flash22 said:
does any one have any good 3-views and cross sections of the HAVE BLUE plane


Neat Steve, thanks!

Flateric, I don't understand, I DO have the Aerofax 3-view but chose to post one found on the web instead... So I'm surprised that this should also be from the same publisher. Ah well...
... So I'm surprised that this should also be from the same publisher. Ah well...

shall we just say, there are people out there, for whom 'copyright' is a dirty word, and an alien concept....


Have Blue Concept Model from CodeOne Magazine


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Am I wrong when saying that this is the FIRST and so far ONLY motion picture of the Have Blue seen in the genral public? WOW!
Simply amazing. Didn't realize they had made a video of the Have Blue in flight public. Thank you so much for sharing this!
no, it's not the first one...
There was previously released footage? I've got a pic somewhere (very grainy) showing a 4 still sequence of Bill Parks's accident in ship one. Was that also released? Also, is there any way to get the presentation slides shown at Ken Dyson's discussion of Have Blue and Tacit Blue. The audio from that is available at the AF museum site.

(Edit, found the pic)

Machdiamond said:
flateric said:
no, it's not the first one...

It seems the second sentence of your message got lost somehow.

I don't think he meant for there to be a second sentence. He was merely teasing. Like someone who knows and doesn't REALLY want to tell... How annoying!
I'm out of town. Have a patience. First time Have Blue inflight footage was shown in Discovery Stealth Secrets docu AFAIR
does anyone have a 3-view drawing of the northrop have blue contender?
ikke666 said:
does anyone have a 3-view drawing of the northrop have blue contender?
There's a three view toward the top of this thread ikke666. -SP
Northrop XST thread has some:

But there is some dispute as to wether any are really accurate/correct.
thanks quellesh :)
to bad that northrop hasn't released a 3-view :'(
Never seen this pic of Have Blue in flight before, found here of all places:



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from SDASM


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Good images, have seen them before but not in such good quality. Probably my favourite Have Blue pic is one of Bill Park in the cockpit holding a foam anchor the back out in jest. It had such pitiful brakes. It was in the Feb 2005 issue of WINGS magazine. Don't have a scanner and haven't seen it online anywhere though.


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Oral history interview with Ken Dyson and Robert Loschke.

Ken Dyson [https://engineering.tamu.edu/aerospace/former-students/alumni-academy/members/norman-ken-dyson] was a well known engineering test pilot for the U.S. Air Force.

Robert Loschke was a control systems engineer at Lockheed from 1961 to 1998.

This interview focuses on their work on the Have Blue and F-117A stealth aircraft:

....WESTWICK: Were all the flights daytime?


WESTWICK: But you timed them so there wouldn't be satellite overflights or any other...

DYSON: We knew how to do that, because our country knew when the bad guys' satellites would be coming over. On one occasion we had to land early, and we rolled out to the recovery team. And the brakes were cherry red, and it would have caught on fire accept they were there to cool them down. As a satellite was going to come by. So we were prepared for that. We had a big old parachute we draped over it. I remember standing at the leading edge of it causing a bump under the parachute and giving them the bird as it went by....[laughter]
Oral history interview with Alan Brown [http://www.eaa119.org/node/136].

(note that there's an issue with this preview - PDF pages have to be opened individually [far right] unless you DL the whole PDF)

...BROWN: I likened being in the Skunk Works to walking into a small village in Maine as an outsider. You know, if your great grandfather didn't live there, you were in trouble. In fact, for instance, it was the Air Force that told Ben Rich that they wanted—well, you see, what happened was that for Have Blue we built two airplanes in 18 months. This is from scratch, when we first got the contract. That was starting in April of 1976. We had the airplanes ready to fly in December of the following year, 1977. So that was really pretty fast. Then within another six to eight months we had shown quite conclusively that we had a very low radar cross section. So by December of '78 we had a contract to build a military airplane using the same principles...
I'm guessing this is the place to post this, but this is up on an F-117 Facebook group (In Remembrance of the Nighthawk); in flight picture of Have Blue #1 in its camo job and with its non-stealthy pitot tube. Granted it's not the highest rez, but still I don't think there has ever been a good still of the first Have Blue in flight and in this configuration. It's credited to having come from Jim Goodall's collection. There is also a several minute reel of Have Blue footage up on the group's Facebook wall as well which looks to contain at least some footage that has been previously released.

Pretty certain that's a nicely done 1/72 Pegasus Have
Blue model. There are a number of things in the image that don't look kosher like the leading edge radius, and the white main wheels. They rode the brakes pretty hard in testing, they were usually reddish brown ??? with brake dust ???
Apollo Leader said:
CiTrus90 said:
Agree with Kilokb.

A quick search and this is also what came up: http://www.modellversium.de/galerie/8-flugzeuge-modern/9300-lockheed-xst-.html

Boy I feel dumb. :p Thanks for looking that up.

Don't worry, it's not your fault, rather the guy that posted it on FB and claimed the following:

"Have Blue on final to Area 51"
Originally posted by friend, Jim Goodall.

He later gives info on where he got the image from:

"I've had it for a while, I think this one came from Ben Rich. For some unknown reason Ben liked me and the late John Andrews from Testers."

Should take a long, hard look at himself.

I can understand not being able to notice a fake picture from a real one. What I cannot stand, is people deliberately making stuff up. What for? 5 minutes of fame?

It's ridiculous.

XP67_Moonbat said:
Well why don't you bring it up to Goodall himself then?

1 - Because I don't know who made up the story of that picture, if Goodall himself or the poster on the FB page that claimed Goodall posted it originally
2 - Because I don't have a FB account, nor do I want to make one, so I cannot contact either of them for clarifications
3 - Because as much as I dislike this sort of attitude (making up a story with a fake picture), it's not my work to go around and rectify everything wrong in this world

Easy, gentlemen.

XP67_Moonbat's question "Well why don't you bring it up to Goodall himself then?" didn't strike me as offensive.

It's perfectly alright to notice a fake and feel the need to attract others' attention to it.
And yes, when faced with something like that, it is best to report it and take concrete action.
However, some of us are capable of doing that, while others do not want to bother for various reasons, either legitimate or not.
CiTrus90 was in no obligation to report the post, least of all contact Goodall or anyone else.

I have removed your last posts which contained... non-constructive remarks.


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Can anyone identify what this ejection seat is in the Have Blue? I know the literature says F-16 sidestick, F-5 ejection seat and landing gear. Thing is, to my eye this isn't an F-5 seat in the photo.

I'm trying to make the 1/48 Maintrack Models vac kit.



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