Actual Comparison USA - China - Russia


I really should change my personal text
25 January 2019
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Hello everybody .
I'm not a specialist and I ask thus just a question .

In your mind how do you see the Military force of USA compared to those of China and Russia .

In my mind,I didn't say that it's true the military situation of the USA is not so good than that

there is a big behind in a lot of subjects

a) the high speed torpedoes
b) the very high speed missiles
c) the electronic warfare
d) the F 35
e) the rail gun

I think that USA has lost his avantage with
a) 20 years of expense in wars
b) a big internal corruption

I think that today between USA and a credible challenger ,the challanger has his chance ,especially against aircraft carriers

What do you mind "you" ?
I think that you are drinking way too much propaganda cool-aid.
It's possible
I only put a military question without any political reason .
But when you see the high speed torpedoes (20 years old) and the recent missiles ... it's natural to be worried ...
The question is : what do you think about the military situation of USA versus the military situation of China and Russia ?

The sub question is : what do you think about the military innovations of each of these countries ?.
Goes for gold-plating, often cancels overambitious projects. Navy is focused on land attack, air force is focused on land attack, army expects air force to solve its problems and the marine corps (part of navy) is badly overrated considering its poor equipment.

Often has different design philosophies than the U.S. and is thus underrated. Some of its equipment (such as EW stuff) is designed to counter Western equipment and thus doesn't appear in the usual match-ups because there's no Western counterpart. Lots of difficulties ranging from often underperforming R&D to poor non-commissioned officer corps and small supplies of modern munitions lead to hardware arsenals being much less dangerous than they could be. The Russian navy is almost negligible by now.

Rapid at copying and building up personnel and material arsenals, but has had almost no original military tech ideas in almost a thousand years. Equipment appears to be no-nonsense, save for ludicrous marines camouflage schemes.
What’s the point of this topic?
Seems more an exercise in trying to prod and give vent to the worst paranoia of the “its all gong to hell” people on this forum rather than an actual basis for constructive discussion.
Really hope you’re not a member of a Russian (or other nations) troll farm Ungern.

The discussion so far seems a collection of vague generalizations which far more reflect the prejudices of the individual poster rather than any objective comparison of.... what?
The discussion so far seems a collection of vague generalizations which far more reflect the prejudices of the individual poster rather than any objective comparison of.... what?

I agree

We should think before starting threads about topics that have nothing to do with the forum main subject. Not to speak about most of the forum information exchange and research can be done without entering sensitive political aspects, there are dedicated forums for those interested in political and ideological conflict argumentation. And even there, fair behavior should prevail.

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