Early German Projects & Prototypes


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26 May 2006
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Thank you Tuizentfloot,

and please can you tell us about the projects in it?.
Yes, Hesham, I can, but there are thousands of entries in the book, so it will take a lot of time...
What do you want? Unbuilt projects, aircraft built but unable to fly (a lot of pioneer acft), one-offs, or rare types such as the Ago E I?

To start, projects and acft unable to fly from pages 11-12 (section pioneer aircraft):

Carl Abelmann, Flugzeugbau, Fliegerschule, Kassel-Waldau
Monoplane, with water-cooled in-line engine. Unable to fly. With tractor and pusher propellers and rotor. 1909/1910.

Heinrich Ahrens, Elmshorn/Holstein
Monoplane, 1910, 24 hp engine. Unable to fly.

Bachran, Frankfurt-Rebstock
Monoplane. 50 hp engine, wings with pockets to be filled with gas. No results. 1910.

Felix Balzer, Gommern
Biplane, 1910. 25 hp Anzani. Farman-capoy. No results.

Alexander Baumann, Stuttgart-Untertürkheim

1. Ornithopter with engine. 1909. No results.
2. Triplane hydroplane with grade engine, later 26 hp Escher engine. No known flights.

Baumbach, Leipzig
Designed 1912/1913 a monoplane and a biplane. Desingns only, not build.

Otto Baumgärtel, Dresden
Helicopter with engine and two rotors one above the other. 1913. No results.

More next time, but please specify.
Excellent Tuizentfloot,many many thanks,you made my day.

Pages 13-14:

Richard Beckmann, Köln
1914. Designed a twin engined hydroplane for a flight to America. Project was technically too early.

Melli Beese, Flugzeugbau und Fliegerschule, Johannisthal bei Berlin
Flying Boat. Biplane with engine in the boat. Designed by Hermann Dorner. Should have been built by Max Oertz, but cancelled for financial reasons. (1913/14)

Max Berk, Naumburg
Biplane. 1910. Unsuccessful.

Simon Brunnhuber, München
Pilot's licence Nr 20. His airplane did'nt fly.

Brunsmann, Berlin
Ornithopter. 1910. Built by Edmund Rumpler. Unsuccesful.

Buckallo, Fellbach bei Stuttgart
Ornithopter. 1909. With engine and two rudders. Unsuccessful.

J. Burkhard, Hamburg
Hydroplane. Built 1911. No flights known.

E.E. Burkhardt, Nördlitz/Sachsen
Airplane. Construction began 1909. No flights known.

Buschmann, Regierungsbaumeister, Berlin
Helicopter. 1909. Unsuccessful.

Karl Buttenstedt, Berlin
Monoplane with engine and tractor propeller. Unsuccessful trials in 1910.

Fritz Conrad, Kraftfuhrunternehmer, Berlin
Monoplane. 1910. Engine with two laterally positioned propellers (bevel gears). Unsuccessful.
Oh my God,seemed amazing book,very great thanks to you Tuizentfloot.
And these are only the planes that were never built or never left the ground.

Naturally, there are a lot more that really flew (or crashed at their first flight :))

Next time more.
Ok Tuizentfloot,and thanks;

and you see here,we care about little known aircraft and projects.
Pages 15-16

Deutsche Flugwerft, Dr. Fritz Huth, Johannisthal bei Berlin
1. "Kreis-Doppeldecker". 1909. Tandem biplane with forward wing in sickle form bent rearward, and rearward wing bent forward, as to made a circle (Kreis). One with a DFG engine, another built by Max Schüker with an Aelus engine. Unsuccessful flight trials with Raymund Eyring.
2. Monoplane in Taube style. In aluminium. Without wings at ALA 1912. Flight results unknown.

Deutsches Flugtechnisches Institut, Köppern im Taunus
Began construction of a monoplane in 1910, but had to close very soon.

Philipp Dörhöfer, Ingenieur, Berlin
Three bay biplane, built by Max Schüler. Flight results unknown. (1912)

Echter, Schlossermeister, Landau
Airplane. 1910. Unsuccessful.

Eipperle, Stuttgart
A Blériot copy of 1910. Unable to fly.
Excellent work Tuizentfloot,thanks.

many of those aircraft or designers,we don't know them.
Pages 17 - 26

Fahlbusch, Breslau
Tandem monoplane first with Wunderlich engine, later with Argus. Pusher propeller with chain drive. Built 1910 but unable to fly.

Flugmaschine Blum GmbH, Hannover
Ornithopter with engine. 1910. Unsuccesful.

Flugwerk Haefelin & Co., GmbH, Berlin
Monoplane 1910. Rumpler Aeolus engine with flywheel tothe tractor propeller. unsuccesful.

Wilhelm und Heinrich Focke, Bremen
1. A 3. Monoplane 1910 with 9 hp NSU engine and pusher propeller. Unable to fly.
2. A 4. Also monoplane with NSU engine and tractor propeller. Also unable to fly.

Otto Fritzsche, Oberleutnant z. See, Kiel
Tandem monoplane 1908. Unable to fly. (In 1911 Rumpler rebuilt the plane to a Taube which became E1 in het German Navy).

Dr. Paul Gans, München
Ornithopter with NSU engine. Unsuccesful. (ca. 1910)

Häusler & Holl, Finsterwalde (Niederlausitz)
Airplane with engine 1910. Unsuccesful.

Hannoversche Flugzeugwerke GmbH
Jatho XIII. Hydroplane (biplane). Only project. (1913)

Hartung, Zimmermeister, Quedlinburg (Harz)
High-wing monoplane with tractor engine. 1910. Unsuccesful.

Haves, Ingenieur, Halle a.d. Saale
Monoplane 1910 with Escher engine. Tractor propeller and four little propellers for steering. Built by Autofabrik Lauer but unable to fly.

Fritz Hayn & Leilich, Chemnitz/Sachsen
Tandem monoplane 1909 with Escher engine, a tractor propeller and two paddle wheels. Unsuccesful.

Heinzmann, Frankfurt-Rebstock
Monoplane 1911. Unsuccesful because no engine found…

Herold & Sander, Greiz bei Plauen
Ornithopter 1909. Unsuccesful.

Josef Hofmann, Regierungsbaurat, Berlin
Airplane with steam engine. 1906. Construction unfinished (financial problems).

Max Holzem
Monoplane 1912. Open fuselage. No known flights.

Kurt Jäckel
Monoplane 1911 with 50 ps Oerlikon. Fate unknown.

Johann Kaiser, Hanau
Airplane 1911. Unsuccesful.

Kaulfuß-Weihe, Naumburg a.d. Saale
Monoplane 1912. Unsuccesful.

Prof. Klingenberg, Berlin
Helicopter 1910. Unsuccesful.

Gustav Koch, München
Designed in 1898 a flying wing with jet engine like the Coanda experiment of 1910.

E.J. Köhler, Pianofabrik, Stettin
Tandem monoplane 1909 with two propellers and forward elevator. Unsuccesful.
Wow,amazing projects,thank you Tuizentfloot.

the Harlan Type 1911 and Type 1912 military monoplanes are a little known
Germany aircraft.



  • 1911.jpg
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  • 1912.jpg
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The first photograph is the Harlan monoplane built in 1910-1911 in a lot of variants. Two-seater with open wooden fuselage and 50 hp Argus. In this type of plane records were set by Karl Grulich (1911) and Siegfried Hoffmann (1912).
The second photograph is the Harlan monoplane on which Ernst Krüger won the Rund um Berlin contest 1912. Two-seater with enclosed wooden fuselage and 100 hp Argus.
Pages 27 - 28

Georg König, Ingenieur, Berlin-Spandau
1. Helicopter. Unsuccesful design.
2. Biplane. Unsuccesful. Later modified into a monoplane.

Komet-Flugzeugwerke, Treben bei Altenburg/Sachsen
Airplane 1913. No information.

Komnick-Automobilfabrik, Elbing/Ostpreußen
Biplane with car engine and gyroscopical stabiliser. 1912. No flights known.

Reimar Krastel & Co., Frankfurt/M
High wing monoplane. 1911. Wooden fuselage and wings coverd with plywood. 100 hp Gnome engine lying in the fuselage (to use the gyroscopic force for stability) and driving the tractor propeller by an angular gearbox. No flights known.

Eugen Kreiß, Ingenieur, Hamburg
Ornithopter. 1909. Unsuccesful design.

Karl Kretschmar, Ingenieur, Dresden
Biplane with turboprop engine of own design. Unsuccesful design. 1911.

Kudela, Johannisthal bei Berlin
Blériot copy 1910. Flight attempts.

Kühn & Eilenberger, Leipzig
Blériot copy 1910. Anzani engine. Unsuccesful.

Lippe, Oberstleutnant, Johannisthal bei Berlin
Helicopter with engine, built by Rumpler in 1908. Unable to fly.

Otto Lisak, Deutsch-Krone, Westpreußen
Biplane. Built by Bootswerft Koch 1910. No flights.

Magdeburger Fliegerwerke, Fliegerschule, Paul Schwandt
Two planes were under construction in summer 1914. Not finished.

Attention: These are only projects and planes unable to fly. There were a lot more succesful planes in Germany before 1914.
Marvelous aircraft and projects,many many thanks to you Tuizentfloot.

I change the title,because there is some little know aircraft and projects for Germany
during the WW1.

the Halberstadt B Type was a two seat unarmed recce biplane of 1914,powered by one
Oberursel U D engine,differ from Halberstadt B.I,B.II & B.III.
hesham said:
I change the title,because there is some little know aircraft and projects for Germany
during the WW1.

the Haberstadt B Type was a two seat unarmed recce biplane of 1914,powered by one
Oberursel U D engine,differ from Halberstadt B.I,B.II & B.III.

Please not, hesham ...
We already have a thread about German WW I bomber projects and several about designs and
projects from specific manufacturers. If there are numbers of, say, fighter projects, then maybe
"German WW I Fighter Projects", but I think, it's better to traet the so-called pioneering days
on its own.
And actually you just changed the title of your last post .... ;)
My dear Jemiba,

the numbers of little known aircraft and projects are included; fighters,recce,seaplane and
may be a flying boot,for bombers,as you said there is a topic for them,and can I send those
various designs here,or open a new topic for them ?.
As a proposal : "Fighters" still weren't existing during the early stages of WW I, single seaters
in military service generally were called "scouts" and used for that purpose, until some idiots even
began shooting at each other in the air, so that those "scouts" became "fighters" later. So I would
propose to include single engined single seaters into a fighter thread and to post two or more seat
recce aircraft in the bomber thread. ...the nuisance of throwing explosives on other people started
mainly with such aircraft, I think.
Flying boats and seaplanes were used for both roles, so please decide on the purpose.
At least that's a system, that can be found in quite a number of publications.
My dear Jemiba,

for scout,fighter and recce in this thread,and open a new topic seaplane and flying boat,what you think.
Not quite sure still yet. A fighter is a fighter, a bomber is a bomber and for example, the
Albatros W.4 was more or less a D.I on floats, as the Rumpler 6B was a C.I .
And the "German WW I Bomber projects" thread already contains floatplanes and
flying boats. So I would opt for scouts,fighters and single engined recce a/c in a ""German
WW I Fighter projects" thread, as long, as there isn't a more appropriate place, as a thread
about the manufacturer.
I know, that sounds very nit-picking, and I didn't count the hours, I was unravelling such threads
(and I think, no other mod or admin did so), so I became cautious (overcautious ?) to prevent
from the start such relatively unspecific threads from becoming a mess.
Pages 29 - 30

Hans Masow, Berlin, Breslau
"Albatros". 1910. Ornithopter operated with muscular power. Unsuccesful.

May & Blum, Frankfurt-Rebstock
Monoplane. 1911. Nieuport copy with Gnome engine. Unsuccesful.

J. Merx, Johannisthal bei Berlin
Quintuplane (so-calles "Himmelsleiter"). 1911. Unsuccesful.

Hermann Mordhorst, Maschinenfabrik, Kiel
1. Tandem monoplane. 1908. Unable to fly.
2. Blériot copy. 1909. Unsuccesful.

Gebrüder Müller, Schlesischer Flugsport-Club, Breslau
Monoplane with own built 2 cyl. engine. 1910. Unsuccesful.

E Munke, Erstein (Elsaß)
"Aeromobil". 1909. Helicopter with rotors at the ends of the wings and a two-stroke engine of own construction. Unsuccesful.

Paul M. Neumann, Johannisthal bei Berlin
1. Tandem triplane. 1909. Unable to fly.
2. Monoplane. Built by a certain Neumann of Johannisthal (possibly the same). Unsuccesful.

Niedergesäß, Glogau/Sachsen
Monoplane. 1910. No results known.

Niederrheinische Flugzeug-Bauanstalt Hilsmann & Co., Altenessen
1. Triplane with negative stagger and 65 hp Körting engine. 1910. Unsuccesful.
2. Monoplane with 25 hp Hilz engine. Unsuccesful.

Julius Niehues, Wesel bei Xanten am Rhein
Biplane easily transformable into a monoplane but unable to fly. 1909.

Nordwestdeutsche Flugzeugwerke, NFW, Heinrich Evers & Co., Bremervörde
E 7 Pfeil monoplane with Hilz engine. Only a project. (1913)

Otto Onigkeit, Magdeburg, Leipzig
Monoplane style Grade. Unsuccesful. (1912)

Paul Oppermann
Taube copy. Not built. (1913/14)
Amazing list,many thanks to you Tuizentfloot.
The next series...

Pages 31 - 33

Günter Pegelow, Bork bei Berlin
Momonplane with 12 hp Anzani, built by Rumpler in 1910. Open bamboo fuselage. Unable to fly.

Oskar E. Peter, Ingenieur, Berlin
Airplane with Hilz engine. 1915. No flights known.

Phoenix-Fliegerwerke, Chemnitz
After building a Grade copy in 1912 projected a sports monoplane and a military monoplane. Both stayed on paper because there was no more money...

H.H. Plage, Berlin
Farman copy with Aeolus engine built by Rumpler in 1910. unable to fly.

Pohlitzsch & Telschow, Johannisthal bei Berlin
Monoplane with first Anzani and later Argus engine. 1910. Too heavy and unable to fly.

Hermann Reichelt, Dresden
1. Blériot copy with motorcycle engine. 1909. Bird-like wing's ends. Unable to fly.
2. Monoplane with ailerons. Delfosse engine. Unable to fly (1909/1910).

Georg Riemay, Breslau, Schlesien
Grade copy with Philibert engine. 1910. Unsuccesful.

Wilhelm Rivoir, Offenbach
Monoplane 1910-1911. Chain-transmission to propeller. Nothing more known.

Friedrich Robitzsch & Stuhlmann, Duisburg
Biplane with 60 hp Hilz engine. Unable to fly.

Hans Röttges, Flugtechniker, Bremen
"Carré". Tandem triplane with 30 hp Palous & Beuse engine. Built by Pega & Emich in 1910. Unable to fly.

Rühl, Wurzburg
Monoplane with 40 hp Anzani engine and "automatic parachute". 1910. Destroyed before first attempts to fly.

Sächsische Automobil- und Flugzeugwerke
Hydrobiplane. 1914. Not built.

Fr. Scheibes jr., Hannover
Airplane 1909. Nothing more known.

Richard Schelies, Hamburg
Tried since 1908 a flying bicycle, then an helicopter, and then built an "airplane" with Anzani engine. All unsuccesful.

Hermann Schieweck, Liegnitz, Schlesien
Airplane under construction in 1911. Nothing more known.

Richard Schlegel, Berlin-Charlottenburg
Monoplane. No details known.

Schmidt, Nordhausen, Harz
Helicopter. Built in 1910. Unable to fly.
Fantastic aircraft and projects,thank you Tuizentfloot.
The next...

Pages 34 - 35

Th. Schnädelbach & Berner, Sachsen
Helicopter. 1910. Unsuccesful.

Richard Scholz, Architekt, Schulzendorf bei Berlin
Built a flying device (hight 6 m) and demolished it himself. 1909/1910.

Otto Schubert, Oberpostsekretär, Bork in der Mark
A flying device with two winged wheels. 1910. Unsuccesful.

Walter Schudeisky, Schiffsingenieur, Bremen
1. Biplane with 55 hp Aeolus engine. The lower wing was set in V-form, and formed a triangle wit the upper wing. Built by Rumpler in 1910. Unsuccesful.
2. Monoplane 1911. Unable to fly.

Franz Sido, Ingenieur, Berlin
Monoplane 1909. With Esnault-Pelterie engine. Unable to fly.

Hauptmann Stapf, Meiningen
Tandem biplane 1910. Unable to fly.

Steffen Fliegerschule und Flugzeugfabrik, Kiel
Ornithopter. Unsuccesful. (ca. 1912)
Pages 36 - 39 - The last list...

Sternemann, Hamburg
Helicopter with Palous & Beusse engine. 1910. Unsuccesful.

Stolz, Niederbühl bei Rastatt
"Torpedo". Flying device being built in 1909. No other information.

Arno Stopp & Ingenieur Leopold Auer, Ehrenfriedersdorf bei Chemnitz
Monoplane with Hilz engine. 1911. Unsuccesful.

Szappals, Althof bei Insterurg/Ostpreußen
Airplane with engine. 1912. No other information.

Thele, Dipl.-Ingenieur, Hamburg
Monoplane with Jastram engine. 1910. Unable to fly.

Dr. Karl Vollmoeller, Stuttgart
Built two airplanes with engine that were unable to fly. 1909.

Paul Winkler, Schlesien
Monoplane with 30 hp Weiland & Gildemeyer engine. 1910. Unsuccesful.

Gustav Witte, Berlin-Teltow
Monoplane with 34 hp Wright engine. 1911. Unable to fly.

Dr. Oskar Wittenstein, München
Triplane. 1910. Built by Otto. Unsuccesful.

Alois Wolfmüller, Ingenieur, München
Ornithopter with engine of own construction. 1903. Unsuccesful.

Zechelius, Bork in der Mark
Monoplane. 1910. Unable to fly.

So, that was it…

the LVG D.1 & D.3 were a military aircraft of 1911 and 1912 respectively,powered by one Argus
engine,also the LVG D.4 & D.5 were a recce biplanes,D.4 powered by one Mercedes D I engine
and D.5 powered by one Mercedes D.III engine.
I have the following:
D 1: Albatros-Farman copy
D 2: Albatros-Farman copy
D 3: with Argus
D 4: = LVG B I (D 4K = LVG C I)
D 5: modification of B I with Mercedes D III
D 6: = LVG B II
D 7: ?
D 8: ?
D 9: = LVG C III (D 9V = LVG C II; D 9W = floatplane)
D 10: experimental single seater with Mercedes D II
D 11: = LVG C IV
D 12: = LVG D II
D 13: experimental recce with Benz Bz IV
D 14: experimental recce with Mercedes D IVa
D 15: = LVG C V
Jane's All The Worlds Aircraft 1910-1911 has a number of German projects and prototypes described. Experience has shown that the data is not 100% accurate in the early Jane's, especially in the designations. I think additional entries might compliment Tuizentfloot's earlier postings

Auffm-Ordt Monoplane
Early machine from 1908. Design based on Demoiselle layout.

Alexander Baumann, Stuttgart-Untertürkheim (mentioned in Tuizentfloot's postings)
Triplane 25 hp Grade engine which was completed in 1909. Flew 150 m at Hannover. Wing Area: 323 sq ft (30 m2), Weight: 573 lb (260 kg)

Buschmann, Regierungsbaumeister, Berlin (mentioned in Tuizentfloot's postings)
Helicopter from 1910 with a 6 hp engine and a rotor diameter of 63.75 ft (20 m).

Karl Buttenstedt, Berlin (mentioned in Tuizentfloot's postings)
Monoplane with engine and tractor propeller and a special feature of variable wings.

Coler Monoplane
Aircraft powered by a 90 hp egine driving two propellers. Under construction 1910. Wing Area 1,012 sq ft (94 m2)

Delfosse Monplane
Mid-wing tractor monoplane with a 24 hp Delfosse motor. Wing Area: 302 sq ft (28 sq m), weight: 320 lb (145 kg)

Dorner (Dornier?) Monoplane
High wing tractor with a 24 hp engine. Completed 1909. Didn't fly until March 1910 when it was aloft for 6 minutes. Burned 1910. Wing Area: 302 sq ft (28 sq m), weight: 617 lb (280 kg)

Ganz Gabrice Monoplanes
Gabrice I

A monoplane started in May 1909 fitted with a small Buchet engine. Not completed.
Gabrice II
A monoplane started in 1909 fitted with a small Buchet engine. Not completed.

Jatho Aeroplanes
Jatho I

An astriplane (sic) built in 1899, did not fly.
Jatho II
An aeroplane built in 1906, a machine which, by shifting the angle of inclination of the body, both planes were used as elevators in leaving the ground.
Jatho III
A canard biplane built in 1909, with a single engine.

Kaiser Biplane
Biplane built by Gebr. Kaiser at Beuggen in 1909 as a glider. Fitted with an engine in 1910. Unsuccesful.

Meschner Biplane, Berlin
Biplane built and tested started at Tempelhof in December 1908. Chassis made of aluminium tubes with welded steel ribs. Wings were of a warping type. Engine power provided by a 70 hp Koerting water-cooled unit which drove a 3 bladed airscrew. Top speed: 37 mph (60 km/h). No further details.

Paul M. Neumann, Johannisthal bei Berlin (mentioned in Tuizentfloot's postings)

Tandem biplane designed to carry four persons and was designed for military purposes. One 60 hp engine which drove four propellers. Made a flight in March 1910 when it was badly damaged.

Schnädelbach & Berner, Sachsen (mentioned in Tuizentfloot's postings)
Referred to as a Schmaedelbach & Berner Ornithopter. Weight 827 lb (375 kg). In 1909 this flew 500 m at Zurickau.

Schnell Monoplane, Linden
Under construction 1909, no record of completion. Main plane curved slightly rearward and at the tips forward.Wing Area: 161 sg ft (15 sq m), Total Weight: 331 lb (150 kg).

Richard Scholz,Schulzendorf bei Berlin (mentioned in Tuizentfloot's postings)
Built a flying device in 1908-9 at great expense. failed to fly and around December 1909 the experiments were abandoned. Machine lay derelict in a field thereafter.

Otto Schubert Monoplane
Antoinette engine and two Ruthenberg propellers. Any earlier model was destroyed in a gale in November 1909 (Tuizentfloot's flying device with two winged wheels?)

Max Schuler, Chemnitz
Welded steel frame monted on four wheels, one in front, one central at rear and one under each wing tip. Two propellers mounted to the rear of the wings which were chain driven in opposite directions. Described as a compromise between a Wright and a Voisin design. Wing Span: 39.5 ft (12.5 m) , Wing Area: 565 sq ft (53 m2)

Sternemann, Hamburg (mentioned in Tuizentfloot's postings)
Helicopter design (Jan called the manufacturer Sternmann) with twin rotors at different heights. The upper one was 23 ft (7 m) diameter, lower one was 16.5 ft (5 m) diameter. Lift was stated as 416 kg per sq m. Flew October 1910.

Dr. Karl Vollmoeller, Stuttgart
Volmoller III

A monoplane with a 14 hp Anzani motor. Completed in November 1909. It made flights in stuttgart over short distances. Wing area 129 sq ft (12 sq m)
Volmoller IV
A monoplane with a 25 hp engine under construction in 1910. Wing area 215 sq ft (20 sq m)

Source: All The World's Aircraft 1910-11 (1968 reprint) Edited by Fred T. Jane (Sampson Low)
Thanks Cy-27 !
Have just googled the firts entry in your list, the "Auffm-Ordt" and it actually appears here, too,
Nevertheless, I think, that this is a result of the Jane's article, as this name would be very unusual,
at least with this writing. "Auffmordt" is a name, that still can be found and is more realistic.
Nowadays I would blame MS Word for that spelling ... ;)
Dear hesham, my earlier posts concerned only non-built projects or acft unable to fly. There were indeed a lot more acft that actually flew.
I will try to comment on this list from Jane's in the next days as soon as I find time.
Concerning Auff'm Ort, Bruno Lange in his Typenhandbuch mentions indeed a "Baron Auffm'Ort", who built two planes i, 1908-1911.
I give a free translation of what is said about this Baron...
Monoplane with 26 kW (35 hp) engine. Built by Franz Sido in 1908. Unsuccesful flight trials in Rastatt.
Biplane, crashed in 1911 from low altitude during flight trials in St. Moritz, Switzerland.
Well, names often can be traced back to their origin, either profession or maybe place of
residence. In German, "Auffm' Ort", especially in the writing with apostrophe is a dialectical
way to say "at the place here". But maybe this description somehow found its way into a
church register. More strange things sometimes happen to our languages ...
The enigmatic Auff'm Ordt continues to puzzle me.

In the mean time I found the following information (and more questions …):

1. As earlier said "Baron" Auff'm Ordt is mentionned in Lange's Typenhandbuch with an unsuccesful monoplane (1908) and a crashed biplane (1911).

2. L.E. Opdycke, French Aeroplanes before the Great War (1999) states:
Clement Auffm-Ordt (sic), associated with a M Heeren, designed his first aeroplane in 1908, a light monoplane similar to the Demoiselle. The tail at the end of the single curved fuselage boom was a Hargrave box cell with the elevator in the middle and the rudder at the rear. The inner sections in each wing panel were adjustable apparently differentially for balance from dihedral to cathedral, and the wingtips curved up elliptically. The machine was built by Voisin and tested at Buc.
(Span: 8 m; wing area: 20 sqm; moving surfaces: span 2.4 m; 30 hp REP engine, with a 2-bladed REP prop of c 2.5 m in diameter)
The second machine was built in 1909, perhaps a radical modification of the first. This one had an aluminum frame, skids instead of wheels, a biplane tail with twin rudders, and control panels in the wings similar to those of the first design, though the wingtips did not curve upwards. It seems likely that the wings could be swept backwards independently. Powered by the same REP engine, it was tested for 2 months at St Moritz in Switzerland before managing at least one flight at an altitude of 2 m. One photograph shows what seems to be the end of a ramp; perhaps the flight that ended in a crash was attempted down this artificial slope.

The same on http://flyingmachines.ru/Site2/Crafts/Craft29175.htm

3. On the internet I found "1908, année de l'aéronat" by Gérard Hartmann (http://www.hydroretro.net/etudegh/1908_annee_de_l_aeronat.pdf). He says that in June 1908 on the Buc airfield of Esnault-Pelterie the monoplane of Clément Auffm-Ordt (sic) flew for the first time. It was built with the assistance of an engineer called Heeren. The engine was a 7 cyl. REP of 35 hp.

4. Also on the internet I found Breguet’s Pre-1914 Aircraft Challenge (http://members.shaw.ca/flyingaces/br.pre1914/), nr. 459:
Auffm-Ord (sic) Monoplane of 1908.
Built in the Paris factory of the firm Frères Voisin and powered by a 7-cylinder 35 hp R.E.P. engine – the first of two monoplanes designed by the Swiss-born Clément Auffm-Ordt (often misspelled as Auffin-Ordt). This tractor monoplane had a unique solution to lateral stability, whereas the wing could be tilted as a whole, while a small center surface could be tilted separately. Preliminary tests began at the airfield at Buc on April 23, 1908 with little success, though promising enough to build a second machine, a pusher monoplane tested in Switzerland on the frozen lake near St. Moritz in early 1909 and abandoned after crashing from a height of six meters onto the ice. Although the machine seemed to be quite intact after its mishap nothing was heard from M. Aufmm-Ordt again, at least related to aviation. A possibility may be that his financial backers had no further trust in the abilities of his concept.

1. Was Auff'm Ordt a Swiss rather than a German? If het was a baron or not doesn't matter… (In the 1913 edition of Jane's Auff'm Ordt is mentionned as a Swiss, living in Paris, 2 avenue Hoche.) So why Lange mentions him as a German pioneer?
2. Apparently the activities Auff'm Ordt were restricted to France and Switzerland. Was his 1908 monoplane also tested in Germany (Rastatt)?

I'm not a specialist on early French aviation. Maybe one of our French correspondents can help?

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