Warning label from ETC 500/IX d bombrack installed on Junkers Ju 88A

My guess: a warning label for maintenance crews that there is something pressurized underneath whatever hatch this plate was attached to. Of course we can get a better idea as soon as a german speaking forum member translates the text :)
Sprengkorper seems to mean explosive, rather than pressurised, device. The diagram appears to be giving locations of something in a larger assembly?
AeroFranz said:
My guess: a warning label for maintenance crews that there is something pressurized underneath whatever hatch this plate was attached to. Of course we can get a better idea as soon as a german speaking forum member translates the text :)

Yes, it's a warning label, but I'm not able to identify the white "thing" on the left side.
It look like a warning, where explosive charges are situated,
maybe in a tunnel or a bridge ? After the war bridges here in germany
were prepared for self-destruction with "Sprengkammern" (explosive charge
chambers ?).
German Sprengkörper = Explosive device

from look the Red things are pyrotechnic bolt aka Pyrotechnic fastener

this diagram is from East German NVA or West German Luftwaffe ?

the shape looks like a helicopter
if a Luftwaffe mabye Piasecki H-21 or Sikorsky S-55 (Westland Whirlwind)?
wen NVA then Mil Mi-14 ?
Michel Van said:
German Sprengkörper = Explosive device

from look the Red things are pyrotechnic bolt aka Pyrotechnic fastener

this diagram is from East German NVA or West German Luftwaffe ?

the shape looks like a helicopter
if a Luftwaffe mabye Piasecki H-21 or Sikorsky S-55 (Westland Whirlwind)?
wen NVA then Mil Mi-14 ?

I don't believe of a NVA label, because the 'A' in 'Achtung' seems to be pre-1945.
boxkite said:
I don't believe of a NVA label, because the 'A' in 'Achtung' seems to be pre-1945.

dam, your right that kind of 'A' was used by Third Reich Luftwaffe until 1945

by the way Justo Miranda
were have you find this warning label ?
"doesn't sprengkörper refer to a container body with explosive/dynamite or a
hollowed out shape charge?"

"Sprengkörper" was (and is !) just an official german term for an explosive charge,
I think, no matter if HE, hollow charge or something else.
But boxkites clue seems to be very good, as it really could give us a rough time scale.
Then, probably no helicopter is shown. But maybe a weaposn/bomb pylon ? Michel
could be quite right then with pyrotechnical fasteners.
Michel Van said:
boxkite said:
I don't believe of a NVA label, because the 'A' in 'Achtung' seems to be pre-1945.

dam, your right that kind of 'A' was used by Third Reich Luftwaffe until 1945

by the way Justo Miranda
were have you find this warning label ?

Sent by one of my clients ...
the only Third Reich Luftwaffe Aircraft, i know that use explosive charge

is the Bachem Ba.349 Natter a rocket interceptor

after the mission the Natter pilot activate explosive charge
the plane disintegrates in several piece who land on ground
recollect and reassembly the Natter.
Jemibas comment does make me think it might be a bomb-rack. It seems flat, so wasn't mounted on something like a bomb - so a fixed installation or something with flat sides...

I thought of something like that :


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It may be an emergency explosive system to launch bombs from an ETC 500 rack beloging to a Ju 88 or Ju 188 .


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Hi guys!
The forum think tank has scored o new point.
Thanks to its valuable help I have been able to identify the unknown device.
It is a warning label from an ETC 500/IX d bombrack installed on a Ju 88A.

From Ju 88 A-1,A-5 Handbook (Teil 12 D) , june 1941.
Many thank to everyone!


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