Italian WW2 High-altitude bomber project


ACCESS: Top Secret
Senior Member
14 June 2006
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Circa late 1942 Ing. Casiraghi, chief designer of Piaggio, worked on a project fro an high-altitude pressurized long range bomber. P-130 was powered by 4 Piaggio P XII RC 100 A DB-605 located on top of the bomb bay drove the compressor. Defensive weapons were two revolving turrets Breda Z on the upper airframe and a Breda X1 in the belly. All were remote controlled. Offensive weapons were up to 10 middle weight bombs (250 KG each). Project was low priority P-133 was judged more important. Source Aerofan /65 second quarter 1998


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Thanks, since YOU are the authority in his kind of projects (Fugaku, etc) :D
I discovered it during my research on airline projects intended fro 1946 on by Axis powers. Lot of interesting things. Probably I'll start posting one day or another.
airline projects intended fro 1946 on by Axis powers
:eek: :eek:

Please, please open this topic. I'll give you my help :)

Junkers EF100......There are some ideas on Jet Planes of the Third Reich. Volume 2
Eh, eh Junkers EF-100 !!!!
Ok, I'll post what I have (BTW, Piaggio designed an almost replica of the EF-100.... curious? 8) )
Hi Skybolt,

you forget your post to this topic?

Servus Maveric
Yes, two years gone.. ;). But I still have something, just have to find it. And BTW, do you like the P.130 AKA "The Italain Superfortress" ? ;) ::)
From one drawing the lenght was sligthly more than 34 meters. But I'm confident to take hold on an original drawing, with quotes.
Because it was ready for production. The P-133 was ordered (24 in total) and work was started on the first batch of 6. As I said, it was an evolution of the P-108, technologically. The P-130 was a different kind of effort (Piaggio spent little more the 500 man-hours on it). SPEAKING IN VERY RELATIVE TERMS (EMPHASYS !!!) for Italian industry it would have been the same step done by the US in going from the B-24 to the B-29 (now, if someone writes that the P-130 was the "Italian B-29" I'll simply kill him... ::) )
Skybolt said:
Because it was ready for production. The P-133 was ordered (24 in total) and work was started on the first batch of 6. As I said, it was an evolution of the P-108, technologically. The P-130 was a different kind of effort (Piaggio spent little more the 500 man-hours on it). SPEAKING IN VERY RELATIVE TERMS (EMPHASYS !!!) for Italian industry it would have been the same step done by the US in going from the B-24 to the B-29 (now, if someone writes that the P-130 was the "Italian B-29" I'll simply kill him... ::) )

What more can you add about the Italian B-29?

;D :D ;)
The Piaggio P.130.


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Hasan, your link is incomplete. It should be
Apertura alare di 38 metri ( 7 piu del B-17 ) ...4 motori P.XII RC 100 ...piu' un DB605 solo per gli accendisigari e la pressurizzazione della cabina ..3 torrette binate per la difesa e carico da 5 tonnellate (10x500kg) ... Puntamento tedesco
Fed this to google translate ...
Wingspan of 38 meters (7 more than the B-17) ... 4 engines [Piaggio] P.XII RC 100 ... plus a DB605 only for the cigarette lighter and the pressurization of the cabin ..3 twin turrets for the defense and loading from 5 tons (10x500kg) ... German gunnery control


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    Piaggio P.130.jpg
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    Piaggio P.130 2.jpg
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  • Piaggio P.130 3.jpg
    Piaggio P.130 3.jpg
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OK my dear Arjen,

but I check from every pages at first,so I didn't keep its direct link.
Arjen said:
Hasan, your link is incomplete. It should be
Apertura alare di 38 metri ( 7 piu del B-17 ) ...4 motori P.XII RC 100 ...piu' un DB605 solo per gli accendisigari e la pressurizzazione della cabina ..3 torrette binate per la difesa e carico da 5 tonnellate (10x500kg) ... Puntamento tedesco
Fed this to google translate ...
Wingspan of 38 meters (7 more than the B-17) ... 4 engines [Piaggio] P.XII RC 100 ... plus a DB605 only for the cigarette lighter and the pressurization of the cabin ..3 twin turrets for the defense and loading from 5 tons (10x500kg) ... German gunnery control

I suspect that the DB605-driven compressor supercharged the engines as well as pressurizing the cockpit. It looks like German HZ-Anlage equipment, as used on the Hs130E and Do317. In fact, with its Germanic remote armament, the project looks rather like an entrant in the German Bomber-B competition.
Sospetto che il compressore azionato dal DB605 sovralimentasse i motori oltre a pressurizzare l'abitacolo. Assomiglia all'attrezzatura tedesca HZ-Anlage, come quella usata sull'Hs130E e sul Do317. In effetti, con il suo armamento remoto germanico, il progetto sembra piuttosto un concorrente nella competizione tedesca Bomber-B.
i sistemi di puntamento remoto delle torrette non erano di tipo tedesco ma di progettazione Piaggio derivati dai sistemi di puntamento remoto del P-108B
English, please.

Via DEEPL. "the remote turret targeting systems were not of German type but of Piaggio design derived from the remote targeting systems of the P-108B".
The dorsal turret (the one pointing backward) seems to be the very same Breda Z2 exploited also on the P-108B.
I think that there is some mistake about the term "targeting system", that should be translated better into "pointing system".

The P-108B (and SM-82 Bombardiere) had a semi-automatic pointing system (similiar to the American Norden but less effective) developed by Jozza.

This one:

I suspect that the DB605-driven compressor supercharged the engines as well as pressurizing the cockpit. It looks like German HZ-Anlage equipment, as used on the Hs130E and Do317. In fact, with its Germanic remote armament, the project looks rather like an entrant in the German Bomber-B competition.
I totally agree, it would be insane to use a DB605 only for cabin pressurisation! Using a seperate charing engine avoids many complicate super charger drive trains and a smooth continously supply of charged air. It could also heplp to reduce drag by placing the charge air cooler in the fuselage.
i sistemi di puntamento remoto delle torrette non erano di tipo tedesco ma di progettazione Piaggio derivati dai sistemi di puntamento remoto del P-108B
Yes, I know. I was not suggesting that the Piaggio airplane actually was a Bomber-B competitor. I only pointed out the conceptual similarity.

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