Postwar Delanne Projects


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26 May 2006
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From my dear Jemiba,

Delanne 360 :was a tandem delta wing interceptor project of 1950s,with
a new design ,twin tail fins ,and a bubble had a single
jet engine, 2.5 mach speed and 15000 m altitude.
Hi Hesham and Jemiba
If I may ask please...have you any pics or 3-view drawings?

Many thanks
Here's the Cuny drawing, which I used as basis for my drawing.
Sorry, for me a drawing is complete only with at least the
landing gear and some other details, but I must admit, that's
again a case, where it's quite speculative, although I tried
hard for at least some plausibility


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When Delanne returned to France from USA,he designed DL-1200 & DL-1300
jet projects,does anyone know them ?.
We already had a thread about Henri Delanne here in the forum , in the end,
we all knew, that we don't know much about his designs ... ::)
Perhaps, the types you asked for, are shown in model form in this
photo from an article in Airtrails, that I've got from boxkite, perhaps not ... :D


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Yes my dear Jemiba,

And the picture showed the DL-240 jet fighter project to
What is your source for the so called DL-240 jet fighter Hesham.
After Mr.Delanne left France in 1946 he founded the Delanne Aircraft Corporation
in the U.S.
Returned to Europe beginning of the sixties he designed
the DL 1200 and 1300.
Two light two-engined jet transportaircraft.
So far Le Trait d'Union Nr.186
No illustrations of the above mentioned designs.
Had to kill some time today, so I visited the State's Library Berlin.
In the an issue of Flieger , 1950 I found a picture of a Delanne design,
described as a fighter, but that's probably not true and not mentioned
in the (english) escriptions in the picture itself either. Nevertheless, it's
one of the quite rare mentioning of Delanne designs, so I'll post it here.
And as it's more than 50 years old and the publishing magazine isn't any
more, I won't expect copyright problems.


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My dear Jemiba,

May be the Picture was for the unknown Delanne designs,,from
DL-200 to DL-230.
Hi Jemiba

Without doubt Delanne was one of the most amazing aircraft designer. They are very futuristic shape. For sure it is not a fighter, but Thanks anyway for posting it.

The plane depicted in Jemiba's illustration is an artist impression
of the model shown in the heading photo to an article in
Air Trails , October 1950.

'Delanne and his Duo-Monoplanes' by William S. 22.

(photo posted here May 12 ,2007)

Plane looks like a corporate or small passenger aircraft.No designation
given in the article...
Jemiba, what issue of Air Trails is that article in? I'd like to find that article and make a copy.

Thanks! Mark
Helpin' hand for Jemiba..

Air Trails - October 1950

caption with the jetfighter illustration:

"Delanne jet fighter as visualized by our artist.Top speed should be 700 mph"

No more illustrations of the jetfighter in the article.
I found this in the Smithsonian database:

Designer - Manufacturer Name: Delanne Aircraft Corp

: Maurice Henry Delanne

Manufacturer Location: New York -- New York

Historical Notes: Maurice Henry Delanne developed a series of tandem-wing aircraft in pre-World War II France. Following the end of the war, he emigrated to the United States, where he continued his work, establishing the Delanne Aircraft Corp of New York. For all aircraft designed by Delanne in pre-War France, see Delanne. For all aircraft designed by Delanne Aircraft Corp, see Delanne Aircraft.

Produced Models: Delanne Aircraft DL-240
Delanne Aircraft DL-250

Cited from: The Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum Directory of Airplanes: Their Designers and Manufacturers
The Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum Archives Division, Delanne Aircraft Corp Document and Photograph Files.

Does anyone have any info, photos or drawings of the DL-240 and DL-250, the American Delannes?

I think here is a Delanne DL-240,from my dear Jemiba.,441.120.html
It would be good to know that for sure, but still yet I couldn't find
a clue ! And as the caption of this fancy drawing (the "FH-227") says,
it's a visualization of a Delanne jet fighter by AirTrails artist and maybe
not more. :-\
Jemiba said:
It would be good to know that for sure, but still yet I couldn't find
a clue ! And as the caption of this fancy drawing (the "FH-227") says,
it's a visualization of a Delanne jet fighter by AirTrails artist and maybe
not more. :-\
This "FH-227" aircraft (and the small model on the lower left corner of the page) looks quite similar to the Delanne 360, a jet-fighter project designed in France.
A 1/100eme scale-model, built by Arsenal, was wind-tested in 1951.

Specs of the project:
Span: 7,50m to 8,84m.
Lenght: 11,50m
Max. estimated speed: Mach 2,5!!
Engine: Unk but said to deliver 3850kgp.

Drawing from Jean Cuny's book "Les avions de combat français, vol.1- Chasse-assault".



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.. and it looks quite similar to the Westland design B to F.124T
/OR.301, too. Seems, there weren't many variations in fighter
designs, which used the Delanne concept, apart fom the type
of the intake, something, that isn't shown at all in Cunys drawing.


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It's too bad nothing seems to have come of any of these designs. A subsonic, turbofan-powered Delanne-style attack jet, something the size of a Folland Gnat, would have made a great little attack aircraft with good low-speed handling for STOL and/or carrier operations.

the Delanne DL-240 was twin jet aircraft,but I can't find a twin jet project
in the picture from my dear Jemiba,and the may be the main aircraft was
DL-250 fighter.
Project high-altitude fighter Delanne J.8 for Westland.
Collectively image of Westland Welkin and the Gloster Meteor, of course with the characteristically of Delanne tandem wing.
More information in the article Tony Buttler's "UK jet pioneers development of first British jet-powered aircraft ..." Air Enthusiast 2003. # 105, 106.
See please also post Maveric - Westland J.14 / Delanne,2806.0/


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Would you by chance have anything on Delanne's US fighter project of the early 1950s? I have searched the web and my books in vain... Pictures are attached, they are all I've seen about it. Thanks!


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Other than they look 'wrong' and, IIRC, are firmly sub-sonic configurations, was the lack of DeLannes purely because he was a one-man-band, without support ??
It would be interesting, I think, if Nord Aviation would have had to pay
license fees to Delanne, if their N.4400 supersonic VSTOL design would have been
realised. Still yet, I never saw it this way, but the tailplane certainly acts as
a tandem wing.


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What a beautiful design! The inventivity of French engineers in the late 1940s and early 1950s is always a source of amazement to me, because they had an original approach that was not the British one nor the American one.
simmie said:
Post war, westland got in to the layout in a big way.

See BSP: jet bombers.

What do you mean? That the US Delannes were designed by Westland??? Can you clarify this point for us, please?
"..because they had an original approach that was not the British"
At least the engine would have been british (Bristol BS.100, IIRC), although the basis
for this engine was french ( best source for this probably Andrew Dows book ;) ).

Westland for example proposed a lightweight fighter for F.124T/OR.301 using the Delanne
configuration (,6430.0/highlight,delanne.html).
But the US markings on those models are just an attempt to prepare the market, IMHO.
There is a Delanne 360 supersonic fighter in Jean Cuny's Les Avions de Combat Français vol.1. The text says that a small mock-up (1/100 scale) was wind-tested in 1951 with various wing configurations. The two-view drawing by the author (see attachment) shows no air intake, surely because not enough data was available. The VMax was announced at Mach 2.5, very optimistic in my opinion.
Maybe the "FH-227" shown by Stargazer was a contemporary project. Same as Jemiba, I think that Delanne just had paintings made with US markings, for show to potential customers.
The air intake on the "FH-227" looks the same as the Arsenal VG70. There were connections between Arsenal and Delanne before 1945, and Cuny further mentions a variant of the Arsenal 1910 interceptor project with "Delanne wings" (bottom Arsenal drawing).


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The Westland P.12 Lysander-Delanne beach-strafer is one of the better known examples and was actually the inspiration
for Miles Libellula series.

Concerning Delanne's US Navy design proposal, it seems it is circumstanciated by the Spangenberg Index:

The Pardel Development Corp. submitted a "Delanne Model 16 J-A" (perhaps for jet aircraft?) for a research program that resulted in wind model testing of an ASW configuration in 1956.
In the June issue 1961 of the Les Ailes magazine, I've found the Delanne D.1300,
a businees jet/light transport. Powered by two Turbomeca Marboré II engines,
it should have been able to reach a speed of up to 850 km/h, a service ceiling
of 12.000 km and a range of 1000 km.


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Brilliant find and such an original design! I wasn't even aware Delanne was still busy designing stuff into the sixties...
Great find Jemiba. Thanks for posting. (And thanks for your other work, you know) ::)
Many thanks Jens.. a wonderfull design.

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