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  • ALBATROS Flugzeugwerke GmbH.doc
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For H.J. Nowarra ,the L-80 may be a night-bomber project ,derived from the L-73.The He 59 was choosen and L-80 abandoned
A bit of thread necromancy, I thought I'd expand on AM's original Albatros 'L' series type list.

My next post will cover the same internal Albatros 'L' series type numbers presented numerically. (My third post will cover Albatros acronym designations - and anomalous designations.)

In the Albatros 'L' series type numbers list, relevant Idflieg and Marine type designations are given in the description along with basic information. [1] Details can be frustratingly sketchy at times but, overall, the rationalized Albatros 'L' type list is a surprisingly complete sequence.

There are two notable sequential gaps in the Albatros 'L' numbers - 61-to-64 and 85-to-99. From there, the numerical sequence picks up from L.100 to L.103. Two points need to be made that '100' sequence. First is that L.100 to L.103 were all built - which suggests that we cannot eliminate the possibility of unrealized Albatros projects with higher numbers. Second, the L.101 to L.103 are now better remembered by their later RLM designations - Al 101 to Al 103. As that was an outside imposition, I have stuck with the original Albatros internal style.

Most designs are products of the Albatros Flugzeugwerke GmbH of Johannisthal, southeast of central Berlin. [2] Also mentioned is Albatros subsidiary, OAW - which stood for Ostdeutsche Albatros Werke. OAW - located at Schneidemühl in Posen - was meant to be a production subsidiary. However, original design was performed at OAW on a small scale. The result is some confusing duplicate Idflieg designations. But, fortunately, there are also separate 'L' designations assigned to these OAW offerings.

Style and Usage

The Albatros 'L' series designations are usually presented with a space (eg: L 3) but sometimes without (eg: L3). German usage generally avoids punctuation marks in designations. However, for my own convenience, I have inserted periods into both Albatros 'L' designations and their official military counterparts. My apologies in advance for that.

As the major user of Albatros products, no direct mention has been made of the Luftstreitkräfte. Before Oct 1916, that organization was known by its short-form Fliegertruppen (Air Service) which is mentioned a few times. I have used Marine as a short-form for both the Kaiserliche Marine and its naval aviator branch, the Marineflieger (established in 1913).


[1] Idflieg ((Inspektion der Fliegertruppen) designations covered aircraft types adopted by the Deutsches Heer. Marine type designations, of course, refer to the system assigned by the Marineflieger branch of the Kaiserliche Marine.

[2] Johannisthal field was also the location of Fokker and Rumpler factories. From 1912, the Adlershof-Johannisthal field was the home of the Deutsche Versuchsanstalt für Luftfahrt (DVL of German Experimental Institute for Aviation). In a WWI context, Adlershof is best-remembered for a series of fighter competitions begun in January 1918.

Albatros Flugzeugwerke GmbH 'L' Series Aircraft Designations

L.1 (DDK) - 1914 B.I 2-seat unarmed recce biplane
- L.1 : 1 x 100 hp Mercedes D.I 6-cyl., span 14.48 m
-- DDK is prob. for Doppeldecker Kampfflugzeug
-- Contemporary generic was Militär-Doppeldecker

L.2 - 1914 B.II 2-seat unarmed 2-bay recce biplane
- L.2 : 1 x 120 hp Mercedes D.II 6.cyl. span 12.80 m*
-- * Some sources give wing span as 12.96 m
- W.1 : Floatplane version of L.2/B.II, aka B.II-W

L.3 (GDD) - 1914-15 unarmed single-seat scout biplane, x 6
- L.3: 1 x 100 hp Gnome Delta rotary, span 10.40 m
-- GDD probably stood for 'Gnome Doppeldecker'
-- Alt., GDD may be for 'Gnome Delta Dorner'*
-- * L.3 Militär-Einsitzer designed by Hermann Dorner

L.4 - 1916 OAW G.I 5-crew,5-bay biplane bomber, x 1
- L.4 : Insp. by Sikorsky Ilya Muromets, poor performer
- L.4 : 4 x 120 hp Mercedes D.II 6 cyl., span 27.30 m

L.5 (LDD) - 1914 B.III 2-seat 2-bay recce biplane
- L.5 : Refined L.2/B.II, led to armed C.III variant
- L.5 : 1 x 120 hp Mercedes D.II 6-cyl., span 11.00 m
-- LDD meaning unclear (L(??) Doppeldecker)

L.6 (DM 15) - 1914 C.I 2-seat GP/recce biplane
- L.6 : Albatros Flugzeugwerke-built C.I variant
- L.6/C.I : 1 x 150 hp Benz Bz.III, span 12.90 m
- L.6/C.Ia: 1 x 180 hp Argus As III 6-cylinder
- L.6/C.Ib: Dual-control trainer by Mercur Flugzeugbau
-- DM 15 meaning unclear (and rather anomalous)

L.7 - 1914-15 OAW C.I 2-seat, 3-bay recce biplane, x 7*
- L.7 : Schneidemühl-built C.I variant designed by OAW
- L.7 : 1 x 150 hp Benz Bz.III 6-cylinder, span 12.90 m
-- Earliest models had fuselage side-mounted radiators
-- Later models had radiator mounted under upper wing
-- Operational trainer mod., radiator to leading edge
-- * Based on serials, most sources say only 2 x built
-- 2v: Albatros 2/209-1.jpg
-- 1v: Albatros 2/207-1.jpg

L.8 - 1915 C.II* 2-seat pusher 2-bay biplane, x 1
- L.8 : Heinkel design using some L.7/C.I parts
- L.8 : 1 x 150 hp Benz Bz III 6-cyl., span 12.90 m
-- * Not be confused with Austrian OAW C.II (L.13)

L.9 (ME) - 191? single-seat multi-purpose biplane scout
- L.9 : Single-bay, highly-staggered, high-lift wings*
- L.9 : 1 x 100 hp Mercedes D.I 6-cyl., span 11.20
-- * These thick wings may have been cantilevered**
-- ** Explaining minimal struts and wire bracing
-- Designed by Hermann Dorner (some say Claude Dornier)

L.10 (LDDM) - 1915 C.III 2-seat recce biplane, x ~600
- L.10: Reduced-weight C.I devel. designed by Schubert
- L.10: 1 x 150 hp Benz Bz.III 6-cyl.,* span 11.70 m
-- * Alt. engine: 1 x 160 hp Mercedes D.III 6-cylinder
-- W.2: Prototype twin-float L.10/C.III seaplane variant
-- W.2: 1 x 160 hp Mercedes D.III 6-cyl., span 11.70 m

L.11 - 1916 G.II twin-engined bomber prototype, x 1
- L.11: Single-bay wings, pusher props, nose wheels
- L.11: 2 x 150 hp Benz Bz.III 6-cyl., span 18.00 m

L.12 - 1916 C.IV 2-seat reconnaissance biplane, x 11*
- L.12: L.10/C.III with a revised cockpit & wings
- L.12: 1 x 160 hp Mercedes D.III 6-cy., span 12.40 m
- L.12: Limited improvement, eclipsed by L.14 / C.V*
-- * Prototype C.850/15; trainers C.851/15 & C.860/15
-- * C.853/15-856/15 & C.858-859/15 to Ottoman Empire

L.13 - 1916 OAW C.II 2-seat, 2-bay recce biplane, x 1
- L.13 : Schneidemühl-built C.I variant designed by OAW
- L.13 : 1 x 220 hp Mercedes D.IV 8-cyl., span (??) m
-- More compact than L/7/C.I, horn-balanced controls

L.14 - 1916 C.V 2-seat armed recce biplane, x ~400
- L.14 : C.V/16 2-bay biplane reconnaissance bomber
- L.14 : Prototypes, gravity fuel tank, span 12.20 m
- L.14 : Prototype (?), fitted w/ interwing I struts
- L.14 : C.V/16, 'ear' radiators, engine header tank
- L.14 : 1 x 220 hp Mercedes D.IV,* span 12.78 m
-- * D.IV was 'straight 8' devel. of D.III 6.cyl.
- L.14a: C.V/17, refined C.V armed recce biplane
- L.14a: Airfoil radiator, no engine header tank
-- 3v:

L.15 - 1916 D.I single-bay biplane fighter, x 50*
- L.15 : Semi-monocoque fuselage, inverted-V cabanes
- L.15 : 1 x 160 hp Mercedes D.III, span 8.50 m
-- Early prod. D.I had lighter 150 hp Benz Bz.III
-- * D.421-D.470/16, built concurrently with D.II
-- W.4 : 1916 D.I floatplane variant, x 126***
-- W.4 : 1 x 160 hp Mercedes D.III, span 9.50 m
-- *** 118 x Marine, 8 x Austro-Hungary

L.16 - 1916 C.VI 2-seat armed recce biplane, x (?)
- L.16 : Sim. to C.III airframe but more powerful
- L.16 : 1 x 180 hp Argus As.III 6-cyl., span 11.70 m
-- Alt.powerplant while waiting for Mercedes D.IV

L.17 - 1916 D.II single-seat biplane fighter, x 291*
- L.17 : Improved D.I, upper wing lower,** N-cabanes
- L.17 : 1 x 160 hp Mercedes D.III, span 8.50 m
-- * D.472-521/16, D.890-939/16, D.1700-1799/16
-- * Some say only x 275 but serials suggest x 300
-- ** Improved view (upper wing lowered by 30 cm)

L.18 - 1916 C.VII 2-seat armed recce biplane, x 600+
- L.18 : Effectively a re-engined L.14a / C.V/17
- L.18 : 1 x 200 hp Benz Bz.IV 6-cyl., span 12.78 m
-- N.1 : N = Nacht, night bomber ver. C.VII

L19 - 1917 C.VIIIN 2-seat night bomber, 1 x prototype
- L.19 : 3-bay biplane wings, C.VII-style fuselage
- L.19 : 1 x 160 hp Mercedes D.III 6-cyl., span 16.34 m
- L.19 : Bombload 6 x 50 kg PuW bombs; underpowered

L.20 - 1916 D.III single-seat biplane fighter, x 1,866
- L.20 : L.17/D.II w/ Nieuport-like sequiplane wings
- L.20 : 1 x 160 hp Mercedes D.III,* span 9.50 m
-- * Alt.: 170-to-175 hp high-compr. Mercedes D.IIIa

L.21 - 1916 G.III twin-engined pusher bomber, x (?)
- L.21: Developed, prod. model of L.11/G.II bomber
- L.21: 2 x 220 hp Benz Bz.IVa 6-cyl., span 18.00 m
- L.21: 3 x crew, wings differed from L.11 prototype

L.22 - 1916 D.IV single-seat biplane fighter, x 3*
- L.22 : L.17/D.II-like single-bay wings, new engine
- L.22 : 1 x 160 hp geared Mercedes D.III, span 9.05 m
- L.22 : Resembles L.17/D.II but oval fuselage section
-- * One D.IV tested, suffered excess engine vibration

L.23 - 1916 C.IX 2-seat armed reconnaissance biplane, x 3
- L.23 : Single-bay, highly swept-back upper wings
- L.23 : 1 x 160 hp Mercedes D.III 6-cyl., span 10.40 m

L.24 - 1917 D.V single-seat biplane fighter, x ~2,500
- L.24 : L.22/D.IV fuselage fitted w/ L.20/D.III wings
- L.24 : 1 x 180 hp Mercedes D.IIIa 6-cyl., span 9.04 m
- L.24 : D.V, lighter structure (comp. w/ D.IV), x ~900
- L.24 : D.Va, reinforced structure, x 1612

L.25 - 1917 C.X 2-seat reconnaissance biplane, x 300+
- L.25 : L.18 / C.VII replacement a/c w/ enlarged airframe
- L.25 : 1 x 260 hp Mercedes D.IVa 6-cyl., span 14.36
-- Longer, broader fuselage allowed for more equipment

L.26 - (Project) 191? C.XI 2-seat recce biplane
- L.26 : L.16 / C.VI development, no other details

L.27 - 1917 C.XII 2-seat reconnaissance biplane
- L.27 : L.25/C.X devel. w/ oval section fuselage
- L.27 : 1 x 260 hp Mercedes D.IVa,* span 14.12
-- * Some C.XII trainers used Mercedes D.IV 8-cyl.

L.28 - 1917-18 D.VI single-seat fighter biplane, x 1
- L.28 : Twin-boom pusher with podded fuselage
- L.28 : 1 x 180 hp Mercedes D.IIIa, span 9.80 m
- L.28 : 1 x fixed 20 mm Becker, 1 x 7.92 mm LMG 08/15

L.29 - 1917 C.XIII 2-seat recce-fighter, 1 x prototype
- L.29 : Enlarged D.Va structure to test CL concept
- L.29 : 1 x 160 hp Mercedes D.III, span 10.00 m
- L.29 : Resem. chubby D.Va, abandoned for L.31/C.XIV

L.30 - 1917 B.IIa 2-seat trainer/passenger a/c
- L.30: L.2/B.II development, increased wingspan
- L.30: 120 hp Mercedes D.II,* span 12.96 m
-- B.IIa also built with 120 hp Argus As.II

L.31 - 1917 C.XIV 2-seat recce-fighter, 1 x prototype
- L.31 : More powerful C.XIII devel. with 2-bay wings
- L.31 : 1 x 220 hp Benz IVa 6-cyl.,* span 10.40 m
-- * Planned to have 260 hp Mercedes D.IVa 8-cylinder

L.32 - 1917 C.Ia 2-seat armed recce biplane, x (?)
- L.32 : C.Ia, higher-powered L.6/C.I development
- L.32 : 1 x 180 hp Argus As.III, span 12.90 m
- L.32 : Argus As.III and leading edge radiator
-- L.32/C.Ia variant constructed by BFW and LFG*
-- * Some sources say Roland rather than LFG

L.33 - 1917 C.Ib 2-seat recce-trainer biplane, x ~350
- L.33 : C.Ib, dual-control training derivative
- L.33 : 1 x 160 hp Mercedes D.III, span 12.90 m
-- C.Ib built by Mercur Flugzeugbau GmbH, Berlin

L.34 - 1917 D.VII single-seat fighter biplane, x 1
- L.34: Experimental fighter with new V-8 engine
- L.34: 1 x 195 hp Benz Bz.IIIb V-8, span 9.32 m
-- Bz.IIIb proved utterly unreliable, abandoned
-- 2v: Albatros 4/203-1.jpg

L.35 - (Project) 1917 D.VIII single-seat fighter
- L.35: 6-cyl. biplane fighter, no other details

L.36 - 1917 Dr.I single-seat fighter triplane, x 1
- L.36 : Slightly enlarged triplane L.24/D.V deriv.
- L.36 : 1 x 180 hp Daimler D.IIIa, span 8.70 m
-- Aband. when no advantages over D.V demonstrated

L.37 - 1918 D.IX single-seat fighter biplane, x 1
- L.37 : L.34/D.VII surfaces w/ slab-sided fuselage
- L.37 : 1 x 180 hp Daimler D IIIa, span 8.20 m*
-- Wing failure 18 Jan 1918, devel. discontinued
-- * Some sources give L.37/D.IX span as 10.40 m

L.38 - 1918 D.X single-seat fighter biplane, x 1
- L.38 : Parallel development of D.IX prototype
- L.38 : 1 x 195 hp Benz Bz.IIIbo, span 8.20 m*
- L.38 : Interplane I-struts, Aldershof June 1918
-- * Some sources give L.38 / D.X span as 9.84 m

L.39 - 1918 Dr.II single-seat fighter triplane, x 1
- L.39 : Effectively triplane vers. of L.38 / D.X
- L.39 : 1 x 195 hp Benz Bz.IIIbo, span 10.00 m

L.40 - 1917 J.I 2-seat ground-attack a/c, x ~240
- L.40 : Armoured ground attack/cooperation biplane
- L.40 : 1 x 200 hp Benz Bz.IV 6-cyl., span 14.14 m
- L.40 : C.XII wings/tail w/ slab-sided fuselage
-- Protection & characteristics popular, see L.42

L.41 - 1918 D.XI single-seat fighter biplane, x 2
- L.41 : Compact, single-bay,* wooden airframe
- L.41 : 160 hp Siemens-Halske Sh.III, span 8.00 m
-- * Airfoil I-struts reinforced w/ diagonal stuts

L.42 - 1918 J.II 2-seat armoured ground-attack a/c
- L.42 : L.40/J.I devel. w/ armour covering engine
- L.42 : 1 x 200 hp Benz Bz.IV 6-cyl., span 13.55 m
-- Modest impr. over L.40, some with 20 mm Beckers
-- L.42/J.II numbers unknown, est. 90-125 delivered

L.43 - 1918 D.XII single-seat fighter biplane, x 2
- L.43 : Related devel. to L.37/D.IX & L.38/D.X
- L.43 : 1 x 180 hp Mercedes D IIIa,* span 8.20 m
- L.43 : 2nd prototype had diff. u/c & ailerons
-- * 2nd prototype re-engined w/ 185 hp BMW IIIa

L.44 - 1918 D.XIII single-seat fighter biplane
- L.44 : 1 x 160 hp Mercedes D.III, span 9.50 m

L.45 - (Project) 1918 D.XIIIa single-seat fighter
- L.45 : Biplane mention in Albatros pulications
- L.45 : Likely higher-powered L.44, prob. Project

L.46 - 1918 D.XIV single-seat fighter biplane
- L.46 : 1 x 180 hp BMW IIIa 6-cyl., span 8.80 m

L.47 - 1918 C.XV 2-seat recce biplane, few deliv.
- L.47 : Re-engined C.XIV deriv., staggered wings
- L.47 : 1 x 220 hp Benz Bz.IVa, span 14.37 m
-- L.47/C.XV arrived too late for WWI service

L.48 - (Project) 1918 J.III 2-seat ground-attack a/c
- L.48 : Impr. L.43/J.II variant w/ 260 hp powerplant
- L.48 : Likely not completed, poss. exper. convers.

L.49 (DA 1) - 1918 single-seat fighter biplane
- L.49 : 1 x 180/200 hp Mercedes 'D.IIIaü' * 6-cyl.
-- * 'D.IIIa über' = hemi pistons, high-compr.

L.50 - (Project) 1918 G.IV heavy bomber, no details

L.51 - 1917 C.If 2-seat recce biplane/mailplane
- L.51 : Slightly mod. wartime B.II biplane

L.52 - 1917 C.Id 2-seat recce trainer biplane
- L.52 : Slightly mod. wartime B.II biplane

L.53 - 1918 CLS.I two-seat general-purpose biplane
- L.53 : CLS.I, no details

L.54 - 1918 F.1, no details

L.55 - (Project) 1918 D.XV single-seat fighter biplane
- L.55: (??) no other details

L.56 - (Project) 19(??) 1 + 4/5 transport biplane
- L.56 : C.V modified for passenger transport use
- L.56 : 1 x 220 hp Mercedes D.IV 6-cyl., span 12.62 m*
- L.56 : Pilot under wing, pax in enlarged open cockpit
-- * Assuming L.56 is based upon the C.V/17 airframe

L57 - (Project) 19(??) 2 + 6 transport monoplane
- L.57 : Forward cockpit over engine, cabin behind
-- L.57 was forerunner of better-known L.58 (qv)

L.58 - 1923 DLH monoplane cabin transport, x 7
- L.58 : High cantilever wing, wooden constr'n
- L.58 : Raised, open cockpit above the engine
- L.58 : 1 x crew + 5 pax seats in cabin
- L.58 : 1 x 255 hp Maybach MB IV, span 18.00 m
- L.58a: 1 or 2 x crew + 6 pax seats in cabin
- L.58a: 1 x 300 hp R-R Eagle VIII, span 18.00 m

L.59 - 1923 single-seat low-wing monoplane sports a/c, x 1
- L.59 : Cantilever wings, trousered u/c, open cockpit
- L.59 : 1 x 60 hp* Siemens-Halske Sh.4, span 10.30 m
- L.59 : Cockpit offset to port, led to L.60 2-seater
-- * Some sources put Siemens-Halske Sh.4 power at 55 hp

L.60 - 1923 2-seat low-wing monoplane sports a/c, x 3
- L.60: 2-seater* development of the single-seat L.59
- L.60 : 1 x 80 hp Siemens-Halske Sh.5, span 10.30 m
- L.60 : Cantilever wings, trousered u/c, open cockpit
-- * Pilot's cockpit to port, pax cockpit to starboard
-- L.60s registered as D-314, D-406, and D-438

61-64 - (??) no information

L.65 - 1925 tandem 2-seat recce-fighter biplane, x 3
- L.65 : Tapered biplane wings, interplane I-struts
- L.65 I : 1 x 450 hp Napier Lion IA, span 10.30 m
- L.65 II : 1 x 565 hp Napier Lion X, span 12.40 m
- L.65 III: 1 x (??) hp Napier Lion )?), span 12.40 m
- L.65 : aka Memel AFG.1,* Heinkel HD 17 selected
-- * Subsidiary Allgemeine Flug-Gesellschaft, Memel

L.66 - 1924 2-seat ultralight parasol sports a/c, x 10
- L.66 : 1 x 30 hp Haacke HFM-2 HO2, span 9.00 m
- L.66a: 1 x 40 hp Stahlwerk Mark St.M3,* span 9.50 m
-- * Alt. Anzani (one source assigning L.66c desig.)
- L.66b : (??) hypothetical designation
- L.66c : (??) hypothetical designation**
-- ** Prob. typo for L.68c (eg 10093 D-1263/YM-AAR)

L.67 - 1925 2-seat ultralight parasol sports a/c, x 2
- L.67 : Re-engined L.66 devel., D-618 and D-619
- L.67 : 1 x 32 hp Bristol Cherub HO2, span 9.50 m

L.68 - 1925 Alauda 2-seat biplane trainer, x 18
- L.68 : Tandem open cockpits, single-bay, span 10.10 m
- L.68 : 1 x 75 hp Siemens-Halske Sh 11 7-cyl., x 3
- L.68a: 1 x 100 hp Siemens-Halske Sh 12 9-cyl., x 3
- L.68b: (??) hypothetical designation
- L.68c: 1 x 100 hp S h 12, slightly enlarged, x 10
- L.68d: 1 x 160 hp Siemens-Halske Sh.III rotary, x 1
- L.68e: 1 x 200 hp Armstrong Siddeley Lynx, x 1
-- Alauda is the genus name of European larks

L.69 - 1925 parasol 2-seat trainer & sports a/c, x 4
- L.69 : Dev. for Reichswehr training in Soviet Union
- L.69 : 1 x 100 hp Bristol Lucifer, span 8.06 m
- L.69 : D-684 & D-778 to Lipetsk, USSR, training base
- L.69a: Higher-powered Reichswehr trainer devel., x 2
- L.69a: 1 x 100 hp Siemens-Halske Sh 12 9-cyl. radial
- L.69a: Werk Nr. 10071/D-778 & 10072/D-1533 to Lipetsk

L.70 - 1925 tandem 2-seat reconnaissance a/c, x 1 (?)
- L.70 : Single-engined biplane, wooden constr.
- L.70 : Experimental type, no other details

L.71 - 1925 experimental 2-seat tandem a/c
- L.71 : Single-bay biplane pusher type
- L.71 : 1 x pusher radial,* span 10.30 m
-- * Mounted on top wing, Siemens 5-cyl. (??)

L.72 - 1926 2-seated cabin biplane transport, x 4
- L.72 : Unstaggered wings, pilot underneath wing
- L.72 : Mainly fabric-covered steel-tube constr.
- L.72 : 1 x 200 hp BMW IV 6-cyl., span 13.00 m
- L.72a: 1 x prototype
- L.72b: Ullstein AG newpaper carriers, D-888/D-890
- L.72c: Albis, for Hamburger Fremdenblatt, D-1140

L.73 - 1926 twin-engined 2+8* cabin airliner, x 4
- L.73 : Single-bay, unstaggered biplane, fixed u/c
-- * Seat backs fold down as sleepers for 4 x pax
- L.73a: (??) hypothetical designation
- L.73b: 2 x 240 hp BMW IV 6-cyl.,* span 17.00 m
-- * Some sources improb. say 240 hp Junkers L.5
- L.73c: 2 x 320 hp BMW Va 6-cyl., some convers.

L.74 - 1928 2-seat biplane recce-trainer biplane, x 2
- L.74 : Single-bay, bottom wing strutted to fuselage
- L.74 : 1 x 400 hp BMW IVa 6-cyl., span 11.30 m
- L.74 : Separate fwd-facing cockpits w/ windscreens

L75 - 1928 Ass advanced trainer biplane, x 43
- L75 : Ass* prototype advanced trainer, x 1
- L75 : 1 x 400 hp BMW IVa 6-cylinder, span 12.50 m
- L75a: 1 x 320 hp BMW Va 6-cylinder, span 12.50 m
- L75b: 1 x 300 hp Junkers L.5 6-cyl. engine, x 7*
-- * Incl. 1 x L.76a + 1 x L.75E conv. to L.76b std.
- L75c: 1 x 320 hp BMW Va 6-cylinder inline, x 12**
-- ** Combined production figures for L75a & L75c
- L75d: 1 x 320 hp BMW Va 6-cylinder inline, x 3
- L.75DSA: 1 x 320 hp BMW Va 6-cyl. inline, x 3
- L.75DSB: 1 x 300 hp Junkers L.5 6-cyl., x 14***
-- *** Incl. the 6 x L.75DSBs built by Focke-Wulf
- L.75E: 1 x 320 hp BMW Va, Handley Page slots, x 2
-- L.75E (10149/D-1748) conv. to L.75b in Aug 1932
- L.75F: 1 x 425 hp Junkers L.5G 6-cyl. inline, x 1
-- Also seen as Esel, translating as donkey

L.76 - 1927 Aeolus recce trainer sesquiplane, x 9
- L.76 : Ply-clad wooden wing, steel-tube fuselage
- L.76 : 1 x 600 hp BMW VI V-12, span 12.76 m
- L.76 : Reichswehr training at Lipetsk, USSR
-- The L.76 acq'd a reputation for vicious handling
-- Aeolus was keeper of the winds in Greek mythology

L.77v - 1928 tandem 2-seat recce-fighter sequiplane, x 6*
- L.77v: Impr. L.76 w/ enlarged, balanced tail surfaces
- L.77v: 1 x 600 hp BMW VI 5.5 V-12, span 12.76 m
-- * 2 x L.77v: built by the Ernst Heinkel Flugzeugbau
-- Meaning of 'v' suffix unknown, vergünstigt (??)

L.78 - 1928 tandem 2-seat reconnaissance biplane, x 13
- L.78 : Refined L.77v* with near equal-span wings
- L.78 : 1 x 600 hp BMW VI 5.5 V-12, span 12.76 m
-- * Eg: Radiator bath moved fwd between u/c legs
- L.78 : Prototype c/n 10121, D-1524, conv. to L.78u
- L.78 : Prod'n x 12, 9 by Albatros, 3 by Focke-Wulf
- L.78u: 1930 prototype D-IBOL re-eng. w/ BMW VIu**
-- ** Deutsche Versuchsanstalt für Luftfahrt, Adlershof
-- 7 x L.78 toReichswehr training at Lipetsk
-- Most L.78 to Deutsche Verkehrsfliegerschule (DVS)

L.79 - 1929 Kobold single-seat aerobatic biplane, x 2
- L.79 : Unstaggered single-bay wings, symmetrical airfoil
- L.79 : 1 x 125 hp Siemens-Halske Sh 12, span 8.80 m
-- Equal-span wings experimental wing sponsored by DVL
-- Kobold was a sprite from Germanic mythology

L.80 - (Project) Possibly* NaBo (Nachtbomber) bomber
- L.80 : Twin-engined multi-seat biplane night bomber
- L.80 : 2 x 690-750 hp geared BMW VIU V-12s, span (??) m
- L.80 : L.73 airliner deriv., Heinkel He 59 selected
-- * Speculation by Heinz J. Nowarra

L.81 - 1931 Elektra* 2-seat experimental a/c
- L.81 : Inverted sesquiplane, raised elevators
- L.81 : 1 x 320 hp BMW Va 6-cyl., span 12.50 m
- L.81 : Werk.Nr 10164, D-2198/D-IDUK, to the DVL
-- 1st airframe to use Elektron alloy (Mg & Al)
-- * Also seen as the less Germanic Electra
-- Elektra was a cloud-nymph of Greek mythology

L.82 - 1929 tandem 2-seat training biplane, x 17
- L.82 : Wings almost unstaggered, raised elevators
- L.82a: Prototype, reg. D-1704, Werk Nr. 10158, x 1
- L.82a: 1 x 100 hp DH Gipsy 4-cyl., span 9.00 m
- L.82b: Radial-engine, D-1706/D-EDUV, Werk Nr. 10162
- L.82b: 1 x 80 hp Siemens-Halske Sh 13 5-cyl. radial
- L.82c: Production-model with radial engine, x 15
- L.82b: 1 x 125 hp Siemens-Halske Sh 14 7-cyl. radial

L.83 - 1931 Adler low-wing cabin transport, x 2
- L.83 : Very long-range mailplane, mid-range cargo a/c
- L.83 : Longe-range pax (P3), mixed-use transport a/c
- L.83 : Semi-cantilever wing, raised elevator, no fin
-- EL 44: (Project) 1929, 2 vers. based on engine type
-- EL 44 (I) : 1 x 280-310 hp Junkers L.5 6-cylinder
-- EL 44 (II): 1 x 500-525 hp BMW Hornet radial
- L.83 : 1 x 280 hp Junkers L5 6-cyl., span 24.60 m
-- D-2024 to DVM; D-2211 Deutsche Verkehrsfliegerschule
- L.83a: (Project) unbuilt BMW Hornet variant
- L.83 : (Project) „Sonderzwecke“ variant*
-- * Reichswehr version for 'special duties' role
- L.83 : (Project) „Fernaufklärer“ variant**
-- * Reichswehr version for long-range recce role
-- Adler means eagle in German

L.84 - 1932 2-seat fighter sesquiplane, V-tail, x 5*
- L.84 : Fighter derived from L.76 recce trainer
- L.84 : 1 x 660 hp BMW VIu 7.3Z V-12, span 11.00 m
-- * Orig., Reichswehr ordered 12, then cancelled
- L.84 : Albatros Flugzeugwerke-built prototype, x 1
- L.84C: Focke-Wulf-built, rev'd cooling system, x 4
- L 84E: 1 x 575 hp Rolls-Royce Kestrel IIIS, x 1
- L 84F: Experimental fuel-injected BMW VIu,** x 1
-- ** Same (??) or leading to direct FI BMW 106A/D

85-99 - (??) no information, possibly skipped

L.100 - 1930 strut-braced low-wing sportplane, x 1
- L.100 : 1+2 , D-1906 built for Europarundflug
- L.100 : 1 x 80 hp Argus As 8 4-cyl., span 12.15 m
- L.100 : Smaller sibling to 1931 L.83 Adler

L.101 - 1930 tandem 2-seat parasol trainer series, x 71
- L.101 : Intended for either civilian or military use
- L.101 : 1 x Argus As 8 or As 8a IV-8, span 12.35 m
- L.101 : Mixed const., wood wings, steel-tube fuselage
- L.101 : Prototype, weak wings* had to be redesigned
-- Overly flexible, vibration, tendancy to flat-spin
- L.101W: Wasser, twin-float seaplane vers., x 2
- L.101A: 1 x Cirrus Hermes, 1930 Europarundflug
- L.101B: (??) hypothetical designation
- L.101C: 1 x 135 hp Argus As 8A/B 4-cyl., span 12.50 m
- L.101D: 1 x 135 hp Argus As 8A/B 4-cyl., span 12.50 m
-- The L.101C and 'D were really products of Focke-Wulf

L.102 - 1932 tandem 2-seat trainer & floatplane, x 10
- L.102 : Revised, more powerful L.101 parasol deriv.
- L.102 : 1 x 240 hp Argus As 10C IV-8, span 13.30 m
- L.102L: Land parasol 2-seat trainer, x 8
-- Some sources give original designation. as L.102B
-- Nazi-era RLM changed L.102L designation to Al 102L
- L.102W: Wasser, w/ sesquiplane lower wing, x 2
-- Nazi-era RLM changed L.102W designation to Al 102W
-- Fw 55 : Reinforced Focke-Wulf-built L.102L, x 8
-- Fw 55W: Reinforced Focke-Wulf-built L.102W, x 2*
-- * Some sources say 1 (124/D-2314) but also D-2711

L.103 - 1933 tandem 2-seat experimental a/c, x 1
- L.103: Variable geometry flight stability testbed
- L.103: 1 x 240 hp Argus As 10S IV-8, span varied*
- L.103: Derived from L.102 airframe into test bed
-- * 15.25-15.40 m depending upon wing-sweep angle
-- * Ground-adjustable Wing sweep angle 10° to 20°
-- * Ground-adjustable Wing dihedral angle 0° to 8°
-- Nazi-era RLM changed L.103 designation to Al 103

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Albatros Acronym Designations and Anomolies

Albatros Flugzeugwerke acronym designations are listed here alphabetically. These include rather generic role or type descriptors. Where known, alternative internal Albatros and military designations. In some cases, it is difficult to distinguish between industry and military appelations - initially, military users retained many of those internal acronyms/descriptors.

The Albatros acronym designations are important for a number of reasons. First, they show Albatros' original approach to type designation - and the limitations of the rather generic type descriptions must have quickly become apparent. Second, not all of the early Albatros aircraft types made it onto the later, rationalized 'L' type list. As a result, we have few records of these early types other than their Albatros acronym designations (especially when contemporary aviation journals' descriptions were often even more generic than Albatros' terminology).

In many cases, individual Albatros acronym designation listings will simply refer to types in the Albatros 'L' sequence (see previous post). However, as noted, some early types never received retroactive 'L' designations. In such cases, a fuller type description is given in this listing. Early Albatros aircraft designs which seem to lack any form of designation will listed first. (Hopefully, if any designations once existed for these types, they will emerge and the listings can be adjusted appropriately.)

(Edit) I have now added the K.351, K.351B, and K.361 to the existing W.1 listing. These airframes were most likely WDD/W.1 variants built by the Kondor Flugzeugwerke in Essen. Apparently, the Albatros-design structures were slightly revised (to suit Kondor's production approach?).

In a number of cases, I have had to speculate at the meaning of acronym designations ... or simply have no plausible guesses. Any filling in of these blanks would be highly appreciated. Likewise for details on the real mystery entries - eg: the DA 1 (L.49 - Edit: see reply #8) and F.1 (L.54) of 1918 for which I have no details at all! As always, any additions or corrections are also most welcome.


[1] Note, 'K' was also for Kampfflugzeug in the original Idflieg designation system. This Idflieg 'K' was quickly replaced by 'G' for Großflugzeug.

Albatros Aircraft Lacking Designations

Albatros Flugboot - 1913 pusher flying boat, x 1
- Flugboot: Side-by-side 2-seat, 2-bay biplane
- Flugboot: 1 x 100 hp Daimler,* span 14.80 m
- Flugboot: Low/wid-wing, no stabilizer floats
-- * Fuselage-mounted, chain-driven raised pusher prop
-- Marine-Baurat Wahl**/Dipl-ing Karl Rösner design
-- * A Johannisthal-based naval architect company
-- * Despite whale 'translations', Wahl is a surname
- Flugboot: Flew well, but w/ poor seaworthiness

Albatros Renn-Doppeldecker* - 1913 racer, x 1**
- Renn-Doppeldecker: 2-seat, single-bay biplane
- Renn-Doppeldecker: Built for 1914 Aspern meet
- Renn-Doppeldecker: 1 x Mercedes, span (??) m
-- Shortened wings on L.1/B.I Militär-Doppeldecker
-- * Note there is no sign of an 'Albatros RD' model
-- ** Poss. 2, more likely radiators were repositioned


Albatros Acronym Designations

A - 1912 Albatros Taube with wood fuselage*
- A : Retroactively applied designation**
-- * Streamlined wood veneered semi-monocoque
-- ** To distinguish A from the fabric-covered EEs

BW - 1915 Albatros tandem 2-seat seaplane trainer biplane
- BW : aka B.1W, B.I on twin floats, 100 hp Mercedes D.I
-- See: L.1 / DDK /B.I landplane
- BW : aka B.2W, B.II on twin floats, 120 hp Mercedes D.II
-- See: L.2 / B.II landplane
- BW : aka B.3W, B.III on floats, 1 x 120 hp Mercedes D.II
-- See: L.5 /LDD /B.III landplane
-- NB: BW internal desig, more specific than WDD (qv)*
-- Likely all WDD/BW types officially redesig. W.1 (qv)

DA.1, 1918 Albatros L.49 single-seat fighter biplane
- DA.1 : 1 x 1 x 180/200 hp Mercedes 'D.IIIaü', * span (??) m
-- * High-compression, hemi-pistoned über engine

DD (I) - 1912 Pfeil 2-seat tractor biplane, x 2
- DD (I) : Swept-wings,* Warren truss struts, span 13.30 m
-- * Wings are akin to straight-edged Doppeltaube
- DD : 1st airframe, 1 x 100 hp Argus As.I 4-cyl. inline
- DD : 2nd airframe, 1 x 100 hp Mercedes D.I 6-cylinder
-- DD = DoppelDecker, NB: 2nd DD built in 1913

DD (II) - 1913 tandem 2-seater GP military biplane
- DD (II): Internal designation (?) for Albatros B.II
-- 1 x DD impressed for RNAS (serial 890), Aug 1914

DE - 1913 tandem 2-seat,* 2-bay GP military biplane
- DE : Unarmed general purpose/recce a/c, x ~40 **
- DE : 1 x 100 hp Mercedes D.I 6-cyl., span 14.00 m
-- Alt. engines: 75 hp NAG, 100 hp Argus As.I 4-cyl.
-- * Pilot sat to the rear, observer sat forward
-- ** Total incl. float-equipped WDE derivative (qv)
-- Derived from Albatros Doppeltaube

DDK - See: L.1, 1914 B.I reconnaissance biplane
- DDK: Prob. for Doppeldecker Kampfflugzeug
- DDK: Term used for L.1 employed as armed escort*
-- * Making DDK a machine gun-armed B.I ex-bomber
-- Kampfgeschwader a/c re-assigned to Schutzstaffeln
-- Fliegertruppen desig. DD-1 (Doppeldecker 1)

DL 1 - 1913 Albatros recce trainer biplane, few details
- DL 1: 1 x (??) engine, span 14.30 m

DM 15 - See: L.6, 1914 C.I 2-seat GP/recce biplane
-- (??) Any non-Wikipedia ref for DM 15 desig. (??)

E - Eindecker (Monoplane), see 1912 RE racers
- E.I/E-1 : aka RE.I racer, 75 hp or 100 hp Mercedes
- E.II/E-2 : aka RE.II racer, 75 hp Mercedes
- E.III/E-3: aka RE.III racer, 100 hp Mercedes D.I

EE - Albatros' Ernst Heinkel-designed Taube, x 4
- EE : Taube-style monoplane recce & trainer
- EE : 1 x 75 hp Mercedes 6-cylinder, span (??) m
-- 3v: Albatros 1/225-1.jpg

F.1 (I) - "Albatros F.1" used to describe 1910 Farman I*
-- * Actually French-built airframe imported by Dr. Huth
-- * NB: Fliegertruppen serial for 'F.1' was B 1
-- MZ (or MZ.1)** have also have been applied to Farman
-- ** For Militär Zweidecker (Military Biplane)

F.1 (II) - 1918 L.54, no details
-- NB: 'F' was a shortlived Idflieg triplane designator

F.2 - License-built Farman F.III pusher, aka MZ.2 (qv)
-- Fliegertruppen serials (B 2-B 8) follow on from F.1

FT - 1912 tandem 2-seat reconnaissance monoplane
- FT : Shoulder-wing Taube-style monoplane
- FT : 1 x 100 hp Mercedes D.I 6-cyl., span 14.20 m
-- FT = Fournier Taube, deriv. of Etrich Taube
-- FT had side radiators, simply u/c compared w/ EE
-- NB: Wartime FT military desig. was Albatros A typ
-- 3v: Albatros 1/226-1.jpg

GDD - See: L.3, 1914-15 unarmed single-seat scout biplane,
- GDD: Probably stood for 'Gnome Doppeldecker'

H.1 - 1926 Albatros (DVL) high-altitude test a/c, x 1
- H.1 : Based on Siemens-Schuckert-Werke D.IV airframe
- H.1 : 1 x 160 hp Siemens-Halske Sh.III, span 12.56 m
- H.1 : Extended biplane wings proved weak, not flown
-- 'H' from Hohe Höhe or High-Altitude

HE - 1913 twin-float derivative of Albatros EE Taube
-- HE = Heinkel Eindecker, after its designer
- HE : Initial desig. for floatplane racer, later landplane
-- Redesignated as WRE (floats) and RE.1 (land) types

KDE - (??) Albatros DE variant (??)

LDD - See: L.5, 1914 B.III 2-seat 2-bay recce biplane
- LDD: Meaning unclear (L(??) Doppeldecker)

LDDM - See: L.10, 1915 C.III 2-seat recce biplane
- LDDM: Meaning unclear, see LDD (above)

ME - 191? L.9 single-seat multi-purpose biplane scout
- ME : Militär Einsitzer (Military Single-seater)

MZ.1 - 1911 Doppeltaube 2-seat military GP biplane
- MZ.1 : Biplane devel. of 1910 Albatros EE Taube
- MZ.1 : 1 x 100 hp Argus As.I 4-cylinder, span 13.20 m
- MZ.1 : Militär Zweidecker (1st Military Biplane)
-- NB: MZ.1 desig. for Doppeltaube can be disputed

MZ.2 - 1911 2-seat multi-purpose ('auxiliary') military a/c
- MZ.2 : Multi-bay biplane based on Farman F.III* pusher
- MZ.2 : 1 x 100 hp Argus-built Gnome rotary, span 13.30 m
-- MZ.2 = Militär-Zweidecker (2nd Military Biplane)
-- * Farman fore & aft tail surfaces, fuselage pod added
-- * Extended upper wing, four ailerons, pilot's nacelle
-- MZ.2 saw combat service with Bulgaria on 16 Oct 1912
-- MZ.2 evolved float derivative, see WMZ, below

RE - 1912 single-seat mid-winged monoplane racer series
- RE series: Monocoque fuselages, wings kingpost braced
-- RE = Renn-Eindecker or Racing Monoplane
- RE series: All also assigned 'E' series designations*
-- * Poss. Experimente machen, Experimentier- ...
- RE series: Ernst Heinkel design, sim. to HE (qv)
- RE.I : 1912, aka E.I/E-1, split upper/lower fin/rudders
- RE.I : 1 x 75 hp Mercedes (later 100 hp), span 12.10 m
- RE.II : 1912, aka E.II/E-2, revised tail, upper rudder
- RE.II : 1 x 75 hp Mercedes 6-cylinder, span 12.10 m
- RE.III: 1912, aka E.III, reverted to split fin/rudders
- RE.I : 1 x 100 hp Mercedes 6-cylinder, span 12.10 m

S.1 - 1911 two-seat recce trainer biplane
- S.1 : 1 x Gnome, Argus, or Opel engine
-- No other details; see reply #8

S.2 - 1911 two-seat recce trainer biplane
- S.2 : 1 x Gnome, Argus, or Opel engine
-- No other details; see reply #8

SK.1 - 1911 Sport Zweidecker single-seat biplane
- SK.1: Tractor 3-bay biplane, open-boom* rear fuselage
- SK.1: 1 x 70 hp Gnome Gamma 7-cy rotary, span 10.00 m
- SK.1: Sportsplane for, pioneer Werner Alfred Pietschker
-- * Twin 4-bay booms joined at single-ruddered T-tail
-- aka Albatros-Pietschker-Renndoppeldecker**
-- ** or 'Albatros-Pietschker-Racing-Biplane'

W.1 - Marine redesig. of the WDD floatplanes (qv)
- W.1 : Differed from BW series in structure/powerplant
- W.1 : 1 x 150 hp Benz Bz.III 6-cylinder, span (??) m
- W.1 : 3-bay biplane, floats braces to extra struts
-- K.351-K.361: Prob. W.1s built by Kondor* in Essen
-- Kondor Flugzeugwerke's W.1s differed in structure
-- K.351 : 1913, 1 x 70 hp Benz Bz.I, span (??) m
-- K.351B: 1915, 1 x 150 hp Benz Bz.III, span (??) m
-- 10 x K.351B (& K.351?), Marinenummern 221-230
-- K.361 : 1915, 1 x 150 hp Benz Bz.III, span (??) m
-- 2 x K.361, Marinenummern 446 and 447

W.2 - Marine desig. for C.III deriv. floatplane, x 1*
- W.2 : Tandem 2-seat twin-float recce seaplane
- W.2 : 1 x 160 hp Mercedes D.III, span 11.70 m
-- * Marinenummer 450

W.3 - 1916 twin-engined torpedo float biplane, x 1*
- W.3 : 3-seat, twin float, 3-bay biplane
- W.3 : 2 x 150 hp Benz III 6-cyl., span 22.7 m
-- * Marinenummer 527; developed into W.5.(qv)

W.4 - 1916 single-seat float fighter biplane, x 126
- W.4 : Twin-float deriv. of Albatros D.I fighter
- W.4 : 1 x 160 hp Mercedes D.III, span 9.50 m

W.5 - 1917 twin-engined torpedo float biplane, x 4
- W.3 : 3-seat, 3-bay, twin-float torpedo seaplane
- W.3 : 2 x 150 hp Benz Bz.III* 6-cyl., span 22.70 m
-- * Some sources say 2 x 100 hp Benz Bz.II engines
-- 3v: Albatros 3/138-1.jpg

W.6 - 191? improved W.4 single-seat float-fighter, x 1
- W.6 : 1 x Mercedes D.IVa 6-cylinder, span 9.50 m (?)

W.7 - 191? single-seat biplane float-fighter, 1 x prototype
- W.7 : Similar to W 6, no other details

W.8 - 1918 2-seat biplane float-fighter, 3* x prototypes
- W.8 : Twin floats, single-bay biplane wings, T-tail
- W.8 : 1 x 185 hp Benz Bz.IIIb V-8 engine, span 11.46 m
-- * Poss. only 2 x built, 3 x Marinenummer 5001-5003

W.9 - (??)

W.10 - (Project) 1922 parasol pusher flying boat
- W.10 : 1 x 120 hp Mercedes pusher, span 13.90 m

WD.3 - 1911 MZ.2-based (qv) 2-seat biplane floatplane
- WD.3 : Seen for initial, 1911-production WMZ.2 variants
- WD.3 : 1 x 70 hp Mercedes 6-cylinder, span 21.33 m
-- WD.3 desig. poss. Wasser Doppeldecker, 3rd type
- WD.3 : Larger main floats, steering 'oars' on wing tips
-- As deriv., WD.3 desig. prob. abandoned for WMZ.2 (below)
-- 3v:

WDB - 191? floatplane deriv. of Albatros DE for competition
-- Wasser Doppeldecker Bodensee Water Biplane Bodensee*
-- * ie, Lake Constance on the Swiss/Austrian/German border

WDD - 1913 2-seat, twin-float recce biplane seaplane
- WDD : Tractor, 3-bay biplane, didn't have tail float
- WDD : 1 x 150 hp Benz Bz.III 6-cyl., span (??) m
-- WDD stood for Wasser Doppeldecker Doppelsitzer
-- Generic internal desig., [Marine
desig. W.1 (qv)
-- Official W.1 desig. seems to be retroactively applied

WDE - 191? 3-float seaplane variant of Albatros DE

WMZ.2 - 1911-1912 MZ.2-based (qv) 2-seat floatplane, x 3
- WMZ.2 : Extended-span floatplane deriv. of MZ.2 biplane
- WMZ.2 : Fitted with various engine types,* span 21.33 m
- WMZ.2 : Longer-span wings, twin main floats + under tail
-- Wasser Militär Zweidecker/Water Military Biplane
- WMZ.2 : aka F.II or F-2; also see WD.3 listing (above)
-- * WMZ.2 D 2: 1 x 80 hp Argus As.I 4-cylinder inline
-- D 2 mod. 1912 w/ smaller main floats, retr. beaching gear
-- * WMZ.2 D 3: 1 x 70 hp Mercedes D.I 6-cylinder inline
-- * WMZ.2 D 5: 1 x 95 hp NAG (Neue Automobil-Gesellschaft mbH)
-- 3v:

WRE - 1913 2-seat mid-wing floatplane racing aircraft
- WRE : E.II devel. by Ernst Heinkel, triple floats
- WRE : 1 x 75 hp Mercedes 6-cylinder, span 12.10 m
-- Bodensee-Wettbewerb 1913, flown by Hans Vollmöller*
-- * Competing w/ Friedrichshafen, Sportflugzeuge category
-- Wasser-Rennflugzeug Eindecker = Water Racer Monoplane
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Thanks hesham. I had completely forgotten about the SZ-1! I'll add that Sport Zweidecker tomorrow.

The K 351/K361 series I decided to leave out. I went through the reasons in the introduction of Acronym Designations. Personally, I subscribe to the theory that these were Kondor Flugzeugwerke designations for their licensed W.1 variants. However, there's little in the way of evidence.

If anyone has more of the K 351/K 351B/K 361, I'd love to hear about them. I'd also like to hear more on K 351/K 351B differences. As far as I can tell, the K 351 was Benz-powered. If so, might the K 351 and K 351B be one an the same? Does anyone know for sure?
Dear Apophenia,

K-351 was a two-seat recce aircraft of 1913,powered by one Benz I engine
K-351B was a version of 1915,but powered by one Benz III
K-361 was a two-seat recce aircraft of 1915,powered by one Benz III
S.1 & S.2 were a two-seat recce trainer biplane of 1911,powered by either one Gnome,Argus or Opel engine

L.49 was a single seat fighter biplane,powered by one Mercedes D IIIaü
L.65 - 1925 tandem 2-seat recce-fighter biplane, x 2
- L.65 : Tapered biplane wings, interplane I-struts
- L.65 : 1 x Napier Lion W-12,* span 12.40 m
-- * L.65 I : 1 x 450 hp Napier Lion IA W-12
-- * L.65 II: 1 x 565 hp Napier Lion XI W-12
- L.65 : aka Memel AFG.1,** Heinkel HD 17 selected
-- ** Subsidiary Allgemeine Flug-Gesellschaft, Memel


  • 1926 L'ALA D'ITALIA 20200906-002.jpg
    1926 L'ALA D'ITALIA 20200906-002.jpg
    538.7 KB · Views: 28
Interesting. L'Ala gives a span of 10.30 m for the L.65.

I got the quoted span of 12.40 m from the German Aviation 1919-1945 website.

Does anyone have a reputable third source to confirm the correct span?
Interesting. L'Ala gives a span of 10.30 m for the L.65.

I got the quoted span of 12.40 m from the German Aviation 1919-1945 website.

Does anyone have a reputable third source to confirm the correct span?
I had an image that pointed to L'Aeronautique July 1926, so I looked it up in the French Library:
Here it says 10.30 m so close to 10.40 you mentioned.
Mind you, she was a sesquiplane hence the upper wing was wider than the lower wing...perhaps a thought


  • Secretproject-20220301-001.jpg
    1.7 MB · Views: 20
Interesting. L'Ala gives a span of 10.30 m for the L.65.

I got the quoted span of 12.40 m from the German Aviation 1919-1945 website.

Does anyone have a reputable third source to confirm the correct span?
I had an image that pointed to L'Aeronautique July 1926, so I looked it up in the French Library:
Here it says 10.30 m so close to 10.40 you mentioned.
Mind you, she was a sesquiplane hence the upper wing was wider than the lower wing...perhaps a thought

Thanks Bazinga. So now we have two 'votes' for 10.30 m :)

As you say, though, the French sources might be listing the span of the lower wing. So, a 12.40 m upper span can't be eliminated just yet ...
L.65-I had a span of 10,30 m, second (L.65-II) and third prototype (L.65-III) had span of 12,40.

Source: Lange - Typenhandbuch der deutschen Luftfahrttechnik
I can add the following:
L 65 I Span 10.3 m ; L 65 II Span 12.4m
Sources (both have the same figures) :
Die deutschen Militärflugzeuge 1919-1934, Stutzer H
Die verbotenen Flugzeuge 1921-1935, Nowarra H J

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