Mr. Schertel designed a SS 1,it was a single seat motorglider,no picture
I have for it.
Freiherr von Schertel designed a sailplane with changeable profil . Fitted with a full 5 hp ILO engine , it participated at the 1924 "Rhön Leichtflugzeug Wettbewerb" It was built at the Albatros-Werke (Berlin)
(Source : Bruno Lange and Flugsport 1924/14)



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Many thanks my dear Richard,

and about Mr. Ferdinand Schulz,he designed FS 1,FS.2,FS.3 & FS.10 gliders,
what was the rest,FS 4 to FS 9 ?.

The Schulz FS 10 (the "Königin Luise" was the FS 9)

From "Sport-und Reiseflugzeuge" by Brinkmann, von Gersdorff, and Schwipps at the Bernard&Gräfe Verlag :

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Papenmeyer designed the P.1 for Hubertus Graf von Reventlow-Criminil.
Graf von Reventlow , after having got his pilot licence in April 1931 , bought on the 7th May 1931 the Sausewind IV D-1414 . He crashed on the 14th of the same month . The pilot was not injured , but the D-1414 was totally destroyed ...

Page 19 : https://adl-luftfahrthistorik.de/dok/baeumer-aero-b-ii-und-b-iv-sausewind-sportflugzeug.pdf

Source Bruno Lange : "He ordered the Papenmeyer P.1 for the 1932 Europa-Rundflug . Probably never finished"
Mr Corvin Huber plans to make a new modern Sausewind ... His father worked with Walter Günter in the sixties at Heinkel !

From Bruno Lange bible : Schwarzwald-Flugzeugbau , Donaueschingen : Built sailplanes (not own design) , parts for Ju 87 etc...
For Vagel-Grip Flugzeugbau,

it designed SP 3 and SP 5 Greif a civil triplanes,developed from
military aircraft,what was HSS 1,and if he had anther designs or
a Projects ?.



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For Vagel-Grip Flugzeugbau,

it designed SP 3 and SP 5 Greif a civil triplanes,developed from
military aircraft,what was HSS 1,and if he had anther designs or
a Projects ?.
Vagel-Grip HSS 1 alias Sellhorn HSS 1 (D-541) was only a replica of an Albatros B II
Thank you my dear Richard,

and for Theodor Wank,he designed a biplane followed by a W 3,a parasol
wing monoplane,but what was W 1 & W 2 ?.



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From, unbekannte-voegel-eindecker-und-doppeldecker-aus-den-1920er-jahren-deutschland,

Unknown birds over German lands
by Günter Frost (ADL)

During the decades in which the ADL was concerned with researching German aviation history, a whole series of photographs accumulated that could not previously be assigned to any aircraft type. The machines that were photographed were (almost) exclusively one-offs that were either self-made or came from a smaller manufacturing company. Even if they were mostly not about pioneering inventions or technical innovations, these UFOs - "unknown flight objects" - belong to the history of German aviation technology and should be saved from being forgotten.
In this article, a selection of photos of previously unidentified aircraft types from the 1920s and 1930s is presented in order to make the images available to as large a group of aviation enthusiasts as possible. Of course, we combine this with the hope that one or the other reader may be able to provide useful information on individual photos. This includes not only direct information about the respective aircraft type and its builder, but also background information such as information on the place or time of the photo in question and, if necessary, also about people who are photographed in the pictures.
In the interest of aviation history documentation, we ask for relevant information to us, the easiest way to do this by email. In contrast to print media, new findings can be taken into account on the Internet at any time and published promptly. We will report on the results in any case.
Since no meaningful sorting was possible due to a lack of information, the order of the following photos was more or less a coincidence.


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From, Special Types of Rotary Wing Aircraft,

here is a helicopter concept of 1921,designed by Mr. Hanschke ?.


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This design was shown in "Der deutsche Sportflieger" 1936 in an article by Adolf Piskorsch (Odrsch bei Troppau) about the "Schwingenflieger"
Troppau was in the "Sudetenland" a country of Czechoslovakia , where the people spoke German .

The sketch shows a proposal of 1934 for a man powered aircraft with "rotating and pulsating" wing ends .

Here two more proposal by PISKORSCH : (source "Flugwesen" 1 and 5 1934) (Flugwesen was published by the "Verbande Deutscher Flieger in der Tschechoslowakischen Republic")

From, Special Types of Rotary Wing Aircraft,

a more info.


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"- An amphibious… without a lander or floats (Project by Dr Merkel)"
Reminds me of the Convair Skate, at least with regards to water landings/take-offs
Via dear Burunduk,

and from Техника-Молодёжи № 2 1934,also from Flying Wing by Rudolf Storck;

here is a Romer flying wing transport Project of 1934.


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the Ahrens & Schulz L 1 "Blauer Heinrich" was a two seat trainer and powered by one
Anzani 50 hp 3-cylinders,and L 2 was a rebuilt LVG B III.



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What was this,Oskar Dipfel ?.

Oskar Dimpfel was a German aerial stunt acrobat, not an airplane designer. He was killed while trying a new trick, to climb a rope ladder from one aircraft to another. The planes collided, all occupants were killed. This accident led to the ban of all aerial stunts in Germany.
Sorry, I have to correct myself. As concerns the fatal rope ladder accident, I confused Dimpfel and his colleague Fritz Schindler. Dimpfel lived to the age of 80, surviving imprisonment in a Nazi concentration camp after false accusations of being a French spy. Dimpfel´s special trick was to hang by his teeth on a trapeze under an airplane. Source: Marton Szigeti, Zirkus am Himmel, in: Klassiker der Luftfahrt 08/2016.
Flugsportgruppe Leipzig "Leipziger Lerche"


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Was that a German designer called Nagel ?.

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