Search results for query: Friedrich Georg

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  1. athpilot

    German Mistel & Piggy-Back Projects & Prototypes

    You´re wrong. No questioning can make this „Hs 315 A“ become a reality. And btw. everybody can raise questions. This author uses the method of questioning mostly as a method of persuasation (or maybe propaganda). This method is called derailing: in case you have not the (historical) sources you...
  2. Lauge

    German Special Air-Air Anti-Bomber Weapons

    ...archives, classified as "secret" ". I would have to urge caution here. I have seen too many "researchers" (I name no names, but Friedrich Georg would be one of them ;)) latch on to some obscure rumour, then look for facts and documentation to support it. When they can't find any, guess which...
  3. J

    Manned V2/A4, A9/A10

    Hello Scott, I am happy to hear from you again. My sources are of two types: there is bibliography that I can mention, as I still have the books, and a number of photocopied works which source is unknown to me. The bibliography I have is as follows: - “The birth of the missile” by Otto Merk...
  4. Orionblamblam

    German Atomic Bombs in WW2

    I may be wrong or seeing a skewed sample size, but a lot of the fanciful "Nazi Wunderwaffen" fiction seems to come from *east* of Germany, from the former Warsaw Pact areas. I have my own hare-brained hypothesis on why this is: during WWII, Germany managed to overrun vast regions and kill...
  5. T

    Early German Projects & Prototypes

    The next series... Pages 31 - 33 Günter Pegelow, Bork bei Berlin Momonplane with 12 hp Anzani, built by Rumpler in 1910. Open bamboo fuselage. Unable to fly. Oskar E. Peter, Ingenieur, Berlin Airplane with Hilz engine. 1915. No flights known. Phoenix-Fliegerwerke, Chemnitz After building a...
  6. boxkite

    German Atomic Bombs in WW2

    ...Please read all these articles and books with the utmost caution! Use your brain! PS.: To give you a nice example how ‘authors’ like Friedrich Georg ‘create’ aviation history, the attached picture is one from his Siegeswaffen volumes. It shows one of Georg’s models – a Mistel formed by a...
  7. Jemiba

    Recommended for members with a liability to German WW II projects

    ...have a look at older topics, because some answers may be found there, without risking raised eyebrows, because of "NO, no Greyfalcon/Friedrich Georg ... stuff again !" Here are some topics, that may be suitable for having a look at other themes, that included discussions about credibility...
  8. athpilot

    BMW Flugelrad III: Opinion on Aeronautics what do we make out of that?
  9. T

    Roter Rhein , Krasnyy Reyn - What If The Axis Members Called It Quits In Early 1943?

    I will do the Italian Army section of this timeline as soon as I can, it turned out more difficult than I expected. This is gonna be a more a "history book" style part since as of now I am unable to move the story forward with "Kolya". Except the long tricolor banners and the photos, I made the...
  10. Orionblamblam

    "Cold War American Spacecraft Projects and the “Paperclip” connection."

    Forum member Dave Stern seems to be having some computer troubles, and asked me to post this for him:
  11. ArmchairSamurai

    BMW Flugelrad III: Opinion on Aeronautics

    I figure Justo Miranda is trying to prove something along the lines of "there is more to this than you think". I did say in my original post "fake (until proven otherwise)" and this is his attempt at setting the record straight, by the mere suggestion of a deeper mystery. That is my...
  12. Tzoli

    KuK Kriegsmarine Capital Ship Projects

    Now I continue the KuK Battleship projects with the development of the Empire's first Dreadnought battleship and the first capital ship to be commissioned with triple turrets, preceeding both the Italian Dante Alighieri and the Russian Sevastopol classes The first design leading to the Viribus...
  13. J

    Flying Saucer Technology

    German Flying Saucers Bibliography ‘Die Realität der Flugscheiben’ by Andreas Epp, Michaels Vertrieb editor, 2002. ‘Flugscheiben-Realität oder Mythos: Gespräche mit dem Flugscheiben-Erfinder’, by Andreas Epp, Michaels Vertrieb editor, 2005. ‘Die deutschen Waffen und Geheimwaffen des 2...
  14. Tzoli

    The Development of the Admiral Class Battlecruisers

    I've not long ago finished my drawings about the development and various preliminary studies of the Admiral or Hood class Battlecruisers, and now I share it here as well. So let's start with the six preliminary proposals: Official documents:
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