This was the first and only time I’ve seen a Republic SST proposal. Has Republic Aviation given a model number? Further information?

SOURCE: German magazine „Flug + modell-technik“ 8/1963 (page 236)


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The same illustration was published in :
"Supersonische Verkeersvliegtuigen" by Hugo Hooftman,in the early sixties,the Netherlands.Since then ,I'm looking for more info
about this design , but nothing was ever found.
Intrigueing are the military colours for an SST...
Hi boxkite.

In what to page about Republic SST in this magazine?

And what number of this magazine?
Wasn't it related with the aerospaceplane studies of late '50s - eraly '60s? Some years ago Scott had a mistery aircraft on his APR site looking pretty much like this. I seem to remember that the large plane was carrying a little one (a TSTO design?)
Do someone have something on some of these (Douglas 1961, lower left GD 1959, Lockheed's left 1958 and North American SST 1964 projects - later look somewhat different from XB-70-follow-on SST project)? Others are surely known for me...


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Well the top left one is a stretched B-58 concept that would have been powered by 4 non-afterburning J58s and cruised at Mach 2.4 as I recall. The lower left GD design is very interesting.
There was also a version of the top left one with just two afterburning J58s. This picture is way too grainy for me to tell which one this is.
elmayerle said:
There was also a version of the top left one with just two afterburning J58s. This picture is way too grainy for me to tell which one this is.

This one (the one in the picture) had the two inner nacelles on pylons while the outer two were on the wingtips much like the Bounder bomber.

I can only contribute an artwork from "Der Flieger” 7/1965. It’s the North American NAC-60.

nearly Mach 3 in more than 21,000 m
payload 16,000 kg
range 6,500 km
span 37 m
wing sweep 50°
gross weight 220,000 kg

The Lockheed design was shown in „Der Flieger“ 12/1963. No details, sorry.

NA NAC-60.jpg Lockheed (SST-Entwurf).JPG
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This pictures presented two girls. (By the way, Boeing SST proposals are inside the photo too.)

Source: Spanish magazine “Flaps” No.66/1964 (Thanks to pometablava)

Boeing Sst1.jpg
(I said Scott, but meant Flateric - sorry).

“Early-1960s T-tailed supersonic transport proposal is captured cruising at Mach 2 by Douglas Chief Artist, R. G. Smith.” / Source: “Wings” August 2002 (pg 25) Douglas (SST-Entwurf mit T-Leitwerk).JPG.jpg
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Also from the same “Wings” issue:

“Factory model of Douglas tri-sonic transport, circa 1961.”

Douglas (SST-Entwurf von ca. 1961).JPG
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An interesting patent from “Weltumspannende Memoiren eines Flugzeugkonstrukteurs” (book and patent by Richard Vogt).
Wow Boxkite!, what a nice post series.

Richard Vogt, from Blohm und Voss?, do you know the date for this patent?, he was working in the USA?, for which company?

sorry for the number of questions but you made me feel curious with the last drawing :)
Orionblamblam said:
Of course, none of these are as cool as the SST version of the F-104 Starfighter:

That one made me laugh ;) Strikes me more as someone goofing off than a serious proposal.
Richard Vogt, from Blohm und Voss?


do you know the date for this patent?


he was working in the USA?,


for which company?

I borrowed the book a few years ago, but didn’t make Xerox copies. In only remember two companies, Aerophysics Development Corporation in Santa Barbara (Vogt said he was the leading engineer for the Curtiss-Wright VZ-7, which was developed at Aerophysics) and Boeing.

Maybe there is an Richard Vogt entry in the Wikipedia encyclopedia - ?

Can you tell us something generally about the SCAT terminology? There where NASA SCATs, Lockheed SCATs, …
Just found, all types mentioned before, but nevertheless maybe those 3-views are
interesting :
Boeing 733 (earlier, smaller proposal, I think)
Lockheed CL-823
North American NAC-60

(from FlyingReview 5/64)


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boxkite said:
Can you tell us something generally about the SCAT terminology? There where NASA SCATs, Lockheed SCATs, …

The Supersonic Commercial Air Transport program was started by NASA in, I believe, 1962. It built upon previous work done by NASA/NACA in designing generic SST configurations. The various corporations then took the NASA-generated configurations and produced more detailed designs based on them.
"We apologise again for the fault in the subtitles. Those responsible for sacking the people who have just been sacked have been sacked."
- what is the speed of a swallow loaded with a coconut ?
- an african swallow or an european swallow ?
- I don't know...aaaaaaaaaaargh!!! ;D

Got a good pic of the Boeing 733 in a Science&Vie from march 1964, "3 projets US contre concorde" (thanks mom for the Science&Vie :-*)
Here's the three competitors in march 1964: from up to down,
- Boeing 733
- Lockheed
- North American



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According to Aviation Magazine International Nº753 Mai 1979

Boeing launched an study for a 2nd Generation SST. Several configurations were studied but always starting from a delta wing plan. A twin engined scaled down prototype would be build under NASA and General Electric assistance. No engine details.

Prototype dimensions:

lenght: 39.18 m
span: 15.20 m
Max. Weight: 22 700 Kg
Speed range: Mach 2.2 to 2.7
That one made me laugh Wink Strikes me more as someone goofing off than a serious proposal.
Uh, not so, there was even a serious enough proposal for a (small) SST derived from the F-106...
More of a staff courier aircraft than a SST per se, at least according to the article Orionblamblam published in APR.
The Air and Space Museum in Washington has a complete documentation regarding the 1963 Republic SSt project. If someone is going there, he would take a look in Box 414 of the Fairchild Corporation Collection, Folder 20 to 26....

The designs Scott showed on his APR site was a kind of an early spaceplane concept. Perhaps related to Republic's initial idea's for a shuttle launcer.
It is strange that the Republic SST is carrying military markings..

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