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12 July 2006
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Sorry for the delay, I was busy with non-aviation things :( . Here are the P xxxx numbers of unbuilt Messerschmitt/MBB projects (mainly source is “Willy Messerschmitt – Pionier der Luftfahrt und des Leichtbaues” by Ebert, Kaiser and Peters/ISBN 3-7637-6103-9):

· P 1118 – four-seat touring aircraft (no year)
· P 1200 – long-range passenger aircraft with four piston engines, 50 to 92 pax (1951)
· P 1201 – medium/short-range passenger aircraft with two piston engines, 30 pax (1952)
· P 1202 – large transport with six piston engines (each 1.800 to 2.110 hp), payload of 20.000 kg (or up to 220 pax), range 2.000 km (1953)
· P 1203 – transport with four piston engines (each 800 hp), payload 5.000 kg, range 1.600 km (1953)
· P 1205 – touring aircraft with two or four turboprops, 12 passengers, range 4.800 km, jet versions were also planned (in cooperation with Lear), (1953/55)
· P 1206 – light-weight fighter and trainer (no ejection seats, but front fuselage could blast off) in three different layouts (1956):
- two-seat subsonic trainer w/o afterburner
- two-seat trainer up to Mach 1.2 with afterburner
- supersonic fighter up to Mach 1.65
· P 1207 – fighter similar to P 1206, but with two jet engines BMW 8004, two-man crew sitting side-by-side (1956)
· P 1208 Tr – basic trainer with one BMW 8004, using parts (wing, main landing gear and tailplane) of Me 200 with small changes (1956)
· P 1208 R – six or seven seats derivative of P 1208 Tr for civil or military transport, again with one BMW 8004 (1956)
· P 1210 – interceptor for extremely operational levels (~ 28 km), two jet engines with afterburner and one rocket motor, total flight endurance of 30 min (1956)
· P “BMW” – fighter with three jet engines, tapered wing with negative dihedral (1956)
· P 1211 – fighter/interceptor for Mach 2+ (as competitor for a RFP of the F.R.G. Ministry of Defence, 15 Nov 1956), canard layout, one jet engine with afterburner (versions with and without two additional liquid-fuel) rocket engines, VTOL capabilities were researched too (1957)
· P 1212 – touring/business/courier aircraft for ten people (crew and passengers) with two jet engines (1957)
· P 1213 – interceptor/fighter with one jet engine and two rocket engines, max speed Mach 2.8, flight height up to 34 km, also as VTOL version with thrust reverser (1957)
· P 1214 – interceptor with canards and tapered wings, two jet engines, V-tail (1957)
· P 1215 – touring aircraft with four to six seats, two jet engines, version F based on Fouga “Magister”, version M based on Me 200, P 1215 M later renamed as P 1216 (1957)
· P 1216 – touring aircraft with four to six seats, two jet engines, using parts of Me 200/HA 200 (1957)
· P 1217 – VTOL transport with six turboprops, payload 12.000 kg (I’m looking for more information,, drawings, etc. please!!!) (1957)
· P 1218 – VTOL experimental aircraft in different layouts (1957/1958)
· P 1219 – four turboprop transport for battle zones, 10.000 kg of payload (1957)
· P 1220 – medium range freighter (civil variant of P 1219), 12.000 kg of payload (1958)

I’ll post more within the next days …
Next one in line is

· P 1221 – STOL transport with two turboprops for cruise (each 1.500 hp) and two jet engines with regeneration (this is the term I found in my aviation dictionary for ‘Zweikreis-TL-Triebwerk’), planned as a substitute for the DC-3 (1958)
· P 1222 – five J85 engines, no further details (1958)
· P 1223 – STOL touring and courier aircraft with two turboprops (each 975 hp) (1958)
· P 1224 – STOL passenger aircraft with four turboprops (each 960 hp), gross weight 14.000 kg, payload 2.850 kg (30 pax), layout as P 1223 (1959)
· P 1225 – VTOL ground attack aircraft for supersonic speeds, four RB 153 without afterburner (two for cruise, two for lift), gross weight 5.340 kg, payload 610 kg, Vmax (in 11 km) Mach 1.8, range 1.200 km (1959)
· P 1226 - VTOL ground attack aircraft for high subsonic speeds (up to Mach 0.9), Bristol BE 53 engine with deflector nozzles, gross weight 5.960 kg, payload 600 kg (1959)
· P 1227 – VTOL fighter-bomber with four jet eingines with afterburner and two jet lift engines w/o afterburner (RB 153), equivalent to VJ 101B, two versions, gross weight 8.840 kg, payload (version 1) 230 kg (1959)
· P 1228 - VTOL fighter-bomber with four swivelling jet engines in two wingtip mounted nacelles and two lift engines in the fuselage, five versions with different fuel load and wing shapes, gross weight 11.350 kg, payload (version 5) 910 kg (1959)
· P 1229 - VTOL fighter-bomber with four swivelling jet engines in two wingtip mounted nacelles and two lift engines in the fuselage (1959)
· P 1286 – all-weather fighter with 2 x 2 J85 jet engines with afterburner in swivelling nacelles on the wingtips, one lift engine J85 w/o afterburner behind the cockpit (1958)
· Me P 2010 – V/STOL “Rotorjet” design
· Me P 2020-4 - V/STOL “Rotorjet” transport, payload up to 6.000 kg or 55 passengers, range 1.200 km (1968)
· Me P 2040 - V/STOL short-range jet aircraft, layout corresponding to the requirement “Rahmenforderung an ein V/STOL-Transportflugzeugfür militärische und zivile Verwendung” of Ministry of Defence and Deutsche Lufthansa, payload as Boeing 707 (9.500 kg)
· Me P 2050 – military V/STOL “Rotorjet” transport

I’ll carry on with the three-digit P xxx numbers (beginning with Me P 141 transport) as soon as possible. Please be patient, hesham ;)
Next round, this time the three-digit project numbers (I don’t know the reason, why it changes between the ’P xxx ’ and the ’Me P xxx ’ designation prefixes from type to type – it comes from the same source):

· Me P 123 – the later Me 308 “Jet Taifun” (1962/1963)
· Me P 124 – multi-purpose STOL aircraft for civil and military duties, two jet engines (Turboméca Aubisque, GE CJ 610-2B, Turboméca Marboré II, or Daimler-Benz DB TL 6) (1962/1963)
· Me P 141 – transport of 3.500 kg payload class, developed for countries with low infrastructure, two turboprops (of many different types, so Turboméca Bastan, GE T58, Daimler-Benz PTL 6, R-R Dart Mk 503E, Turboméca Astazou), but also a configuration (SP 141-3m) with three Turboméca Astazou (two for pull, one pusher), Portuguese Ministry agreed with series production in Beja, but it lacked of financing (1962/1965)
· Me P 142 – jet version of the Me P 141 with two Lycoming PLF 1B-2 of each 23 kN, take-off weight 11.850 kg, payload 4.500 kg (or 37 passengers) (1965)
· Me P 143 – transport with four turbofan engines (1965)
· Me P 151 – touring aircraft for four to six persons (incl. crew), one turboprop Turboméca Astazou X (640 hp), gross weight 2.700 kg, cabin dimensions as Me 308 (1964)
· Me P 155 – transport for battle zones, 1.300 kg payload (= 13 fully equipped soldiers), two jet engines ZT 53 Lycoming KHD [? – this couldn’t be the correct order; maybe KHD (= Klöckner-Humboldt-Deutz?) Lycoming ZT 53 ???] of each 9,5 kN, gross weight 5.310 kg (1965)
· Me P 160 – short-range airliner as successor for Viscount 810 and Convair 440, many different configurations (Me P 160-1 to –18) for 40 to 66 pax, two, three or four jet engines (e. g. GE CF 700), range 1.000 km with 5.500 kg payload (58 passengers, gross weight 18.600 kg), freighter version with 6.500 kg payload at 1.000 km range (1962/1964)
· Me P 170 – Me P 160 VTOL with two retractable rotors (1963)
· Me P 180 – variant of the Me P 123 for VTOL as “Rotorjet”, two jet engines Daimler-Benz DB TL 6 of each 5,1 kN, gross weight 2.300 kg, range 3.000 km at 785 km/h cruising speed (1963)
· Me P 190 –VTOL trainer as “Rotorjet”, two jet engines Daimler-Benz DB TL 6, as Me 300 VTOL (don’t confuse with the P 300!) fitted with two GE J85, rotor diameter 10 m, gross weight 5.300 kg (1963)
· Me P 191 – Me P 190 variant with reduced wing area (1963)

The ‘two-hundreds’ are coming soon …
Hi boxkite,

very great work, please continue.
Great work - done by the authors ;D. But it's a hard job to translate it ;).

· P 201 – two-seat trainer resp. four-seat courier aircraft, based on the Me 200 (1955)
· P 204 – eight-seat touring aircraft/small transport with two jet engines (each 3,9 to 7,8 kN), development of the Me 200, gross weight 4,000 kg, vcruise 510 to 680 km/h (depending by engine type), range 1,000 km (1956)
· P 208 – touring aircraft/small transport for six persons (passengers and crew), wing of the jet trainer HA-200, different variants:
- P 208/OM – touring aircraft with two piston engines (each of 250 to 400 hp), six persons (passengers and crew), gross weight 3,000 kg, vcruise 380 km/h, range 1,600 km (1957)
- P 208/TL – touring aircraft with two jet engines (each 3,9 to 6,9 kN static thrust), six persons (passengers and crew), gross weight 2,900 kg, vcruise 550 km/h, range 1,000 km (1957)
- P 208/PTL – touring aircraft with two turboprops (each 400 to 700 hp), six persons (passengers and crew) (1957)
· Me P 216 – five-seat touring/business aircraft, two turboprops Turboméca Astazou XII (each of 700 hp take-off power), pressurized cabin, take-off weight 2,975 kg, vcruise 675 km/h at 8,000 m, range 2,500 km (1965)
· Me 216 PT/T1 – five-seat touring/business aircraft, two turboprops Turboméca Astazou (each of 640 hp take-off power), gross weight 3,025 kg (1965/1966)
· Me P 216 J/T1 - touring/business aircraft for five persons (pass. and crew), two jet engines Turboméca Marboré VI with each 4,7 kN static thrust, gross weight 2,970 kg, vcruise 750 km/h at 11,000 m, range 2,150 km (1965/1966)
· Me P 260 – short-range passenger aircraft with three aft-mounted jet eingines E 300 with each 29.4 kN static thrust, low-wing aircraft with swept tapered wings and conventional tailplane, take-off weight 26,000 kg, maximum payload 8,250 kg or 60 pax plus cargo, vcruise 950 km/h, range 1,120 km with 60 passengers and 2,500 kg cargo (1968)
· Me P 260/2m – short-range passenger aircraft for 45 pax, gross weight 19,000 kg, two jet engines E 300 (each of 29.4 kN static thrust), vcruise 760 km/h, range with maximum payload (5,850 kg) 1,020 km (1968)
· Me P 260/3m – short-range passenger aircraft for 60 pax, gross weight 26,000 kg, three jet engines E 300 (each of 29.4 kN static thrust), vcruise 800 km/h at 11,000 m, range with maximum payload (8,350 kg) 1,100 km (1968)
· Me P 263 - STOL army recomnnaissance aircraft, one turbofan, gross weight 2,100 kg, air intake above fuselage aft of the cockpit (1965)
· Me P 263/M1 – light STOL army recomnnaissance aircraft, one turbofan Lycoming KHD ZT 53 with 9.5 kN static thrust, gross weight 2,100 kg, vcruise 780 km/h at low-level missions, range 600 km (1965)
· P 300 – interceptor for CTOL and VTOL with one jet engine Bristol Orpheus 12R with afterburner and two rocket engines each of 9.8 kN thrust (1958/1960)
· Me P 308 “Jet Taifun” – further development of the Me 108 “Taifun”, six- to ten-seat touring/business aircraft with pressurized cabin, two jet engines or turbofans (e. g. GE CJ610-4 each of 10.7 kN static thrust), many variants (freighter, military transport, trainer for paratrooping for 14 persons (including crew), ground attack aircraft, NASARR trainer, ambulance aircraft), take-off weight up to 5,380 kg, vcruise up to 800 km/h at 12,000 km, range up to 3,100 km (1965)
· Me P 362/M1 – light two-seat STOL ground attack aircraft and trainer with two turbofans, gross weight 4,800 kg, other variants were S1, M2 and S2 (1965)
· P 364/4m – transport with four turboprops, wing area 280 m² (1955)
· P 364/2m – transport with two turboprops, wing area 150 m² (1955)
· Me P 400 – attack trainer, two jet engines (1968)
· Me P 408 A/01 – Me 308 with externally blown flaps (50 % deflection), two turbofans (1965)
· Me P 408 B/01/02/012 – Me 308 with externally blown flaps (25 % deflection), two turbofans (1965)
· Me P 408 (RJ 408) – seven-seat touring aircraft with foldable rotor (“Rotorjet” convertiplane) (1967)
· Me P 508 (RJV 408 2A) – experimental aircraft/testbed for the “Rotorjet” principle, based on the Mitsubishi MU-2J fuselage and landing gear (1967)
· (RJV 408 2B) – same, with T-tail though (1967)

I have had it. This is the published P resp. Me P list. I’m sure, many more are buried in the EADS archives …

The P.160 was here;
The universal launcher it is a 5" orifice in the left side that allows to release different kinds of buoys without opening the doors.
Four ALKAN cartridge launchers are placed on the left side too. They can release 16 or 32 "light rockets" (I don't know the precisse translation in English)
pometablava said:
They can release 16 or 32 "light rockets" (I don't know the precisse translation in English)

Flares (if they are supposed to produce light)? Flare rockets (if they are supposed to produce light and have engines)?

the Me 100 was developed from Hispano HA.100,also there were those
P projects; P.100 (or SP.100),P.101,P.110,P.120,P.120-4,P.120-6,
P-120-8,P.121,P.122,P.130,P.132,P.161 and P.162.

Also there was Me 120 and Me 200.
Some years ago, I wrote down the list of the post-war Messerschmitt projects from Eber/Kaiser/Peters
"Willy Messerschmitt-Pionier der Luftfahrt und des Leichtbaues". principally mentioning the the pre-MBB

RJP 1005 V/STOL ground attack A/c with 2 Turbomeca Astafan W of 1325 kW each, rotorjet principle 1973
P.1118 4-seat light transport, based on Bf 108 1951
P.1200 long range airliner with 4 reciprocating engines, based on Me 264, so called "kit plane" with varied concepts, number of engines and sizes
from 50 to 92 pax
P.1201 short/medium range airliner with two engines 1952
P.1202 large transport with six engines from 1320 to 1550kW, payload of 20.000kg, internale volume of 300m³ and 60.000 kg weight, basec on Me
323 concept with high wing. cargo hold with railway profile, possibility to use unprepared runways. 1953
P.1203 simple transport with 4 engines of 590kW and 5000kg payload, layout similar to Me 323, but of just half the size. 1953
P.1205 light transport with 2 to 4 PTL engines, , 12 pax, 4800 km range, pressure cabin, jet powered variants proposed. Joint venture with US
company Lear was envisaged. 800km/h were planned for prop driven variant, but no suitable props were still available. 1953/55
P.1206 trainer and light fighter, 3 variants were planned : trainer with a speed of up to Mach 1 without reheat, trainer with speed of up to Mach 1.2
with reheat and Mach 1.65 fighter . No ejection seat, front fuselage detachable 1956
P.1207 similar to P.1206, but with two jet engines BMW 8004, side-by-side seating 1956
P.1208Tr basic trainer with BMW 8004. Wing and landing gear from Me 200 1956
P.1208R 6 to 7-seat civil or military light transport, similar to P.1208Tr 1956
P.1210 interceptor for high altitudes with reheat and additional rocket engine. Endurance about 30 minutes, max.altitude 28km 1956
P."BMW" fighter with 3 jet engines, trapezoidal wing with anhedral, area ruled fuselage 1957
P.1211 fighter/interceptor for speeds of more than Mach 2, contender for a RFP from the ministry of defence from 15.11.1956. Canard layout,
forward swept inlets, slightly swept mid wing at the end of the fuselage, high lift devices, one jet engine with reheat.Additional to
conventional take-off, use as a tail-sitter was proposed by the installation of retractable struts 1957
P.1212 10-seat light transport (including crew of 2) with 2 jet engines 1957
P.1213 fighter/interceptor for speeds of more than Mach 2.8 with 1 jet and 2 rocket engines, max.altitude 38km, VTOL version proposed with thrust
vectoring 1957
P.1214 interceptor, trapezoidal wing, 2 jet engines with thrust vectoring, forward part of the wingtip pods contained svillening rocket engines, V tail
with high set tailplane 1957
P.1215 6-seat light transport with 2 jet engines, version "F" based on Fouga Magister, "M" based on Me 200, P.1215M later renamed into P.1216
P.1216 6-seat light transport with 2 jet engines, targeted was a fast executive aircraft with a range sufficient for europe to bridge the gap between
2 engined light transports and 2 engined airliners. As many parts as possible from the Me 200 (HA 200)should have been used 1957
Me X1-21 VTOL interceptor, tailsitter
P.1217 VTOL heavy transport withh 6 PTL-engines and tilt wing. payload 12.000 kg, 4 engines on the wing, 2 on the tailplane at the nose 1957
Me X1-0001 variant of the Me X1-21 for conventional take-off and landing 1957
P.1218 experimental VTOL aircraft for exporation of the most suitable layout for a VTOL fighter. Dimensions similar to the planned service aircraft,
but just 25% of the weight (1700 kg).many variants. e.g. with 2 jet engines and svivelling rocket engines, svivelling engines at the
fuselage sides, vertical prop in the tail for hover control, or with svivelling nozzles.Ground attack aircraft proposed as replacement for the Fiat G.91: 2 cruise and 1 lift engine, MTOW between 2750 and 4200 kg, Mach 1.7 in 11.000m 1957/58
P.1219 assault transport with 4 PTL engines and 10.000kg payload. Concept base on Me 323 amd Me 264. high wing with relative low wing loading
and high aspect ratio. Nose and rear loading door/ramp, cargo hold with railway profile, crew above the nose door, length 26,4m, span
42.5m, wing area 178 m², cruising speed 400 km/h 1957
P.1220 medium range civil transport, based on P.1219, 4 PTL engines , payload 12.000 kg 1958
P.1221 STOL aircraft with 2 PTL and 2 fanjet engines. Initiated by the ministry of economics as DC-3 replacement. Blown flaps, 2 PTL-engines of
1100kW each, payload 2850 kg 1958
P.1222 5 J85 jet engines , no other information 1958
P.1223 STOL light transport with 2 PTL engines of 715 kW each. For short take-off wing and engines were tilted against the horizontal attitude and
Fowler wing extended. Momentim compensation by an additional prop above the tailplane or by puffer jets 1958
P.1224 STOL transport with 4 PTL engines of 715 kW each and tilting wing. MTOWW 14.000kg, payload 2850kg (30 pax), layout as P.1223 1958
P.1225 supersonic VTOL ground attack aircraft, specified performance as for G.91, 4 RB.153 jet engines without reheat, 2 for cruise, 2 for lift,
weight 5340 kg, payload 610 kg, Mach 1.8 in 11 km altitude, range 1200 km 1959
XB1-0001 delta wing with jet engine 1959
P.1226 subsonic VTOL ground attack aircraft, specified performance as for G.91 as P.1225, puffer jets for hover control as in P.1225, weight 5960
kg, payload 600 kg, Mach 0.9 1959
P.1227 VTOL fighter bomber with 4 jet engines with reheat and thrust vectoring for lift/cruise and 2 jet engines without reheat for lift, design for
VJ 101B, two variants, MTOW 8840 kg, payload 230kg 1959
P.1228 VTOL fighter bomber with 4 jet engines with reheat in tilting nacelles for lift/cruise and 2 jet engines without reheat for lift in the fuselage,
5 variants with different fuel volume and wings, MTOW 11.350 kg, payload 910kg (variant 5) 1959
P.1229 VTOL fighter bomber with 4 jet engines with reheat in tilting nacelles for lift/cruise and 2 jet engines without reheat for lift in the
fuselage 1959
P.1286 all-weather fighter with 2 J85 engines with rehaet in tilting nacelles at the wingtips and 2 J85 for lift behind the cockpit. 1958
Me P.2010 V/STOL jet using the rotorjet principle
Me P.2020-4 V/STOL transport for 6000kg/55 pax using the rotorjet principle, range 1200 km 1968
Me P.2040 V/STOL short haul jet, triggered by RFP from the ministry of defence for a civil/military transport, specified performance as for
Boeing 737 (9500kg), see rotorjet
Me P.2050 military V/STOL transport using the rotorjet principle, 1970
HA-56 4-seat light transport, based on HA 200, MTOW 3800 kg, cruising speed 620 km/h, range 2800 km 1960
HA-57 single-seat fighter bomber, based on HA 200, MTOW 3800 kg, cruising speed 690 km/h, range 1600 km in 9000m 1960
Me 100 basic trainer based on HA 100 with engines between 330kW and 550kW, or with 2 jet engines Turbomeca Marbore II. Trainer HA 100 can
be modified into jet trainer just by exchanging the forward fuselage, including nosewheel and guns, fuselage basically HA 100 without
major changes, MTOW 2072 to 2655kg 1953/55
SP 100 VTOL ground attack aircraft with GE X 3553 jet engine and 2 J85 without reheat, delta wing, MTOW 5360kg 1959
SP 101 VTOL ground attack aircraft with jet engine and 1 RB 153 without reheat, delta wing, MTOW 4470kg, variant SP 101-1 4300kg 1959
Me 108D "Super Taifun", development of Me 108 for VTOL proposed by Gero Madelung. 1 lift engine RB 153 and an engine with 110kW to 184kW,
pufferjets in ailerons for lateral control, longitudinal control by the rudders in the prop slipstream 1958
Me 108F project for a new "Taifun", designed by Reinhold Ficht, as a contender against the US and french light aircraft. Foundation of the "Taifun
GmbH", but all holding members retreated in the first year 1975
Me 108W 4-seat sports aircraft based on the "old" me 108calculation for an aircraft with many parts of the HA 100 1952
SP 110 VTOL ground attack aircraft with jet engine and 2 RB 153 with reheat, delta wing, MTOW 7200 to 8110kg, variants 1 to 4 1959
Me 120 trainer with 2 jet engines of 3.9kN each, tandem seating, MTOW 2500 kg, cruising speed 530 km/h, range 1250 km, ancestor to
Me 200 1953
SP 120 6 to 8-seat light transport (including crew of 2) with 2 jet engines, 1960
SP 120-4 8 to 12-seat light transport (including crew of 2) with 2 jet engines, 1960/61
SP 120-6 18 to 23-seat small airliner (including crew of 2) with 4 jet engines, variants 120-7 and 120-7-1 (3 jet engines with svivelling nozzles)
SP 120-8 32-seat airliner (including crew of 2) with 4 jet engines, variants 120-9 without svivelling nozzles for 34 pax and 120-9-1 with 3 and
and 120-9-2 with 2 jet engines without svivelling nozzles 1961
SP 121 8-seat light transport,0 with 2 Astazou engines working on a single prop, wing tail and landing gear from the HA 200 1961
SP 122 business aircraft for 7 pax with "propulsionfan-engine" LFS 226 in the tail, based on 2 GE T 58 engines. pressured cabin, cruising speed
Mach 0.8, range 2500km, take-off and landing distance 400m, variants 1 to 3, variant 4: 1 jet engine, variants 5 to 8 : 6 to 8 pax, 2 jet
engines 1961/62
SP 123 also designated Me P.123, later Me 308 Jet Taifun. Trainer/light transport for 4 to 6 pax (including crew)many variants, blown wings,
boundary layer control, different wing sweeps and forward swept wing 1962/63
SP 124 also designated Me P.124, civil/military STOL aircraft with 2 Aubisque engines of 6,86kN each. blown flaps and tail plane, MTOW 2900kg
(mil.trainer), variant WM-2 with 2 engines GE CJ 610-2B with 10,2kN each. Me P.124-5: 2 Marbore II with 3,9kN each, or Daimler-Benz
DB TL6 with 3,4kN (see also Me 208 Jet Taifun), Me P.124-8 2 Aubisque without bleed air, MTOW 3260kg 1962/63
SP 130 VTOL interceptor/fighter bomber/ground attack aircraft, 1 jet engine with reheat, 1 without for lift 1961
Sp 132 VTOL interceptor/fighter bomber/ground attack aircraft, 1 jet engine with reheat, 1 without for lift 1961
SP 140 transport with 2 to 3 jet engines RR RB 154, or 1 to 2 RB 168-1
SP 141 Simple transport with 2 PTL engines. MTOW 6000kg, version 3m with additional engine with pusher prop in the tail
Me P.141 Simple 3,5t transport based on the experiences with the Me 323, especially suited for less developed countries, strutted high wing with
2 735kW engines, e.g. bastan, GE T 58, DB PTL6. nose and tail loading doors, fixed landing gear, the same ribs for wing and tail. published
on the aerosalon paris 1963. Changes in configuration: Pressure cabin, more powerful engines like RR Dart, MTOW 9200kg. Negotiations
for construction with Portugal, portugese government agreed, but project was doomed due to lack of money. Variants SP 141K : 2 Astazou,
141-2, 2 Astazou MTOW 5650kg, 1413m: 3 Astazou (tow pulling, one pushing prop), MTOW 7500kg 1962/65
Me P.142 Simple 4,5t transport, based on the P.141 with 2 Lycoming jet engines PLF 1B-2 with 23kN each, MTOW 11.850kg, payload 4500kg,
37 pax 1965
Me P.143 transport with 4 ZTL engines and blown wings 1965
Me P.150-1 trainer/light transport for 8 pax, 1 jet engine 1961
Me P.151 light transport for 4 to 6 pax, 1 Astazou X engine with 470kW, MTOW 2700kg, cabin dimensions as Me 308 1964
Me P.155 attack transport for 1,3t payload (12 fully equipped soldiesr) with 2 lycoming ZT53 jet engines, pressure cabin with circular cross section,
loading ramp in the tail, STOL performance by blown flaps, MTOW 5310 kg 1965
MeSP160/ P.160 short haul airliner intended as Vickers Viscount and Convair 440 replacement, different configurations (1 to 18)for 40 to 66 pax,
with 2 to 4 jet engines, range 1000km, payload 5500kg, freighter with 6,5t payload over 1000 km 1962/64
SP.161 VTOL/STOL transport with 2 BS Pegasus thrust vectoring jet engines of 76,5kN each. Payload 5000kg, MTOW 21400kg, range 1500km,
cruising speed 850 km/h, wing area 45,5 m² ( 53,3m² for variant 4). During cruise flight one engine shut down 1962/62
SP.162 small airliner/transport with 2 GE CF 700-B2 jet engines for 20 pax, MTOW 7800kg, variants 2 and 3 1962/62
Me P.170 (Me P.160 VTOL) VTOL version of the P.160 with two telescopic and retractable rotors of 12,5m diameter (fully extended) and 104kN
thrust, tipspeed of Mach 0.9 , Necessary power for each rotor 2940kW or 12.65kN thrust for each rotor blade, equal to 42.2 kg/s ducted air,
powerplant e.g. RB 185 with 28.4 kN. take-off weight 17.700 kg. rotors interconnected with ducts (for the case of an engine failure) 1963
Me P.180 VTOL variant of the Me P.123 with retractable rotor ("rotorjet"), 2 DB TL6 jet engines fitted with a freewheeling turbine to drive a
compressor for a cold cycle. Use of a shortened hingeless rotor with cyclic control. After transition, the rotor would have been stopped,
shortened and retracted into the upper fuselage. During cruising flight additional thrust from the jet exhausts at the rear fuselage from
the hot cycle.Small area wing, optimised for cruising flight. Take-off weight 2300kg, range 3000km at 75 km/h, two variants 1963
Me P.190 Me 300 VTOL) VTOL trainer with telescopic and retractable rotor. 2 DB TL6 engines. Me 300 VTOL with 2 GE J85 engines of 17.2kN each
with reheat. rotor diameter 10m, weight 5300kg 1963
Me P.191 variant of the P.190 with decreased wing area of 12.75m² 1963
HA-200/Me 200 2-seat basic/advanced trainer with 2 marbore II engines 3.9kN. Several variants with differing participation from Messerschmitt.
HA-210 2-seat basic/advanced trainer with 2 marbore VI engines 4.7kN. 1963
P.201 2-seat trainer, respectively 4-seat courier aircraft, development of the Me 200 1955
P.204 8-seat light transport/fast courier with 2 jet engines from 3.9 to 7.8kN. Development of the Me 200. MTOW 4000kg, cruising speed 510 to
680km/h, range 1000km 1956
P.208 6-seat (including crew) light transport/fast courier , wing identical to HA-200, designed as "kit plane"
P.208/OM 6-seat (including crew) light transport/fast courier , with 2 reciprocating engines of 184 to 294kW each, MTOW 3000kg, cruising speed
380km/h, range 1600km 1957
P.208/TL 6-seat (including crew) light transport/fast courier , with 2 jet engines of 3.9 to 6.9kN each, MTOW 2900kg, cruising speed 500km/h,
range 1000km 1957
P.208/PTL 6-seat (including crew) light transport/fast courier , with 2 PTL (turboprop) engines of 294 to 515kW each 1957
Me P.216 5-seat business aircarft/light transport with 2 Astazou XII with 515kW each. Pressurized and climatised cabin. MTOW 2975kg 1965
Me P.216PT/T1 5-seat business aircarft/light transport with 2 Astazou XII with 470kW each. Pressurized and climatised cabin. MTOW 3025kg
Me P.216J/T1 5-seat business aircarft/light transport with 2 Marbore jet engines with 4.7kN each. Pressurized and climatised cabin. MTOW 2970kg,
cruising speed 750km/h in 11.000m, range 2150km 1965/66
Me 230 6-seat light transport with 2 Marbore II jet engines with 3.9kN each.Utilisation of many HA-200 components, but engines in wing nacelles,
insteat of the fuselage nose. MTOW 3340kg, cruising speed 400km/h , range 1930km (see P.1216), HA-230: 2 Aubisque with 6,86kN each.
Design from Max Blüm parallel to Hornungs Me P.124.MTOW 3800kg, cruising speed 680km/h , range 2400km (without reserves) 1957/59
Me P.260 short-haul airliner with 3 E300 jet engines in the tail with 29.4kN each, swept trapezoidal low wing, conventional tail, MTOW 26.000kg,
max.payload 8250kg or 60 pax, cruising speed 950km/h, range 1120km with 60 pax and 2500 freight. 1968
Me P.260/2m short-haul airliner for 45 pax with 2 E300 jet engines with 29.4kN each, MTOW 19.000kg, max.payload 5830kg, cruising speed
760km/h, range 1020km . 1968
Me P.260/3m short-haul airliner for 60 pax with 3 E300 jet engines in the tail with 29.4kN each, MTOW 26.000kg, cruising speed 800km/h, range
1100km with max.payload (8350kg) 1968
Me P.263/M1 light STOL army recce aircraft with 1 Lycoming ZT53 engine with 9.5kN. Blown flaps and ailerons (at the rear edges). All-terrain
landing gear with a skid under the fuselage and retractable auxiliary skids under the wingtips. weight 2100kg, cruising speed 780km/h
near the ground, range 600km, take-off distance 350m, landing distance 290m (with blown surfaces) 1965
Me P.263 STOL army recce aircraft with 1 engine, weight 2100kg, intake behind the cockpit, auxiliary wheels under the tip tanks 1965
P.300 interceptor for conventional or vertical take-off with 1 Bristol Orpheus 12R enginewith reheat and 2 rocket engines with 9.8kN 1958/60
HA 300 light supersonic fighter, pre-design in the FRG, development began in Spain and was proceeded with in Egypt (see own chapter) 1961/62
Me P.308 "Jet Taifun", development of the Me 108, 6 to 10-seat business aircraft/light transport with pressurized cabin and 2 jet engines, e.g. GE
CJ610-4 with 10.7kN each. Variants as freighter/military transport or paratroop trainer, ground attack aircraft and NASARR trainer,
Medevac aircraft for 2 pilots, one paramedic and 4 lying or 2 siting wounded. MTOW 5380kg, cruising speed 800km/h in 12.000m, range
up to 3100km 1965
Me P.362/M1 light 2-seat STOL ground attack aircraft/trainer with 2 jet engines. 25% flap blowing (?), weight 4800kg, variants S1, M2 and
S2 1965
P.364/4m transport with 4 turboprop engines, wing area 280m² 1955
P.364/2m transport with 2 turboprop engines, wing area 150m² 1955
Me 400A 2-seat multi purpose aircraft for basic and advanced training and fighter bomber missions. 2 jet engines, utilisation of HA-200
components like wing, tail and tip tanks, weight up to 6000kg 1966
Me P.400 2 engined attack trainer 1968
Me P.408A/01 Me P.308 with 50% blowing, exhaust mixing, jet flaps only, 2 jet engines 1965
Me P.408B/01/02/012 Me P.308 with 25% blowing, 2 jet engines 1965
Me P.408 (RJ 408) "Transformation aircraft", rotorjet, 7-seat VTOL light transport with foldable rotor, see "rotorjet" 1967
Me P.508 (RJV 408 2A) experimental aircarft for a Transformation aircraft of the rotorjet type, utilising the fuselage of the Mitsubishi MU-2J,
including landing gear, which should be set onto the rectangular wing 1977
Me P.508 (RJV 408 2B) see before, but with T-tail 1977
Topic split, albeit imperfectly. Jemiba's list overlaps quite a bit that of boxkite earlier in the thread, but they both make up a great source of information.

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