Kaman K-... list


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12 July 2006
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For all of you with an interest in Kaman helicopters, there is a list of K-... type numbers in “AEROPLANE Monthly” June 2006 (page 74/75). It begins with the K-6 and K-9 projects. The article also contains a nice picture of the K-16B, one of the more unusual Kaman concepts.
Yes, of course.

I'm looking for more details regarding the K-6.
I miss the K-820 "Sealite" in the list.

Further additions?


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I don't know K-820 Sealite helicopter ,except I see it in www.vrtulnik.cz/turbiny.htm
anther two helicopter to Kaman:
K-244 :rotating-wing RPV.
k-894 Super tomahawk :developed from Seasprite helicopter.
K-140, with a striking resemblance to the Fairey Rotodyne and K-141
(From: BMP Vertical Take-off and Landing <VTOL> Aircraft, (Series of papers
... of a conference held on Dec. 10-12, 1962)


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One must remember that Kaman had an agreement with Fairey to promote the Rotodyne to the US Marine Corps.
Had the Rotodyne been accepted into service by the USMC (the Sikorsky CH-53 Sea Stallion being the winner), Kaman would have produced it in the United States!

So this is probably the reason for the Kaman K-140 looking so much like the Fairey Rotodyne design.


The K-820;in 1970 Kaman unveiled a full-size mock-up of its
proposed new advanced multi-mission helicopter,design called
K-820 Sealite,it was development of the Seasprite and Kaman
an entry in a USN design competition.It was to use the main
rotor blades,transmission,drive system,tail-rotor,tail-rotor gear
boxes of the SH-2D then in service,but would be 3ft shorter and
have 15in-wider cabin.The concept never proceeded beyond the
mock-up stage.
But I don't know what was the USN competition ?.

by the way,the Kaman K-600 (HOK-1,HUK-1 and OH-43D)
was also called K-3,and the K-190B was a four seat version
of K-190A,single pilot and three seats.
In 1956 the USN issued a high demanding specification for a
fast amphibious utility helicopter,the comtenders were Kaman,
Bell,Sikorsky and Vertol,the Kaman won the contract but it
submitted two proposals,one single engined (K-20) and the
other had twin engined,I think it was K-19).
I don't know about the K-894 Super Tomahawk, but the original Tomahawk was a variant of the Seasprite, pitched to the US Army for the program which produced the Bell UH-1. Apparently, Kaman won the original competition, but Bell got the contract after Kennedy was assassinated, because Bell helicopters were manufactured in Texas, LBJ's home state.
Hi Jschmus,

please if you ask the Wikipedia you will find many sites
speak about it;

K.1 was two seat coaxial rotor helicopter.
Very interesting stuff here, especially the K-140 and K-141 projects!

Here's my own Kaman list:

KAMAN Aircraft Corp.

K-1 two seat coaxial rotor helicopter
K-125/A (1947)
K-190/A development of K-125 (1948)
K-190B four seat version of K-190A, single pilot and three seats

K-2?/K-225 series
K-225 Army YH-22-KA MIXMASTER, development of K-190 (1949)
K-225 Navy HK-1 MIXMASTER (evaluation)
K-225 MIXMASTER civil commercial version

K-4?/K-240 series
K-240 Navy HTK-1 (1951); redesignated TH-43E in 1962
K-240 Navy HTK-1K drone conversion; redesignated TH-43E in 1962

K-3/K-600 series
K-600 HUSKIE Army (H)H-43A (1953)
K-600 Navy HUK-1 HUSKIE (redesignated OH-43D in 1962)
K-600 Army UH-43A HUSKIE
K-600 Navy XHOK-1 HUSKIE
K-600 Navy HOK-1 HUSKIE (redesignated UH-43C in 1962)
K-600 HUSKIE civil civilian variant
K-600-3 Army (H)H-43B HUSKIE
K-600-3 HUSKIE civilian variant
K-600-5 Army HH-43F HUSKIE
K-600-5 Army QH-43G HUSKIE
K-600-5 HUSKIE civil civilian variant

K-16B tilt-wing V/STOL amphibian developed from Grumman GOOSE fuselage
? CONVERTIPLANE, no data (perhaps same as K-16B)

K-17 experimental two-seater with wingtip jets for US Army (1958)

K-19 Twin-engined proposal parallel to K-20

K-20 series
K-20 Navy YHU2K-1 (1959); redesignated YH-2A in 1962
- Army UH-2A? TOMAHAWK (1963) IAAFSS program, canceled
- YUH-2A (1964)
- Navy HU2K-1SEASPRITE ; redesignated UH-2A in 1962
- UH-2A/YJ85 SEASPRITE Navy (Jet-Augmented Seasprite)
- UH-2B[/color] SEASPRITE
K-820 SEALITE, cancelled version of SEASPRITE; full-size mock-up (1970)
K-888* SH-2F SEASPRITE (LAMPS) (*or applies to all K-20 models??)

K-1125 HUSKIE III development of K-600 series (1962)

KSA-100 SAVER (Stowable Aircrew Vehicle Escape Rotorseat) (world's first jet-powered autogyro) (1971)


K-1200 K-MAX crane helicopter (1991)

Various projects:

K-140 Project resembling the British Fairey ROTODYNE
K-141 Project
K-244 Rotating-wing RPV project
K-250 no details
K-700 COIN project based on K-1125 (1969)
K-750 GAZELLE (US-Built SA-341)
K-6 Project
K-9 Project
? MMIRA (Multi-Mission Intermeshing Rotor Aircraft)
? ROMAR Rotorcraft for Mars

K-6 was light transport helicopter project,Mr. Bensen called its model
a "microlaboratory",and its fuselage was of cut-out plywood covered
with silk.
K-9 was a project for a small single-seat helicopter powered by a 43hp
Nelson H-63 (YO-65) four-cylinder two-stroke engine.Once again
employing Kaman's twin-intermeshing rotor system.

Source,Aeroplane Monthly June 2006.


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The passenger version of K-190A.



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the Kaman K-101 was titanium rotor hub for K-20 (SH-2F) Seasprite,
also here is Charlie Kaman with his earliest rotor system test rigs of


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K-5 was a modified version of K-225 with the Boeing T50-BO-2
(Model-502) engine.

And from Spangenberg files;

K-8 was observation/liaison helicopter project.
K-14 was ASW helicopter for Canada.
K-125/A prototype helicopter (1947)
K-190/A development of K-125
K-225 Mixmaster (Army H-22, Navy HK, civil version)
K-240 Navy HTK-1 (1951) (became TH-43E)
K-250 no details
K-3 other name for the K-600 Huskie (Army H-43A) (1953)
K-16A twin-boom COIN project
K-16B tilt-wing V/STOL amphibian developed from Grumman Goose fuselage
K-17 experimental two-seater with wingtip jets for US Army (1958)
K-20 HU2K-1 (H-2A) Seasprite (also known as K-888) / Army Tomahawk proposal (1959)
K-600 Huskie (Navy HUK, HOK, H-43A)
K-600-3 Huskie (Army H-43B)
K-600-5 Huskie (Army H-43F)
K-700 COIN project based on K-1125 (1969)
K-750 US-Built SA-341 Gazelle
K-860 HH-2D Seasprite
K-894 SH-2G Super Seasprite
K-1125 Huskie III, development of K-600 series (1962)
K-1200 K-MAX

KSA-100 SAVER (Stowable Aircrew Vehicle Escape Rotorseat) (1971)

K-747:the Kaman designed and began manufacturing the K-747
blade,the world's first production all-composite rotor blade for
the Bell AH-1 Cobra helicopter in 1976.

A couple of documents entitled "List of Navy Aircraft Manuals in RG 287" mention a Kaman "K-255" helicopter and associate the designation "TD-31" to it... Any idea what this could be? A typo for K-225? Or a separate prototype? And what system would the "TD-" class belong to, since the Navy used this for Target Drones? A logical designation for a Kaman target drone should have been TDK, TD2K... not TD+numeral...

- Document 1

- Document 2
From the Bernard Lindenbaum Vertical Flight Research Collection:

K-15...............utility and liaison gyroplane proposal (1955)
K-120.............composite helicopter (1965)
K-190.............utility helicopter (1947)
K-800.............unidentified, undated proposal (brochure exists)

Please note that the Fairey Rotodyne as marketed by Kaman was simply called the Kaman Rotodyne.
Stargazer2006 said:
K-800.............unidentified, undated proposal (brochure exists)

K-800 was a project for an armed Navy helicopter with Seasprite fuselage, stub wings, pusher propeller, and twin-turboshaft engines. Possibly an entry to the LAMPS competition.
This is a bit off-topic, but I have seen video footage of the K-MAX being used as a UAV to move cargo in Afghanistan, with the unit VMU-1 apparently doing the work. At least two helicopters have been used, and at least one appears to have a U.S. insignia.

Does anyone know if a military designation has been applied to the K-MAX? I have found no record of one online to this point.
Where else can you see a photo Kaman K-1125 "Huskie III", I only saw three photos and one such


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here two more photos to-1125 https://www.flickr.com/photos/28122377@N04/with/6083617408


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also the Kaman K-757 was a rotor blade;

Artist's concept shows Kaman K-800 Seacat armed helicopter, proposed to Navy as a high-speed aircraft for rescue and fire-support mrssions from seaboard. Helicopter uses many components of UH-2C. Air Force version would be called Firecat.


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the Kaman K-137 was a Radio-controlled drone based on the HH-43B.



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Just stmbled across this - the Kaman K-700

Proposed rescue helicopter for USAF based on K-1125 with two PT6A turboshafts, streamlined fuselage and large tail fin. Not built.

Intended as the ultimate H-43 design, the K-700's power would be derived from twin T-400-CP-400 turbo engines driv-ing the familiar intermeshing rotor blades. A stretched fuse-lage of nearly 12.5m would accommodate 14 passengers. Somewhat similar to the earlier proposed Huskie III, the K-700 was to have wheel landing gear, a "Vee" bullet-resistant windshield, self-sealing fuel tanks, provisions for external or internal auxiliary tanks, and an awesome array of armament, putting it on equal footing with contemporary gunships.

(Source: http://www.aviastar.org/helicopters_eng/kaman_k-700.php)

IMO the tail boom and fin look very flimsy for a combat exposed helicopter!

first versions of Kaman-1125


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I repeat sending the list to be completed;

K-1 was a two seat coaxial rotor helicopter
K-2 ? maybe itself K-225,need confirm
K-3 was the same as HOK-1 and HUK-1 (K-600)
K-4 ? may it was a heavy transport helicopter project,could accommodated 40-passenger,intended to compete
Piasecki XH-16
K-5 was a modified version of K-225 with the Boeing T50-BO-2
(Model-502) engine
K-6 was a flying crane project,intended to compete McDonnell XHCH-1
K-7 ? maybe it was ASW for Navy competition of 1950/51
K-8 was observation/liaison helicopter Project
K-9 was a project for a small single-seat helicopter powered by a
43 hp Nelson H-63 (YO-65) four-cylinder two-stroke engine.Once
again employing Kaman's twin-intermeshing rotor system
K-10 ? maybe it was a Rotorchute concept,,1954,need confirm
K-11 ? maybe it was Annular (Flying Barrel) Concept,1955,need confirm
K-12 ? maybe it was a Propulsion Rotor concept,1956,need confirm
K-13 ? maybe it was a Stopped Rotor airplane,1956,need confirm
K-14 was ASW helicopter Project for Canada
K-15 was a utility and liaison gyroplane proposal
K-16A was a twin boom COIN aircraft Project
K-16B was a tilt -wing VTOL experimental aircraft,based on Grumman JRF "Goose"
K-16C was a Project for K-16 with a Kaman HU2K
helicopter fuselage and fixed wing aircraft empennage
K-17 was a two-seat open cockpit experimental helicopter
K-18 ? may it was helicopter project,intended for US Army heavy flying crane helicopter contender of 1956,which was competed Hughes XH-28
K-19 was a USN Amphibious Utility Helicopter Project,
it had a two-rotor configuration
K-20 was a USN Amphibious Utility Helicopter,later became
K-60 was light transport helicopter project,Mr. Bensen called its model
a "microlaboratory",and its fuselage was of cut-out plywood covered
with silk,later called K-600
KSA-100 Aercab was a stowable aircrew vehicle escape rotorseat
K-101 was titanium rotor hub for K-20 (SH-2F) Seasprite
K-110 ? maybe a heavy flying crane helicopter project,intended to compete Hughes XH-28
K-120 was a composite helicopter Project of 1955
K-125 was an experimental two-seat helicopter with moulded plywood fuselage and cockpit with clear bubble canopy
K-130 & K-130A were a light observation helicopter Projects,intended for
LOH competition
K-137 was a radio-controlled drone based on the HH-43B
K-140 was a VTOL convertiplane Project,looks like Fairey Rotodyne
K-141 was the same as K-140,with stretched tail boom
K-150 ------?
K-160 ------?
K-170 ------?
K-180 ------?
K-190A was an open frame two-seat helicopter with single pilot seat
and two-place rear bench
K-190B was a modified K-190A,with three seats
K-200 ------?
K-210 ------?
K-220 ------?
K-225 was an open frame three-seat utility helicopter,developed
from K-190
K-230 ------?
K-240 was a three-seat US Navy training helicopter,HTK-1,based
on K-225
K-244 was a rotating-wing RPV Project
K-250 was observation helicopter project
K-255 ? maybe a drone helicopter,need confirm
K-300 ------?
K-400 ------?
K-500 ------?
K-600 was HUSKIE Army (H)H-43A (1953)
K-600 was Navy HUK-1 HUSKIE (redesignated OH-43D in 1962)
K-600 was Army UH-43A HUSKIE
was Navy XHOK-1 HUSKIE
was Navy HOK-1 HUSKIE (redesignated UH-43C in 1962)
K-600 was HUSKIE civil civilian variant
K-600-3 was Army (H)H-43B HUSKIE
was HUSKIE civilian variant
K-600-4 was a HUSKIE,powered by Blackburn Turbomeca Twin
Turmo 600 hp truboshaft engine
K-600-5 was Army HH-43F HUSKIE
was Army QH-43G HUSKIE
was HUSKIE civil civilian variant
K-700 was a rescue helicopter Project for USAF,based on K-1125,
with two PT6A turboshafts
K-747 was the Kaman designed and began manufacturing the K-747
blade,the world's first production all-composite rotor blade for
the Bell AH-1 Cobra helicopter in 1976
K-750 was a US-Built Aerospatiale SA-341 Gazelle
K-757 was also a rotor blade as K-747
K-800 Seacat was a naval armed helicopter Project,with Seasprite
type fuselage,cruciform tail with pusher prop and twin turbines
K-820 Sealite, was a cancelled version of SEASPRITE; full-size mock-up (1970)
K-860 was a HH-2D Seasprite
K-888 was a SH-2F Seasprite (LAMPS) (*or applies to all K-20 models??)
K-894 Super Tomahawk (also Y/SH-2G SUPER SEASPRITE?)
K-900 ------?
K-1000 ------?
K-1100 ------?
K-1125 was a prototype pf 12-passenger civil transport helicopter,
based on K-600
K-1200 or K-MAX was a single seat aerial crane helicopter,with twin
intermeshing two-blade composite main rotors

- To be continued
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As I expected before,

the Kaman K-125,K-190,K-225 & K-240 were not their designations,but that
was their engine's power numbers,and they were gotten antoher sequences.
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K-6 was light transport helicopter project,Mr. Bensen called its model
a "microlaboratory",and its fuselage was of cut-out plywood covered
with silk

From,Flying 1952-4.


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