As Marco already stated in his post from 9th July, the project probably
was for a two seat fighter with a single defensive to the rear. And then it
could have looked like shown below. I'm not an expert for italian aircraft, but
looking at other types from that er, I think, that Marco is right with quite a
high probability. Italian fighters seldom tended to be heavily armed, to my
opinion. But the cockpit in the right fuselage would have been quite large
for just a gunner/radio operator with a single gun, I think. There was ample
space for a second gun and in order to increase the field of fire, maybe this
would have installed firing forward. Of course, that would have meant, that
the gunner would have had to change his position, but that wasn't uncommon
and can be found in other types, too. So an aircraft with two pintle mopunted
guns, one for and the other aft still could have been a 2-seater, I think.
A third crew member would have made such running around unnecessary, but
if the limited field of fire would really has bee worthwhile the additional weight is
doubtful. But italian aircraft often used gun installations with a covered ring mount,
actually looking like a gun turret, but AFAIK considerable lighter. Two such installations
probably would have offered quite a wide field of fire, but certainly would have made
a third crew member mandatory.
Those were our thoughts about possible (!) variations of the armament, but the most
likely could be the large greenhouse with a single gun at the rear, maybe mounted on the
mentioned aerodynamically balanced ring mount (the stick protruding from the forward
side of the mount). But all this remains open to question, the only thing for sure is the
basic layout.