L2VMA and LARA (Light Armed Reconnaissance Aircraft) designs


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8 January 2006
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The Mohawk (OV-1) Society has an illustration, originally in their newsletter, of Grumman's COIN derivative of the Mohawk on their website, though it takes a spot of digging to find it. I did copy it and will be glad to share (I cake it we can't attach picture files directly here). It looks like you could use the cockpit and front end of a Pucara combined with an OV-1 airframe to model it. It's on my list of models to build.
Okay, there here you go. Courtesy of the site I mentioned earlier.


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Here an image of the scale model of the G134R
Of course that the true men go to the war in airplanes with motors of constant speed,picturesque names and helms in T.
(Pardon for the chauvinistic comment t - in fact I like but the design of Grumman -
but I live near where the Pucará is manufactured and I don't want to be wakened
up at 5:00 o'clock by offended pilots flying to 10 mts) ;D


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Sorry gents

This is my first time on this site - great job and good work

Im glad to see that others share my interest in aviation - especially prototypes.

I have to say sorry in advance - but the Grumman Model G-134R was infact Grumman's design submission to the USMC (US Navy) 1960's 'LARA' (Light Armed Reconn Aircraft) comp - (which was won by the North American - Rockwell OV-10 Bronco design) and not the USAF's 'AX' program.

The 'LARA' program itself would be another good thread!
Some very interesting design with that comp too!

Look forward to visiting soon

The Bronco began with a specification approved by the U.S. Navy, Air Force and Army, a "tri-service" specification called "LARA" (the Light Armed Reconnaissance Aircraft), issued at the end of 1963. LARA was based on a perceived need for a new type of "jungle fighting" versatile light attack and observation aircraft. Existing aircraft (the O-1 Bird Dog and O-2 Skymaster) were perceived as obsolescent, with too small a cargo capacity for this flexible role.

The specification called for a twin-engined, two-man aircraft that could carry at least 2,400 lb (1,100 kg) of cargo, six paratroops or stretchers, and be stressed for +8 and -3 Gs (basic aerobatic ability). It also had to be launchable from an aircraft carrier, fly at least 350 mph (560 km/h), take off in 800 feet (240 m) and convert to an amphibian.

Various armament had to be carried, including four 7.62 mm machine guns with 2,000 rounds, and external weapons including a 20 mm gun pod and Sidewinder missiles.

Eleven proposals were submitted, and seven made the first cut: the Beech PD 183, Douglas D.855, General Dynamics/Convair Model 48 Charger, the Helio 1320, the Lockheed CL-760, a Martin design and the North American/Rockwell NA300.

In August 1964, the NA300 was selected. A contract for seven prototype aircraft was issued in October 1964.

General Dynamics/Convair protested the decision and built a prototype of the Model 48 Charger anyway, which first flew on November 29, 1964. This was also a twin-boom aircraft that had a broadly similar layout to the Bronco. The Charger, while capable of outperforming the OV-10 in some respects, crashed on October 19, 1965 after 196 test flights. Convair dropped out of contention.

From Wikipedia
Lockheed CL-760

2 x 600shp Garrett T76 turboprops
Fuselage blisters house undercarriage and 4 7.62mm machine guns
Stores carried on multiple racks under wing and fuselage
2 crew in tandem
8 armed infantry could be carried in fuselage

Span: 9.14m
Length: 12.28m
Empty Weight: 2316kg
Loaded Weight: 4205kg
Max Speed: 523km/h


  • Rene J. Francillon, Lockheed aircraft since 1913, 1987


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LARA proposals and another Lockheed's proposal images


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Douglas D-855 and Goodyear GA-39 proposals


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Beech and Hiller proposals


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Martin proposal


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Production version of the Charger


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Early artist concept and surveillance version of the Charger


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Artist conception and model of the Charger with the amphibious kit


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6 and 12 paratroopers transport Charger versions


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Civil and CST (close support transport) Charger versions


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Unbuit Transport/Cargo Broncos.

Some sources mention versions proposed to the US Navy with 2 or 4 turbofans, but I have never seen a drawing of the same ones.


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Bronco's early configuration and with the amphibious kit


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very great work,but just one question,what is the Martin model number for LARA ?.

I don't know it. It Seemed not to have it, even books like "Naval Fighters 39-Convair 48 Charger" that gives quite detailed information about this model doesn't give any number.

Neither I have been able to get some detailed information on the proposal of Helio. (Helio1320)

Maybe if some of the members of the forum that write professionally on these topics requests them information he obtains some answer. I don't make it because I don't believe that they respond to an Argentinean fan that speaks English pitifully.

Helios's homepage: http://www.helioaircraft.com/
Yes great work and effort guys!

The Martin design looks very robust!

Has anyone got any 3-view drawings of these LARA design submissions??

hesham said:
very great work,but just one question,what is the Martin model number for LARA ?.

Seems that there was not any number. It is interesting, because other proposals have some:

Beech PD-183
Convair Model 48
Douglas D-855
Goodyear GA-39
Grumman Model 134R
Helio 1320
Lockheed CL-760
Martin LARA
North American NA-300
Dronte said:
I don't make it because I don't believe that they respond to an Argentinean fan that speaks English pitifully.

Why do you think it? ;)

Helio info, as written in Aerospace Projects Review V4N5:
Very similar to the Beech PD-183, the only major external difference in configuration was the location of the horizontal tail. A perceived advantage for the Helio craft was that it was to be derived from an existing plane, the Helio U-5. The model 1320 was to have a welded steel tube truss construction, with fiberglass skin panels. To aid in low speed lift, the wings were to be equipped with leading edge Handley Page slats and electrically operated full span double slotted flaps.

Span: 9,14 m
Lenght: 12 m
Height: 4,57 m
Powerplant: 2 x Garret-AiResearch T76-G-6/8 (660 shp each)
Empty weight: 2161 kg
MTOW: 4086 kg
Max. speed: 529,7 km/h
And to this day, I don't see how the Charger was better than the Bronco...
Here are 3-views of six of the contenders :
(from aerokurier 3/1965)


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I really like the Goodyear design! Any chance you could upload a slightly bigger scan?

Also from aero February 1965:

- GA-39 based on the Duck amphibium
- the small span allows transport without folding the wings
- extensive use of plastic elements was planned
- extendible hydroski for amphibian purposes/duties

- span : 7.01 m
- length : 8.53 m
- height : 4.11. m (2.31 m up to canopy)
- span of horizontal tail : 3.66 m
- gross tare weight : 1,663 kg
- max speed : 510 km/h
- TO run (up to 15 m) : 457 m (at 590 kg payload)

Sorry, SC, no details on possibly armament in the wingtip pods.
Yeah, it was an amazing STOL. It could take off in 225 ft. clear a 50ft object in less than 500 ft and during one of the tests one of the pilots flew it at 30 KIAS at 200 ft altitude (MSL) on one engine! That Naval Fighters Number 39 on it is excellent. It also has all of the larger versions they could have developed from it in that publication as well.
Even a float plane version was proposed :
(from Aviation_Week_1964_18-26)


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The Martin Company's COIN proposal is one of the most un-orthodox of those revealed to date (1963), featuring a unique inverted V-tail, and jet flaps. The Martin COIN will have a maximum speed exceeding 288 m.p.h. (463 km/h) and an endurance of three hours (including two hours over the target area). Initial climb rate will be 4,000 ft./min. (20.3 m/sec), range with three 125 Imp. gal. (578 l) will be 2,000 mls. (3,220 km), and maximum payloads in STOL and conventional modes will be 4,000 lb. (1,814 kg) and 12,000 lb. (5,443 kg) respectively. A cargo compartment behind the two-man cockpit can accommodate such loads as four 46 Imp. gal. (210 1) fuel drums, or two 46 gal. drums and 16,000 rounds of belted ammunition. Alternatively, six fully-equipped troops may be carried seated on the floor of the compartment.

Flying Review International, 1963 via Ton Meynders, http://www.airwarfareforum.com


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To be powered by two Garrett-AiResearch T76 turboprops, the Lockheed CL-760 Coin Proposal for the U.S.Navy-1963- is of singularly un-attractive appearance, and estimated performance based on fuel and payload for the basic armed reconnaissance mission includes a maximum speed of 317 m.p.h. (510 km/h) and a minimum loiter time on station (50 ml./80 km radius) of 2.2 hours. The CL-760 has a retractable nose-wheel undercarriage, the main members of which retract into fuselage bulges, and weighs 5,106 lb. (2,316 kg) empty, and loaded weight for the basic armed reconnaissance mission is 7,900 lb. (3,583 kg). Initial climb rate is estimated at 2,850 ft./min. (14.47 m/sec), time to 10,000 ft. (3048 m) being four minutes, and ferry range is 1,640 mls. (2,640 km). With the observer's seat removed to make room for two troops, a total of eight fully-equipped troops may be carried, and five external stores stations will be provided.

Flying Review International, 1963 via Ton Meynders, http://www.airwarfareforum.com


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No Martin 'Lara' designation ever found. Think not given...
My dear lark,

The drawing to Martin LARA from anther site.

[Image removed. I posted this image already a few posts back- Overscan]
The Helio Model 1320 coin proposal (U.S.Navy 1963) utilises experience gained by the company with the H-500 Twin (U-5A). and is powered by two Garrett AiResearch T76-G-6/8 turboprops of 660 s.h.p. The wing is basically that of the H-500, strengthened and restressed, the span being reduced to 33 ft. (10.05 m), and the control system is essentially similar to that employed by the U-5A and U-10A for low-speed control. For an armed reconnaissance mission, the Model 1320 will carry Mk.81 bombs and other stores on external pylons, and for a close-support mission four Mk.82 bombs and four 7.62-mm. Mk.60 machine guns with 500 r.p.g. will be carried. Estimated performance in the armed reconnaissance role includes a maximum speed of 329 m.p.h. (529 km/h) at sea level and 336 m.p.h. (504 km/h) at 1,000 ft. (305 m). Cruising speed at 10,000 ft. (3,048 m) is 236 m.p.h. (380 km/h), and initial climb rate will be 4,200 ft./min. (21.33 m/sec). Combat range will be 547 mls. (880 km), but for ferry purposes this will be extended to 1,434 mls. (2,308km). Empty weight is calculated at 4,760 lb. (2,159 kg), and maximum loaded weight (close support mission) will be 8,585 lb. (3,894 kg).

Flying Review International, 1963 via Ton Meynders, http://www.airwarfareforum.com


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The most intriguing of the COIN entries (U.S.Navy 1963) is the Goodyear GA-39, an all-plastic aircraft with twin pylon- mounted Canadian Pratt and Whitney T74-CP-10 turboprops of 600 e.s.h.p. driving pusher airscrews. The configuration of the GA-39 is as unconventional as is its structural material, and amphibious capability is provided for without use of extra flotation gear. A single hydro-ski is located on the fuselage centre-line for normal water landings. Estimated maximum speed is 315 m.p.h. (498 km/h) at 10,000 ft. (3048 m) ferry range will be 1,380 mls. (2 121 km), and empty and maximum loaded weights are 3,665 lb. (1,662 kg) and 5,000 lb (2,268 kg) respectively. Three pylons are located on each wing, the inboard stations being stressed to carry 1,200 lb. (544 kg), the four outer stations being stressed for 600 lb. (272 kg) each.

Flying Review International, 1963 via Ton Meynders, http://www.airwarfareforum.com


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