Search results for query: Orion

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  1. flateric

    a Sovjet nuclear puls engine ?

    Well, PK-5000 just could be a schematics invented by dumb magazine illustrator. Anyway, I agree that GA Orion was million light years ahead of this in terms of engineering development. BTW, was Orion publicly known in 1962?
  2. sat_dxer

    Lockheed P-3 Orion

    See also #151391 on page 184 of The Age of Orion-P3
  3. B

    IL Aerospace Technologies suborbital RLV

    You're right. That's what I get for posting so late at night. Or so early. Or so addled. Or something.
  4. archipeppe

    Commercial Crew Development (CCDev) initiative

    Agree, even worste this is a try to revive Orion infact is called "Orion-lite"......
  5. D

    Project Orion / Project Daedalus

    And the details of a nuclear pulse unit bomb Could you imagine an Orion spaceship functioning in the high terrestrial atmosphere (above 50-60 km?) ; at the time of the prevention of atmospheric nuclear explosions (1962)!
  6. D

    Project Orion / Project Daedalus

    Have only in French from wikipedia
  7. Michel Van

    Military Orions (nuclear pulse propulsion)

    No that USAF Orion Orbital Platform (4000 tons) makes a retaliatory strike on USSR from book "Project Orion" by George Dyson
  8. B

    Argentinian Unbuilt Projects

    The Orion research rocket
  9. XP67_Moonbat

    Tremulis spaceplane

    Outstanding! Good work, Orion.
  10. A

    Project Orion / Project Daedalus

    Seconded. Most fascinating part is near the end, 1963-65. When Dyson and Ted Taylor try to gets Orion rescued by NASA only to be rebuked by Milton Klein and Harold Finger pushing their own nuclear space engine: NERVA. At this moment they "shrink" Orion to 10 m diameter so that it fits the...
  11. Michel Van

    The silliest unbuilt project

    A Nuclear power Mach 3 ramjet that drop 26 H-bombs is overkill in any way and i would not voluntier to fly on Nuclear explosion powert Orion...
  12. sublight_

    USAF FOIA Reading Room

    Nuclear Pulse Propulsion (Project ORION). Experimental Structural Response_Kirtland AFB Nuclear Pulse Propulsion (Project ORION). Engineering Experimental Tests_Kirtland AFB Released 12/21/2017
  13. Grey Havoc

    NASA Space Launch System (SLS)

    Arstechnica article on it:
  14. Antonio

    Astrorocket, Saturn-derived & Apollo documents +sale

    Robunos, Do you have G. Dyson's "Project Orion" book. Do you recommend it?. I'm interested on knowing more about that project and was considering to order it from amazon. Are the Battleship Orion versions described on that book?. Thanks in advance, Antonio
  15. Orionblamblam

    Astrorocket, Saturn-derived & Apollo documents +sale

    I should point out, though, that I am attempting to try to re-create it based on conversations with actual Orioneers.
  16. Michel Van

    100 pages

    this USAF Orion frighten me
  17. N

    Artemis Moon Program

    The Apollo CM was also unstable below M2 so it used its' RCS thrusters to keep it stable till the drogue-parachutes deployed, it would be the same thing for the Orion CM.
  18. Michel Van

    Where could we launch Orion? Hypothetical launch sites for Nuclear Pulse Propulsion Spacecraft.

    There were several proposal One was the "Jackass Flats" as Launch site for a ground Start Orion. Other was to launch from platform in middle of Pacific. Later they switch to lofter concept were Rocket stage carry the Orion 80 km hight were the engine start up. Here Kennedy Space Center and...
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