CAMS designations


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26 May 2006
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some CAMS aircraft :

CAMS 34 :twin engined seaplane transport aircraft.

CAMS 35:twin engined seaplane military transport aircraft.

CAMS-41 and CAMS-42 :twin engined seaplanes bombers.

CAMS-43 :seaplane military aircraft.

CAMS-44 :torpedo bomber seaplane.

CAMS-Potez 170:float seaplane.
Name Type Year Built
CAMS 30 Prototype 1922 1
CAMS 30 E Trainer 1923 24
CAMS 30 T Transport 1924 1
CAMS 31 M Fighter 1922 2
CAMS 31 P Transport 1923 1
CAMS 32 R Reconn 1923 1
CAMS 33 B Bomber 1924 32
CAMS 33 T Transport 1924 1
CAMS 34 Transport 1925 Project
CAMS 35 Reconn 1925 Project
CAMS 36 Racer 1923 2
CAMS 36bis Racer 1923 1
CAMS 37 Reconn 1926 2
CAMS 37 A Reconn 1926 185
CAMS 37 A-2 & A-3 Reconn 1927 2
CAMS 37 GR Record 1926 1
CAMS 37 LIA Reconn 1926 36
CAMS 37/10 Postal Transport 1926 2
CAMS 37/11 or E Trainer 1932 110
CAMS 37/2 Recon 1926 45
CAMS 38 Racer 1923 1
CAMS 39 ??? 1925 Project
CAMS 40 ??? 1925 Project
CAMS 41 Bomber 1926 Project
CAMS 41bis Bomber 1926 Project
CAMS 42 Bomber 1926 Project
CAMS 43 ??? 1926 Project
CAMS 44 Heavy Destroyer 1926 Project
CAMS 45 ??? 1925 Project
CAMS 46 Trainer 1927 15
CAMS 47 ??? 1925 Project
CAMS 48 ??? 1925 Project
CAMS 49 ??? 1925 Project
CAMS 50 Bomber 1927 1
CAMS 51 C Transport 1927 1
CAMS 51 R Recon 1927 1
CAMS 52 Heavy Destroyer 1930 1
CAMS 53 Transport 1928 15
CAMS 53-1 Transport 1929 11
CAMS 53-2 Transport 1930 5
CAMS 53-3 Transport 1928 4
CAMS 53-4 Transport 1928 5
CAMS 53-5 Transport 1928 ?
CAMS 53R Transport 1929 1
CAMS 54 GR Long Range 1928 2
CAMS 55-1 Recon 1930 43
CAMS 55-10 Recon 1934 28
CAMS 55-10 Col Recon 1935 4
CAMS 55-11 Recon 1934 1
CAMS 55-14 Recon 1934 1
CAMS 55-2 Recon 1931 29
CAMS 55-3 Recon 1932 1
CAMS 55-6 Recon 1933 1
CAMS 56 Transport 1929 4
CAMS 57 Transport 1929 1
CAMS 58-0 Transport 1930 1
CAMS 58-2 Transport 1931 1
CAMS 58-3 Transport 1933 2
CAMS 80-1 Recon 1932 1
CAMS 80-2 Recon 1934 1
CAMS 90 Recon 1931 1
CAMS 110 Recon 1934 1
CAMS 120 Recon 1935 1

CAMS-43 was landplane military aircraft powered by two 9-cylinder in
Star Jupiter 420 hp engine.
CAMS-44 was heavy seaplane torpedo bomber with 900 to 1000 hp
CAMS-60 was developed from Model-52,but not built.
CAMS-110 was patrol maritime aircraft.
CAMS-100 and CAMS-130 were a projects.
CAMS-170 was float seaplane,but I have no more info.
...from my own notes: CAMS.45 racer flying boat project
from different sources...

Potez-CAMS 70 recon boat project 1928
Potez-CAMS 80
Potez-CAMS 90
Potez-CAMS 100 passenger boat project 1935
Potez-CAMS 110
Potez-CAMS 120
Potez-CAMS 130 passenger boat project 1936
Potez-CAMS 140
Potez-CAMS 150 passenger boat project 1936
Potez-CAMS 160
Potez-CAMS 170 float seaplane fighter project 1939

Servus Maveric

CAMS-60 was two seat high wing monoplane torpedo bomber project.
The September 27, 1923 issue of Flight mentions the "C.A.M.S. type 33 Bis flying boat" which is not in the lists above.
We can change the name of topic to; CAMS aircraft and projects
hesham said:
We can change the name of topic to; CAMS aircraft and projects

No, "we" will move the topic to the appropriate section since it is only about designations...

the CAMS-91 was a variant of CAMS-90,powered by either 300 hp Hispano 9Q or
Gnome-Rhone Titan Major engine,no more info about it.
hesham said:
CAMS-44 was heavy seaplane torpedo bomber with 900 to 1000 hp


CAMS-44 was a heavy seaplane torpedo bomber project,powered by two 450 hp
Lorraine 12 Ed engines.

TU magazine issue 167
My attempt at a CAMS designation list ...

Chantiers aéro-maritimes de la Seine (CAMS) Designations

CAMS 30 - 1923 single-engined pusher biplane flying boat, span 12.40 m
- CAMS 30E: 1923* 2-seat military training flying boat, x 30
-- CAMS 30E: 1 x 150 hp Hispano-Suiza 8A V-8, 4-blade wooden prop
-- * Prototype CAMS 30E completed Dec 1922, first flown in Jan 1923
-- CAMS 30E:
-- 3-view:
- CAMS 30T: 1924 4-seat Hydravion de tourisme derived from CAMS 30E
-- CAMS 30T: 1924, 1 x 180 hp HS 8AC V-8, 4-blade wooden prop, x 1
-- aka CAMS 30E Air Salon, Chantiers Aeromaritimes de la Seine (F-AGCI)

CAMS 31M - 1922 single-engined pusher biplane flying boat, 300 hp HS 8Fb
- CAMS 31 Type 22: 1922 1st prototype, span 11.20 m, 2 x 7.7 mm Vickers
- CAMS 31 Type 23: 1923 2nd prototype, reduced span wing w/ wider chord
- CAMS 31M: Militaire, proposed flying boat fighter prod'n version
- CAMS 31P : 1923 Hydravion de transport postal, 1 x built

CAMS 32 - 1922 single-engined pusher biplane flying boat, span 12.40 m
- CAMS 32R: 1923 2-seat recce flying boat, 1 x 180 hp HS 8AC, 1 x built
-- Folding wing devel. of CAMS 30, first CAMS design by Maurice Hurel

CAMS E32 - [Project] 1932 metal-hulled maritime patrol flying boat
- CAMS E32: 4 x G&R 9Kbr radials arranged in two tandem pairs
--The anomalous 'E' in the E32 designation is probably for Étude

CAMS 33 - 1924 push-pull biplane coastal recce-bomber, span 17.12 m
- CAMS 33B: 1924 3-seater, 2 x tandem 275 hp HS 8FG, x 32 built
- CAMS 33C: [?? same as CAMS 33T ??]
- CAMS 33T: 1925 6-passenger transport deriv., 1 x prototype
-- 3-view:
-- Flight, 27 Sept 1923 mentions a "C.A.M.S. type 33 Bis flying boat"

CAMS 34 - (Project) 192? civilian transport flying boat
- CAMS 34: 1 x 300 hp Fiat A12 inline 6-cyl., span (??) m
- CAMS 34: Derived from CAMS 30 flying boat design

CAMS 35 - (Project) 192? hydravion militaire (role?)
- CAMS 34: 1 x 320 hp Lorraine (Da ??) V-12, span (??) m
- CAMS 34: Derived from CAMS 30 flying boat design

CAMS 36 - 1922 single-seat tractor biplane racer, span 8.60 m
- CAMS 36 : [Project] single-seat pusher fighter, not completed
- CAMS 36 : 1922 racer adapt* of fighter airframe, 1 x 300 hp HS 8Fd
-- * Schneider Trophy, built as pusher, conv. to tractor arrangement
- CAMS 36bis : 1923 Schneider Trophy racer, 1 x 360 hp HS 8Fd

CAMS 37 - 1926 multipurpose pusher biplane flying boat, span 14.50 m
- CAMS 37 : 1926 prototype observation flying boat, 1 x built
- CAMS 37A : 1926 amphibious observation flying boat, 185 built
-- CAMS 37A : 1 x 450 hp Lorraine-Dietrich 12Ed W-12 pusher
- CAMS 37/2 : Flying boat vers. of CAMS 37A amphibian, 50 built
- CAMS 37A/3: Reinforced hull vers. of CAMS 37A, 2 x built
- CAMS 37A/4: [??]
- CAMS 37A/5: [??]
- CAMS 37A/6: Enclosed-cabin Aéronavale 'admiral's barge',* x 3
-- * Avia France lists CAMS 37A/6 as 4-seat liaison version
- CAMS 37A/7: 4-seat liaison vers., 36 x built, aka CAMS 37 Lia
- CAMS 37A/8: [??]
- CAMS 37A/9: 4-seat liaison vers., alum. metal hull, 4 x built
- CAMS 37/10: Catapultable postal carrier (for CGT), 2 x built
- CAMS 37/11: 4-seat liaison/trainer vers., wood hull, 110 x built
- CAMS 37/12: 4-seat civilian transport vers., wood hull, 1 x built
- CAMS 37/13: Medevac transport, wooden hull, 1 x built, aka 37bis
-- ** Wikipedia lists as a metal-hulled catapult launch version
- CAMS 37bis: Same as the CAMS 37/13 (above)
- CAMS 37C - Commerical transport prototype, mod. to CAMS 37GR
- CAMS 37E - École, Aéronavale designation for CAMS 37/11
- CAMS 37GR: Grands Raids distance vers., 1 x conv. of CAMS 37C
-- *** Avia France says "Amphibie de raid" but no u/c in evidence

CAMS 38 - 1921 single-seat tractor biplane flying boat racer, span 8.60 m
- CAMS 38: [marché 869/2] 320 hp HS 8 Spécial V-8, 4-bladed prop
- CAMS 38: [marché 899/2] 380 hp HS 12Fd Spécial V-12, 4-bladed prop
- CAMS 38: Built to marché 899/2, x 1 (F-ESFB) for 1923 Schneider Cup

CAMS 39 - (Project) 1925, no details

CAMS 40 - (Project) 1925, no details

CAMS 41 - (Project) 1924 study for a flying boat bomber
- CAMS 41 : 2 x 800 hp engines (or 2 x 400 hp Lorraine 12Db?)
- CAMS 41bis: 2 x 900 hp engines, aka CAMS 42

CAMS 42 - (Project) 1924 study for a flying boat bomber
- CAMS 42: 2 x 900 hp engines (or 2 x 450 hp?), aka CAMS 41bis

CAMS 43 - Military flying boat, 2 x 420 hp G&R Jupiter 9A
- CAMS 43: Derived from civilian CAMS 41 project

CAMS 44 - (Project) 1925 heavy flying boat torpedo bomber
- CAMS 44: Powerplants range from 900 to 1000 hp

CAMS 45 - (Project) 1925 flying boat racer

CAMS 46 - 1926 2-seat trainer CAMS 30 deriv., span 12,00 m, x 15
- CAMS 46E: École, basic trainer, 1 x 150 hp HS 8Aa V-8, x 1
- CAMS 46ET: Intermediate trainer flying boat, 1 x 180 hp HS 8Ab

CAMS 47 - (Project) 1925, no details

CAMS 48 - (??)

CAMS 49 - (Project) 1925, no details

CAMS 50 - 1927 3-seat flying boat, 2 x 480 hp Jupiters, span 20.20 m
- CAMS 50: Intended CAMS 33 successor, 1 x prototype

CAMS 51 - 1926 push-pull biplane transport flying boat, span 20.40 m
- CAMS 51R3: CAMS 51 001, 3-seat recce seaplane, folding wings, x 1
- CAMS 51C : 1927 CAMS 51 001, 6-seat transport flying boat, x 1
- CAMS 51C : 1928 re-engined with 2 x 480 hp G&R 9Akx, F-AIMS

CAMS 52 - 1929 2-engine, high-wing monoplane floatplane, span 30.36 m
- CAMS 52: 2 x 480 hp G&R 9Akx, built 1929, flown 1930, x 1 (F-AKAH)

CAMS 53 - 1928 6-seat transport vers. of CAMS 50, span 20.40 m, x ~30
- CAMS 53 : Init'l prod'n vers., 2 x 580 ho HS 12Lbrx, 7 x built
- CAMS 53-1: Strengthened hull, x 12 (+ 7 CAMS 37 conversions)
- CAMS 53-2: Modified hull shapr, x 6 (+ 1 CAMS 37/1 conversion)
- CAMS 53-3: 2 x 480 hp Jupiter radials, x 4 (redesig. CAMS 56)
- CAMS 53R : 1929, 2 x 500 hp Renault 12Ja, x 1 (redesig. CAMS 57)

CAMS 54 - 1928 long-distance push-pull biplane flying boat, span (??)
- CAMS 54GR: Grands Raids, 500 hp HS 12Mbr, x 1 ('La Frégate')

CAMS 55 - 1929 5-seat CAMS 53 transport flying boat deriv.
- CAMS 55H : Hydravion, CAMS 55 prototype, aka CAMS 55-001
- CAMS 55-1 : 1929, 2 x 600 hp Hispano Suiza 12Lbr 600, x 43
- CAMS 55-2 : 1929, 2 x 480 hp Gnome Rhone 9Akx, 29 x built
- CAMS 55-3 : 1932, 2 x 600 hp Hispano Suiza 12Lbr 600, x 1
-- CAMS 55-3: Metal hull, built by Dyle et Bacalan, Bordeaux
- CAMS 55-4 : 1931, 2 x 600 hp Lorraine 12Fa, (?? built ??)
- CAMS 55-5 : 1933, 2 x 600 hp Hispano 12Xbrg, (?? built ??)
- CAMS 55-6 : 1932, 2 x 480 hp Gnome Rhone 9Akx, 1 x prototype
-- CAMS 55-6 : Wider hull and 3-blade variable-pitch G&R props
- CAMS 55-7 - CAMS 55-9 : (??)
- CAMS 55-10: 1934, 2 x 500 hp Gnome Rhone 9Kbr, 28 x built
-- CAMS 55-10 Col: 1935, 2 x 600 hp HS 12Lrb V-12s, 4 x built
-- NB: 'Col' or 'COL' was for Coloniaux or Colonial aircraft
- CAMS 55-11: 1934, 2 x 500 hp Gnome Rhone 9Kdr, 1 x prototype
- CAMS 55-12: [Project] Greater wing span, 4 x 300 hp Lorraines
- CAMS 55-13: [Project] 4 x 420 hp supercharged G&R Jupiters
- CAMS 55-14: 1934, 2 x 500 hp Gnome-Rhône 9Kdrs, 1 x prototype

CAMS 56 - (I - Project) 1928, recce/torpedo-bomber vers. of CAMS 50

CAMS 56 - (II) 1929 redesig. CAMS 53/3 flying boats (above), 4 x built
- CAMS 56: Radial-engined, civilian CAMS 53-3/CAMS 53R derivative
- CAMS 56: 2 x 480 hp Gnome-Rhône 9 Akx radials, span 20.40 m

CAMS 57 - 1929, redesignated CAMS 53R flying boat (above), x 1
- CAMS 57: Civil transport for Air-Union, 2 x 480 hp Renault 12Jb
- CAMS 56: 2 x 480 hp Renault 12Jb V-12 engines, span 20.40 m

CAMS 58 - 1930 6-pax push-pull biplane transport flying boat, x 4
- CAMS 58-0: Prototype (F-ALKV), 6 pax, 2 x 650 hp tandem HS 12Nbr
- CAMS 58-1: [There appears to have been no CAMS 58-1 assigned]
- CAMS 58-2, 1931, enlarged 12 pax hull, 4 x 300 hp Lorraine 9Na*
-- CAMS 58-2: Engines arranged as dual tandem push-pull units
- CAMS 58-3: 1933 12 pax, 2 x 650 hp tandem HS 12Nbr V-12s, x 2

CAMS 59 - (Project) 3-engined monoplane torpedo bomber floatplane
- CAMS 59: Derived from twin-engined, high-winged CAMS 52 design

CAMS 60 - (Project) 1930 2-seat high-wing monoplane torpedo bomber*
- CAMS 60: Twin-engined "hydravion ... transformable en terrestre"
-- CAMS 60 assigned the French civil registration F-AKAN

CAMS 70 - (Project) 1928 reconnaisance flying boat

CAMS 71 - (Project) Transatlantic/military patrol flying boat
- CAMS 71: 4 x 500 hp engines or 2 x 1,000 hp engines, 16 tonnes

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Potez-CAMS Aircraft Designations

CAMS 80 - (Project) 1930 amphibious recce flying boat
- CAMS (I): 1 x Lorraine 18 Gad tractor, span 24.60 m

CAMS 80 - 1932 4-seat observation monoplane flying boat, span 24.60 m
- CAMS 80: All-metal flying boat, pylon mounted tractor engine, x 2
-- CAMS 80-1: 1932 1st prototype, 1 x HS 12Nbr, F-AMDZ, aka CAMS 80 (001)
-- CAMS 80-2: 1934 2nd prototype, 1 x HS 12Ydrs, F-AMTC, aka CAMS 80 (002)

CAMS 90 - 1931 2-seat observation biplane flying boat, span 13.00 m
- CAMS 90-1: F-AMDY, mixed constr., 1 x pusher 240 hp Lorraine 7Me Mizar
-- Built to 1930 spec for catapult-launched 2-seat observation seaplane

CAMS 91 - (Project) CAMS 90 variant with alternative powerplant
- CAMS 91: 1 x 300 hp Hispano 9Q or G&R Titan Major pusher radial

Potez-CAMS 100 - (Project) 1935 transatlantic passenger flying boat
- Potez-CAMS 100: 6 x 900 hp HS 12Ydrs engines,* 37 tonnes
-- * 2 x outboard tractors, 2 x inboard tandem pairs of HS 12Ydrs-2

Potez-CAMS 110 - 1934 push-pull biplane maritime patrol flying boat, x 1
- Potez-CAMS 110: 2 x tandem 860 hp HS 12Ydrs V-12s between wings
-- Potez-CAMS 110 F-ANVX/F-AOCP, CAMS 110 (01) to military March 1936

Potez-CAMS 120 - 1935 3-seat obs. parasol flying boat, span 15.46 m, x 1
- Potez-CAMS 120: All-metal, 'W' wing, 1 x 720 hp HS 9Vbrs tractor

Potez-CAMS 130 - [Project] 1935 catapultable passenger flying boat
- Potez-CAMS 130: 35 pax, 4 x 900 hp HS 12Y, 35 tonnes

Potez-CAMS 140 - [Project] 1933 'quadrimoteur d' exploration'*
- Potez-CAMS 140: Dual tandem engines, three tailfins/rudders
-- * To have been a 'W' monoplane similar to CAMS 120 wing

Potez-CAMS 141 - 1938 long-range patrol flying boat (Bizerte repl.)*
- Potez-CAMS 141: As first flown, 4 x 930 hp HS 12Y-26/-27 (87 oct.)
- Potez-CAMS 141: Re-engined with 4 x 960 hp HS 12Y-36/-37 (100 oct.)
-- Prototype Potez-CAMS 141 (01) reg. FW-071 and named Antarès
-- Production unlimited (Sept 1939); 31 (April 1940); 11 (May 1939)
-- Kawanishi H-97 (H6K) said to be based upon Potez-CAMS 141 design
-- * May 1935 spec also led to Latecoere 610/611, Breguet 70, LeO H-440

Potez-CAMS 142 - (Project) transatlantic passenger flying boat
- Potez-CAMS 142: Commercial vers. of CAMS-141 for the South Atlantic

Potez-CAMS 150 - (Project) 1935 transatlantic passenger flying boat
- Potez-CAMS 150: 20 pax, 6 x 880 hp HS 12Ydrs-2,* 37 tonnes
-- * 2 x outboard tractors, 2 x inboard tandem pairs of HS 12Ydrs-2

Potez-CAMS 160 - 1938 1/2.5 scale model of Potez-CAMS 161 flying boat
- Potez-CAMS 160: Flying model, 6 x 40 hp Train 4A-01, span 17.69 m

Potez-CAMS 161 - 1942 6-engined monoplane transport flying boat,* x 1
- Potez-CAMS 161: As planned, 4 x 1,600 hp G&R 14N or 2,200 hp G&R 18
- Potez-CAMS 160: Twin tails, 6 x 920 hp HS 12Y-36/-37s, span 46.00 m
-- Destroyed as Luftwaffe 63+11, plans for a Mistel attack on NYC (?)
-- * To a 1936 spec for a long-range, transatlantic flying boat

Potez-CAMS 162 - (Project) Potez-CAMS 161 derivative, no details

Potez-CAMS 163 - (Project) Potez-CAMS 161 derivative, no details

Potez-CAMS 162 - (Project) Potez-CAMS 161 military transport deriv.
- Potez-CAMS 162: 6 x 950 hp HS 12Y, to carry 40 troops, 39 tonnes

Potez-CAMS 170 - (Project) 1939 single seat seaplane fighter (to Spec A-75)

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Excellent work as usual my dear Apophenia,

and I can add;

CAMS E32;,15861.15.html



CAMS-100,CAMS-130 & CAMS-150 (more info);,15861.15.html

CAMS-162,CAMS-163 & CAMS-164;,15861.msg252002.html#msg252002
Excellent additions, Hesham. They have now been added to my lists.

That anomalous 1932 CAMS E32 designation is a bit of a puzzle. My guess is that the 'E' is for Étude.
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Apophenia said:
Excellent additions, Hesham. They have now been added to my lists.

That anomolous 1932 CAMS E32 designation is a bit of a puzzle ???

That's right my dear Apophenia,

very weird designation,it was mention in TU issue 142,but I don't have it.
Good work Hesham ... lots of gaps being filled here! ;D
Apophenia said:
Good work Hesham ... lots of gaps being filled here! ;D

Good work too my dear Apophenia,

and there is one thing left,later I will speak about it.
My dear Apophenia,

please add this one,CAM-55/5;,15861.msg252315/topicseen.html#msg252315

and Potez-CAMS-180 became Potez-SNCAN-180.
From Aviation magazine 1961,

here is a list for it,the strangest thing is CAMS-53/4 and Type-832 ?.


  • Aviation___magazine_de_l'espace__bpt6k53234759_39.jpeg
    1.9 MB · Views: 30
Thanks hesham. I've made a few detail additions to the designation lists ...
Thanks hesham. The CAMS 33T is usually associated with that Saint-raphaël to Ajaccio race. That suggests that the CAMS 33C (F-AHDB) was perhaps a (temporary?) redesignation from Transport to Course.

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