Kawasaki PX-L/GK 520 ASW, Prototypes, Projects & Contenders


ACCESS: Top Secret
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3 January 2006
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The Kawasaki PX-L was a late 1970s concept for a turbofan powered Maritime Patrol Aircraft to replace the P-2J Neptune. At the time, Japan opted instead for the licensed production of the Lockheed P-3C.

The original print version of the Flight International article featured a picture of a PX-L model.

It should noted that the current Kawasaki PX is not merely a continuation of the cancelled PX-L, despite obvious similarities in size and overall concept.


Image Source: Unknown?


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Air International, June 1976 has a small item on Kawasaki P-XL having a greatly enhanced chance of being built as the result of abandoning plans to procure the P-3 as an interim solution, with the P-2J production line being retained. Development cost of the P-XL was estimated as £110m, and unit price £7.6m unequipped, and £15.5m - £18m fully equipped with ASW equipment.
Is there anybody from Japan in the secret projects forum? "Der Flieger" 2/1972 forwarded a simple Sketch from the "Aviation Magazine" (issue?) and asked if this could be the new (Japanese) PX-L submarine hunter.

Were there different contenders for the PX-L requirement?


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It's alive! Or, perhaps, what goes around, comes around. Japan's idea of a four-jet MPA was reborn as the Kawasaki P-X, but this time in a joint programme with the C-X, a replacement for Kawasaki's C-1 airlifter. Hard to see on the surface what these two have in common, but apparently they share common components.

The C-X airlifter is powered by a pair of General Electric CF6-80C2s, the P-X patroller by four XF7 turbofans developed by Japan's IHI. The P-X will replace Japan's Kawasaki-built Lockheed P-3s. There was supposed to be a joint roll-out in March, but there appears to be a problem. Check this link:



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H/t phounaojamtom over at MilitaryPhotos.net for this artist impression of the PX-L (from during the period it was a TRDI project?).


The future aircraft of interest, however, is next generation ASW plane,
a four engine turbofan 50-ton experimental land-based
patrol aircraft (PXL) being managed presently by the TRDI
at a reported cost of 1500 million yen (4.2 million dollars)
for basic design work in 1971 alone; expected costs
over the next ten years total 35 billion yen (97.2 million dollars).29
29 Japan Press Exchange Aviation Report Weekly,
August 17, 1970.

EDIT: Should have clarified, the text did not accompany the image, it's from THE POSTWAR SEA FORCES OF MARITIME JAPAN, 1945-1971. Vol. II by James E. Auer.
Do you have any further information on the four-engined 737? Such as dimensions (even better a three view), engines, etc.?
Afraid not... there is a copy of this picture for sale on ebay at the moment, not by me I should add... the reverse features a small description...



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I wonder how much in common the current P-X has in common with the old indigenous proposals. Obviously the overall configuration is the same, but technology has progressed forty years.
PaulMM (Overscan) said:
Air International, June 1976 has a small item on Kawasaki P-XL having a greatly enhanced chance of being built as the result of abandoning plans to procure the P-3 as an interim solution, with the P-2J production line being retained. Development cost of the P-XL was estimated as £110m, and unit price £7.6m unequipped, and £15.5m - £18m fully equipped with ASW equipment.

My dear Paul,

here is the Kawasaki P-XL 3-view drawing,from JP4 magazine.


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Excellent work gents!!
Please keep at it :p

Kadija_Man said:
Do you have any further information on the four-engined 737? Such as dimensions (even better a three view), engines, etc.?

Sorry, a bit late, I somehow overlooked this question.
Here's the same picture from Aviation Week 1974, answering at least some questions, I think.


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Hi! Kawasaki GK520 ASW.
Source : ISBN4-87357-014-X (as you already know.)


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Oh sorry. GK520 was the PX-L. GK520 was a name in Kawasaki.
I think it's better to merge all topics for this project.(as Cancelled Kawasaki PX-L?)
Kawasaki started PX-L research in 1967. Finished basic design in 1970. Full scale mock up was completed in summer of 1971. Cancelled in 1972. Japanese government selected Lockheed P-3C as the ASW aircraft in the end of 1978. The first P-3C reached Japan in 1981.
PX-L was a alomst same aircraft as recent Kawasaki P-1 ASW aircraft. PX-L was a very advanced project at the day.


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Many thanks as usual my dear Jens. :)
PX-L was a jet powered P-3C.


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On Sunday, NHK G showed a documentary about the Japanese Government's decision to purchase the P-3C instead of the PXL, tying it into the scandal of PM Tanaka accepting bribes from the Lockheed Corporation over the Tristar. There seemed to be a good discussion about PXL, and links to the E-2C as well, but my Japanese was not good enough to get much of the discussion. Did any of our Japanese members see it? Was there any new information on the PXL?

A summary of the documentary is here: http://datazoo.jp/w/P3C%E5%93%A8%E6%88%92%E6%A9%9F/27915364


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Is there anybody from Japan in the secret projects forum? "Der Flieger" 2/1972 forwarded a simple Sketch from the "Aviation Magazine" (issue?) and asked if this could be the new (Japanese) PX-L submarine hunter.

Were there different contenders for the PX-L requirement?

From Aviation Magazine 1971.


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