...a General Dynamics "GETOL" (Ground Effext Take Off and Landing) craft. ...

this seems very similar in shape and operation to the Vought ADAM concept.

It was my intention to discuss the designs that Stavatti Aerospace has created and whether the aircraft as designed were potentially credible for the mission for which they were promoted. The company promotes themselves as legitimate and they are responding to government CRFIs such as the Light Attack/Armed Reconnaissance (LAAR).

If they are duping defense and other journalists with their hoaxes and articles are being written in Weblogs, magazines etc. there must be something about their designs that set them apart from the other fictional scribblings and fan art found on the Internet. What is it about them that fools so many people that they are not dismissed immediately as fictitious? Since they are fooling these people and responding to CRFIs, then I believe that their designs are worthy of mention and discussion.

The assertion that discussing these designs helps to promote the company to potential dupes is asinine. If "mom and pop" investors are going to invest thousands of dollars expecting higher returns based on discussions in this forum then more fool them.


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Factory model of the Convair GETOL in its final (1964?) design configuration, with larger cockpit area. Note mitered wingtips, intended to serve the same purpose as vertical endplates on various Burnelli and Horton Wingless aircraft projects. Engraved circles indicate fan-in-wing locations.

I have a photo of the scaled-down Convair GETOL proof-of-concept vehicle under construction, somewhere. Will post when it reappears on its own.


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A Popular Science article from January, 1964.


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hesham said:
the Convair report for the design called Model ZP-294

No! According to my research:

Convair VTOL/GETOL Logistic Transport Vehicle, Report # ZP-296, dated February 1960.

Of course, there could have been several separate reports for distinct GETOL designs, but I need some source.
1.An alternative design had a more conventional wing, again with tip turbine fans, and utilized a conventional empennage.This version located the cruise turboprop engines in a pusher configuration at the trailing edge of the wing jut behind the lift fans.

2. A Navy idea also studied by Convair was the tilt-float concept in conjunction with the GETOL study. In this designs approach , retractable vertical floats were deployed such that the aircraft was raised above the surface and out of the waves and swells. i believe this concept was later tested on Martin P5M. (not sure)!!


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Fantastic finds, thanks Ardavan.K ! Wow, this has been quite a day on SPF. No wonder I love this place...
Ardavan.K said:
i believe this concept was later tested on Martin P5M. (not sure)!!

Seems so, as in Bradleys "Convair Advanced Designs" it is mentioned, that Convair ".. was
negotiating with the Navy for the use of two non-flying PBM-5G aircraft in January 1961. "

Drawing from the mentioned book, the GETOL aircraft are shown there, too.


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Jemiba said:
Ardavan.K said:
i believe this concept was later tested on Martin P5M. (not sure)!!

Seems so, as in Bradleys "Convair Advanced Designs" it is mentioned, that Convair ".. was
negotiating with the Navy for the use of two non-flying PBM-5G aircraft in January 1961. "

Drawing from the mentioned book, the GETOL aircraft are shown there, too.

Cool... That clears out many things... Judging from the picture it should be P^Y ... so the GETOL was kind of the continue of the ASW right?

Thank you,

Stargazer2006 said:
Fantastic finds, thanks Ardavan.K ! Wow, this has been quite a day on SPF. No wonder I love this place...

You are very welcome sir, i am very glad that you liked it :).. here is also the 3-view for it that i recently got by one of my friends




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Many thanks for sharing those pictures !
I think, there are similarities to Northrops F-89 ...
What would be the purpose of this GETOL design in the Army? Surely not ASW as mentioned earlier, that's Navy.
Then, observation? It sure looks more fashionable than an O-1 bird dog, but...
From SDASM Flickr Convair collection.

(Added to existing topic)


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What would be the purpose of this GETOL design in the Army? Surely not ASW as mentioned earlier, that's Navy.
Then, observation? It sure looks more fashionable than an O-1 bird dog, but...

Another role would have been as a liaison aircraft.
Some Convair designs pulled from a report that was offered on Ebay some time ago. Tried to clean up the images. Unfortunately I lost out on it, looked like it had some pretty interesting stuff in it.


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From this report,

who can fix the pictures 15,16 &17 ?.


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That is a strange thing...

I'm assuming a Type B, the kind that can hop out of ground effect for short time, but can't sustain flight out of GE?

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