the USA suddenly decide to reduce the quantity they are going to buy, the costs per unit will jump back up and then...
  18. K

    Enquiry into Rolls royce jet engine

    Try a search using RB410, Rolls Royce designation for the M45
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