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  1. K

    Hughes H-4 Hercules

    Is that a recent video ? I see you can't go inside it anymore ---
  2. K

    Hughes H-4 Hercules

    When you enter the museum from the foyer, this is what greets you (first pic) and a view from the cabin entrance door looking aft
  3. K

    Hughes H-4 Hercules

    While chatting with a curator at the Aerospace Museum in McMinnville Oregon (where the HK-1 is now), he told me in that flight it very nearly ended up with a different result. He said the tail almost ripped itself off and Hughes was fortunate to get it down when he did. Afterwards they...
  4. K

    Straight-wing F-86 Prototype

    Agreed -- the canopy is very close to the XP-51F,G & J canopy. Which in turn is very similar to the FJ-1 canopy. When I build my three XP-51's I'll used the FJ-1 canopy for them.
  5. K

    Hughes H-4 Hercules

    Jack Northrop did offer his T37 to Hughes ---
  6. K

    Straight-wing F-86 Prototype

    The photo of the mock-up shows the XP-86 was built nothing like an FJ-1, two completely different airframes. For example, the wing for the XP-86 was built all in one (which you can see in the mock-up photo), the FJ-1 wings were separate and bolted to the sides of the fuselage.
  7. K

    Straight-wing F-86 Prototype

    The only thing close to a P-51 was the wing, more specifically it was practically a dead ringer to the P-51H wing, except for where the main gear were mounted. The fin/rudder were more like a F-82's in size. The tail plane was huge compared to the P-51's In this photo, I had stacked the P-51D...
  8. K

    Straight-wing F-86 Prototype

    In Squadron/Signal's F-86 Sabre Walk Around, No. 21, on page 3, is two side views of the XP-86. But in this issue the straight wing XP-86 is different and more like an F-86 fuselage. Just above the side views is a photo of the mock-up shown elsewhere in this thread. The caption says it's the...
  9. K

    Hawker Tempest III drawing wanted

    An answer to an enquiry I had made to Chris Thomas who was the Typhoon, Tempest & Fury Specialist at Air-Britain, was the Mk.III looked similar to a Mk.V but the radiator housing was slimmer. Sometime later I was given a bunch of 'The Aeroplane' bookazines by my Dad and in the 1948 issue there...
  10. K

    SpaceX (general discussion)

    That's a seriously impressive photo ----
  11. K

    SpaceX (general discussion)

    The problem with that is that certified stainless steel welders are not dime a dozen --- and certified SS welders welding in every position other than welded down-hand (lying flat on the table) are even scarcer ---
  12. K

    Lockheed Martin F-117 Nighthawk

    They'd be hard to miss-identify too, they're completely different aircraft shapes --
  13. K

    Boulton Paul Defiant

    In one of the books I have on the Spitfire, there's a diagram showing the different gun arrangements along with the firing rate, eg, eight .303's, two 20mm's and four .303's, two 20mm's and two .5's, four 20mm's. The firing rate wasn't expressed in volume, it was shown in 'weight per pound' of...
  14. K

    Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter (JSF)

    I'm surprised it hasn't already been done !
  15. K

    SpaceX (general discussion)

    Yes they have, but those 27 were in groups of nine right? not altogether under one booster --- Edits: OOPS jeffb beat me to it ---
  16. K

    Boulton Paul Defiant

    That was pretty much the same in the first Bristol Beaufighter night fighters for the radar operator, he had to go forward and change the magazines on 'four' Hispanos, all the time the pilot was trying to stay in visual contact with the target and weaving all over the place. The book called...
  17. K

    Amazon continues world takeover by paying people well

    A number of Canadian provinces have C$15 or more as minimum wage. The Feds are pushing for it nationally -- Most part time workers are on minimum wage ;)
  18. K

    Media, paywalls and obscurity, Youtube issues

    Same here as above, yesterday I was able to see and view video links, today --gone --
  19. K

    Virgin Galactic's orbital plans

    The two operations are at the same location aren't they ?
  20. K

    Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter (JSF)

    My sister moved to Switzerland back in the 70's. Her husband and son both do/did military service, they had to do it 3 months of every year. But all of them that do military service are on standby when they're not actually at the barracks, with their weapons at home ----
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