Caudron designations


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24 March 2008
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  • Caudron.doc
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the Caudron P.V.200 high wing pusher amphibian twin
float monoplane,and powered by one engine.,395.msg18899/highlight,caudron+200.html#msg18899


  • P.V.200.jpg
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there is many aircraft and projects here;,9932.0/highlight,caudron+300.html

Type-K was a pusher float biplane of 1913
Type-M was a monoplane of 1912
C.91 a biplane transport
C.105 & C.106 long range aircraft with one 450hp Renault 12
C.187 biplane transport developed from C.183
C.260 tailless glider
C.790 two seat fighter/trainer
C.810 & C.811 gliders developed from C.800
C.850 three-seat racer aircraft with one 300hp Renault 6Q
I have recently been reading volume 1 of Andre Hauet's 'Les Avions Caudron'.

It has a number of additions to the types and designations list started by AM in the initial post.

Rather than post a number of disjointed posts I have taken the superb (MS Word) document from AM and updated it with notes in red, where applicable.

No doubt more updates will follow when I get round to read sections in detail.

Volume 1 detailed type information extends as far as the Caudron C.320 designation.


Les Avions Caudron - Tome I by Andre Hauet (Lela Presse, 2001) ISBN: 9782914017138


  • Caudron[2].doc
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I remember now why I never contributed to this topic... There were just SO MANY additions I could provide that I never got round to doing it properly!

your new list is highly commendable, Cy-27, but I can add quite a few still, so stay tuned... ;)
Just had a quick browse and edited your list in the form of a teaser (only the new designations, not the contents yet... I don't have access to all my archives yet, they're still in my old house...). All in all it's no less than 94 new designations if I'm not mistaken!


  • Caudron (by AM, with updates by Cy-27 — teaser by Stargazer).doc
    458.5 KB · Views: 64
Thanks Stargazer!
Is there more information available on that Caudron C260- tailless glider?
My Caudron list is mostly based on the work above by AM, Cy-27, and Stargazer. There have been a few additions but, the main difference is, this list being in more searchable html format. Hopefully that will help get the juices flowing and Members will be able to fill in some of the gaps.

Caudron Aircraft Designations

The first official Société des avions Caudron aircraft designations were alphabetical Type designations beginning in 1910. These were followed (and interspersed) with alpha-numerical 'G' and 'R' series designations. It has been suggested that the 'G' series were thus called because they were primarily the design-work of Gaston Caudron, while the 'R' series designs are credited to René Caudron.

'G' and 'R' series designations are often shown with Roman numeral type numbers. I have shown both Roman and Arabic numerals for the 'G' series. (I believe Roman numerals to be the correct display but, in current literature, Arabic numerals have become more common). For the 'R' series, I have shown only Arabic numerals (Roman numerals were often shown in contemporary literature but not, it seems, by the company). I have also chosen to ignore the fairly common contemporary practice of applying Roman numerals to Caudron 'C' series designations.

The alpha-numerical 'C' series designations are associated with post-WWI Caudron aircraft. As a matter of style, I have stuck with a period between 'C' and type number (although hyphens are also often seen). In this list, I have included the Type 02 as the 'C.02' but it is debatable whether that 1917 fighter belongs in the alpha-numerical series at all.

The first incontestable 'C' series designation was for the C.21 multi-purpose biplane of 1917. Despite that, the C.17 designation was applied to a 2-seat sesquiplane design a full decade later. The simple explanation for this is that the C.17 was probably designated as such to match DB-17, the designation of this Descamps-Brunet design being licensed-built by Caudron.

As will be seen, the 'C' series designation do not represent a linear sequence of Caudron aircraft. Overall 'C' series designations jump around somewhat randomly and are sometimes re-applied several times. Nonetheless, the 'C' series can be traced from the C.21 to at least the C.940 (and possibly to the C.960). Caudron and its designers were nothing if not prolific!

By the early 1930s, Caudron was struggling financially. Chief engineer, Marcel Riffard had been producing an impressive series of light racing monoplanes powered by Renault engines and the head of Renault, François Lehideux, was eager for this to continue. A take-over was arranged and, on 01 July 1933, the Société des avions Caudron became Caudron-Renault - or, more properly, the Société anonyme des avions Caudron. Initially, at least, the use of 'C' series designations was continued at Caudron-Renault. 'CR' prefixes appear later in the literature but most seem to be post-WW2 efforts to rationalize Caudron designations.

The first design to routinely carry the 'CR' prefix seems to be the CR.760, a Isotta-Fraschini Delta-powered extrapolation of the C.714 light fighter. For (perhaps abitrary) continuity, I have listed 'CR' types first as 'C' designations.

So, first up, anomalies and early Caudron designations. The 'C' series designations will follow. As always, corrections and additions gratefully received :)


Anomalous Caudron Aircraft Designations

Caudron-Fabre - 1911 fuselageless biplane floatplane, x 1
– Caudron-Fabre: 1 x 60 hp Anzani 6-cyl radial
-- Span 10.60 m, aka Hydroaéroplane Caudron-Fabre
-- Also see: 2nd Type H (Caudron Letters series, below)

CRB - (Project) 1917 twin-engined bomber
- CRB: 2 x 200 hp HS 8B V-8s, for RFC
-- CRB = Caudron Reconnaissance et Bombardier?

Caudron-Fauvel AV-2 - 1932 delta flying-wing (Aile Volante) motorglider
- Caudron-Fauvel AV-2: 1 x 34 hp ABC Scorpion,* span 12.85 m, x 1
-- * Scorpion HO-2 pusher engine pylon-mounted above the fuselage
-- aka Fauvel AV.2 (a Fauvel experimental design built by Caudron)

Caudron-Viscaya P.V.200 - 1932 catamaran (twin float) amphibian
- P.V.200: 1 x 95 hp Renault 4Pci pusher, span 13.00 m, x 1
-- aka Caudron P.V.200, 2-seat, metal const'n, retract. u/c


Société des Avions Caudron Aircraft Designations

Caudron Letters series

Type A - 1910 twin-boom, fuselage-less biplane series (= G.1)
- Type A No.1: 25 hp Anzani, 2 x chain-driven propellers
- Type A No.2: Tractor prop, mid-span ailerons, x 3
-- aka SAFA Biplane (Société Anonyme Français d'Aviation)
- Type A1: Poss. desig. for Type A No.2 'rouleur' conv.
- Type A bis: 1911 englarged 2-seater, 45 hp Anzani, x 3

Type B - 1911 twin-boom, fuselage nacelle biplane series, x 2
- Type B : (Orig.) equal span wing, 1 x 50 hp Gnome Omega
- Type B : (Mod.) Sesquiplane, poss. 50 hp Anzani 6-cyl.
- Type B2: Racer, 1st equal span, mod to sesquiplane

Type B - 1912 multiplace unequal-span biplane transport
- Type B: 1+5 pax, 1 x 100 hp Anzani 14-cyl, span 15.00 m

Type C - 1911 tractor biplane single-seat military scout, x 1
- Type C: Fuselage nacelle, 50 hp Gnome Omega or 45 hp Anzani
-- Type Cs deliv. as biplanes, 1912 mod. as sesquiplanes
-- Licensed in UK by WH Ewen (later British Caudron Co.)
-- Also Hall-Caudron copy for Hall School of Flying, Hendon

Type D - 1911 single-seat tractor biplane sport a/c, x ~13
- Type D : 1 x 35-50 hp Anzani or Gnome Omega, span 9.70 m
- Type D2: 1912 2-seater, 1 x 60 hp Anzani 6-cyl., x 2

Type E - 1912 2-seat tractor biplane military trainer, x 4
- Type E: Nacelle, twin-boom, twin fins, span 10.80 m
-- 1 x 70 hp Gnome Lambda 7-cyl. rotary engine

Type F - 1913 single-seat tractor biplane, span 10.10 m
- Type F: 50 hp Gnome Omega 7-cyl or Anzani 10-cyl

Type G - 1913 2-seat observation biplane, span 13.90 m
– Type G: 1 x 80 hp Gnome, some sources say Type F deriv.
-- Also see 'G' Series listing, below

Type H - 1912 3-seat biplane military floatplane, x 2
- Type H: 3-bay biplane, 1 x Anzani or Gnome pusher
-- NB: 'H' for 'Hydravion', not strictly for Type
-- At least 1 x military Type H mod. to wheeled u/c

Type H - 1912 2-seat floatplane, 1 x 60 hp Anzani pusher
- Type H: Caudron-Fabre deriv. for Claude Graham-White
-- NB: 'H' for 'Hydravion', not strictly for Type

Type H - 1912 tractor 2-bay biplane floatplane
-- NB: 'H' for 'Hydravion', not strictly for Type

Type J - 1913 observation floatplane sesquiplane
- Type J: 1 x 80 hp Le Rhône,* span 14.70 m, x 3
-- * Init. 80 hp Gnome, last re-eng. with 100 hp Gnome
-- aka Type J Marine (for la Marine Française)

Type K - 1913 2-seat observation biplane floatplane
- Type K: 1 x 200 hp Anzani 20,* span 18.15 m, x 1
-- * 20-cyl radial (or Gnome rotary), pusher propeller

Type L - 1913 2-seat twin-float* observation a/c, x 4
- Type L : 1 x 100 hp Gnome Delta, span 14.70 m, x 2
-- Type L for British military, 1 x orig., 1 x repl.
- Type L Marine: Rebuilt vers. for French military, x 2
-- * Type L was amphibious (wheels built into floats)

Type M - 1912 single-seat mid-wing monoplane, span 8.70 m
- Type M : 1 x 35-50 hp Anzani or Gnome Omega, sport a/c
- Type M2: Enlarged military deriv., span 9.40 m, x 3 (?)

Type N - 1912 single-seat mid-wing monoplane, span 8.00 m*
- Type N : 1 x 35-50 hp Anzani or Gnome Omega, racer, x 1
-- * L'Aérophile (15 août 1912, pg 362), but likely smaller
-- 3v:

Type O - 1914 single-seat sport biplane, span 7.40 m, x 1
– Type O: (Orig.) 45 or 50-60 hp Anzani 6-cyl. radial*
– Type O: (Mod.) Re-engined with 100 hp Anzani 10-cyl.
-- NB: Type O fuselage 'recycled' from Type M or N

Type P - 1913 pusher biplane

Type R - 1915 2-seat maritime patrol floatplane, x 1
- Type R: 1 x 150 hp Canton Unné R9 radial, span 15.75 m
-- 3v:


Société des Avions Caudron Aircraft Designations

Caudron 'G' Series Designations

G.1/G.I - Same as Type A (qv, above)

G.2/G.II - 1913 2-seat tractor nacelle biplane, span 12.10 m
- G.II: Trainer or recce role, 1 x Gnome or Le Rhône 80 hp

G.3/G.III - 1914 2-seat military biplane, span 13.40 m
- G.III: Various engines, 80 hp Le Rhône 9C, Gnome, etc.
- G.III A2: Mil. (SFA) desig. Attaque/Obs/Recce variant
-- STAé desig: Cau. 3 A2, 'A' for (Corps d')Armée
- G.III D2: Mil. desig. 2-seat dual-control trainer
-- STAé desig: Cau. 3 D2, 'D' for Double (commande)
- G.III E1: Mil. desig. single-seat trainer version
-- STAé desig: Cau. 3 E1, 'E' for École (monoplace)
- G.III E2: Mil. desig. 2-seat basic trainer vers.
-- STAé desig: Cau. 3 E2, 'E' for École (biplace)
- G.III F : (??) Poss. typo for 'E2'
- G.III L2: Late prod'n vers., 1 x 100 hp Anzani 10
-- STAé desig: Cau. 3 L2, 'L' for Liaison (biplace)
- G.III R1: Late prod'n vers., 1 x 100 hp Anzani 10
-- STAé desig: Cau. 3 R1, 'R' for Rouleur (monoplace)
- Licensed British Caudron Co. G.III, 1 x 70 hp Renault
- G.III copied* by Gothaer Waggonfabrik as LD.3 & LD.4
-- * Or were these Gotha types built under license?
-- Total G.III production ~ 2450

G.4/G.IV - 1915 twin-engined recce-bomber biplane, x 1421*
- G.IV: 2 x 80 hp Le Rhône 9C rotaries, span 17.20 m
- G.IV A2: Mil. desig. for 2-seat reconnaissance vers.
- G.IV B2: Mil. desig. for 2-seat heavy bomber a/c
- G.IV E2: Mil. desig. for dual-control training vers.
- G.IV IB: Mil. desig. for armoured (Blindage) vers.
-- * Aéronautique Militaire, RNAS, Aeronautica Militare
-- 3v:

G.5/G.V - 1915 3-seat twin-engined recce-bomber (A3), x 5 (?)
- G.V: 2 x 80 hp Le Rhône, span 17.20 m (or same area as G.IV)
-- G.V service tested, proved underpowered, evolved into G.VI

G.6/G.VI - 1916 2-seat twin-engined recce-bomber, G.V deriv.
- G.VI : 2 x 110 hp Le Rhône rotaries, span 17.22 m, x 512
-- 3v:
- G.6 AZ: 1919 recce deriv.. 2 x 130 hp Le Rhône rotaries


Société des Avions Caudron Aircraft Designations

Caudron 'R' Series Designations

R.1 - (??) Same as Type R floatplane

R.2 - 19?? exper. fighter (same as 02 / C.02 ??)
-- 'R.II' sometimes confused with Caudron R.11

R.3 - 1915 twin-engined multi-role biplane, x ?
- R.3: 2 x 80 hp Le Rhône 9C rotaries, span (??) m
-- R.3 was rotary-engined precursor to the R.4

R.4 - 1915 twin-engined 3-seat recce a/c, x 249
- R.4: 2 x 130 hp* Renault 12Db,** span 21.10 m
-- * Retrohydro rates the R.4's 12Db at 120 hp
-- ** Some R.4 with 2 x 150 hp HS 8Aa V-8s ***
-- aka Caudron 40 A.3 (official STAé designation)
-- aka R.19 (unofficial SFA desig., Renault vers.)
-- SFA = Service des Fabrications de L’Aviation
-- *** aka Caudron R.4 type 8 (corporate desig.)

R.5 - 1915 R.4 deriv. recce-bomber biplane, x 1
- R.5: 2 x 230 hp Renault 12A, span (??) m
-- More powerful recce-bomber development of R.4

R.6 - 1915 twin-engined 2-seat recce a/c, x 750
- R.6: 2 x 110 hp Le Rhône 9J rotary engines
-- R.6 was a scaled-down R.4 without nose gunner

R.7 - 1915 bomber prototype, no details

R.8 - 1916 bomber prototype, R.4 derivative

R.9 - (Project) 1916 twin-engined, 2-seat a/c
- R.9: 2 x 80 hp engines, span (??)
-- Considered underpowered, not proceeded with

R.10 - 1916* recce-bomber, no details
-- * Some sources list date as 1917

R.11 - 1917 twin-engined 3-seat multi-purpose a/c
- R.11 : 2 x 215 hp HS 8Bba, span 17.92 m, ~310-370
- R.11 : Escort fighter (Triplace de protection)
- R11 A3: Long-range reconnaissance variant
-- R.11 A3 aka type Cau.XI A3
- R.11 BN3: Night bomber (Bombardement de Nuit)
- R.11 B3: Bomber vers., x 145, x 2 to US military
- R.11 VZ : Tactical bomber (confirmation?)
- R.11/2: [Project] June 1918, 2 x 300 hp HS 8B

R.12 - 1918 fighter-recce aircraft, R.11 deriv.
- R.12: 2 x 235 hp Hispano-Suiza 8Fb engines
- R.12 CA3: 'CA3' for Chasse Armée Triplace ??

R.13 - 1918 experimental R.11 variant w larger engines

R.14 - 1918 enlarged version of R.11 (or R.12)
- R.14: 2 x 235 hp Hispano-Suiza 8Fb engines
- R.14 A3: 1 x 37 mm Hotchkiss, 2 x Lewis mg

R.15 - (??) Wikipedia listing

R.19 - (??) 130 hp Renault 12 Dc V-12
-- Pg 16

Last edited:
Société des Avions Caudron/Caudron-Renault Aircraft Designations

Caudron 'C' Numbers Designations

C.02 - 1917 Single-seat high-altitude biplane fighter, span 6.425 m
- C.02: Nov 1917, 1 x 120 hp Le Rhône 9Jb rotary engine
- C.02: 1918, 1 x 150 hp Gnome 9N, 1 x 180 hp Le Rhône 9R rotary

C.17 - 1927 2-seat observation sesquiplane, span 14.50 m
- C.17 A2: 1 x 450 hp Lorraine 12E Courlis, unarmed, x 6
-- Caudron's licensed-built 1923 Descamps-Brunet DB-17*
-- * Presumably explaining C.17 numerical designation
-- aka C.170



C.20 - 1917 single-seat army cooperation aircraft/light bomber
- C.20: 1 x 180 hp Gnome Monosoupape rotary

C.21 - 1917 twin-engined multi-purpose biplane, span 13.50 m
- C.21 : Nov 1917, 2 x 80 hp Le Rhône 9C rotary
- C.21bis: 1919 1+3-seat airliner devel., x 1

C.22 - 1917 twin-engined two-seat light bomber, span 16.54 m, x 1
- C.22: 2 x 120 hp Le Rhône 9Jb or 130 hp Clerget 9B rotaries
-- C.22 was a scaled-up C.21, considered underpowered, no prod'n

C.23 - 1918 2-seat biplane light bomber (C.23 BN2), x 54
- C.23 : 2 x 260 hp Salmson CU 9Z, span 24.50 m
- C.23 : Postwar commercial mod, 12 pax, open cockpit
- C.23bis: Enclosed-cabin devel. of commerical C.23


C.25 - 1919 3-engined biplane 2+16 airliner, span 25.00 m
- C.25: 3 x Salmson 9Z, built but not flown, C.23 deriv.

C.26 - [Project] 1919 B.3 (3-seat day bomber) contender

C.27 - 1922 2-seat, 2-bay biplane trainer/tourer, span 12 m
- C.27 : 1 x 80 hp Le Rhône 9C rotary, Paul Deville design
-- To 1923 EP.2 contest, 39 x licensed C.27 for Turkish AF
- C.27bis: (??)
- C.27ter: (??)
-- - 0765.html




C.31 - [Project] 1919 twin-engined 4-seat biplane tourer


C.33 - 1919 Twin-engined biplane 1+3-pax airliner, span 15.50 m
- C.33: 2 x 80 hp Le Rhône 9C, aka 'Landaulet Monsieur-Madame'

C.34 - [Project] 1920 3-seat recce/bomber, C.33 deriv.
- C.34: Submitted as contender for 1920 A.3/B.3 contests

C.35 - 19?? 4-seat light transport biplane, C.33 deriv.
- C.35: As C.33 (qv) except 2 x 60 hp Le Rhône 9Z rotaries


C.37 - 1920 trimotor 3-bay biplane 2+6 transport,span: 17.00 m
- C.37: 3 x 80 hp Le Rhône 9C rotaries, related to larger C.39


C.39 - 1921 3-engined biplane 2+6 civil transport a/c, x 1
- C.39: 3 x 130 hp Clerget 9B rotaries, span 20.92 m
-- * On wheels (4 pax on floats), Philippe Deville design


C.41 - 1922 4-seat biplane tourer, C.33 derivative
- C.41: 2 x Anzani radials


C.43 - 1921 5-engined 2+8 pax airliner, span 20.92 m, x 1
- C.43: 5 x 80 hp Le Rhône 9C (1 nose + 2 x push/pull pairs)
-- C.43 flown on wheeled undercarriage and twin float gear
-- C.43 was essentially a 5-engined vers. of 3-engined C.39


C.45 - 1922 2-seat colonial aircraft (To.2) contestant




C.49 - Trimotor 6-seat biplane light transport, C.39 deriv.


C.51 - 1921 biplane floatplane, 1 x Clerget (example: F-AIBL), x 1
-- - 0276.PDF


C.53 - [Project] 1921 2-seat night bomber, for BN.2 contest
- C.53: 4 x 260 hp Salmson CM9


C.55 - [Project] 1920 2-seat four-engined A.2 contender, C.53 deriv.


C.57 - 1921 2-seat biplane tourer, 1 x 130 hp Clerget, C.51 deriv.
- C.57: eg 5044.3 (F-AEAA) and 5045.2 (F-ADFV) and


C.59 - 1922 Single-engine 2-seat biplane scout/trainer aircraft
- C.59 : 1 x Hispano-Suiza 8Ab V-8 engine, ~1800+
- C.59/2: ET.2 trainer, 1 x 230 hp Lorraine 7Ma Mizar, 1 x prototype
-- - 0765.html

C.60 - 1921-1922 2-seat biplane scout/trainer, span 10.24 m
- C.60: Improved C.59, 1 × 130 hp Clerget 9B rotary engine
-- Exported, 36 x licensed-built by VL for Finnish AF
- C.60 ??: Variant/re-engined with 230 hp radial (Salmson?)*
-- *

C.61 - 1921 3-bay biplane 3-engined 6-8 pax airliner, span 24.14 m, x 12
- C.61 : 3 x 180 hp Hispano-Suiza 8Ac V-8, x 11 (8 x conv. to C.61bis)
-- - 0004.html
- C.61bis: 1924-25 mod to wing-mounted Salmson CM9s, 9/5365 poss new-build
-- C.61bis conv's: 3/502, 5/5307, 6/5308, 9/5365, 9/5365, 1/5377, 2/5378
- C.61 : ?? [Project] Single-engined version



C.64 - 1922 2-seat biplane basic trainer, enlarged C.51 derivative

C.65 - 1922 Floatplane tourer biplane, 1 x 135 hp Clerget rotary, x 1
-- - 0167.html

C.66 - 1922 Touring floatplane biplane, 1 x 140 hp HS 8Ab, x 1
-- - 0167.html

C.67 - 1922 Single-seat light biplane, span 5.80 m
- C.67: Open cockpit, 1 x 25 hp Anzani 3-cyl, x 1
-- - 0003.html

C.68 - 1922 2-seat biplane tourer, folding wings, span 7.65 m
- C.68 : 1 x 50 hp (60 hp?) Anzani 6-cylinder radial, x 4 (?)
- C.68bis: (??) no details - but five C.68s on French registery
-- 3094 F-ESAA, 6/3498 F-AFFH, 1/5148 F-AEIM, 2/5194 F-AEIL, 7/5363 F-AFFQ



C.71 - [Project] 1922 Transport, 4 x 180 hp HS 8Ab V-8s

C.72 - [Project] 1922 Transport, 4 x 180 hp HS 8Ab V-8s


C.74 - 1922 4-engined biplane 10-seat airliner, span 25 m, x 1
- C.74: 4 x 300 hp HS 8Fb push/pull V-8s, Paul Deville design

C.75 - [Project] 1923 trimotor transport biplane
- C.75: 3 x 240 hp Lorraine-Dietrich 8 Bb water-cooled V-8s


C.77 - 1923 single-seat basic trainer, variant of the C.59
- C.77: Intended for 1923 ET.1 competition


C.79 - 1923 single seat basic trainer, for ET.1
- C.79: Also intended for 1923 Coupe Michelin

C.80 - 192? 2-seat biplane trainer
- C.80: Intended for Spain and Argentina

C.81 - 1923 trimotor airliner, C.61 deriv., span 26.30 m, x 4 (5)*
– C.81: 1 x 400 hp Lorraine-Dietrich 12Db, 2 x 200 hp Salmson CM9
-- * At least one C.81 (F-AFBX, 5/5308) was conv. from a C.61
- C.81FR: 'Franco-roumaine' C-61a variant with diff. engine power
-- C.81FR: 1 x 370 hp LD 12D and 2 x 260 hp Salmson radials
- C.81 ??: Poss. vers. with 380 hp Gnome-Rhône 9A Jupiter radials
-- **

C.82 - 1924 trimotor passenger a/c, (poss. confusion with C.81?)
- C.82: 1 x Hispano-Suiza and 2 x Salmson CM9

C.83 - [Project] 1924 C.61 deriv., 1 x Salmson 508 (?), 2 x Salmson 260
- C.83: Designed for 1923 airliner/transport contest


C.85 - 192? 2-seat biplane tourer, derived from C.59
- C.85: 1 x 130 hp Clerget 9 Ba 9-cylinder rotary


C.87 - 1924 experimental single-engined pusher floatplane, F-ESAC




C.91 - 1923 biplane 1+4 pax cabin transport, span ?? m
- C.91 : (As 1st flown) 1 x 300 hp Renault 12F V-12
- C.91bis: 1925 re-engining with 1 x 370 hp Lorraine 12D

C.92 - 1926 Passenger transport, 1 x 400 hp Lorraine-Dietrich 12 Db
- C.92: c/n 5499.1 (F-ESAC/F-AICY), discarded 7/1934

C.93 - 1923 4-seat light transport biplane a/c
- C.93: 1 x 300 hp Lorraine-Dietrich 12 Fe

C.94 - 192? biplane cabin transport, C.91 deriv.
- C.94: 1 x 400 hp Gnome-Rhône 9A Jupiter radial

C.95 - [Project] 1924 2-seat military biplane trainer
- C.95: For 1924 ET.2 contest, derived from C.91


C.97 - 1924 2-seat biplane trainer, for Bolivian use
– C.97: 1 x 150 hp* or 180 hp Hispano-Suiza 8Ab V-8
-- *

C.98 - Biplane racer, C.91 deriv., intended for Coupe Zenith
- C.98: 1 x 230 hp Salmson 9 Ab 9-cyl air-cooled radial

C.99 - 1924 2-seat observation-bomber for 1923 A.2 competition
- C.99: 1 x 450 hp Hispano-Suiza (?? 12Ha type ??)
-- NB: Flight identifies C.99 as "a two-seater fighter"
-- - 0786.html


C.101 - 1925 3-seat recce sesquiplane, to R.3 requirement
- C.101 : 1 x 450 hp Hispano-Suiza, span 14.56 m
- C.101GR: 'Grande reconnaissance' variant

C.102 - (??) possibly a C.101 development

C.103 - 1925 3-seat recce biplane, to R.3 requirement
– C.103: 1 x 450 hp Lorraine 12Db W-12, span 14.56 m

C.104 - 1925 3-seat recce biplane, to R.3 requirement*
- C.104: 1 x 420 hp G&R 9Ab Jupiter, span 14.56 m
- C.104 GR: 'Grand Raid', long-distance version
-- - 0878.html
-- * Flight described C.104 as a "two-seater fighter"
-- - 0974.html

C.105 - 1919 long-range a/c, 1 x 450 hp Renault 12 Ja*
-- * Hydroretro lists 480 hp Renault type 12 Hd engine

C.106 - 1919 long-range a/c, 1 x 450 hp Renault 12 Ja*
-- * Hydroretro lists 480 hp Renault type 12 Hd engine

C.107 - 1925 3-seat recce sesquiplane, to R.3 requirement
- C.107: 1 x 500 hp Salmson 18Cmb* engine, span 14.56 m
-- * Salmson 18Cmb was an 18-cyl water-cooled radial engine


C.109 - 1925 2-seat parasol trainer/tourer, span 11.50 m
- C.109: 1 x 40 hp Salmson 9Ad 9-cyl. radial, x 24
-- At least 1 x C.59 (c/n 400) rebuilt as C.109 (18/6221)
- C.109/1: eg F-AIQG, F-AIQO (8/6193, F-AITI, x 14
- C.109/1 raid: 1928 F-AISC (9/6194) long-range mod.
- C.109/2: C.109 re-engined with 85 hp Salmson 5Aq 5-cyl
-- - 0520.html

C.110 - 1928 2-seat parasol trainer/utility, span 11.50 m
- C.110: 1 x 60 hp Salmson 5Ac 5-cyl radial, x 2


C.112 - 1928 2-seat parasol trainer/tourer, C.109 deriv.
- C.112: 1 x 80 hp Blackburn Cirrus II or 50 hp Anzani

C.113 - 1928 2-seat parasol tourer, span 11.50 m, x 1
- C.113: 1 x 60 hp Anzani 6A-3 radial, C.110 deriv.

C.114 - 2-seat parasol tourer, C.109 deriv with Anzani 6-cyl. radial
-- F-AITI - 0854.html


C.116 - 1929 3-seat parasol-wing floatplane tourer version of C.109
- C.116: 1 x 95 hp Salmson 7 Ac 7- cylinder radial engine

C.117 - 1929 2-seat parasol tourer, C.109 deriv.
- C.117: 1 x 60 hp Salmson radial, span 11.50 m








C.125 - 1925 Biplane tourer deriv. from C.27, span 12.00 m, x 1
- C.125: Prototype only, 1 x 130 hp Clerget 9B rotary engine*
-- Wikipedia says "several" C.125 convers. from C.27 standard

C.126 - 1926 2-seat biplane tourer, deriv. from C.27, span 12.00 m
- C.116: 1 x 150 hp Clerget 9 Bd rotary, , C.126 led to C.127 & C.128

C.127 - 1924 2-seat biplane tourer, deriv. from C.27, span 12.00 m
- C.127: 1 x 80 hp Le Rhône 9C rotary or 120 hp Salmson *
-- *

C.128 - 1925 biplane tourer deriv. from C.27/C.127, span 12.00 m, x 5
- C.128 : Slightly enlarged, 1 x 120 hp Salmson 9AC 9-cyl radial
- C.128bis: (??) Poss 3-seat version of C.128
- C.128/2 : 1930 aerobatic biplane

C.129 - 19?? 2-seat biplane tourer deriv. from C.128, span 12.00 m
- C.129: 1 x 90 hp Anzani 10C 10-cyl radial engine


C.140 - 1928 tandem 2-seat sesquiplane liaison/observation trainer, x 1
- C.140: 1 x 230 hp Salmson 9Ab, span 11.30 m, Paul Deville design

C.141 - C.140 deriv., 1 x 230 hp Lorraine 7Ma Mizar 7-cyl radial


C.154 - 1928 2-seat biplane trainer, some were C.59 conver., x 4 (?)
- C.154: F-AJOT & F-AJYT; C.59 conversions were F-AJMU & F-AJOS

C.155 - 1929 C.154 deriv. 2-seat sporting biplane, x 1 (?)
- C.155: 1 x 230 hp Lorraine 7Mc Mizar, span (??) m
-- 6189.1 registered F-AIYY, 1929


C.157 - 1924 2-seat biplane trainer, some were conver.,* x 9 (?)
- C.157: 1 x 90 hp Anzani 6-cyl radial, span 10.24 m
-- * Caudron C.157 converted to C.59, C.320, and C.490 standards

C.158 - 1925 biplane trainer, 1 x Salmson 9AB radial

C.159 - 1924 2-seat biplane trainer, some were conver.,* x 2 (?)
- C.159: 1 x 230 hp Salmson 9Ab radial, span 10.24 m
-- * C.159 6174.2, F-AINA conv. to C.59, C.320, back to C.59

C.160 - 1926 2-seat biplane trainer, enlarged C.68
- C.160: 1 x by one 65 hp Salmson 5Ac 5-cyl radial

C.161 - 1927 2-seat wooden tourer, prototype only? *
– C.161: 1 x 60 hp Salmson 5Ac radial, span 9.00 m
-- * 1 x C.161 on French registry - c/n 5967.1 F-AIPV




C.165 - 1924 2-seat biplane tourer, C.68 derivative
- C.165: 1 x 70 hp Anzani 6-cyl two-row radial engine



C.168 - 1927 2-seat folding-wing biplane tourer/trainer
– C.168: 1 x 70 hp Anzani 6-cylinder radial, span 9.00 m
-- NB: Wikipedia mistakenly lists C.168 as C.61 airliner deriv.

C.169 - [Project] 1928 2-seat biplane tourer, C.68 deriv.
- C.165: 1 x 65 hp Salmson 5 Ac 5-cylinder radial engine

C.170 - See C.17


C.172 - 1928 2-seat observation biplane, C.17/C.170 deriv.
- C.172: 1 x 450 hp Lorraine 12Eb Courlis water-cooled W-12

C.180 - 1930 trimotor* high-winged monoplane transport, x 1
- C.180: Metal constr., also submitted as colonial police a/c
-- * 3 x 300 hp Lorraine 9N Algol 9-cyl radial, span 14.60 m

C.181 - 1931 trimotor colonial aircraft
- C.181: 3 x 300 hp Gnome-Rhône 7K Titan Major radials


C.183 - 1923 trimotor biplane transport, span 26.30 m, x 2
- C.183: 1 x 550 hp Salmson CM19, 2 x 260 hp Salmsom CM9
-- C.183 was a C.61 deriv., 1 (c/n 5416) was a C.81 conv.




C.187 - 1923 biplane transport a/c developed from C.183, x 1
- C.187: Passenger transport, airframe modified from C.83

C.190 - 1928 2-seat, low-wing sport monoplane, span 11.50 m
- C.190: 1 x 80 hp Renault or 90 hp Aviation Michel*
-- * Presum. Aviation Michel A.M.14 Type I air-cooled 4-cyl
- C.191: 1928, 1 x 95 hp Salmson 7Ac,** 1 x prototype
-- ** Hydroretro lists as 90 hp Renault 4 Pa inline
-- pg 27
- C.192: 1 x 95 hp Salmson 7Ac radial, 1 x prototype
- C.193: 1929, 1 x 95 hp Renault 4Pb inline, x 6
-- 2 x C.193 mod. into Odier-Bessière Clinogyre
- C.194 - (??) hypothetical designation

C.195 - 1930 low-wing monoplane trainer/tourer
- C.195: 1 x (??) hp Renault 4P (??), span 11.50 m
-- F-AJS(?) reg. suggest poss. C.193 conversion

C.200 - [Project] 1930 single-engine high-wing tourer


C.220 - 1929 2-seat biplane trainer/tourer, span 9.90 m
- C.220: 1 x 95 hp Salmson 9Ac radial, wooden constr'n

C.221 - 1929 2-seat biplane trainer/tourer, span 9.90 m
- C.220 : 1 x 105 hp Lorraine-Dietrich 5Pb 5-cyl. radial
- C.221/2:

C.230 - 1930 2-seat biplane tourer, C.59 deriv., x 15
- C.230: 1 x 95 hp Salmson 7Ac radial, span 9.90 m
–- Different engines resulted in fresh designations

C.231 - 1930 2-seat biplane tourer, C.230 deriv.
- C.231: 1 x Lorraine (poss. 100 hp 5P as per C.221)

C.232 - 1931 2-seat biplane tourer, span 11.00 m, x 50
– C.232 : 1 x 95 hp Renault 4Pb, wooden construction
- C.232/2: As C.232 with added wheel brakes, x 3
- C.232/3: (??) hypothetical designation
- C.232/4: Improved C.232/2, x 7

C.233 - Experimental engine testbed, c/n 15 F-AIKD, x 1
- C.233: 1 x 100 hp Michel 4a (poss. A.M.14 Type II?)*
-- * NB: Aviation Michel A.M.4a was 25 hp boat engine

C.234 - no details
-- 6535.4 register F-ALDG

C.235 - C.230 testbed variant for Ministere de l'Air, x 1
- C.235: 1 x 150 hp Argus As 8R inverted V-8, span 12.70 m

C.240 - 1931 low-wing monoplane cabin tourer, x 1
- C.240: 1 x 120 hp Salmson 9Ac radial, span 15.00 m
- C.240: 1+3 pax, mixed constr., no customers found

C.250 - 193? 2-seat biplane trainer, prototype (?)
- C.250: Poss. modified into sole C.251 (confirm?)
-- Wind tunnel model tested, photo in TU issue 174
- C.250: 1 x (??) radial, span 10.24 m

C.251 - 1931 2-seat military training biplane, span 10.24 m, x 1
- C.251: 1 x 240 hp Lorraine 7Me Mizair, to 1929 EP.2 contest*
-- * Military trainer to replace in-service Caudron C.59

260 - Poss. holding designation for Abrial A-260 project*
-- * Abrial A-260 was to be built by Caudron

C.270 Luciole - 1931 biplane tourer, various engine types
- C.270/1: [Project] 1934 biplane tourer, 105 hp Salmson 7Aca
- C.271 : Luciole tourer variants with Lorraine engines
-- C.271/2: Biplane tourer, 1 x 110 hp Lorraine 5Pb, x 5
-- C.271/3: [Project] 1936 biplane, 1 x 110 hp Lorraine 5Pb
- C.272 : Luciole tourer variants with Renault engines
-- C.272 : 1931 tourer, 95 hp Renault 4Pb Bengali, x 52
-- C.272/2: 1933 trainer, 1 x 120 hp Renault 4Pei, x 22
-- C.272/3: 1933 trainer, 1 x Renault 4Pdi Bengali, x 15
-- C.272/4: 1933 trainer, 1 x Renault 4Pei Bengali, x 21
-- C.272/5: 1935 trainer, 1 x Renault 4Pgi Bengali, x 80
- C.273 : 1931 Luciole trainer, 1 x Michel Type R,* x 14
-- * 100 hp Aviation Michel R At-3 (any details on this?)
- C.274 : 1932 trainer, 1 x 120 hp Chaise Type H, x 1
- C.275 : 1936 Luciole trainer, 1 x Renault 4Pgi, x 433
-- NB: C.275 variants lacked the C.270's folding wings
-- C.275/1: 1937 trainer, 1 x Renault 4Pdi Bengali, x 1
-- C.275R : 1945 trainer/tourer, 1 x Renault 4Pgi, x 1
- C.276 : 1932 Luciole trainer, 1 x DH Gipsy III, x 7
-- C.276H: 1956 cabin tourer, 1 x Hirth HM 504, x 2
- C.277 - 1939 Luciole trainer, 1 x Renault 4Pei,** x 9
-- ** Some sources say 140 hp Renault 4Po3 engine
-- NB: C.277 vers. was C.272 without folding wing
-- C.277R: 1949 C.275 conversion to 1 x Renault Po3
- C.278 : Luciole trainer, 1 x Salmson 9Ne, x 1

C.280 - 1932 Phalène high-wing monoplane utility aircraft
- C.280 : Prototypes, 1 x DH Gipsy II inline, x 5
- C.280/2: 4-seat light tourer, Renault 4Pdi engine, x 21
- C.280/4: Super Phalène, dual controls, auto slots/flaps, x 9
- C.280/6: 1933, 1 x 135 hp Salmson 9Nc 9-cyl radial, x 1
- C.280/9: Fuselage lengthened by 20cm, x 3

C.281 - (??) Phalène high-wing cabin monoplane

C.282 - 1932 Phalène cabin monoplane, C.280/4 deriv.
- C.282/1 : 1 x DH Gipsy Major 4-cyl. inline, x 11
- C.282/2 : Phalène IV, 1 x Renault 4Pdi Bengali, x 10
- C.282/3 : As C.282/2, reduce fuel capacity, x 1
- C.282/4 : Super Phalène, smaller airframe, dual control,
-- C.282/4 also featured automatic slots & flaps, x 9
- C.282/5 :
- C.282/6 :
- C.282/7 : 1 x Renault 4Pdi
- C.282/8 : 1933 defin. vers., 145 hp Renault 4Pdi, 89 + (3)
-- C.282/8 had longer fuselage, more fuel, and a tailwheel
- C.282/8-III :
- C.282/9 : 1 x Renault 4Pei, x 2
- C.282/10: Renault 4Pei, Merville 601 propeller* x 4**
-- * Replacing Merville Series 496 on earlier versions
-- ** Some sources claim that 11 x C.282/10 were built


C.284 - 1933 Phalène cabin monoplane, 1 x 135 hp Chaise 4*
-- OMI-built Chaise 4-Ba 4-cyl. was ultimately unsuccessful

C.285 - [Project] 1933 C.280 deriv., 1 x 120 hp Salmson 9Ac radial

C.286 - Super Phalène high-wing cabin monoplane
- C.286 : DH Gipsy III, redesig. vertical tail, x 1
- C.286/2 : 1933, 1 x Renault 4Pdi, rounded wingtips
-- 12 x C.286/2 (including x 10 conversions)
- C.286/2-S4 : 'Special', luxury vers. C.286/2
-- C.286/2-S4: 120 hp DH Gipsy Major I, x 10
- C.286/3 : 1 x 120 hp DH Gipsy Major I, x 1
- C.286/3-S4 : 'Special', luxury vers. C.286/3
- C.286/4 : C.280/6-style tail, DH Gipsy Major I, x 5
- C.286/5 : 135 hp DH Gipsy III, automatic slats, x 1
-- C.286/5 also had tailwheel and revised horiz. tail
- C.286/6 : DH Gipsy Major I, Merville 501 prop, x 5
- C.286/7 : As C.286/6 except Ratier 1175 v-p prop, x 8
- C.286/8 - Longer C.280/9-type fuselage, C.286 tail
-- C.286/8 had 1 x 120 hp DH Gipsy Major I, x 4
- C.286/9 : Standard fuselage, DH Gipsy Major III, x 1



C.289 - 1933 Phalène high-wing cabin monoplane, x 6 (?)
- C.289/1:
- C.289/2: 1 x 150 hp Hispano-Suiza 5Q radial, x 1
-- C.289/2 had C.286/9 structure with C.286 tail
- C.289/9: 1 x 120 hp Renault 4Pdi,* C.280/6 tail, x 5
-- * Avia France has C.289/9 with 150 hp HS 5Q radial


300 -- Poss. not used to avoid confusion with R.300
-- [Project] 1931 OMI R.300 Coupe Deutch racing a/c*
-- R.300: 1 x 320 hp OMI Chaise 8C flat HO-8 engine
-- * Single-seat, mid-winged monoplane, span 6.20 m
-- Marcel Riffard & Georges Otfinovsky desig. R.300**
-- ** Prior to Riffard/Otfinovsky moving to Caudron
-- aka MR.300 (but not 'CR.300')


C.320 - 1932 biplane trainer, rebuilt C.59s,* x 8
- C.320: 1 x250 hp Renault 9A 9-cyl, radial
-- * Or rebuilt from C.159 or C.179 airframes


C.340 - 1933 Micro Phalène, reduced-scale Phalène light a/c, x 5
- C.340: Folding wings, 30 hp Chaise 4D motorcycle engine
- C.341: (??)
- C.342: (??)
- C.343: (??)
- C.344: C.340 re-engined with 1 x 40 hp Chaise 4E 2-cyl.
- C.345: Phalène Junior, revised struts, 40 hp Train 4E, x 1


C.360 - 1933 low-wing monoplane racer, 1 x 170 hp Renault*
- C.360: Atalante, longer-spanning R.300 development
-- * 4-cyl Bengali Special, other sources say Régnier R6


C.362 - 1933 single-seat low-wing monoplane racer, x 2
- C.362: 1 x 170 hp Renault 4Pei Bengali, span 6.80 m
- C.362: 7.00 m2 wings, fixed & spatted undercarriage
-- Built for the Coupe Deutch de la Meurthe 1933

C.363 - 1933 single-seat low-wing monoplane racer
- C.363: 1 x 120 hp Renault 4Pdi Bengali 4-cyl



C.366 - 1933 single-seat low-wing monoplane racer, x 1
- C.366: Atalante, 1 x 205-220 hp Régnier R6 6-cylinder
-- C.366 Atalante, came 2nd in the 1934 Coupe Deutsch
-- C.366 re-engined with Régnier Martinet as Nennig C-3*
-- * Have I garbled the Martinet part, was it Régnier engine??

C.370 - [Project] 1933) C-360 racer, 1 x Baudot Complexe*
-- * ~600 hp liquid-cooled 32-cyl. multi-row** engine
-- ** Four rows of 8 cyl., designed by François Baudot



C.400 - 1934 Phalène, military desig. for C.282, x 40*
- C.400: 1 x 120 hp Renault Pdi, span 11.62 m
-- * 29 of 40 AdA C.400s went to Aviation Populaire

C.401 - Phalène, higher power military liaison a/c
- C.401: 1 x 140 hp Renault Pei, span 11.62 m

C.410 - Phalène, post-war civilian C.401 conv.
- C.401: 140 hp Renault Pei, span 11.62 m, x 11


C.430 - 1934 Rafale 1-2-seat tourer/racer, C.362 deriv.
- C.430: Tandem seats, 9.00 m2 low-wings, fixed/spatted u/c
- C.430: 1 x 120 hp Renault 4 Pdi, 2 x built (1 x conversion)
-- C.430 c/n 6885 (F-AMVA), c/n 6886 (F-AMVB)*
-- * Crashed 30 Nov 1934, killing Hélène Boucher
-- C.430/1: 1-seat F-AMVA conv., 180 hp Renault 438**
-- ** Oct 1934, for Coupe Deutsch de la Meurthe

C.431 - 1979 replica of C.430/1 with 165 hp Régnier

C.432 - (??)
-- Aviocar: 'Roadable' vers. of C.432

C.440 - 1935 Goéland 6-seat twin-engine utility a/c, ~1702 built
- C.440: March 1935 prototype light passenger transport, x 3
-- C.440: 2 x 180 hp Renault 6Pdi Bengali, span 17.60 m
-- C.440: Various engine installations tried, no wing diherdral
-- C.440: N° 1 prototype later converted into C.444 (qv)
- C.441: Pre-series, 3° dihedral on outer wing panels, x 4
-- C.441: To Armee de l'air as VIP transport/liaison a/c
-- C.441: 2 x Renault 6Q-01 6-cyl inlines,* span 17.60 m
-- * Same righthand propeller rotation for both C.441 engines
-- * hesham's source lists unhanded 220 hp 453-00
- C.442: [Project] 1935, 2 x 220 hp Renault 6Q-02/03 6-cyl.
-- C.442: Handed Renault 6Q-02/03 engines w/ superchargers
-- hesham's source lists 453-02 optimized for 2000 m
- C-443: [Project] 1935, 2 x 240 hp Renault 6Q-04 engines
-- C.443: 1st proposed Goéland vers. with handed propellers
-- hesham's source lists 453-02 optimized for 4000 m
- C.444: 1st built Goéland vers. with handed propellers
-- C.444: 2 x Renault 6Q-00/6Q-01 6-cyl.,** span 17.60 m
-- ** 220 hp usually quote despite lacking compressors
- C.445: As per C.444 but with 4° wing dihedral, 114 x built
-- C.445/1: Civil, 2 x 200 hp Renault 6Q-10/6Q-11s, x 2
-- At least 1 x C.445/1 converted to modular C.445M std.
-- C.445/2: (Project) 1937 Super Goéland postal vers.
-- C.445/2: (Project) For Air Bleu, 2 x 360 hp Renault 456
-- C.445/2: Built transp. vers., 2 x 220 hp Renault 6Q-10/11
-- C.445/2: 3 x built (c/n 8617, 8618, and 8619)
-- C.445/3: Postwar production version, x 510
-- C.445EF: 1942-43 Vichy prod. as Luftwaffe training a/c
-- Unclear as to meaning of 'EF' designation suffix (??)
-- C.445M : Modular-cabin militarized C.445/3,***, x 404
-- *** Unclear, 'M' for 'Modulaire' or 'Militaire'?
-- C.445R : Long-range version, fuel tanks in cabin, x 1
- C.446 : 1938 Super Goéland, higher-powered IV-12s, x 5
-- C.446 Grand Raid: 2 x 450 hp Renault 12R-00/-01s, x 1
-- C.446 (R): 2 x 600 hp (550 hp @ 4,000m) Renault 12R-02/03
-- C.446 (R): Listed as 'spéciaux' engines, reg. 420 hp
-- hesham's source lists 2 x 420 hp Renault 12R-00/01s
-- C.446 (R): Also feature 'spécial' reinforced u/c
-- C.446 (A): 2 x German 320 hp Argus As 410 IV-12 engines
-- hesham's source suggests As 410 have been sabotaged
- C.447: MedEvac vers., 4 x stretchers + 1 attendant, x 31
-- C.447 : 2 x 220 hp Renault 6Q-10/11 engines, (C.445 conv.??)
-- C.447/1: 2 x 240 hp Renault 6Q-20/21s, akin to C.449, x 10
-- C.447: aka Goéland C (suggesting 'Goéland A'/-B'
- C.448: Trans./Grande Tourisme, shortened span/no dihedral
-- C.448: Transport, 2 x 220 hp Renault 6Q-02 6-cyl., x 4
-- C.448-9: Poss. specific desig. for 'GT', out of sequence?
-- NB: C.448 'GT' developed in parallel with C.445R variant
- C.449: Final prod. vers., 2 x 240 hp Renault 6Qs, x 349
-- C.449/1: 1940 prod'n military transport, 295 x built
-- C.449/1: 2 x 240 hp Renault 6Q 20/21 6 cyl., span 17.60 m
-- C.449/2: (Project) Trainer, 2 x 410 hp Béarn 6D-03 6-cyl
-- C.449/2: To have reinforced u/c from C.446 Grand Raid
-- C.449/3: Lt transport vers., 2 x 240 hp Renault 6Q-20/-21
-- C.449/3: Lengthened fuselage, prototype never finished
-- C.449/4: Photo survey, 2 x 240 hp Renault 6Q-20/-21, x 8
-- C.449/4: Also 'police ccoloniale' + nav/bombing trainers
-- C.449/5: Postal variant (possibly for Air Bleu?), 7 x built
-- AA.1 : Postwar prod'n by AA (nationalized Caudron)****
-- **** Ateliers Aéronautiques d'Issy-les Molineaux

C.450 - 1934 single-engined racer based on C.362, x 1
- C.450: Single-seat, low-wing, fixed & spatted main u/c
- C.450: 1 x 330 hp Renault 433, span 6.74 m, area 700 m2
-- C.450 designed for Coupe Deutch de la Meurthe 1934
- C.450 R2: Mod. to tandem-seat speed record aircraft

C.460 - 1934 Rafale single-engined racer, C.362 deriv., x 3
- C.460 : Coupe Deutsch de la Meurthe 1934, spats, x 1
- C.460 : 1 x 360 hp Renault 456, span 6.75 m, area 7.00 m2
- C.460 R: c/n 6907 converted to fully retractable u/c, 1935
- C.461 : Flush cockpit version, 360 hp Renault 456 6-cyl., x 2
-- - 0481.html

C.470 - [Project] 1938 4-engined Goëland development
- C.470: 4 x 220 hp Renault 180 inline engines

C.480 - 1935 Frégate 5-seat high-wing cabin tourer, x 27
- C.480: 1 x 140 hp Renault 4Pei inline, span: 11.90 m

C.481 - 1935, (??) poss. higher-powered Frégate variant
- C.481: ? x 450 hp Renault Type 12R inverted V-12
- pg 19

C.490 - 1935 2-seat 2-bay biplane trainer, C.320 deriv.
- C.490: 1 x 170 hp Renault 6Pfi,* span 10.23 m, x 7
-- * C.490's Bengali engine orig. from C.500 Simoun I
- C.491 - 1937 C.490 deriv, 1 x 180 hp Renault 6Pdi, span 10.23 m
- C.492 - 1935 C.320 deriv., 1 x 170 hp Renault 6Pfi, span 10.23 m, x 6
- C.493 - 1937 C.491 deriv, 1 x 180 hp Renault 6Pdi , span 10.23 m

C.500 - 1934 Simoun I prototype low-wing 4-seat cabin a/c
- C.500: 1 x 170 hp Renault 6Pfi, span 10.40 m, x 1

C.510 - 1934 Pélican 5-seat touring monoplane, x 62
- C.510: 1 x 140 hp Renault 4 Pdi Bengali 4-cyl inline
- C.511: (Project) C.510 with revised rigging* & u/c
-- * Possibly referring to wing struts, not rigging wire

C.520 - 1934 Simoun 4-seat low-wing cabin tourer, x 1
- C.520: 180 hp Renault 6Q air-cooled 6-cyl inline

C.530 - 1934 Rafale 2-seat sport/racer monoplane, x 7
- C.530: Primarily wooden const'n, fixed & spatted u/c
- C.530: 1 x 140-170 hp Renault 4Pd Bengali Sport
- C.530: Wingspan 9.20 m, wing area 12.00 m2
-- C.530 was an enlarged version of C.430 Rafale

C.540 - (Project) monoplane racer in two versions
- C.540 : First version, based on C.500 Simoun I
- C.540 : Second version, based on C.530 Rafale

C.550 - (Project) Enlarged C.360 long-distance racer*
-- * Or a 2-seat racer variant of C.500/C.520 Simoun
- C.550: Meant for London-Melbourne race, not built
- C.550/II: Racer, no other details

C.560 - 1935 Rafale II Coupe Deutsch racer, C.460 deriv. x 1
- C.560: 1 x 450 hp Renault 12R, span 6.67 m, area 7.00 m2
-- C.560 not ready for 1935 Coupe Deutsch race*
-- * Replaced by C.460 with 180 hp Renault 428

C.561 - 1936 single-seat Coupe Deutsch racer, C.461 deriv., x 1
- C.561: 1 x 450 hp Renault 446, span 6.67 m, area 7.00 m2
- C.561: Wood const., retract. u/c, flush cockpit
-- C.561 combine C.461 and C.560 features

C.570 - 1935 Kangourou twin-engined transport, x 1
- C.570: Military cargo transport, aka CR.570
-- aka R.570, 2 x 700 hp Renault W18 engines
-- - 0645.html

C.580 - 1934 single-seat military fighter-trainer, 2 x built*
- C.580: 1 x 140 hp Renault 4Pdi,** span 7.70 m, area 9.00 m2
-- * c/ns 6939.1 (F-ANAS, see C.581) and 6940.2 (F-ANAT)
-- ** Avia France says 150 hp 4Pdi Bengali; others say 4Pei

C.581 - 1935 Single-seat aerobatic monoplane, x 2
- C.581: Rafale military aerobatic trainer
- C.581: 1 x 450 hp Renault 12R, span 7.70 m, area 9.00 m2
-- C.581 c/n 6939.1 (F-ANAS) converted C.580 airframe


C.600 - 1935 Aiglon 2-seat touring monoplane, x 178
- C.600G: 1 x DH Gipsy Major-powered version, x 5
- C.601: Aiglon Senior, 2 x 100 hp Renault 4Pei, x 18
-- KXC: Japanese desig. for C.601 evaluated by IJN
- C.610: Single-seat long-distance 'Raid' vers., x 2
-- C.610: F-ANSK, ex-C.600, increased fuel tankage

C.620 - 1937 Simoun IV, 1 x 170 hp Renault 6Pfi, x 1

C.630 - 1935 Simoun, initial production vers., x 20
- C.630: Simoun, 1 x 180 hp Renault 6Pdi Bengali
- C.631: Simoun, 1 x 220 hp Renault 6Q-01, x 3
- C.632: Simoun, 1 x 220 hp Renault 6Q 6-cyl, x 1
-- C.632 was a long-range 'raid' vers., x 1 (F-ANXA)
- C.633: Simoun, 1 x 220 hp Renault 6Q-07, x 6
-- C.633 had a modified fuselage
- C.634: Simoun, 1 x Renault 6Q-01 or 6Q-09, x 3
-- C.634 had modified wing, increased take-off weight
- C.635: Simoun, 1 x Renault 6Q-01 or 6Q-09, x 46
-- C.635 had improved cabin layout, conv. of earlier-models
-- C.635M: Mil. vers., Renault 6Q-09 or 6Q-19, x 489

C.636 - 1938 4-seat touring monoplane, C.630 Simoun deriv.
- C.636: Metal fuselage contruction (?? monocoque ??)

C.637 - (Project) 193?, 1 x 300 hp Renault 6Q-20
- C.637: (??) C.63x Simoun deriv./development (??)

C.638 - (Project) 193?, 1 x (??) hp Renault 6Q-20
- C.638: (??) C.63x Simoun deriv./development (??)

C.639 - (Project)* 1943 C.635 with 240 hp Argus As 10
-- * C.639 poss. built or completed as C.635 conversion ??

C.640 - 1935 Typhon low-wing monoplane mail plane, x 7
- C.640: Single-seat, 2 x 220 hp Renault 6Q, span 11.50 m
-- Wooden constr'n, concept similar to DH-88 Comet
- C.641: 1935 single-seat record a/c, span 11.50 m, x 2
-- C.641 had raised canopy and increased fuel capacity

C.650 - [Project] 1935 3-seat fighter, C.640 derivative

C.660 - 1937 Rafale 2-seat racing monoplane, 4 x built*
- C.660: 1 x 140 hp Renault 4 Pei,** span: 9.20 m, area 9 m2
-- * At least two of the C.660s were C.530 conversions
-- ** According to Hydroretro, others say 180 hp Renault 6

C.670 - 1937 Typhon high-speed bomber deriv., span 14.80 m
- C.670: 2 x 220 hp Renault 454, 3 x crew of three, x 1
-- Submitted for 1934 C.2/C.3/CN.2, 2 x 20 mm, 1 x 7.5 mm

C.680 - 1936 Super Rafale 2-seat sports monoplane, x 1
- C.680 : 1 x 140 hp Renault 4Pei 4-cyl., span 7.70 m, area 9 m2
- C.680-5: 1 x 220 hp Renault 6Q-03 6-cyl. engine




C.684 - 1936 2-seat sport monoplane, x 1
- C.684: Wooden constr., modified C.680
- C.684: 1 x 170 hp Renault 6Pfi, span 7.70 m

C.685 - 1936 Super Rafale 2-seat sport a/c, x 1
- C.685: Wooden construction, modified C.684
- C.685: 1 x 220 hp Renault 6Q, span 7.70 m, area 9 m2

C.686 - 193? Super Rafale, C.685 mod.
- C.686 : 1 x 360 hp Renault (??), span 7.70 m, area 9 m2
- C.686: c/n 6933.4 (F-ANAM)

C.690 - 1936 fighter trainer, C.720 derivative, x 18
- C.690 : 1 x 220 hp Renault 6Q-03, span 7.70 m, area 9 m2
- C.690 : Single-seat fighter-trainer, x 4
- C.690M: Refined Armée de l'Air version, x 15
- C.691 : 1937 aerobatic vers. of C.690
- C.720 : qv




C.695 - (Project) 1938 C.690 deriv., no other details
-- Le Trait d'Union no. 176

C.700 - (Project) 1935, marine C.640 Typhon derivative

C.700 - 1939 single-seat monoplane racer (avion de course)
- C.700: 1 x 500 hp Renault 12Ro (or 12Rc) inverted V-12
-- Pg 19

C.710 - 1936 single-seat monoplane light fighter, x 3
- C.710: 1 x 500 hp Renault 12R-01 V-12, span 8.97 m
-- Submitted for 1934 C.1 fighter competition
- C.710: 2 x wing-mounted 20 mm HS-9 auto-cannons

C.711 - [Project] single-seat racer deriv. of C.710
- C.711: Longer fuselage and more powerful engine

C.712 - 1936 record-breaking C.710 derivative, x 1
- C.712: 1 x 730 hp Renault 12R special, span 8.97 m
-- aka C.712 Cyclone, aka C.712R ('R' for Raid)

C.712 (II) - (Project) 193? 2-seat light bomber
-- C.712: aka C.712 B2, no other details

C.713 - 1937 single-seat monoplane light fighter, x 1
- C.713: C.710 with retract. u/c, to 1936 C.1 contest
- C.713: Armament, 2 x 20 mm HS-9 cannons in wings
-- C.713 considered development prototype for C.714s

C.714 - 1938 single-seat monoplane light fighter, x 56
- C.714 : Cyclone, refined prod'n vers. of C.713 fighter
-- C.714.01: Prototype, 4 x 7.5 mm mgs in wing gondolas
- C.714R: 1 x 900 hp Renault 12R-03 inverted V-12, x 1
-- AdA desig. C.714 C1, sometimes seen as 'CR.714 C1'

C.714B - (Project) 2-seat light bomber
- C.714B: C.712 B2 derivative

C.715 - [Project] 1938 C-710 with 650 hp Renault*
-- * Some sources C.715 as orig. des. of CR.760

C.720 - 1936 single-seat fighter trainer aircraft, 1 x built
- C.720: 1 x 175 hp Renault Bengali,* span 7.70 m, area 9 m2
-- Some sources say C.690 was derived from C.720
-- Other sources say C.720 was 2-seat C.714 deriv.
-- * C.720 planned for engines of 100 hp to 220 hp**
-- ** Hydroretro says 220 hp Renault 6Q installed

C.730 - [Project] 193? 2/3-seat fighter
-- Submitted for 1934 C.2/C.3/CN.2 competition

C.740 - (Project) 4-engined Goéland devel.

C.750 - [Project] 4-seat vers. of C.800 Ramier tourer
- C.750: 1 x 140 hp Renault 4 Pei inverted 4-cyl.

C.760 - 1940 single-seat light fighter, C.714 deriv., x 1
- C.760: 1 x 760 hp Isotta-Fraschini Delta RC.40 V-12
-- aka Caudron-Renault CR.760
-- 3v:
- JN 760: 1999 replica, Ranger V-12, 'JN for builder Jean Noan

C.770 - 1940 single-seat light fighter, C.760 deriv., x 1
- C.770: 1 x 800 hp Renault-626 V-16
-- aka C.770-01 (prototype), Caudron-Renault CR.770
-- C.770/CR.770 used fuselage and tail of CR.760-03

C.780 - [Project] 1940 single-seat light fighter, C.770 deriv.
- C.780: As for C.770 except 1 x 500 hp Renault 468 V-12*
-- aka CR.780, armament 2 x 20 mm + 2-to-4 x 7.5 mm mgs
-- * Renault 468 fitted with contra-rotating propellers

C.790 - 1938 2-seat trainer, 1 x 220 hp Renault 6Q 6-cyl.
- C.790: Deriv. of single-seat C.690 fighter trainer (qv)

C.800 - (1st allocation) 1936 Ramier 2-seat tourer, x 2
- C.800 Ramier: 1 x 140 hp Renault 4 Pdi inverted 4-cyl

C.800 - 1942 Épervier 2-seat training glider, span 16.0 m
- C.800: 2 x 1942 prototypes, 302 C.800 built post-war*
-- * C.800 production was performed by Fouga
- C.800: 1 x motorglider version (see 2nd C.850, below)
- C.801: 1951 improved prod'n version, Épervier Ramier x 10

C.810 - (1st allocation) [Project] 1940 3-seat fighter
- C.810: 2 x Renault engines, no other details
-- Submitted for 1934 C.2/C.3/CN.2 competition

C.810 - (2nd allocation) 1942 Colibri basic training glider
- C.810: Colibri single-seat glider, span 14.00 m, x 1
- C.811: Post-war improved C.810 single-seat glider, x 1
- C.812: [Project] Glider derived from C.811



C.815 - [Project] single-seat glider (desig. clashed with Fouga usage)

C.820 (I) - (Project) 1938 3-seat observation/utility a/c

C.820 (II) - (Project) Single-seat high-performance glider
- C.820: C.800 Épervier sailplane derivative

C.830 - [Project] 1936 trainer/army co-operation a/c (for T.3 competition)
- C.830: Prob. C.670 devel, 2 x 220 hp Renault 6Q 6-cyl, aka CR.830

C.830 - (Project) 1940 single-seat glider, no further details

C.840 - (Project) Aerobatic glider, developed from C.800 Épervier

C.850 - (Multiple apparent applications of this designation)

C.850 - (Project) 3-seat racer aircraft, 1 x 300 hp Renault 6Q 6-cyl

C.850 - (Project) 1937 twin-engined heavy fighter
- C.850: 2 x 450 hp* Renault 12R 00/01, span (??) m
-- * Some sources have power for 12R 00/01 as 500 hp

C.850 - Mésange basic training glider, based on Grunau Baby
- C.850: Built as Nord 1300 Norbaby, designation reassigned

C.850 - Motorglider development of C.800 Épervier (above), x 1
- C.850: C.800 w/ pylon-mounted pusher mounted before cockpit

C.860 - 1938 single-seat, long-range communication aircraft, x 1
- C.860: 'Grand Raids', range 7,100 km, 1 x 240 hp Renault 6Q-03
- C.860: Wooden struct., fabric-covered fuselage, span 10.40 m

C.870 - 1940 2-seat military advanced trainer, x 2
- C.870: 1 x 360 hp Renault 12R-09, span 10.20

C.880 - 1940 2-seat observation/artillery spotter a/c, x 2
- C.880: Monoplane of primarily wooden construction
- C.880: 1 x 220 hp Renault 6Q-01 6-cylinder, span 14.80 m


C.900 (I) - 1938 2-seat racer (biplace de course)
- C.900: 1 x 300 hp Renault 6Q air-cooled 6-cylinder
-- pg 29

C.900 (II) - (Project) 1939 twin-engined fighter studies
- C.900: 1st versions, studies for 1937 C.3 programme*
- C.900 : 1st version C1, single-seat heavy fighter
- C.900 : 1st version C2, two-seat heavy fighter
- C.900 : 2nd version, 2 x 1,200 hp I-F Zeta X-24*
-- * Some sources say 1,250 hp (sic) Zeta RC.42
-- * AC.3 in Gérard Hartmann's Les réalisations de la SNCASE

C.900 (III) - (Project) 1943 monoplane light a/c studies
- C.900-2 : Conventional low-wing monoplane light a/c
- C.900-2 : 1 x 90 hp (??) inline engine, span (??) m
-- C.900-2 : 2-seat (?) tractor, fixed/spatted trike u/c
- C.900-2 hydro: Single main or twin float gear
- C.900-5 : 3-to-5 seat tractor, fixed/spatted trike u/c
- C.900-5 : 1 x 120-140 hp (??) inline, span (??) m
- C.900-6A: 'Léger' pusher, pod-and-boom fuselage
- C.900-6A: Retr. trike u/c, low boom, cruciform tail

C.910 (I) - (Project) 1939 single-seat light fighter
- C.910: Mid-wing fighter (deriv. fro C.760 ??)
- C.910: 1 x 730 hp Isotta Fraschini Delta IV-12

C.910 (II) - (Project) 1943 light transport monoplane
- C.910 (II): 2 x 300 hp Renault 6Q-20/21, span (??) m
- C.910 (II): 1943, low-wing twin-engined transport
- C.910-2: 1944, high-wing, twin tractors, fixed trike gear
- C.910-4: 1944, high-wing, twin pushers, fixed tricycle u/c

C.920 - (Project) High-winged light twin transport
- C.920: Multiple vers. (pax, postale, cargo, école)
-- Orig. vers. taildragger with inset windscreen
- C.920-1 : Top of engine nacelles align with wing
- C.920-2 : Hypothetical designation
- C.920-3 : Hypothetical designation
- C.920-4 : Higher engine nacelles (than C.920-1)
-- C.920-4 was bulkier, closer to unbuilt prototype
- C.920 (1941): Liaison/light transport, trike u/c
- C.920 (1941): 2 x 320 hp Argus As 410, span (??) m
-- May have inspired Messerschmitt-Caudron MeC 164*
- C.920 (May 1942): Two distinct variant evolved
- C.920-X: Enlarged, shoulder-winged C.920 devel.
-- C.920-X: Larger fuselage/tail, broader chord
- C.920-Y: Enlarged devel. high-winged transport
-- C.920-Y: Rounded nose/canopy, boxier fuselage
-- * MeC-164 prototype const. abandoned, Siebel Si 204 chosen


C.940 - [Project] 1941 low-wing, twin-engined postal monoplane
- C.940: 2 x 500 hp Renault 913 engines, span ?? m
- C.941: 194? C.940 deriv., 2 x 800 hp Renault engines*
-- * Prob. a ref. to 800 hp Renault 626 IV-16 engines

C.950 - (Project) 19?? single-engined colonial transport

C.960- (Project) 1941 twin-engined transport seaplane
- C.960: 2 x (??) hp Renault 6Q 6-cyl., span (??) m

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Great work my dear Apophenia,

and I will add some aircraft and Projects,but in Early Aircraft Projects section.
Excellent, many thanks Hesham! Details on the C.20, C.71, C.72, C.77, C.79, C.80, C.92, and C.93 have been added :D
Additions from Hesham: C.75, C.85, C.94, C.98, C.107, C.112, C.116, C.126, C.129, C.141, C.160, C.165, C.169, C.172, C.181, C.231, C.285, C.540, C.550, C.636, and C.815 ... plus a few details and links added.
My dear Apophenia,

please add some aircraft,Projects and details;

R.3 was a twin engined multi-role biplane,powered by two 80 hp Rhone engine,1915
R.5 was a two-seat recce-bomber biplane,powered by two 230 hp Renault 12A engine
R.9 was powered by two 80 hp engine
CRB was twin engined bomber,intended for RFC in 1917,powered by
two 200 hp HS engine,never completed
Heavy Bomber was a heavy bomber,powered by unknown number
340 hp Salmson engines,never completed,1917
C.155 was a two-seat sporting biplane,based on C.154,but powered by
one 230 hp Lorraine 7Mc engine
C.195 was a low-wing light trainer and touring monoplane,no more details
C.234 was mentioned here;
C.250 maybe just a prototype,later modified as C.251,need confirm,just a picture from TU issue 174
C.511 was a developed version,maybe a Project,need confirm
C.550 was a large scal version Project of C.360,as a racer aircraft
C.550/II was anther racer aircraft Project,but no more details
C.695 was a version of C.690,no more details are known,maybe remained a Project,TU 176
C.680-5 was a version equipped with Renault 6Q-03 engine
C.712B2 was a two-seat light bomber Project,no more details
C.714B was a two-seat light bomber Project,a developed version of C.712B2
C.740 was a four engined Project version of Goéland
C.820/II was a three seat observation and utility aircraft Project,in category A3,1938
C.910 was a single seat mid-wing fighter Project of 1939,powered by one Issota Fraschini engine
C.910/II was a low-wing twin engined light transport monoplane,
powered by two Renault 6Q-20/21 engines,1944
C.910-2 was developed from C.910 (1944),with a tractor engines
C.910-4 was developed from C.910 (1944),with a high-wing and two pusher engine
C.920 was developed in four versions
C.941 was a version of C.940,but powered by two 800 hp Renault engines,Project also
C.950 was a colonial transport single engined aircraft Project,no more details
C.960 was a transport seaplane Project of 1941,powered by two Renault 6Q engines

References and sources;

- TU magazine
- Les Avions Caudron I & II
- Les Avions Caudron Renault
- A-Z magazine
- French Aircraft of The First World War
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My dear Apophenia,

please add some aircraft,Projects and details;

R.3 was a twin engined multi-role biplane,powered by two 80 hp Rhone engine,1915
R.5 was a two-seat recce-bomber biplane,powered by two 230 hp Renault 12A engine
R.9 was powered by two 80 hp engine
CRB was twin engined bomber,intended for RFC in 1917,powered by two 200 hp HS engine,never
Heavy Bomber was a heavy bomber,powered by unknown number 340 hp Salmson engines,never
C.155 was a two-seat sporting biplane,based on C.154,but powered by one 230 hp Lorraine 7Mc
C.195 was a low-wing light trainer and touring monoplane,no more details
C.234 was mentioned here;
C.250 maybe just a prototype,later modified as C.251,need confirm,just a picture from TU issue 174
C.511 was a developed version,maybe a Project,need confirm
C.550 was a large scal version Project of C.360,as a racer aircraft
C.550/II was anther racer aircraft Project,but no more details
C.695 was a version of C.690,no more details are known,maybe remained a Project,TU 176
C.680-5 was a version equipped with Renault 6Q-03 engine
C.712B2 was a two-seat light bomber Project,no more details
C.714B was a two-seat light bomber Project,a developed version of C.712B2
C.740 was a four engined Project version of Goéland
C.820/II was a three seat observation and utility aircraft Project,in category A3,1938
C.910 was a single seat mid-wing fighter Project of 1939,powered by one Issota Fraschini engine
C.910/II was a low-wing twin engined light transport monoplane,powered by two Renault 6Q-20/21
C.910-2 was developed from C.910 (1944),with a tractor engines
C.910-4 was developed from C.910 (1944),with a high-wing and two pusher engine
C.920 was developed in four versions
C.941 was a version of C.940,but powered by two 800 hp Renault engines,Project also
C.950 was a colonial transport single engined aircraft Project,no more details
C.960 was a transport seaplane Project of 1941,powered by two Renault 6Q engines

References and sources;

- TU magazine
- Les Avions Caudron I & II
- Les Avions Caudron Renault
- A-Z magazine
- French Aircraft of The First World War

My dear Apophenia,

please add those aircraft and Projects,also

C.920-X was a shoulder-wing light transport monoplane Project,refined version of C.920
C.920-Y was a high-wing wide-body light transport monoplane Project,consider a large scale from C.920
with extended span and length fuselage
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My dear Apophenia,

please add some aircraft,Projects and details;

R.3 was a twin engined multi-role biplane,powered by two 80 hp Rhone engine,1915
R.5 was a two-seat recce-bomber biplane,powered by two 230 hp Renault 12A engine
R.9 was powered by two 80 hp engine
CRB was twin engined bomber,intended for RFC in 1917,powered by two 200 hp HS engine,never
Heavy Bomber was a heavy bomber,powered by unknown number 340 hp Salmson engines,never
C.155 was a two-seat sporting biplane,based on C.154,but powered by one 230 hp Lorraine 7Mc
C.195 was a low-wing light trainer and touring monoplane,no more details
C.234 was mentioned here;
C.250 maybe just a prototype,later modified as C.251,need confirm,just a picture from TU issue 174
C.511 was a developed version,maybe a Project,need confirm
C.550 was a large scal version Project of C.360,as a racer aircraft
C.550/II was anther racer aircraft Project,but no more details
C.695 was a version of C.690,no more details are known,maybe remained a Project,TU 176
C.680-5 was a version equipped with Renault 6Q-03 engine
C.712B2 was a two-seat light bomber Project,no more details
C.714B was a two-seat light bomber Project,a developed version of C.712B2
C.740 was a four engined Project version of Goéland
C.820/II was a three seat observation and utility aircraft Project,in category A3,1938
C.910 was a single seat mid-wing fighter Project of 1939,powered by one Issota Fraschini engine
C.910/II was a low-wing twin engined light transport monoplane,powered by two Renault 6Q-20/21
C.910-2 was developed from C.910 (1944),with a tractor engines
C.910-4 was developed from C.910 (1944),with a high-wing and two pusher engine
C.920 was developed in four versions
C.941 was a version of C.940,but powered by two 800 hp Renault engines,Project also
C.950 was a colonial transport single engined aircraft Project,no more details
C.960 was a transport seaplane Project of 1941,powered by two Renault 6Q engines

References and sources;

- TU magazine
- Les Avions Caudron I & II
- Les Avions Caudron Renault
- A-Z magazine
- French Aircraft of The First World War

My dear Apophenia,

please add those aircraft and Projects,also

C.920-X was a shoulder-wing light transport monoplane Project,refined version of C.920
C.920-Y was a high-wing wide-body light transport monoplane Project,consider a large scale from C.920
with extended span and length fuselage

Also about Caudron R series;


C.102 was a developed version of C.101,need confirm

and from the book; Les Avions Caudron Renault;

C.700 was a marine version of C.640,10/11-1935 Project
C.830/II was a single seat glider Project of early 1940,no more Info
C.102 was a developed version of C.101,need confirm

and from the book; Les Avions Caudron Renault;

C.700 was a marine version of C.640,10/11-1935 Project
C.830/II was a single seat glider Project of early 1940,no more Info

Please my dear Apophenia add those aircraft,and also from Les Avions
Caudron Renault,you could find the missing designations here,and for
C.700,you can consider it a first use of this series.


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R4 was at first a two-seat two engines bomber; it was a fail. Later R4 will be an A3 escort fighter with success
R5 was also a bomber. one or two prototypes. fail

From Pegase.



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From TU 193,

Robert Espérou communicated to us an amusing article published in
"Lectures pour tous" of April 1923. This article recounts the imaginary
journey of Mr Georges Barthélémy, delegate of Sudan and from Haute-
Voita to the Conseil Supérieur des Colonies ... from Paris to Tombouctou
aboard a Caudron C-78 aircraft designed by engineer Deville. The aircraft
is a three-engined biplane (3X300 hp in line) of 156m2 of surface: 26m
of wingspan; 16.40m long and 6.30m high PV: 4100kg and PT 7300kg.
It carries 2600kg of gasoline and can fly 13 hours at 180 km/h average.
The crew was to include, in addition to Mr Barthélémy, Lieutenant Loste (pilot) and Engineer Biche.
Non-existent aircraft invented by the Deputy Barthelémy for his lecture as a means to show the advantages of fast aerial transport between France and its colonies.
Non-existent aircraft invented by the Deputy Barthelémy for his lecture as a means to show the advantages of fast aerial transport between France and its colonies.
We can't judge on that,and TU magazine knows more than us.
With the word "imaginary" in the quote you posted I think we can more than safely assume that.
An "amusing" article with an "imaginary" journey is not a technical report, its just a means to illustrate the point. He probably should have used a made up name to make his point clearer.
Maybe the journey was from his imagination,but the design was right.
No. As the linked book says, "in reality, the airplane, as well as the infrastructure (mentioned in the article) existed only in the imagination of a parliamentarian in need of publicity (i.e. Barthélemy)".
From TU 205,

During the Occupation a variant of C-510, called C-511, would have
been envisaged with evolutions of guy and landing gear.


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From TU 205,

During the Occupation a variant of C-510, called C-511, would have
been envisaged with evolutions of guy and landing gear.

To French-speaking members: I understood haubanage to mean rigging (whence 'guy'). But the C.510 Pélican really didn't have any rigging wires. Could "des évolutions de haubanage ..." actually be referring to wing struts?

BTW, a few updates/additions have been made - mainly to the Rafale and Super Rafale series.
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In aircraft construction, hauban does not refer only to cables, but also to metallic tubes.
(wikipedia: "Les haubans peuvent être réalisés en câbles métalliques tendus (SPAD S.VII par exemple) ou en structure métallique creuse (Twin Otter par exemple). "

And the C.510 Pélican had loads of those.


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From TU 205,

Initially the CR-760 was to receive a Renault 626 engine, derived from the 12R-01,
and developing 800 hp at 4000 m.It will be an Isotta-Fraschini Delta of 730
ch which will eventually be installed as the 626 was not ready and Renault had
acquired the license of the Isotta-Fraschini Delta and Zeta.
This is the third cell in the CR-760 that received the one and only flight 626 thus
becoming CR-770. Unfortunately the engine broke after 10 minutes of
flight and Delmotte manages to bring the aircraft back. Some Eagle modified
in driving interior would have borne the designation C-613, but unofficially.

What was this ?,I think it was not misprint as C.713,because the 713 was
mentioned in the article before it by a few sentences ?!.


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What was this ?,I think it was not misprint as C.713,because the 713 was
mentioned in the article before it by a few sentences ?!.
Here it's.


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I think the writer skipped from one topic to the other, only without proper paragraph spacing.
Topic 1 is the CR-760 re-engined and renamed CR-770.
Topic 2 is some C-600/601/etc Aiglons being converted to enclosed cockpit, and unofficially renamed C-613.
From TU 205,

dear Apophenia,please add C.637 & C.638 Projects.


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From TU 205,

a small Info about C.880 & C.850.


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From TU 205,

a small Info about C.880 & C.850.

There is a deal of confusion over the C.850 ... probably because that designation was re-used so many times.

The C.850 Mésange was, of course, a planned postwar French copy of the prewar German DFS Olympia Meise sailplane. Note that both Meise and Mésange translate as Tit or Titmouse.

In their Histoire du vol à voile français (Cépaduès, Toulouse, 1992), Reginald and Anne Jouhaud say that Caudron was originally tapped to provide French-built Olympia Meise (with orders for 210 later reduced to 100). Instead, it was later decided shift the contract to SNCAN - resulting in Nord 2000 Norplane production.

So, what is Trait d'Union talking about here? They seem to be proposing a motoplaneur development of the unbuilt C.850 Mésange sailplane. The designation C.850 was also applied to a built motoplaneur ... but that motor-glider was based on the C.800 Épervier airframe. Perhaps TU has simply muddled their Caudron designations?
From TU 292,

what was those ?.


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From TU 292,

what was those ?.

The translation;

In L'Air 516 of March 1942, we
find an article on gliders put in
construction at the time and in particular,
Caudron gliders:

Following the establishment of the company's Glider Department, headed by Raymond Jarlaud, a work program was drawn up on the basis of a
range made up of five devices:

- Two-seater school and training glider

- Single-seat training glider

- High performance single-seater glider

- Performance single-seater glider

- Performance two-seater glider

The Caudron C.800 corresponded to
Category 1, C.810 to Category 2 and
the C.820 to category 3. At the time of
article, the other two categories had not yet materialized in a project.

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