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Still the ultimate flying car, IMHO:
Don't misconstrue what I'm saying. I'm not supporting tighter laws or hoping that flying cars never happen. I'm just pointing out that the market is probably not as big as people think, the limiting factors being the intellectual abilities of the populace.Orionblamblam said:... in order to justify the maintenance of the status quo.
dan_inbox said:Don't misconstrue what I'm saying. I'm not supporting tighter laws or hoping that flying cars never happen. I'm just pointing out that the market is probably not as big as people think, the limiting factors being the intellectual abilities of the populace.Orionblamblam said:... in order to justify the maintenance of the status quo.
Orionblamblam said:Flight will go from stick-and-rudder to Ipad app, I imagine. ...
shedofdread said:Sadly, for all sorts of reasons, we're unlikely to EVER see anything like that on public roads. Certainly in the UK and because regs appear similar, everywhere else.
It was a stupid idea. Considering flying cars, I pose the question "where are you going to take-off and land?" The FAA won't let you take off from a road, so you'll have to go to an airport. Then, why not just buy a regular airplane?
Jemiba said:A way I can imagine, that could "rescue" the flyin car is a "flying taxi service". A taxi is a car, a
flying taxi is a flying car ...
You order one via handy app or something like this, it fetches you directly where you are and brings
you to your destination without having to use congested. Autonomously, or maybe remotely guided,
you're sitting in a cabin without any means of interfering, so no way to deliberately crashing into your
neighbours house, no driver, so no possibility for hi-jacking. Owned by a large copany/organisation
(Google ??) the costs for liscensing could be procured and you could go to a destination, say
300 km away, in a time you could do just 100 km by car.
I know, it's not, what you wanted, but I agree, that we'll never see private flying cars in considerable
numbers, if at all.
Stargazer2006 said:Can you imagine the headlines the day when the first drunk flying driver kills people in a crash? Real pilots know better, but if these flying cars are readily accessible to the general public, why would the behaviors (drunk-driving, insulting, cutting people up and bullying) be any different from those of regular drivers?
Stargazer2006 said:I personally see the future of the so-called "flying car" mostly in firefighting or rescue operations, ...
Alas. No additional information.shedofdread said:The flying load platform (brat2.jpg) intrigues me - do you have more information about it that you could share?
shedofdread said:.... Leave aside issues of letting 'Joe Public' go hovering around town without informing ATC ...
Roads? Where we’re going we don’t need roads
Flying cars have been on our wish list as a future form of transport for decades. From the hovering Delorean in Back to the Future 2 to the rattling wrecks in Blade Runner and the Fifth Element – flying cars are just cool.
And let us be honest, who hasn’t sat stationary in a traffic jam on the motorway and wished they could come over all Jetsons and just glide away above it all?
Now, it seems, the Chinese might be about to give the world what it has been hoping for.
A patent lodged by engineers at the Southern China Aviation Industry Group reveals designs for exactly that technology.
Their approach uses two large “lifting” fans positioned at the back and front of the vehicle, with each rotating in opposite directions.
Two smaller fans sit side by side in the middle of the car (labelled 5 and 6 in the diagram above) to help control the car and keep it stable.
Plates that sit under the two main fans can be adjusted to help provide directional thrust when flying.
What is less clear from the patent is exactly how much space is left for passengers, but it appears to be an early design.
hesham said:Thank you my dear Pometablava,
and here is the myCopter Flying Car;
Jemiba said:Principally I agree, if a personal VTOL aircraft would be waiting at your door and you could land, say, on the
shopping mall or the cinema, instead of parking before it (it that's possible at all), what the capability to drive
is actually good for ?
Jemiba said:Principally I agree, if a personal VTOL aircraft would be waiting at your door and you could land, say, on the
shopping mall or the cinema, instead of parking before it (it that's possible at all), what the capability to drive
is actually good for ?
Kartek said:People today are not responsible enough to let loose upon our airspace. People can't even park without embarrassing the human race.
Kartek said:If a flying car becomes available I want a drivable aircraft so I can stay out of thier way.
Jemiba said:The only way to make the concept of a "flying car" feasible, to my opinion is: No
controls for the driver at all ! Perhaps you can use something like a car sharing system,
book your vehicle, get it at the next suitable point (why not heli pads on buildings ?),
and leaves it at the nearest possible point to your destination. You are just a passenger
then, with less possibilities to interfere, than in a bus, where at least the driver could be
threatened. The control system capsuled and armoured, all attempts to manipulate it
would immediately result in a landing at the next police station with the vehicle locked !
Ah, and let's not forget integrated detectors for explosives to prevent suicide attacks !