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I have found that murky image in one of zillion AFRL ppt presentations, that serves for me a source of very interesting stuff for several years that proves to be real metall later...like knowledge of what the hell X-41 or X-42 would be three or four years ago.

"Aeronautics at AFRL"
Provided for distribution 5 Nov 2004
Dr. Walter F. Jones
Director, Plans and Programs
Air Force Research Laboratory
Dr. John D. Schmisseur
Program Manager, Unsteady Aerodynamics and Hypersonics
Air Force Office of Scientific Research

Needless to say that fan-in-wings VTOL resembles very much 'Northrop Senior Citizen' what-ifs I have seen, but the source is much more serious than one's imagination. Just wanted to share it with you.


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From the Internet (link: http://personal.inet.fi/cool/foxfour/black/aircraft.html):

The codename "Senior Citizen" was originally thought to be associated with the rumoured Aurora reconnaissance plane, but it is now thought to be a stealth V/STOL special forces transport aircraft. Boeing and Northrop probably participated in a DARPA competition in the late 1980s and Boeing's proposal was chosen for development. Funding for the project was ceased in 1993, presumably before the aircraft was ready. However, there are some sighting reports of a large, slow moving double delta winged aircraft. A drawing by an anynomous Boeing employee seems to descriebe this plane and it resembles a published Boeing study for such a vehicle.
Several years ago I had read an article somewhere about some work on a neutral buoyancy aircraft that combined a flying wing planform with helium gas cells- it was supposed to be stealthy and very quiet and combined aspects of airships with aircraft.
Sentinel Chicken said:
From the Internet (link: http://personal.inet.fi/cool/foxfour/black/aircraft.html):

Warning: page is somewhat outdated. An update has been on my 'to do' list for all too long... :(
That's 1994 information from Skunk Works Digest based on DoD budget documens regarding Senior Citizen

Volume 05 : Number 149
Wednesday, 24 August 1994 (oh, that's pretty old stuff)


From: TRADER@cup.portal.com
Date: Fri, 19 Aug 94 15:27:03 PDT
Subject: secret SENIOR CITIZEN aircraft revealed!!

There has been a lot of speculation about the secret U.S. Air Force aircraft
code-named SENIOR CITIZEN. Some people have stated that this code-name refers
to a hypersonic SR-71 follow-on ("Aurora") while others have stated that
it refers to the small bat-like Stealth aircraft that Steve Douglass
photographed in New Mexico (sometimes referred to as the "TR-3A"). Based
on a Department of Defense document that I just received, I will reveal
what the SENIOR CITIZEN aircraft really is.

SENIOR CITIZEN is an advanced transport aircraft!!

According to Department of Defense document DoD7045.7-H, "FYDP Program
Structure", October 1993, SENIOR CITIZEN (Program Element 0401316F) is a
tactical airlift aircraft. It might be a STOL (Short Take-off and Landing)
aircraft, because there have been several advanced STOL aircraft funded
under program category 04013xxx.

Paul McGinnis / TRADER@cup.portal.com / 76056.201@compuserve.com
PaulMcG@aol.com / trader@shell.portal.com
1991 USAF Wright Laboratory in-house study of SOFA (Special Operations Forces Aircraft)


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WOW It seem that I must check this web and Gregorys posts every day ;D

Some time ago I made drawings of what-if Northrops Senior Citizen tactical fan in wing transport, but they were based mainly on B-2 (to share parts for lower costs). They actually does not correspond at least to wing platform of drawings.


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I've read somewhere on the net that Senior Citizen scetch on which Matej made his beautifuk drawings, was made by anonimous Boeing employee...any details of this story? Where first info of tht stuff appeared, does anyone know?
I was under the impression that SENIOR CITIZEN had nothing to do with any of these flying wing concepts, but rather had more to do with a Burt Rutan design...
Who other than Matej knows :D There is a problem, because we are talking about two different designs. I made my drawings from scetch that I received from my reliable source in USA. Similar but smaller I later found here: http://members.macconnect.com/users/q/quellish/Other/other.html

Info about "employee cause" can be found in another Skunk Works Digest (v05.n395):

"The picture is of a turbofan powered, low-observable ('Stealth') V/STOL advanced tactical transport design, and is taken from the technical paper "Technology and design considerations for an advanced theater transport", 1990, by Richard Wible, Technology Exploitation Directorate, Wright-Patterson AFB. This may be similar or very close to Program Element 0401316F, SENIOR CITIZEN. In the same GIF is a picture of a Boeing "Advanced Theater Transport" aircraft design, provided by Rick Pavek (kuryakin@arn.net)."

This is the reason why I was so surprised, when you sent me bigger one with name that suggests, that it is not Boeing but Lockheed design.


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Source: Popular Science - The Top-Secret Warplanes of Area 51 ;)


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SOF transport - deltoid fan-in-wing concept ca.1989 from

Disselkoen, Allen D., Lt.. USAF, “VSTOL Concepts for Special Operations”
(USAF, Aeronautical Systems Div., Wright-Patterson AFB, OH)
paper is not aviable online


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I am looking for links hints tips or pointers towards a US Stealthy Transport project. To be used for covert insertion and exfiltration of special forces. Believed to have been based on the Boeing YC-14 http://home.cinci.rr.com/estople/weirdair/yc14.jpg utilising the overwing efflux to mask IR signature and noise from in front and below and to use modified rear engine structure to diffuse hot efflux ala F-117. I think it may have had a project name in the senior series. At one time 6th S.O.S. at Hurlbert Field Florida had a US civilian registered AN-32 N6505 in service. I believe at the same time approx they leased a civilian AN-74/72 to provide test team pilots with hands on experience of flying a Coander effect aircraft, which I understand is unconventional in its handling when flown asymmetrically. I.E. loses lift as well as thrust on the affected side. Some data from the XC-8A project http://history.nasa.gov/SP-3300/f107.jpg may have been used as well.
It is quite possible that the aircraft was not taken into service or production as the V-22 Osprey will now fulfill that role.
Your time and trouble much appreciated,
Be lucky
I have tried searching on here without success if I have missed the blindingly obvious, sorry.
Hmmm...may be David is referring to something different? I can't see using Coanda effect anyway being used in 'classic' Senior Citizen impression. Can you at least point at sources that lead you to conclusion of existence of such a project ?
I would tend to think of this program as Senior Citizen as well. But I do recall that for a while, Steve Douglass used to have a picture of a "stealthy" transport plane on his site that sort of looked like a jet powered C-130. It's engines were mounted in the fuselage, but on top of it and the intakes, IIRC, were just around the wing trailing edge. Another way of llooking at it, the engines were sort of a dorsal mounted pod that was blended with the fuselage. The tail was mounted above it.

I think I downloaded the drawing, but I don't know if I can find it now. I'll look.
Well, its a "secret" (non-existent?) aircraft and as such, who knows, but the various conspiracy/ufology sites suggest a link between Senior Citizen and the Coanda effect, which is what made me suggest it.
Found somewhere in AFRL papers. Needless to say how much it resembles this one http://www.secretprojects.co.uk/forum/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=413.0;attach=4141


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The first trouble with the YC-14-type layout is the honking nose-on RCS from the engines. The second is the scrubbing drag from the jet exhaust over the wing (I told Allison that the original EMB.145 would not work for that reason). This combines with the third problem - the location of the engines on the straight wing, which pretty well pins you in the lower M=0.7x regime - to cause serious up-and-away suckitude in efficiency terms.
On the other hand, the YC-14 was pretty impressive in the STOL regime.
LowObservable said:
The first trouble with the YC-14-type layout is the honking nose-on RCS from the engines. The second is the scrubbing drag from the jet exhaust over the wing (I told Allison that the original EMB.145 would not work for that reason). This combines with the third problem - the location of the engines on the straight wing, which pretty well pins you in the lower M=0.7x regime - to cause serious up-and-away suckitude in efficiency terms.
On the other hand, the YC-14 was pretty impressive in the STOL regime.
I think it reasonable to assume that since the YC-14 was drawn the intake layout and engine RCS will have been developed considerably. Mach 0.7x is not a problem it is quiet and cool,in and out of small rough places that they are/were looking for not fastest sector times times IMHO, after all the F-117 and B-2 are not renowned for their speed. Besides that the Americans have a tradition (habit) of using their technology for all seasons viz strike F-117, strategic bomber B-2, recon TR-3A/RF23 or whatever it is called, even that stealthy helicopter (senior moment here :)) the name of which escapes me. The only pieces missing are sigint/elint ( global hawk ? or ER-3A ?) and their high value special forces. It was interesting to see Boeing mentioned earlier on in the thread.
Thanks for all your input. I'm still trying to find an Antonov driver who can answer my question on Coanda effects on single engine handling. If I get any answers I'll post them on here.
Thanks again,
Be lucky
Dave - Have heard various mixed remarks of the Coanda effect and An-72/An-74 - while An-72 was created with Coanda effect in mind, and Antonov succeeded in the case, it turned out that aerodynamic surfaces were not effective enough at such low take-off and landing speeds, especially in the case of one engine failure. Moreover, after Aeroflot expressed interest and ordered larger An-74 with a new wing and fuselage, all Coanda effect tricks went to zero, and Antonov's veterans say that it has so good take-off characteristics just because of impressive thrust/weight ratio.
Nope. Have seen, but you have done more - found quite appropriate place for this stuff.
but the various conspiracy/ufology sites suggest a link between Senior Citizen and the Coanda effect

I don't put much reliance on anything that group says, in terms of the "technology". I base this on the simple fact that if the Coanda effect was that effective at meeting the mission requirements we would see a hell of a lot more planes using it. Just look at all the fighter/attack design studies from the 70's that incorporated that concept, none of them made it anywhere near production.

My guess is many of the people at those sites are making that false assumption simply because most stealth aircraft have the exhaust on the top to shield it from below. After all, I've read sites where people suggest the BoP's wing is shaped like it is for compression lift; erm, sorry, no, it's for a combination of LO and control reasons they chose to use the Weissmann wing. Besides, if it was designed for that reason, the engineers should have been fired since 300mph isn't nearly fast enough to study that effect. :D I don't think they realize that compression lift today is called a waverider. ;)

However, I do consider what people see at some UFO sites. I pay close attention to the triangular and diamond shaped "UFO" sitings. I've noticed there have been a lot of reports of a diamond shaped "UFO" out west that hovers. One siting near Seattle suggest the diamond shaped UFO they saw was really noisy, like it had a lot of jets and it was moving very slowly. I found that one somewhat credible since Senior Citizen was reportedly built by Boeing. As such, I tend to think it most likely looks like the drawing on the fist page that looks like the B-2 center section but as a diamond shaped aircraft. Afterall, it would make sense to use the B-2 cockpit if they could, economy of scale, etc. Of course, that's if it could meet the weight requirements.
Deltoid fan-in-wing concept identified as one of Boeing's notional studies under Special Operations Forces Transport Aircraft
(SOFTA) AFSC (Air Force Wright Aeronautics Laboratories Aeronautics Systems Division (AFSC)) contract study.

Deltoid was considered best choice in comparison to tiltwing and stowed rotor concepts and finally evolved into something even having model No.2000-201/202. Note that both -201 and -202 (with greater wingspan / folding wings) were designed to have an ability to perform carrier VTOL operations.

R. B. Chisman
Boeing Military Airplane Company
Seattle, WA 981 24-2207
AIAA 91-54080


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I have nothing new to add, but want to say big THANKS to you Greg for discovering this Boeing design. Another puzzle piece in SOFA/Senior Citizen story... :)

I wish I have much free time to do a 3 view :'(
Little more job for Matej...Lockheed Skunk Works SOA study - again 1990...of course, I must mention Lockheed's patent that LowObservable posted here http://www.secretprojects.co.uk/forum/index.php/topic,413.msg21595.html#msg21595 ;)

Nicolai, L.M., et al
“Special Operations Aircraft (SOA) Design Study”, Technology Exploitation Directorate
WRDC-TR-W-XXXX, January 1991


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But then I always think - if it was pursued as a black program, why did they publish the patents?

A cold shower on an entertaining fantasy...
My two cents - SOFA program had three contractors
We've seen documented efforts from Lockheed and Boeing...not Northrop
Seems that Northrop have reached at least testbed stage...
Project Ninja name seems quite appropriate for SOFA aircraft program with aircraft shape masked in patch emblem
As Talibs still don't give TV interviews about big black hexagonal shaitans, seems that it all ended with fiasco

P.S. As seems that US aerospace industry born hardware is in inverse proportion to papers published on it, I can give Senior Citizen a chance)


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Patch was sold (not to me) at eBay recently by a person who was say...highly involved in YF-23 flight tests. This is eBay lot photo, sorry, I haven't higher resolution. Person - on certain reasons - didn't want give any detailed information on Ninja project. Project Ninja discussion thread is here http://www.secretprojects.co.uk/forum/index.php/topic,2245.0.html
Sundog said:
I would tend to think of this program as Senior Citizen as well. But I do recall that for a while, Steve Douglass used to have a picture of a "stealthy" transport plane on his site that sort of looked like a jet powered C-130. It's engines were mounted in the fuselage, but on top of it and the intakes, IIRC, were just around the wing trailing edge. Another way of llooking at it, the engines were sort of a dorsal mounted pod that was blended with the fuselage. The tail was mounted above it.

I think I downloaded the drawing, but I don't know if I can find it now. I'll look.

From another source "...nowhere in there was there any talk about a special [С-130] series that had wing-tip "whisper" jet engines...the props were turned off, and they just circled for many hours....used in Vietnam a great deal...not shown..."

Was it glitch or someone have heard rumors like this?

the McDonnell Douglas VSTOL transport and VSTOL tilt-prop aircraft.



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STOVL aircraft for shipboard operation
Yackle, A.R. (Lockheed Advanced Development Co., Sunland, CA)

Now it's clear what has that PopSci artist as a starting point...apart from LM patent posted by LO


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here is the Northrop B-2 in vertical lift concept.


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Found it in another FATE-related program paper ca.1997


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flateric said:
I've read somewhere on the net that Senior Citizen scetch on which Matej made his beautifuk drawings, was made by anonimous Boeing employee...any details of this story? Where first info of tht stuff appeared, does anyone know?

I have seen the line drawing which I assume Matej based his renderings on in official Northrop documents. I know of one occasion where they even appear in AvWeek (early 1990s article on Northrop's Hawthorne "skunk works").
flateric said:
Little more job for Matej...Lockheed Skunk Works SOA study - again 1990...of course, I must mention Lockheed's patent that LowObservable posted here http://www.secretprojects.co.uk/forum/index.php/topic,413.msg21595.html#msg21595 ;)

Nicolai, L.M., et al
“Special Operations Aircraft (SOA) Design Study”, Technology Exploitation Directorate
WRDC-TR-W-XXXX, January 1991

Lockheed USED to have a photo of a variant of this on their PR/Media site, I may have a copy somewhere with a cryptic file name. It was not described on the PR site with anything related to the above study.

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