You're welcome !
Just as a reminder and a recommendation, at the risk of getting the label "doubting Thomas" again:
For various reasons, there probably were more projects from the 1940s around of German origin,
than from most other countries. Keeping design teams busy, designers/engineers fears of being surplus
and made redundant and so on. From our definition, if coming from an aviation company, they are "true"
projects/proposals and meeting our standards, even if weird, or even if proved to be not feasible by
nowadays knowledge. Such projects could be found in other countries, too.
The problem with WW II German aviation is, that many descriptions of projects may be based on hearsay,
or post-war interrogations of people, who made unprecise, or even false claims. But as coming from official
allied sources, they often got the label "testified" ! Pretty sure, no allied "projects" found their way into literature
this way !
And, not to be forgotten, models, books an the like are a market, and markets create demands by their customers.
And, as we learned for example from the market for bio-food, in many cases the sheer mass, that is sold under this
label cannot really be produced that way !
So, no general rejection of new found German projects, of course. but please, for the above mentioned reasons in
most cases they need more care, than those from other countries. And that's exactly is, what a forum like this one is
for and well suited. Native speakers for nearly all living languages, people with vast amounts of source material and
huge amounts of knowledge and experience. Just let us use it in the best possible way !