Waco (Advance Aircraft) designations


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25 June 2009
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Have you ever seen anything so frustrating, complicated and seemingly illogical as Waco aircraft designations? I haven't often, personally.

And yet, there WAS a logic to those obscure all-letter codes... I have attempted to reconstruct a list as best as I could, and although there is bound to be a few omissions and possibly a mistake here and there, I believe this is a good step forward to help understand that Waco mess... Feel free to correct and update if you can!

Early types/designations

Baby Flying Boat

Waco International

Waco 1 Cootie

Waco 2 Cootie Biplane

Waco 3

Waco 4

Waco 5

Waco 6

Waco 7

Waco 8

Waco 9

Waco 10 (also see Type O)
  • Waco 10
  • Waco 10-H (see DSO)
  • Waco 10-T (see ATO)
  • Waco 10-W (see ASO)
  • Waco 90
  • Waco 125 "Siemens Waco"
  • Waco GXE
Waco "240"
  • Waco 240-A

Letter designations

This system consists of three letters and sometimes a hyphenated numeral at the end.

  • Prefix = NUMBER OF ENGINES (no prefix for most types, the prefix "2-" used on the powered gliders and C-62 transport)
  • First letter = POWERPLANT (motor codes - with "N" used for gliders, presumably for "NO engine")
  • Second letter = AIRFRAME DESIGN (indicated specific drawings or design changes, varying considerably within individual models)
  • Third letter = SERIES (Waco type)
  • Suffix = REMARKS (dash number generally indicated first year of production)
A detailed explanation of how the system worked can be found here (thanks, Jos!):

Model A
  • BBA
  • KBA (ATC 460)
  • PBA (ATC 464)
  • IBA (ATC 465)
  • RBA (ATC 466)
  • TBA (ATC 474)
  • UBA (ATC 479)
  • ICA
  • KCA
  • PCA
  • RCA
  • TCA
  • UCA
  • PLA Sportsman (ATC 502)
  • ULA Sportsman (ATC 511)
Model B
  • RFB
  • SFB
Model B (reused)
  • NLB (U.S.A.A.F XCG-13 and CG-13A cargo glider)
Model C
  • ODC
  • PDC (2-388)
  • QDC (ATC 412)
  • BDC
  • UDC
  • BEC (ATC 472)
  • OEC (ATC 468)
  • UEC (ATC 467)
  • UIC (ATC 499)
  • UIC-4 (ATC 499)
  • CGC
  • CJC (ATC 538)
  • DJC (ATC 538)
  • CJC-S (ATC 538)
  • DJC-S (ATC 538)
  • SJC
  • UKC(-4) (ATC 528)
  • UKC-S (ATC 528)
  • YKC (ATC 533)
  • YKC-S (ATC 533)
  • CUC (ATC 575)
  • CUC-1 (ATC 575)
  • CUC-2 (ATC 575)
  • UOC (ATC 568)
  • YOC (ATC 569)
  • YOC-1 (ATC 569)
  • VOC-6
  • CQC-6
  • DQC-6 (ATC 597)
  • EQC-6 (ATC 597 and USCG J2W-1)
  • AQC-6 (ATC 598)
  • YQC-6 (ATC 598)
  • ZQC-6 (ATC 598)
  • SQC-6
  • UQC-6
  • VQC-6 (ATC 631)
  • ZGC-6
  • ZGC-7 (ATC 627)
  • DGC-7 Custom Cabin (ATC 639)
  • EGC-7 Custom Cabin (ATC 639)
  • UGC-7
  • VGC-7
  • YGC-7
  • AGC-8 (ATC 664)
  • ZGC-8 (ATC 664)
  • EGC-8 (ATC 665)
  • MGC-8
  • YGC-8
  • ARC-9
Model D
  • CHD
  • CHD-A
  • C2HD
  • S2HD (ATC 543)
  • S3HD Super Sport (ATC 543)
  • WHD (2-512)
  • WHD-A (2-512)
  • S3HD-A (ATC 581)
  • S3HD-6
  • JHD(-6) (ATC 670)
  • WHD-7
  • THD/-7
  • CMD
Model E
  • CPE
  • ARE-6 Airistocrat(ATC 714)
  • ARE-9 Airistocrat(ATC 714)
  • HRE Airistocrat (ATC 714)
  • SRE Airistocrat (ATC 714)
  • WRE Airistocrat (ATC 714)
Model F
  • RNF (ATC 311, 2-255, 2-311)
  • KNF (ATC 313)
  • INF (ATC 345)
  • MNF (ATC 393)
  • ENF
  • ENF Special (2-430)
  • QNF
  • ICF
  • MCF
  • PCF-2 (ATC 453)
  • QCF-2 (ATC 416)
  • UCF
  • PBF (ATC 491)
  • PBF-2
  • OBF
  • TBF
  • UBF(-2) (ATC 473 and US Navy XJW-1)
  • YMF-3 (ATC 542)
  • YMF-5 (ATC 542)
  • UMF-3 (ATC 546)
  • UMF(-5) (ATC 546)
  • UGF-2
  • QPF
  • VPF-1
  • CPF-1 (ATC 583)
  • CPF-5 (ATC 583)
  • CPF-6 (ATC 583)
  • DPF-6
  • EPF-6
  • YPF-6 (ATC 586)
  • UPF-6
  • VPF-6
  • ZPF-6 (ATC 586)
  • DPF-7
  • LPF-7
  • YPF-7 (ATC 586)
  • VPF-7 (ATC 642)
  • UPF-7 (ATC 642 and U.S.A.A.F. XPT-14, YPT-14, PT-14 and PT-14A)
  • ZPF-7
  • HPF-7
Model G
  • CRG (ATC 362)
Model H (not official)
  • FGH (FBH?)
Model H
  • 2-FBH (U.S.A.A.F. YC-62 and C-62 transport project)
Model J
  • LAJ
Model K
  • RCK
Model M
  • JWM
  • JYM (2-361)
  • **M-7?
Model N
  • YVN-8
    AVN-8 (ATC 677)
    ZVN-7 (ATC 686)
    ZVN-8 (ATC 686)
Model O
  • ASO = 10-W = 220-T = 200= Waco Sport = "J-5 Straightwing" = "Whirlwind Waco" (ATC 41, 2-101, 2-102)
  • DSO = 10-H (ATC 42, 2-245)
  • BSO = BS-165 (ATC 168, 2-262)
  • CSO = CS-225 (ATC 240)
  • CSO-A = CS-225
  • 240-A
  • KSO
  • HSO (ATC 333)
  • OSO
  • QSO (ATC 337)
  • PSO (ATC 339)
  • RSO
  • ATO = 10-T Taperwing or 220 (ATC 123)
  • JTO
  • CTO = 225-TW, Taperwing CSO (ATC 257, 2-378)
  • CTO-A = 225-TW, Taperwing CSO
  • HTO
  • JYO
  • QXO
Model P
  • NXP
Model Q
  • NYQ/-3 (U.S.A.A.F. XCG-3 and CG-3A)
Model R
  • NZR (U.S.A.A.F. XCG-4 and CG-4A, U.S. Navy LRW-1, RAF and RCAF Hadrian I/II)
  • 2-**R (U.S.A.A.F. XPG-1, XPG-2, XPG-2A, (P)G-2A and XPG-2B)
Model S
  • DKS-6
  • UKS-6 (ATC 528)
  • YKS-6 (ATC 533)
  • ZKS-6 (ATC 533)
  • YKS-7 (ATC 626)
  • ZKS-7 (ATC 626)
  • UKS-7 (ATC 648)
  • VKS-7 (ATC 648)
  • VKS-7F (ATC 648)
  • HKS-7
Model T
  • RPT
  • LPT
  • UZT
Model U
  • NEU (U.S.A.A.F. XCG-15, XCG-15A and CG-15A glider)
  • 2-YEU (U.S.A.A.F. XPG-3 and XPG-3A powered glider)
Model W
  • W Aristocraft
Model X
  • X
Model Z
  • NAZ

- I have not been able to find any evidence that Types I, L, V and Y ever existed.
- I have not yet listed the postwar Wacos.

Aerofiles, at http://www.aerofiles.com/wacodata.html, provides a good explanation of what all those Waco codes mean.

As far as the USAAF designations are concerned:
1. C-62 was never built so may not have reveived a Waco designation;
2. CG-13 was Waco NLB
3. PG-3 was Waco YEU
4. TG-8 was a Piper, not Waco
Jos Heyman said:
Aerofiles, at http://www.aerofiles.com/wacodata.html, provides a good explanation of what all those Waco codes mean.

As far as the USAAF designations are concerned:
1. C-62 was never built so may not have reveived a Waco designation;
2. CG-13 was Waco NLB
3. PG-3 was Waco YEU
4. TG-8 was a Piper, not Waco

Awesome! Thanks Jos for reminding me of the Aerofiles site.

I'm impressed that you got the designations for CG-13 and PG-3. I looked for these for ages!
As for the TG-8, of course it was a mistake on my part, sorry about that.
Some very interesting insight on the very early Wacos, taken from Air-Britain Digest, Summer 1996:


  • early Waco projects.gif
    early Waco projects.gif
    242.7 KB · Views: 304
The Waco CG-15 was the NEU (the other Model U being the powered variant of the CG-13, the YEU).
The YC-62 transport was the Model 2-FBH, and another source gives the XPG-3 as the Model 2-YEU.

Quite obviously, the "2-" prefix was added when the type was a twin-engined aircraft.
I have completely updated the Waco designations list above, and will add even more info to it soon. Anyone interested in these oldies around here?
My dear Skyblazer,

I forgot to congratulate on this amazing work,and I have some mysteries in
my list about Waco,needs a days from searching to get their sources;

Model FT

TS-250 Meteor
TS-250-3F Meteor 2

hesham said:
I forgot to congratulate with this amazing work,and I have some mystries in
my list about Waco,needs a days from searching to get their sources;

Model FT
TS-250 Meteor
TS-250-3F Meteor 2

My pleasure! Here are the postwar types I'm aware of:

  • S-220 Sirius > S-220-4 Sirius > Vela I (version of SIAI-Marchetti S.205/22R)
  • S-220-5 Vela (five-seat version of the S.205/22R)
  • SF-260-3 Meteor I > TS-250-3 Meteor (version of SIAI-Marchetti/Frati SF.260)
  • TS-250-6 Nova (project to assemble and sell the twin-engine SIAI-Marchetti S.210 in America)
  • Minerva (version of Morane-Saulnier MS.894 Rallye Minerva, later SOCATA Rallye 220)
  • Vega (existed?)

I haven't got your Meteor 2 or your Model "FT" in my list.
Thank you my dear Skyblazer,

and by the way,the TS-250-3F Meteor 2 was a Project.
There are a ton of errors which include models that were never built. Start with these: BBA, TBA, ICA, KCA, PCA, RCA, TCA, UCA, RFB, SFB, BDC, UDC, UIC-4, CGC, DJC(only DJC-S was built), SJC, UKC-4, VOC-6, CQC-6, SQC-6, ZGC-6, VGC-7, UGC-7, YGC-7, YGC-8, ARC-9, CHD, CHD-A, C2HD, S3HD-6, WHD-7, THD-7, CMD, CPE, ARE-6, ARE
-9( is was simply ARE, no number), ICF, MCF, UCF, OBF, TBF, UGF-2.

There are a number of other discrepancies as well and incorrect models. As President of the National Waco Club the past 30 years and owner of all the original Waco records describing every Waco ordered, we have tried to diminish all the false narratives on the Waco Models built. The above is an excellent example. If you would like me to complete the list of errors and make the corrections I would be happy to help.

Andy Heins
National Waco Club
My pleasure! Here are the postwar types I'm aware of:

  • S-220 Sirius > S-220-4 Sirius > Vela I (version of SIAI-Marchetti S.205/22R)
  • S-220-5 Vela (five-seat version of the S.205/22R)
  • SF-260-3 Meteor I > TS-250-3 Meteor (version of SIAI-Marchetti/Frati SF.260)
  • TS-250-6 Nova (project to assemble and sell the twin-engine SIAI-Marchetti S.210 in America)
  • Minerva (version of Morane-Saulnier MS.894 Rallye Minerva, later SOCATA Rallye 220)
  • Vega (existed?)

I haven't got your Meteor 2 or your Model "FT" in my list.
These were never built by Waco in Troy, Ohio. Only carries the Waco name.
There are a ton of errors which include models that were never built.
Does "never built" mean they were not even considered?
If you would like me to complete the list of errors and make the corrections I would be happy to help.
Of course! It goes without saying. It's tough enough to understand the Waco designations and follow the design evolution, so any help and corrections will be appreciated. I wish to add, though, that the above research goes back to 2011 and that I did plenty of further research in the meantime, so it's likely that my updated info would be a lot more accurate than that.
There are a ton of errors which include models that were never built. Start with these: BBA, TBA, ICA, KCA, PCA, RCA, TCA, UCA, RFB, SFB, BDC, UDC, UIC-4, CGC, DJC(only DJC-S was built), SJC, UKC-4, VOC-6, CQC-6, SQC-6, ZGC-6, VGC-7, UGC-7, YGC-7, YGC-8, ARC-9, CHD, CHD-A, C2HD, S3HD-6, WHD-7, THD-7, CMD, CPE, ARE-6, ARE
-9( is was simply ARE, no number), ICF, MCF, UCF, OBF, TBF, UGF-2.

There are a number of other discrepancies as well and incorrect models. As President of the National Waco Club the past 30 years and owner of all the original Waco records describing every Waco ordered, we have tried to diminish all the false narratives on the Waco Models built. The above is an excellent example. If you would like me to complete the list of errors and make the corrections I would be happy to help.

Andy Heins
National Waco Club

Welcome aboard Wacoaso,

and if you have more unknown projects to Waco ?,please send them and
many thanks.

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