Moskalyev aircraft


ACCESS: Confidential
10 May 2006
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Hi Everyone!

Presented here is information on a WW2 (Great Patriotic War) fighter project, the Moskalyev SAM-13--a twin engine, push-pull design, with twin booms and a SINGLE RUDDER.

Wingspan: 7.30 m (23' 11 1/2")
Length: 7.85 m (25' 9")

Engines: Two (2) MV-6

Empty 754 kg (1662 lb)
Loaded 1183 kg (2608 lb)

Max Speed (Est)
463 km/h (288 mph) at sea level
680 km/h (423 mph) at 4 km

Service Ceiling 10km
Range 850 km (528 miles)
Landing Speed 125 km/h (78 mph)
The Encyclopedia of Russian Aircraft 1875-1995
Author: Bill Gunston
Publisher: Motorbooks International
Original Publisher: Osprey
Pp: 252-253
Copyright: Bill Gunston, 1995

If the photograph doesn't come through, I can send it through again.


the SAM-20 was not transport aircraft it was three engined heavy fighter.
( from "As" magazine 1/91)


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does anyone know more anfo about this three engined twin
boom aircraft project ?.
Tophe probably does. "Moskalyev SAM-20 (provisional)"
A drawing and 4 lines description are inside my book "The end of Forked Ghosts" (pages 18-19).
Anyone may downolad it for free at
Thanks for your interest in twin-boomers ;D
(I could present here a bigger view if one is interested, but see the book before).
Thank you my dears Apophenia and Tophe.
Hello everyone ,

Making a study of the Russian aircraft designer Moskalyev ,
but i'm still missing some designs the SAM-8 / SAM-15 and SAM-17 .
Looking out for more info of this unknow birds.

Source : The Osprey encyclopedia of Russian Aircraft ( Bill Gunston ).

Thanks in advance Swallow.
Under the symbol SAM-20 project had been long-range bombers with three
engine M-105, submitted to the consideration of 20 Oct., 1940 Under the scheme
twin-boom, with the central gondola, the third engine in the center, with
pusher. The chassis with the nose wheel, double cabin (two sitter),
bombs up to 2000 kg. According to calculations indicate the following characteristics:

Flight weight (kg) 11600

Maximum speed (km / h) 614

Max. speed with M-105TK (km / h) 775

Service ceiling (m) 9500

Range (km) 5000

According to the Moskalev's, work on the SAM-20 to be deployed in 1941-42 . However, when considering the draft scheme recognized irrational and
project abandoned.
SAM-8 / SAM-15 - insomuch nothing ???
Plans OKB-31 in the 1939-40 biennium. under the symbol SAM-17 indicates the average
bomber with two engines of M-105. Indicating approximate
Characteristics: maximum speed of 648km / h at an altitude of 6000m, armament --
1 gun ShVAK and 4 ShKAS.

In the table compiled Moskalev's works at number 17, but without the use of
symbol SAM-17, in 1941, should be suspended booth D-12 aircraft under the DB-3 (Il-4)
at 12-14 paratroopers. Later, in respect of the cabine/booth, was used
designation DK-12 and DK-3F.
Here is my (provisionnal) drawing of the SAM-20... Do you think I should correct something (waiting for a 3-view or profile someday)?


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the Moskalyev SAM-1 was a single-seat gull-wing fighter and
powered by one M-34 engine,also the SAM-3 was 12-seat
transport aircraft intended to run shuttle service over 27 km
route Leningrad-Krostadt (island),both of those aircraft
were never completed.

the Moskalyev SAM-22 was a project of the 1943 for slow economical
transport seating 16 passengers,and powered by single pusher 140hp
M-11F on pylon above high-wing,and the SAM-28 was an improved
SAM-22 with deeper fuselage and tricycle landing gear,it was also
a project only.
I found a few references to SAM-22, SAM-24 & SAM-28 as being powered glider designs. No pictures.
Essentially these are two motor gliders.
In wartime, needed an inexpensive and economical transportation. (In particular to support the guerrillas.) Competition Moskalyev were Gribovsky "G-30" (G-11M) and Polikarpov "MP".
By the end of 1943, many of the guerrilla forces liberated areas and the need for motor-glider landing is not so highly valued. In addition, already commercially built small transport aircraft "Shche-2" and "Yak-6, equipped with two motors M-11.
In the late seventies in the magazine "Modelist-Konstruktor" to celebrate the 75 anniversary of Moskalyev, was a small article with tiny pictures / sketches (if I'm not mistaken sketches belonged ANNIVERSARY).
Offer made on its reconstruction of the publication.
No further information is available.


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Thank you my dear Borovik very much,and for SAM-24,it
was derivative of SAM-23 with M-11F engines.

This is list of Moskalev's designs - built and projected.
Sorry for poor quality of images - perhaps someone could find the "MK" 11-1979 magazine and supply better ones :cool:


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Thank you Silencer 1,

But I can't read this,is it SAM-27 ?,and if it was,I think it appeared to be
a transport aircraft ?.


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hesham said:
Thank you Silencer 1,

But I can't read this,is it SAM-27 ?,and if it was,I think it appeared to be
a transport aircraft ?.

More precisely "SAM-27 (M-76F engines) - passenger aircraft. Project, 1944"

M-76F engines is type, unkown for me
Do you have some info about the S.A.M.20 and 21 ??? ;D
Maveric said:
Do you have some info about the S.A.M.20 and 21 ??? ;D

No... There were not to much info on Moskalev' designs...
I'm more interested in the topic of "heavy strategicheskizh bombardirovshikov" Moskalev developed in the academy name Mozhaiskogo

Otherwise, I wanted more information on:
because the reduced information on more just mention that there was such a project and all.
igor-mich said:
I'm more interested in the topic of "heavy strategicheskizh bombardirovshikov" Moskalev developed in the academy name Mozhaiskogo
Only the general layout scheme
of the "Bastion" vol.1


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The first picture shows the projects "Strategic seaplane bomber" on them more information in this book are shemki
But on the second photo is almost zero.

here is the drawings to SAM-12,a tandem two-seat trainer project with
a single seat version;


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A question to all our Russian, Ukrainian, etc. members: I've just realized that the original Russian name uses the "ë" (yo) and not the "e" (ye). Shouldn't the correct westernized spelling be Moskalyov and not Moskalyev to reflect that?
Stargazer2006 said:
A question to all our Russian, Ukrainian, etc. members: I've just realized that the original Russian name uses the "ë" (yo) and not the "e" (ye). Shouldn't the correct westernized spelling be Moskalyov and not Moskalyev to reflect that?

But in the book, The Encyclopedia of Russian Aircraft by Bill Gunston,the famous name
is Moskalyev,even in Wikipedia site,also "ev'' not "ov" .
Although wikipedia is a great plus for all kids doing their homework, I wouldn't necvessarily count
it as a very reliable source ! Googling brings about 16.000 hits for "Moskalyev" and about 9.200
for "Moskalyov", but that's hardly an evidence, either.
It's a problem of transliteration, and, as we already found out here in other cases, sometimes there
are discussions even amongst native speakers ! And haven a look at, for example,,
I think, Stargazer may be right, as "ë" actualy is given as "yo" there.
"Moskalyov" is more correct. But since it isn't necessary in Russian to dot the "ё" letter (we Russian speakers already know where it would be), it is often misspelled as if it would be "e". The same thing with the surname of the legendary space rockets designer: the correct spelling is "Korolyov" but "Korolev" is far more common. The Google gives 33 000 000 results for "Korolev" and only 821 000 for "Korolyov"!

the Moskalyev SAM-13,note in the upper drawing,the different in the cockpit canopy


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Two beautiful three-view arrangements in colour from Aeromusei #1 (1991):
  • the SAM-5-2bis (an improved SAM-5bis with many refinements to reduce drag);
  • the SAM-10, a beautiful small passenger plane reminiscent of the contemporary Caudron aircraft.


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Stargazer thanks a lot for the beautiful color pictures. The sam-10 section looks very "square".

here is the Moskalyev SAM-12 with MV-12 engine as a Project,also anther biplane Project
version from it with MV-6 engine.

Kryl'ya Rodine 9-10/2014


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Interesting. So, there were multiple designs for SAM-12 ... low-wing tricycle trainer (in Reply #20) and both low-wing (MV-12) and biplane (MV-6) designs in Reply #28.

According to Emmanuel Gustin, the MV-6 was a Russian license-built Renault 6Q (the MV-4 being the Renault 4Pe), a Russian license having been purchased in 1936. The MV-12 was not Russian built, being instead an imported Renault 12R inverted V-12 (presumably with plans for local production if successful).

Does anyone have anything on the M-76F radial mentioned in Reply #20? An M-76 powered the Kamov Ka-8 helicopter but that was a post-war horizontally-opposed 2-cylinder (based on the Russian copy of the BMW motorcycle engine ...
A couple of years ago I did this English language adaptation of Silencer1's excellent scans (thought I'd shared it here but apparently didn't). The SAM-12 definitely appears there as a low-wing type, presumably the retained configuration.

Moskalyev types.gif
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Hi Skyblazer,

the SAM-12 single seat and two seat drawings was appeared in reply # 28.

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