Search results for query: Hypersonic

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  1. D

    Hypersonic Laugh Link? If you can understand and explain the physics involved without violating any fundamental law of thermo, the next round is on me.
  2. hesham

    Hypothetical Hypersonic of 1959

    Hi, here is a hypothetical hypersonic Project of 1959,but very familiar ?.
  3. RP1

    Hypersonics: APD.1019E6

    Mach 5 STOL turborocket demonstrator, described in BSP4. RP1
  4. D - Hypersonic Flight Program Presentations

    Not sure if this has been included in any previous posts to Hypersonics info on the NIA site: U.S. Hypersonic Flight Test Programs X-51 (USAF/P&W/Boeing) presented by Captain Joseph...
  5. D

    Hypersonics - Interview with Mark Lewis

    An interview with Mark Lewis: Mark Lewis on Hypersonics: Taking a Logical Path - 3-16-2010 The Evolution of Hypersonics and Its Impact on the Future of Warfare, Part I - 2-24-2011 Hypersonics and the Future of Warfare (II): -...
  6. Tuomasn

    McDonnell Douglas hypersonic designs

    Size comparison of various McDonnell Douglas hypersonic aircraft designs: - (F-4E Phantom II for scale) - Model 192 ISINGLASS Mach 20 boost-glide reconnaissance aircraft variant from circa 1966 - Mach 6 GIUK Gap Interceptor circa 1971 - MD-2001 "Orient Express" Mach 4.5 hypersonic passenger...
  7. Flyaway

    Boeing Unveils Hypersonic Airliner Concept This is more easily accessible article on the hypersonic airliner from Boeing than the AW one. It also has some different quotage...
  8. Forest Green

    Russian hypersonic scientists trials
  9. S

    Russian Hypersonic efforts

    There has been a lot media coverage about Chinese and US Hypersonic programs, but recently it has emerged that Russia has a hypersonic program of its own = no surprise to anyone who has been following Russian weapons development, so I like to dedicate this thread to all Russian Hypersonic...
  10. A

    Saab Hypersonic Detection Mode naval radar

    Weak signal. Hypersonic weapons going mainstream? A.
  11. bobbymike

    Venus Aerospace Hypersonic Plane Concept
  12. hesham

    US Hypersonic Project to ID

    From L+K 10/1987, I can't ID this US Hypersonic Project ?.
  13. Forest Green

    Hypersonic Propulsion News and Developments :rolleyes: New DOD-funded project will develop morphing hypersonic engine Illustration of scramjet hypersonic propulsion engine design by UCF, which will be used to investigate the flow conditions and the...
  14. hesham

    ONERA-MBDA France LEA Hypersonic Vehicle

  15. hesham

    Lockheed Hydrogen-Fueled Hypersonic aircraft

    Hi, an artist picture to the Lockheed hydrogen-fueled hypersonic aircraft.
  16. bobbymike

    Australian Hypersonics
  17. hesham

    AFRL reveals Astrox designs for future hypersonic vehicles

  18. M

    European hypersonic projects

    There seems to be a pick up in the work happening around here so I think it deserves its own thread at this stage .
  19. K

    2018 Chinese test Balloon dropped hypersonic missiles

    2018 tests for Balloon launched Hypersonics. The Black one (D18-2s) features an unusual Cantilevered wing. Could be relevant to Chinese data Balloon overflight of USA. 3-4 hypersonics on the vehicle.
  20. hesham

    What is this Hypersonic Passenger Aircraft

    Hi, who can ID this Hypersonic Passenger Aircraft ?.
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