Smallest possible interceptor for small nation with stealth feature.

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I'll stop hinting. I meant the aircraft carrier.

The Gnat wasn't revolutionary. The Midge could be described thus, but was more of a reaction to the contemporary bigger/heavier/faster/dearer. See Battle Flight for more info. Difference is that Petter knew what he was talking about on aircraft design.

CJGibson said:
I'll stop hinting. I meant the aircraft carrier.

The Gnat wasn't revolutionary. The Midge could be described thus, but was more of a reaction to the contemporary bigger/heavier/faster/dearer. See Battle Flight for more info. Difference is that Petter knew what he was talking about on aircraft design.


I think so too Chris. Just moving the inlets from coming under the pilot ( like in a La-15/Mig-15/F-86/Tunnan etc ) to the sides just saved a lot in drag ( less wetted area and less material thus less weight ). But the Orpheus engine was also extremely powerful compared to the size...and lite weight...better power to weight ratio than in a modern HTF7500E from Honeywell and much better than in a Sabres engine of the day. I had to redesign my craft several times over when I realised in the beginning that my craft wasn't going to beat even Gnat in performance....until I realized that no one had beaten it at that power class.

Parasite designs might be of interest:,8711.0.html,595.msg59433.html#msg59433

I wonder if a composite powerplant could be justified. An R95-300 turbofan (from a cruise missile) gives you 3.55Kn for 100kg dry weight. Another less efficient engine could be used for climb and the actual engagment. The whole aircraft could be catapult launched from a truck!

Btw. I'd amend the requirements to support a single external 250 hardpoint is possible. This would allow a light bomb or a long range IR missile - such as the R-27T - which could help compensate for the low altitude engagment and the limited sustained energy of the microfighter (i.e. even if the fighter couldn't keep up in tail-pursuit the missile could)...
CJGibson said:
I'll stop hinting. I meant the aircraft carrier.


Okay...that can take a large wave yes...ought to withstand SEA STATE 6...but not operational until SS4 ..possibly able to work as landing deck at SS3 ( emergency landings at SS4 ).
Avimimus said:
Parasite designs might be of interest:,8711.0.html,595.msg59433.html#msg59433

I wonder if a composite powerplant could be justified. An R95-300 turbofan (from a cruise missile) gives you 3.55Kn for 100kg dry weight. Another less efficient engine could be used for climb and the actual engagment. The whole aircraft could be catapult launched from a truck!

Btw. I'd amend the requirements to support a single external 250 hardpoint is possible. This would allow a light bomb or a long range IR missile - such as the R-27T - which could help compensate for the low altitude engagment and the limited sustained energy of the microfighter (i.e. even if the fighter couldn't keep up in tail-pursuit the missile could)...

Great link thanks...yes !

This is awesome;

29 I said...and when pilot in reclined it can be squeezed a lot.

I agree 2 x 3.5 kN is a lot more than 2.2 could have mild armor for pilot and a motor cannon as close air support plane..and a good IR missile or two. That above was fitted with 2 small BRS to save in space 2 x 600 kg BRS in a lot smaller than 1 x 1500 kg BRS ( no e-seat because it eats all space ).
I'm a big fan of the small fighter designs like the F-5, Gnat, and the A-4 skyhawk and would like to see a new generation a-4 for example. But the idea of using such a small design as an interceptor is simply put unrealistic. Look at the size of the Mig-31 for example, a very effective long range interceptor. It has to carry a lot of fuel and missiles to be of any practical value. It needs a big advanced radar and data link, etc. Maybe a small interceptor is possible in 100 years with new technology, but not now unless you're design has electro-gravitic skin panels on the bottom surface that is making the aircraft weightless, then maybe you'll get the required performance and range from such a small engine/airframe. All kidding aside, where are the intakes for the engine in you're sketches? Its hard to tell. Where are the fuel tanks? etc. All the aircraft you put it next to are mostly "short legged" i.e. not very much range even though they were effective aircraft.
That is assuming that it isn't a truck launched, rocket propelled point defense weapon: Essentially a slow two-stage missile with a weapon operator in the booster stage.
I agree range (and kinematic preformance) suggest interceptors should be in the 50-70 ton range. My own temptation is to use a medium striker aircraft with a separate radar carrying drone to provide mid-course guidance updates to the missiles. This could be even more efficient on long patrols.
If you want me to go into more detail about my criticisms, I will. This will probably end up being quite a lengthy post, so be prepared to read a lot.

First of all, let’s take a look at your claims:
I'd claim that a really small stealth fighter is totally invisible ( to any radar ) and thus more effective in intercepting.

I can tell you that this claim is false. There is no such thing as an aircraft being totally invisible to all radars. There will always be returns, even if they are small. The only way you could make an aircraft have an RCS of zero would be to use some as-of-yet undiscovered RAM which absorbs 100% of all incident radio waves or to use some material (such as metamaterials) which can divert all of the radiation around the aircraft. It will probably be quite awhile before we learn how to properly use metamaterials in such a way.

Even if you could completely absorb all of the radio waves. SpudmanWP has already pointed out how an aircraft flying above your aircraft can detect it by finding a fast-moving “black hole” on the radar screen. I have yet to see you explain how your aircraft can avoid being detected in this manner.

Well there is an other point...if the plane is small and can fly slow so that no EODAS can detect it or IRST ( no heat signature and 1/5th of the F-22 RCS ) it can always come close enuf with superior clim rate to use the cannon...not necessasily GSH 300 but lets say GAU-22 or BK27.

If your aircraft is powered by a jet engine, then it must have a heat signature. That’s how they make their thrust. I’m not sure if you are aware of this, but EO DAS doesn’t see heat in the same way that the alien from the movie Predator does. It can actually form images not too far off from what the human eye can see. Even if an object is not hot, it can reflect infrared radiation from the Sun and from other sources. If the pilot can see your aircraft, then there’s a good chance that EO DAS can as well.

Even if your engine is somehow magically able to make its exhaust temperature the same as the surrounding air, your RATOs will produce quite a prominent heat signature when they are fired up. Rockets aren’t exactly known for having low-temperature exhaust, you know.

My plane is in the level of F-22 in RCS except the rudders that are much smaller and underside.

How do you know its RCS? I hope you didn’t simply guess it.

So after a days repair the 10 million usd plane is up in the air and the pilot as well.

Did you calculate that price or did you guess it? Let’s not forget that the unit price of an aircraft is strongly affected by the total number of aircraft built as well as any delays that may be introduced during R&D among other things. Simply knowing the aircraft’s design is not enough to calculate its full price.

But like i said this doesn't leave a hole behind with rcs of size of a pin head.

So your aircraft started with an RCS of zero, then “in the level of F-22” and now it’s on the order of a pinhead? Sounds like your knowledge of its RCS is rather shaky.

This is not intercontinental with 1500 km combat range...and ferryrange 3000 km. 4200 km with 2 x 450 l drop tanks ( sans 4 AMRAAMs )

Again, did you calculate those values or guess them?

Of course this does produce some heat

Initially you said that it had no heat signature. Please try to stay consistent.

And aircraft doing sneaky approach or loiter at 300 mph definitely won't be producing friction with its airframe. Why would combat aeroplane always have to go mach 2 + ?...that is silly and dumb.

Once you fire up those RATOs, your heat signature will become significant. I pointed this out earlier.

You are 100% correct that this AC does not have better or even same RCS than a F-22 has.

So you’ve changed your mind about its RCS yet again?

I have said several times following here...if it had same splendid RCS form and material...its size would make it far more you agree ?

I’m afraid I do not agree. The RCS of an aircraft changes with the frequency of radar used to detect it. It is actually important to make the edges of the aircraft significantly larger than the wavelengths of the radar it is supposed to stealthy against. If the edges are too small, they actually harm the aircraft’s stealth properties. This was somewhat pointed out earlier in the thread when the B-2’s large size was used as an example of one advantage it has in this regard. I have read elsewhere (and may try to dig the quote up later) that the F-117’s RCS would not have increased if it had been made as large as a bomber.

I have several totally secret aspects in this craft that actually make this happen ( that I haven't revealed at KP site or here ) and I doubt anyone can make a design that has this much punch and mach 2 capability even on paper in this size ( it would be interesting to see if someone could....perhaps Burt Rutan or Jim Bede ). I have worked continuosly 7 years to make this happen ( even to this stage )...making enermous amount of save in size, weight and fuel...certainly I don't know everything.

And why would you feel the need to keep secrets about this design? Do you expect to actually sell it someday? To claim that you have some kind of “secret” which makes your design better than one anyone else can produce is highly suspect to say the least. This is especially true because you admit to not having actually made any test models of the plane.

Because at low altitude very few aeroplanes actually operate much above mach 1.0 ..the air is just so thick...trying to keep the drag minimum might make possible to fly supercruise with extremely small engine

How do you expect your engine to be highly efficient during subsonic loiter, capable of a 35 km ceiling and be supercruise capable? That’s quite the magic little engine you have there. If you are using the RATOs to go supersonic, that is not the same as supercruise.

The plane is small too and STOL most of all.

Unless you’ve calculated the take-off and landing roll, you don’t know that. As a matter of fact, Lockheed Martin found it difficult to meet both the STOL and supercruise requirements simultaneously during the design phase of the ATF. STOL requires high lift at low speed and supercruise requires low drag at high speed. How do you propose to resolve this problem?

To be able to do what I am doing you have to first build 100 models..invent new kinda millions selling kites..lead kids in daytime with R/C models and discuss these things about 15 years with experts...and design new concepts every day about 4-5 hours until 2 am in the morning.

Doing extensive research as a hobby is no substitute for having real-world experience as a professional designer.

Okay, now for me to look at the design itself:

You say that you know a lot about stealth, but I can see some obvious problems with your design in regards to RCS reduction. Look at the control surfaces. Unlike on most other aircraft, the hinge lines of the control surfaces on a stealth aircraft are usually of a constant chord so that they are planform aligned with the other surfaces of the aircraft. In your design, The hinge lines are not aligned with the trailing edges of the control surfaces and are in fact perpendicular to the centerline of the aircraft. That is the worst possible arrangement for a stealth aircraft. Also, the trailing edge of the elevators don’t seem to align with either the leading edge or trailing edge of the wing. That will carry an RCS penalty as well.

Take a look at the vertical tails. What is the tail volume coefficient for those verticals? They look to be far too small to properly stabilize the aircraft. Compare them with other supersonic interceptors such as the MiG-25 and F-106. They have rather large tails. You should make the tails larger on your aircraft as well.

Your drawing lacks important details. Where is the engine located in your design? I’m looking at the top view and I don’t see it. Where is the landing gear?
Yes, Kryptid - I'd say you are wise (although it may be a waste of time making such refutations).

I'd be interested in hearing what your design for an unorthodox light fighter would be (small than the Mig-21) - if you had to make one.
kcran567 said:
I'm a big fan of the small fighter designs like the F-5, Gnat, and the A-4 skyhawk and would like to see a new generation a-4 for example. But the idea of using such a small design as an interceptor is simply put unrealistic. Look at the size of the Mig-31 for example, a very effective long range interceptor. It has to carry a lot of fuel and missiles to be of any practical value. It needs a big advanced radar and data link, etc. Maybe a small interceptor is possible in 100 years with new technology, but not now unless you're design has electro-gravitic skin panels on the bottom surface that is making the aircraft weightless, then maybe you'll get the required performance and range from such a small engine/airframe. All kidding aside, where are the intakes for the engine in you're sketches? Its hard to tell. Where are the fuel tanks? etc. All the aircraft you put it next to are mostly "short legged" i.e. not very much range even though they were effective aircraft.

Okay here is the fuel and how it is placed..engine uses 675 kg/hr at full thrust. 14% bigger Gnat used 491 kg/hr in cruise ( with 26% more powerful engine ).


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Kryptid said:
If you want me to go into more detail about my criticisms, I will. This will probably end up being quite a lengthy post, so be prepared to read a lot.

First of all, let’s take a look at your claims:
I'd claim that a really small stealth fighter is totally invisible ( to any radar ) and thus more effective in intercepting.

1.I can tell you that this claim is false. There is no such thing as an aircraft being totally invisible to all radars. There will always be returns, even if they are small. The only way you could make an aircraft have an RCS of zero would be to use some as-of-yet undiscovered RAM which absorbs 100% of all incident radio waves or to use some material (such as metamaterials) which can divert all of the radiation around the aircraft. It will probably be quite awhile before we learn how to properly use metamaterials in such a way.

Even if you could completely absorb all of the radio waves. SpudmanWP has already pointed out how an aircraft flying above your aircraft can detect it by finding a fast-moving “black hole” on the radar screen. I have yet to see you explain how your aircraft can avoid being detected in this manner.

Well there is an other point...if the plane is small and can fly slow so that no EODAS can detect it or IRST ( no heat signature and 1/5th of the F-22 RCS ) it can always come close enuf with superior clim rate to use the cannon...not necessasily GSH 300 but lets say GAU-22 or BK27.

2. If your aircraft is powered by a jet engine, then it must have a heat signature. That’s how they make their thrust. I’m not sure if you are aware of this, but EO DAS doesn’t see heat in the same way that the alien from the movie Predator does. It can actually form images not too far off from what the human eye can see. Even if an object is not hot, it can reflect infrared radiation from the Sun and from other sources. If the pilot can see your aircraft, then there’s a good chance that EO DAS can as well.

Even if your engine is somehow magically able to make its exhaust temperature the same as the surrounding air, your RATOs will produce quite a prominent heat signature when they are fired up. Rockets aren’t exactly known for having low-temperature exhaust, you know.

My plane is in the level of F-22 in RCS except the rudders that are much smaller and underside.

3.How do you know its RCS? I hope you didn’t simply guess it.

So after a days repair the 10 million usd plane is up in the air and the pilot as well.

4.Did you calculate that price or did you guess it? Let’s not forget that the unit price of an aircraft is strongly affected by the total number of aircraft built as well as any delays that may be introduced during R&D among other things. Simply knowing the aircraft’s design is not enough to calculate its full price.

But like i said this doesn't leave a hole behind with rcs of size of a pin head.

5.So your aircraft started with an RCS of zero, then “in the level of F-22” and now it’s on the order of a pinhead? Sounds like your knowledge of its RCS is rather shaky.

This is not intercontinental with 1500 km combat range...and ferryrange 3000 km. 4200 km with 2 x 450 l drop tanks ( sans 4 AMRAAMs )

6.Again, did you calculate those values or guess them?

Of course this does produce some heat

7.Initially you said that it had no heat signature. Please try to stay consistent.

And aircraft doing sneaky approach or loiter at 300 mph definitely won't be producing friction with its airframe. Why would combat aeroplane always have to go mach 2 + ?...that is silly and dumb.

8. Once you fire up those RATOs, your heat signature will become significant. I pointed this out earlier.

You are 100% correct that this AC does not have better or even same RCS than a F-22 has.

9.So you’ve changed your mind about its RCS yet again?

I have said several times following here...if it had same splendid RCS form and material...its size would make it far more you agree ?

10.I’m afraid I do not agree. The RCS of an aircraft changes with the frequency of radar used to detect it. It is actually important to make the edges of the aircraft significantly larger than the wavelengths of the radar it is supposed to stealthy against. If the edges are too small, they actually harm the aircraft’s stealth properties. This was somewhat pointed out earlier in the thread when the B-2’s large size was used as an example of one advantage it has in this regard. I have read elsewhere (and may try to dig the quote up later) that the F-117’s RCS would not have increased if it had been made as large as a bomber.

I have several totally secret aspects in this craft that actually make this happen ( that I haven't revealed at KP site or here ) and I doubt anyone can make a design that has this much punch and mach 2 capability even on paper in this size ( it would be interesting to see if someone could....perhaps Burt Rutan or Jim Bede ). I have worked continuosly 7 years to make this happen ( even to this stage )...making enermous amount of save in size, weight and fuel...certainly I don't know everything.

11.And why would you feel the need to keep secrets about this design? Do you expect to actually sell it someday? To claim that you have some kind of “secret” which makes your design better than one anyone else can produce is highly suspect to say the least. This is especially true because you admit to not having actually made any test models of the plane.

Because at low altitude very few aeroplanes actually operate much above mach 1.0 ..the air is just so thick...trying to keep the drag minimum might make possible to fly supercruise with extremely small engine

12. How do you expect your engine to be highly efficient during subsonic loiter, capable of a 35 km ceiling and be supercruise capable? That’s quite the magic little engine you have there. If you are using the RATOs to go supersonic, that is not the same as supercruise.

The plane is small too and STOL most of all.

13.Unless you’ve calculated the take-off and landing roll, you don’t know that. As a matter of fact, Lockheed Martin found it difficult to meet both the STOL and supercruise requirements simultaneously during the design phase of the ATF. STOL requires high lift at low speed and supercruise requires low drag at high speed. How do you propose to resolve this problem?

To be able to do what I am doing you have to first build 100 models..invent new kinda millions selling kites..lead kids in daytime with R/C models and discuss these things about 15 years with experts...and design new concepts every day about 4-5 hours until 2 am in the morning.

14. Doing extensive research as a hobby is no substitute for having real-world experience as a professional designer.

15.Okay, now for me to look at the design itself:

You say that you know a lot about stealth, but I can see some obvious problems with your design in regards to RCS reduction. Look at the control surfaces. Unlike on most other aircraft, the hinge lines of the control surfaces on a stealth aircraft are usually of a constant chord so that they are planform aligned with the other surfaces of the aircraft. In your design, The hinge lines are not aligned with the trailing edges of the control surfaces and are in fact perpendicular to the centerline of the aircraft. That is the worst possible arrangement for a stealth aircraft. Also, the trailing edge of the elevators don’t seem to align with either the leading edge or trailing edge of the wing. That will carry an RCS penalty as well.

16.Take a look at the vertical tails. What is the tail volume coefficient for those verticals? They look to be far too small to properly stabilize the aircraft. Compare them with other supersonic interceptors such as the MiG-25 and F-106. They have rather large tails. You should make the tails larger on your aircraft as well.

17.Your drawing lacks important details. Where is the engine located in your design? I’m looking at the top view and I don’t see it. Where is the landing gear?
Kryptic I bet this site would not be what it is without you. My wife told me go to work but I choose to answer you really lenghty questions that seeked no answer from my previous posts..on the contrary you took them from contect randomly which is a "crime" in conversation as this is.


1. Several US planes are said to have a RCS of a ball bearing ( they can be size of beach ball you know ). But lets say it means a ball bearing used in a bicycle 4/4 mm. This is said to be size also in B-2 ( which is bigger than my aircraft carrier or similar ). Also F-35 seems to posses this similar size and F-22. Then there is info that F-35 has in fact much lesser RCS capabilities than F-22...and F-22 also having bigger RCS figure than B-2. I assume the latter is correct...because I think I know where it is based on. B-2 has engine inlets closed from beneath ( or placed above ) and has no rudders. Also it has form that gives back very little radar signals...and material..some industrial diamond coating.
What I have claimed is that when this plane ( GM-1 ) gets all corners shaped like YF-23 or B-2 and similar coating its radar signature becomes nearly invisible. It has to become since this craft is really 1/20th in size of a B-2. I mean now the RCS size not heat signature..we get into that later.
I don't believe this is a black hole either.
2. SpudmanWP did indeed bring about the heat signature. I bet this craft when flying above a large frozen lake has a bigger heat signature than flying above the earth surface. A tin roof can heat up 100 C degrees. I assume that there is somekinda setting in heat seaking missiles that they dont lock into everything that has some heat. This craft heat source stays below that aperture when scanned from above the plane.
3. Angles are better to deflect the radar beams away from radar. Also like I said 20 times smaller.
4. Yes I calculated the price bit by bit . R&D for Space Ship One was 25 million USD. This is small plane with simplified systems and cannot cost much more ..100 mio max.
5. I know the ballpark and I am not the divine thruth in RCS, but I can think and draw conclusions from data I read and see. I have worked with radars.
6. I calculated them when I know the SFC and fuel tank dimensions.
7. I stick to that...IT HAS NO HEAT SIGNATURE when it comes to detection with any instrument in normal environment from a distance. It has the needed heat to move the plane forward yes.
8. That is correct...once the plane has maneuvered to position the foe radar cannot detect it with RATOS engaged or is too late for it ( to initiate counter measures ) the GM pilot uses the boosters to get into position to launch missiles ( or just cannon ) to a bigger less stealthy target. This can also mean other tactical maneuvers where the RATO can be used in several manners. It could be used to ge the plane into position fast in 22 km altitude for patrolling.
9. No smaller plane has more stealthy features than a plane size of a tenniscourt. RCS is not all that there is to it. RCS is just one tiny fragment of it.
10. F-117 was easy bite for older radars. We don't have to agree do we.
11. Why do we have air force ? Think about it for a while ( our AF is 100% defensive ). I will test it pretty soon..and preparing an R/C model for it.
12. Treshold for going supersonic is high..RATO helps here..punching it into supersonic where it can stay on supercruise on its own.
13. I started a thread at local FlightForum around 2007 to solve have both edges of the envelope extented in a small plane. It has given good results. I mean my research.
14. Not unless you really know what you are doing and evolve.
15. No but the solution saves lotsa weight and is insignificant in to insignificant. Their size is big and their deflection is also thus minimal..unlike in heavy bricks that you refer as "the usual stealth aircraft".
16. B-2 has no tails. But this configuration is totally different from MIG-25 and others since this has mid mounted engine and a 2 piece wing with very short span..this plane coefficients are calculated in same way as others but since you don't know ( apparently ) which part here is tail and which is wing you cannot determ it from just eyeballing it. Besides it has two it to Me-110 and you get better idea.
17. These are the two secrets ( engine has thrust vectoring as well, simple but still ).

Anything else ?
Here I added these 2 x 3.5 kN powered ( cruise missile engines ) ground attack planes on this " task force ".

This kinda set that consists of:
1. One 60 meter long 55 kts moving aircraft carrier with 4 barrel 30 mm turret and a radar.
2. 16 mach 2.0 capable interceptors.
3. 18 ground attack planes with top speed of 900 km/t.

One could get all this with price of one small current stealth fighter and two of these sets with price of one bigger stealth 5th gen fighter.


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Okay Ladies and Gentlemen !

Here is the VT-Jet Aero2 with Burt Rutans ARES and Petters Folland Gnat.
VT Aero beats with 2 x 3.5 kN engines ARES but looses to scaled power ( relative size considered ) with Gnat.
VTA2 would need only 4 kN ( 13.1 kN ARES ) to be even with ARES...and would need to have 10.9 kN to be even with Gnat, since it has only 7 kN it would be reasonable to assume that its speed is somewhere between 700-1100 km/t..considering the aerodynamical form it has I estimate 900 km/h.

ARES is lot bigger than Gnat ( exactly double sized to GM-1 ) !


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Just remembered something...
PZL-230 Skorpion

Only mock-up built.
Wikipedia picture, I'm sure there are better ones:
Note that it is 10 meters long, but only goes 640 km/h and 300km - hardly a feasible interceptor.

So compared to the Mig-31:
- 1/10th the weight
- 1/4 the the weapons load
- 1/6th the range
- 1/3rd the speed

This is hardly an ideal situation (especially with regard to range and speed).

You bascially need to double the size of your fighter to even be confident of approaching even the Skorpion's performance. That said, your fighter could make a very interesting anti-helicopter and light attack design (although even then - STOL performance would require some modifications to the wings).
Avimimus said:
Note that it is 10 meters long, but only goes 640 km/h and 300km - hardly a feasible interceptor.

So compared to the Mig-31:
- 1/10th the weight
- 1/4 the the weapons load
- 1/6th the range
- 1/3rd the speed

This is hardly an ideal situation (especially with regard to range and speed).

You bascially need to double the size of your fighter to even be confident of approaching even the Skorpion's performance. That said, your fighter could make a very interesting anti-helicopter and light attack design (although even then - STOL performance would require some modifications to the wings).

This latter is not interceptor. GM-1 is the interceptor which has 3 hour range at loiter speed ( 900 km/h ) and 4.5 hours with drop tanks.

I increased it ( VT-JET ) in size a bit to get more movement for pilots stick. Loiter time 2 hrs with fuselage tank ( wings are empty ).


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perttime said:
Just remembered something...
PZL-230 Skorpion

Only mock-up built.
Wikipedia picture, I'm sure there are better ones:

I like it ..around mach 0.9 top speed..a lotsa ordnance..maybe more like a ground attack plane. Never finished...for some reason ( end of cold war ? ). Similar features as in the 70ies US AFTI designs ( Mc Donnell Douglas type 265 ) and earlier version ARESlike.

Here is the EM-10 BIELIK trainer;

9 m long and 1700 kg empty...1000 km/h top speed.
Kryptid said:
Take a look at the vertical tails. What is the tail volume coefficient for those verticals? They look to be far too small to properly stabilize the aircraft. Compare them with other supersonic interceptors such as the MiG-25 and F-106. They have rather large tails. You should make the tails larger on your aircraft as well.

According to Daniel Raymer this has 0.067. This needs 0.07 coefficient as a fighter. But since engine is front ( and just one ) I figure this is enuf.
Latter is 60 times heavier than this 4 missile and cannon fitted little beast.


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Fail to see the point of these drawings. Yes, your ficticious plane is very small, I think we understand that by now.

Unless the next post made is actually informative/interesting I'm locking this topic.
PaulMM (Overscan) said:
Fail to see the point of these drawings. Yes, your ficticious plane is very small, I think we understand that by now.

Unless the next post made is actually informative/interesting I'm locking this topic.

How is this ?

I added specs and put both planes into same plate. Some modifications have taken place.
Any comments on these ?

I have roughly counted the VT-JET to be around 1.5-2 mio € ship and the other with AN/APG-67 radar 10-12 mio € per 1 aircarft.
There cannot be much stealth features in VT-Aero, but some deflection at fuse is intented.
The engine on GM-1 is around 500 000 usd and radar 800 000 usd.
Engines for VT-Aero are 44 K to 80 K usd a piece.
Weapons are not included in the price estimate.


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Anyway, I admire your enthusiasm, even if you've chosen to turn away the expertise here. You might want to try using easy to obtain software to do some crude flight tests on your design (e.g.

You should really consider Paul's post:,19242.msg186055.html#msg186055

This can actually fly:

However, surface area / mass limits its range. Fluid dynamics do not scale simply.
Avimimus said:
Anyway, I admire your enthusiasm, even if you've chosen to turn away the expertise here. You might want to try using easy to obtain software to do some crude flight tests on your design (e.g.

You should really consider Paul's post:,19242.msg186055.html#msg186055

This can actually fly:

However, surface area / mass limits its range. Fluid dynamics do not scale simply.

I ask you too...what makes you such an expert ?
I have not turned any expertize... I know expertise when I am approached with such. Paul knows do I. I appreciate it.
I call my godfathers daddy an expert...he trained pilots for the Winter War.
My planes wing is at bigger Reynolds area than Gripen or F-22.
Small is also relative !

Read some fact or listen; and
topspeed3 said:
I ask you too...what makes you such an expert ?

Again even if You surely will not agree with me ! It's the other way around: Not WE have to show YOU - and to admit most of the real professionals have long given up in kind of Your behaviour ! - whyt makes US an expert, but You have to show us why You are so much convinced of the success of this model.

So far again You falied to show any calculation, any proof, anything substantial ... all we got so far are some nice what-if's and Your opinion that You think it is so !

Therefore I beg You to take Paul's comment seriously ... or continue this "I post and know it better" tread at the Key-Forum, where - at least as I followed it - most have also resigned.

Deino said:
topspeed3 said:
I ask you too...what makes you such an expert ?

Again even if You surely will not agree with me ! It's the other way around: Not WE have to show YOU - and to admit most of the real professionals have long given up in kind of Your behaviour ! - whyt makes US an expert, but You have to show us why You are so much convinced of the success of this model.

So far again You falied to show any calculation, any proof, anything substantial ... all we got so far are some nice what-if's and Your opinion that You think it is so !

Therefore I beg You to take Paul's comment seriously ... or continue this "I post and know it better" tread at the Key-Forum, where - at least as I followed it - most have also resigned.

Why would I have to show you anything..this is secrets projects site. This is a big secret with most of its elements...and bullet proof...fuse in entirely 1 cm thick kevlar + pilot has 5 mm armor all around except plexi which is 2 cm thick.
Are you hinting me I should not do or even think about designing a superior airsuperiority fighter aircarft ?
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