Mark Nankivil said:
Fascinating - thanks! What is the source for these drawings?
brunobardini said:
and a site of plans.
For the others i'don't remeber!

These drawings published on Ukrainian aviation magazine "Aviation & time" number 2`2011
The articles not placed on site:
Panorama. (Includes information about issue of the type certificate for the An-158 regional aircraft; combat mission of Ukrainian Mi-24P helicopters in Côte d’Ivoire; familiarization of the Diamond DA-42 MPP NG patrol aircraft by pilots of State frontier forces of Ukraine; deliveries of humanitarian cargoes and special-purpose equipments to Japan by An-225 Mriya and An-124 Ruslan; maiden flight of the second experimental Russian fighter of the fifth generation T-50; use of aircraft in civil war in modern Libya and other reports. 13 photos).
Forefather. (A monograph about the MiG-3 fighter of a period of the Great Patriotic War. This aircraft became a forefather of the famous family of the MiG fighters. 48 photos, colour schemes of 6 aircraft; drawings in scale of 1:72).
Boeing strikes in return. (A story about the Boeing 747-8I, the biggest passenger aircraft of the Boeing company. 1 photo).
Air battle over Chernobyl. (The first part of the article about heroism of the Soviet aviators in liquidation of consequence of the catastrophe at Chernobyl nuclear power plant. 5 photos, scheme of helipads location).
Focke-Wulf of the 4th generation. (The first part of the article about the VAK 191B VTOL jet fighter-bomber. 11 photos, drawings in scale of 1:72).
Chinese Air Dragons. (The 4th part of the article about participation of Soviet fighter pilots in Japanese-Chinese war. A story about events of 1939-40. 4 photos).
Canberra is the bestseller of five continents. (A part of the article about use of British Canberra bombers in Air Forces of other countries, including India, Argentina and Germany. 11 photos).