"maybe the Kaiser lacks the "coolness" of certain people in the 40ies ."
Hm, don't know about that, just have a look a the drawing and decide for yourself ... ;D
I think, it's mainly the "the "market desire", which boosts the number of books about
german WW II projects. And most WW I projects just don't look "cool" enough for the
eyes of most readers today. Have a look at the late Messerschmitt or Lippisch or other
WW II designs, they have at least a modern touch, even for us today, but WW I types ?
Even the most modern types of this era are looking just antiquated today and probably
not very different from a Fokker E.III for most people. And most books about aircraft aren't
aiming at the specialist, but at people, whith just a fleeting interest in aviation, who cannot tell
a Sopwith Pup from a Nieuport 28. So, jets and fast looking aircraft are much better and
if there's a spirit of a dark era, it's even better. Another historical example perhaps are books
about medieval times, against the times of, say, the baroque . Which book will be easier to sell ?
The one with a musketeer on the front cover, or the other, with the knight in armour, shield
and sword in his hands ?
You can make a test for yourself : If you are visited by someone, who's not an aviation fan, try
to bring him up to your bookshelf and make him somewhat interested in your books. What's the
book, he'll have a closer look at ?
WARNING : Many of us probably are in danger, to be regarded as militarists after this test ! :