gec-marconi electronics ltd

  1. Hood

    Marconi P111 Multi-Mode Radar

    Reading through the analysis section of 'Jane's Radar and Electronic Warfare Systems, 1990-91', 2nd ed., I came across an interesting brief entry. "P111 - Coherent pulse multi-mode strike. AI and terrain following radar. Developed for classified project. - Marconi" Does anyone know any more...
  2. S

    MBDA' Brimstone

    Looks like the UK could be getting a dual mode Brimstone ASM We might actually field a new weapon capability before the USA!!! :eek: ;D
  3. overscan (PaulMM)

    GEC Marconi Foxhunter Radar

    Placeholder for thread. Will post Foxhunter article later today.
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